The Worst Vlogger on YouTube

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 5 тис.

  • @djcook
    @djcook  Рік тому +648

    Who’s your LEAST Favorite Vlogger on UA-cam?
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  • @mijajajaja
    @mijajajaja Рік тому +561

    Michael P's channel should be considered art. It has to be a parody account and he's just doing the ultimate, longest-lasting, and most epic trolling of all time

    • @thrtartdd-yl1qq
      @thrtartdd-yl1qq Рік тому +14

      At least..we hope!

    • @somgforshort
      @somgforshort Рік тому +20

      He's like Cooper2723 but with less memes lol

    • @yeetgod1575
      @yeetgod1575 Рік тому +11

      It might be an arg aswell

    • @coltonv200
      @coltonv200 Рік тому +9

      another UA-camr stuck in 2007 like cooper2723

    • @crisbrasil23
      @crisbrasil23 Рік тому +5

      @@coltonv200 micheal p actually came first though

  • @Tamay.
    @Tamay. Рік тому +358

    The first vlogger is actually pretty amazing, they’re just vlogging like it’s 2007 and I really like it ngl.

    • @yukihovista98
      @yukihovista98 Рік тому +22

      he gives us nostalgia

    • @FrigiderDitch
      @FrigiderDitch Рік тому +7

      I agree so hard with you

    • @KazugaSaguya
      @KazugaSaguya Рік тому +7

      He is not bad just have bad quality. I am not judging

    • @Coolgilbee
      @Coolgilbee Рік тому +9

      Yea it's just weird not that bad really

    • @Spazticious9591
      @Spazticious9591 Рік тому +9

      michael p makes his videos bad quality on purpose to make them funny
      he's not a bad youtuber

  • @Pinkyyyrocks
    @Pinkyyyrocks Рік тому +232

    “is she a cooking channel?is she a stove?“-DJ Cook 2023

  • @cassiacarrasquillo
    @cassiacarrasquillo Рік тому +62

    Matpat has gotta get a theory on that vlogger.
    Or a therapist.

  • @anonymouseeee
    @anonymouseeee Рік тому +64

    for the second vlogger I can tell that she's filipina/filipino she's probably just vlogging to show to her neighbours because thats what most filipino vloggers do at that age especially so they have chismis(gossip in tagalog) like "look at how many views/subscribers I get! I even get money" to say to the neighbours so thats why her vlogs are like that.

    • @mrnitwit984
      @mrnitwit984 Рік тому +3

      Yeah i thought she was and when I saw the tag along I was just like dissapointed that well one of my kind was vlogging about cooking, washing the floor etc etc

  • @melon64_
    @melon64_ Рік тому +543

    I feel bad for the first guy. I don't know if what happened was legitimate, but if it was, I hope that type of exposure got him the help that he needed...

    • @melon64_
      @melon64_ Рік тому +10

      @ShadowyToastCat makes sense

    • @dominokitty198
      @dominokitty198 Рік тому

      Michael P is a joke.

    • @babushka1945
      @babushka1945 Рік тому +19

      I think he is just trolling bc of you look at the titles it's horribly written like a kid and they make the videos purposely low quality

    • @babushka1945
      @babushka1945 Рік тому +6

      @ShadowyToastCat yes I get what you're saying but did it actually happen? How do we know that he isn't faking and clearly he is an adult so why would he call a wine a weird red juice?? So without a doubt Micheal P is trolling but it could be real and he is living through this stuff

    • @babushka1945
      @babushka1945 Рік тому

      @ShadowyToastCat same stuff like this confuse me and I don't wanna bother investigating it

  • @KongDavidNow
    @KongDavidNow Рік тому +454

    Explanation for the first vlog: he is so stuck in the past printable because he set a schedule for all his videos but his room being flooded is actually concerning

    • @arnithepanda
      @arnithepanda Рік тому +51

      that is actually not true. If you watch further into the video, the dude asks a walmart employee to get a windows vista, which he referred to as "new tech". The walmart employee was confused and asked him if he meant windows 10. This man's videos are not scheduled, he seems to be stuck in the past.

    • @sickgravesss
      @sickgravesss Рік тому +25

      It might be an ARG

    • @emandarx5381
      @emandarx5381 Рік тому

      @@sickgravesss its propably an arg

    • @sickgravesss
      @sickgravesss Рік тому +5

      @@emandarx5381 that’s what I said

    • @dominokitty198
      @dominokitty198 Рік тому

      Michael P is a joke.

  • @friskdacatarchival
    @friskdacatarchival Рік тому +45

    "Look how little she is, shes like the same size as Justins foot."
    Never in my life have I seen such horrifying foreshadowing happen in the real world, holy hell.

  • @wahsicle
    @wahsicle Рік тому +1671

    mad respect for this guy watching hundreds of horrid vids for us

  • @fryingpan2.0
    @fryingpan2.0 Рік тому +203

    I like that his segments are properly separated and not lazily putting it together this dude is legit

  • @hazel8941
    @hazel8941 Рік тому +183

    Atleast a UA-camr with brains. Mad respect for the lad.

    • @SwiftlyZone
      @SwiftlyZone Рік тому

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity wow! i dont care!

    • @OceanTheDoodlist
      @OceanTheDoodlist Рік тому

      @@SwiftlyZone wow its a bot

    • @flufypigeon
      @flufypigeon Рік тому

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity balls

    • @SwiftlyZone
      @SwiftlyZone Рік тому

      @@OceanTheDoodlist are you saying im a bot or he's a bot

    • @redwhitty6042
      @redwhitty6042 Рік тому

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity U U AH AH O O AH AH

  • @Octogamer2346
    @Octogamer2346 Рік тому +12

    Dj cook: *Goes to the optometrist
    The optometrist: Hello, what is the meaning of your visit?
    Dj Cook: I was wondering if you do eye removal.

  • @Zapphire_123
    @Zapphire_123 Рік тому +38

    Julie vlogs isn't even close to being the worst vlogger, because many other people make videos on washing clothes too.The only thing weird about her is the thumbnails.

  • @Porcuperson
    @Porcuperson Рік тому +73

    I legitimately feel bad for Michael P because it’s very possible that his mom is just a horrible person.

    • @RADIUM69_
      @RADIUM69_ Рік тому +1

      I think the videos were recorded in the late 2000s and early 2010s and then uploaded it now

    • @Porcuperson
      @Porcuperson Рік тому +1


  • @patshowpicho1660
    @patshowpicho1660 Рік тому +162

    The First guy just looked like a nice guy and his life just lives on nostalgia
    Edit:31 likes already?

    • @rayyatqaikhwan7872
      @rayyatqaikhwan7872 Рік тому +14

      Yeah thats Michael p. Basically he is what inspired cooper2723 to make nostalgic like content.

    • @christopherkrollage2050
      @christopherkrollage2050 Рік тому +6

      yeah and he made the meme scream

    • @SneaktheWolf
      @SneaktheWolf Рік тому +5

      Yeah he really is different or his mom is dirt cheap and he uses older stuff and the vista one was a joke

    • @patshowpicho1660
      @patshowpicho1660 Рік тому +1

      @@rayyatqaikhwan7872 oh cool

    • @mspectrite8025
      @mspectrite8025 Рік тому +1

      ​@@christopherkrollage2050 Its even used in a roblox game (Item Asylum)

  • @hiddenmoonlightss
    @hiddenmoonlightss Рік тому +4

    From a Norris nut fan, nah, I agree, they were messed up in their older videos. I’ve never understood why they film everything. Like literally. And all the old videos on the gaming channel where the kids would cry in every video
    e.g. Building houses in your colour *BIGGY BROKE DOWN IN TEARS*
    Like he’s upset so DONT FILM HIM. In the videos where animals don’t die and kids don’t have mental breakdowns, they’re an okay channel, but there’s still lots of room for improvement. And as always, thanks for the great video, keep it up! 👍🏻

  • @Zesleu
    @Zesleu Рік тому +233

    Micheal p is a genuine legend, he has godly drip and is a really cool guy

  • @sourwolfhale5957
    @sourwolfhale5957 Рік тому +8

    My main man is back! I watched all your videos and they each were amazing. Great job as always, DJ!😀

  • @wae501
    @wae501 Рік тому +21

    4:30 bro's camera is a fan 💀

  • @yenny706
    @yenny706 7 місяців тому +53

    Please don’t sponsor temu! Temu gets the cheap prices from selling people bank info!

  • @DinoNation583
    @DinoNation583 Рік тому +77

    Thanks dj for spreading awareness about these types of UA-camrs.

    • @saytwo131
      @saytwo131 Рік тому


    • @deerparkwaterr
      @deerparkwaterr Рік тому

    • @renetatomaszewska6391
      @renetatomaszewska6391 Рік тому +1

      And I wish these bots were real people so that I could beat them up

    • @catgaming357
      @catgaming357 Рік тому

      whats wrong with michael p? also hes not a vlogger hes a roblox youtuber

    • @billieseyelashesflewoff
      @billieseyelashesflewoff Рік тому

      What is wrong with the Norris Nuts ? He's making them out to seem that their parents are exploiting them, when they clearly state that they want to do youtube.

  • @Ksienziczka
    @Ksienziczka Рік тому +11

    The occasional uploads DJ makes to his UA-cam channel always brighten up our days!

  • @Crabbyfeet
    @Crabbyfeet Рік тому +83

    Massive respect to DJ Cook and other youtubers who actually make an effort to prevent youtube from becoming tiktok.

    • @TheBritishQueen
      @TheBritishQueen Рік тому +5

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity Well seeing as you need to promote your own channel i highly doubt that

    • @ThighHighNether
      @ThighHighNether Рік тому +2

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity damn bro, you got the whole squad laughing 😐

    • @Crabbyfeet
      @Crabbyfeet Рік тому +1

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity Wow so nice content, I'm genuinely amazed of your childish comments!

    • @antitrtkurdi
      @antitrtkurdi Рік тому

      ​@@Amity_Oh_Cramity i mi bitter

    • @antitrtkurdi
      @antitrtkurdi Рік тому

      ​@Cj fayman DJ SUCKS yes

  • @GourmetJobSim
    @GourmetJobSim Рік тому +43

    1:23 it’s kinda funny that dj promoted malware.

    • @Illuminex_XD
      @Illuminex_XD Рік тому +6

      The youtuber that is "cleaning up the internet" is legit promoting scams and maleware

    • @DavidSilva-jg9dw
      @DavidSilva-jg9dw 10 місяців тому +1


    • @Yoyo-s8q
      @Yoyo-s8q 10 місяців тому +4

      I don't think he knew

    • @user-ez3ud5nj7x
      @user-ez3ud5nj7x 8 місяців тому


    • @NuhUhUhBuddy
      @NuhUhUhBuddy 8 місяців тому +1

      he didnt know 🤦🏻‍♂
      people really dont use thier brains anymore

  • @ninesevenpotatoes
    @ninesevenpotatoes Рік тому +11

    Anytime the legend DJ puts this effort into vids like this, UA-cam peace is increased by twenty percent

  • @nutsi3
    @nutsi3 Рік тому +20

    9:26 I *HATE* the Norris Nuts WITH A PASSION

    • @PorterStats3
      @PorterStats3 Рік тому +4

      people either love them or hate them, and I hate them.

    • @Snowy_snow561
      @Snowy_snow561 Рік тому +2

      @@PorterStats3 I love them, but I don’t mind if you hate them I usually watch their Minecraft videos

    • @LclcFanLclc
      @LclcFanLclc 10 місяців тому

      There the most foul disgusting creatures on this universe

  • @HorizonsElite
    @HorizonsElite Рік тому +12

    I could never imagine watching all these vids. Thanks DJ for doing it for our entertainment.

  • @Newt998
    @Newt998 Рік тому +8

    i swear that if DJ Cook wasn't real YT Would be a literal garbage dump full of copycats, scammers, terrible you-tubers of all kinds. we gotta appreciate what this guy does for us

    • @ExryoYT
      @ExryoYT 5 місяців тому

      Don’t forget about packgod and ryth

  • @Leyiiv
    @Leyiiv Рік тому +18

    You put a lot of work in your videos, we appreciate your work DJ! :DD

    • @KristopherJW
      @KristopherJW Рік тому

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity 💀

    • @Leyiiv
      @Leyiiv Рік тому

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity Bro shut the quack up, I didnt asked for your opinion you stupid hater 🥺

    • @Leyiiv
      @Leyiiv Рік тому

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity Oh! And your content sucks 🤭

    • @urfav.izz9
      @urfav.izz9 Рік тому +1

      no we don’t appreciate his work

    • @Leyiiv
      @Leyiiv Рік тому +1

      @@urfav.izz9 My opinion not yours

  • @gxjggyfdfvuhfdt
    @gxjggyfdfvuhfdt Рік тому +11

    the last comment from that dude, "Joao Vieira", he literally just said 'and a private channel, do you have? just for adults and for whatever you want' or something, idk, it really doesn't make much sense
    if that's just one comment i'm afraid what the other ones above said.

  • @gringoaviationph
    @gringoaviationph Рік тому +19

    7:38 The most entertaining vlogger in Northern Philippines

  • @kaz19283
    @kaz19283 Рік тому +3

    I love ur channel bro, props to you for watching these crappy vids for us❤

  • @MarxismOfficial
    @MarxismOfficial Рік тому +112

    You know it's a good day/night when DJ uploads

    • @Spade_WX
      @Spade_WX Рік тому

      Wow no one cares if ur better than Dj cook

    • @KristopherJW
      @KristopherJW Рік тому +1

      @carljohnsonfromgrovestreet no one cares

    • @KristopherJW
      @KristopherJW Рік тому +1

      @dispiritedsoul2 bot

    • @KristopherJW
      @KristopherJW Рік тому +1

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity no you not your bad

    • @KristopherJW
      @KristopherJW Рік тому +1

      @Darktion291 Bot

  • @Gamer_Girl_1997
    @Gamer_Girl_1997 Рік тому +11

    You make awesome videos! I am certain that UA-cam appreciates you! Keep up the great work!

  • @Just_andres
    @Just_andres Рік тому +29

    I've been watching you for so long DJ. You have really grown!!

    • @isaakgamer18
      @isaakgamer18 Рік тому

      @dispiritedsoul2𝕟𝕒𝕙 𝕦 𝕓𝕠𝕥 𝕝𝕠𝕝

    • @aoi_lovesart
      @aoi_lovesart Рік тому +1

      @Soul 🅥 Shut up 👹👌

    • @ted-opps
      @ted-opps Рік тому

      @Soul 🅥 shut your bot ass up

    • @da6992
      @da6992 Рік тому

      @dispiritedsoul2an shut sho a&& up

    • @iddkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
      @iddkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Рік тому

      @dispiritedsoul2 nah mine is

  • @uigoku5973
    @uigoku5973 Рік тому +3

    "Is she a stove?!" Got me good😂😂😂

  • @MikkelisNOTfunny
    @MikkelisNOTfunny Рік тому +15

    11:05 As an certified idiot who stepped on his cat many times, I can say that dogs do NOT they from being stepped on. Other than if you like are very overweighted or you stomp on it as hard as you can.

    • @TiarasWorld
      @TiarasWorld Рік тому +1

      Do not what?

    • @randomchannel2926
      @randomchannel2926 Рік тому +1

      ⁠​⁠@@TiarasWorldhe is saying they do not get crushed that easily no matter how small it might be it won’t get crushed like a grape and it would cry or scream once it was happening and the dad should have noticed

  • @RavenShadow_yt
    @RavenShadow_yt Рік тому +18

    5:12 bro slammed his computer like a wwe player

  • @John_serbian
    @John_serbian Рік тому +137

    DJ never disappoint us

  • @9in_21
    @9in_21 Рік тому +3

    Those Norris nut kids are spoiled, in one of their videos they were playing minecraft I and one of the kids somehow "accidentally" broke a $3,000 IMac and got a new one a month later.

  • @overwatchafterhours3936
    @overwatchafterhours3936 Рік тому +21

    9:02 Part 53 is CRASY 😭

  • @flirpnirp9548
    @flirpnirp9548 Рік тому +4

    Thanks for cleaning up youtube like always Dj. UA-cam really needs you and we love your content.

  • @THEONLY1_12
    @THEONLY1_12 Рік тому +20

    6:50 is she a stove 😂

    • @Tripp-y9b
      @Tripp-y9b 9 місяців тому

      Lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @K1dsBr4inR0t
    @K1dsBr4inR0t 10 місяців тому

    11:18 that part gave me flashbacks where my brother accidentally broke a puppys neck, there was no pressure or anything it just happened- he really didn't mean for that to happen and she didn't make it hours later since it was dark and couldn't get her to the vet

  • @user-fd3dh5re3c
    @user-fd3dh5re3c Рік тому +187

    Mad respect to DJ for watching these videos to entertain us

    • @user-fd3dh5re3c
      @user-fd3dh5re3c Рік тому +4

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity imagine spamming💀

    • @nicknamefn
      @nicknamefn Рік тому +1

      bro needs to lie​@@Amity_Oh_Cramity LOL

    • @GoldNPlayZ
      @GoldNPlayZ Рік тому +1

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity bro really wants attention 💀

    • @catgaming357
      @catgaming357 Рік тому +1

      michael p is good though

    • @Garnet2567-b7l
      @Garnet2567-b7l Рік тому +1

      @@Amity_Oh_Cramity LMAO

  • @2kidsandadog782
    @2kidsandadog782 Рік тому +10

    I met those two people who where in the bottom left corner at 7:50 at the grand opening of Super Nintendo World.

  • @Boxingnunchucksjkdbostaff
    @Boxingnunchucksjkdbostaff Рік тому +15

    8:17 Ayo he disliked

  • @BraydenGames1238
    @BraydenGames1238 Рік тому +1

    1:07 ah yes my favourite game
    The legend of mario 64

  • @gurlsspecialinterests
    @gurlsspecialinterests Рік тому +4

    Everytime the notification that DJ posted a new video pops up it make my day!! Mad respect

  • @EiburiVA
    @EiburiVA Рік тому +42

    It feels like a family reunion when he uploads on this channel

  • @Th3GOldenDuck
    @Th3GOldenDuck Рік тому +1

    nah 🤣
    my guy’s saying “cool gadgets” at a bad time lmfao 🤣 1:02

  • @kittydogcalendar8090
    @kittydogcalendar8090 Рік тому +16

    4:15 maybe he just kept his clothes

  • @Rising_Valtryek269
    @Rising_Valtryek269 Рік тому +12

    “Is she a stove?”
    Caught me off guard 😂 6:49

  • @WhatDoIPutHere-_
    @WhatDoIPutHere-_ Рік тому +12

    At this point, DJ is cleaning UA-cam more than UA-cam themselves!

  • @EthanSIIS
    @EthanSIIS Рік тому +2

    On 2:42 it looks like a old video not a new video since Most of the Xbox Live Servers [For Xbox360] Has Shuted Down And By Now The Guys Prob Has The Red Ring Of Death On His Xbox 360

  • @NoProductionsGD
    @NoProductionsGD Рік тому +16

    7:08 initiate chainsaw noises.

    • @pikminfan6778
      @pikminfan6778 Рік тому +1

      You're not talking about the weird dance she did?

  • @aanimationgirl2249
    @aanimationgirl2249 Рік тому +17

    I can't believe that no matter what he's been through and suffered from he still has the best videos

  • @charlileahdurkin4398
    @charlileahdurkin4398 Рік тому +4

    This guy would watch, horrible, cringe, sad, gross, and terrifying things just to warn us to not to do it. That's just what we need youtube. That's all we need and want.

  • @chesssiree
    @chesssiree Рік тому +8

    Micheal P isn't a goofy vlogger its a actually pretty concerning makes you wonder what happened to him.

  • @prokiller_yt
    @prokiller_yt Рік тому +17

    The fact that this man's watches so many videos for research is just amazing, he puts in so much work it's unreal. DJ is under-rated

    • @josiahmoorevlogs3878
      @josiahmoorevlogs3878 Рік тому

      @Cj fayman DJ SUCKS no you’re not

    • @josiahmoorevlogs3878
      @josiahmoorevlogs3878 Рік тому

      @Cj fayman DJ SUCKS no

    • @unluckyjkxd4917
      @unluckyjkxd4917 Рік тому +1

      He doesnt do any work to his videos. How is exposing videos working hard?

    • @Ohmagat69420
      @Ohmagat69420 Рік тому

      ​@@unluckyjkxd4917 why isn't it?

    • @unluckyjkxd4917
      @unluckyjkxd4917 Рік тому

      @@Ohmagat69420 he is basically reacting to cringe youtubers and telling how bad they are. This is how he gets all the clout and fame. How is that working hard? He has a large ego and is a hypocrite.

  • @picklesvr2531
    @picklesvr2531 Рік тому +5

    These vids are so entertaining you can never disappoint

  • @choopfish3734
    @choopfish3734 Рік тому +5

    its like me recording myself stuffing myself in the dishwasher while talking about taxes in front of millions of people

  • @NicimakiClips
    @NicimakiClips Рік тому

    reminds me of the danish vlog channel Mongo TV. He's an elderly dude that post like a video every hour. Usually the videos are insanely long, no edits, etc. Pure raw vlogs. He has about 16K subs & have uploaded 36K videos

  • @Sandy12395
    @Sandy12395 Рік тому +13

    4:06 bros in groundhogs day 💀

    • @Been104
      @Been104 Рік тому

      *👁️* 👁️

  • @bph3439
    @bph3439 Рік тому +56

    DJ cook never fails to disappoint

    @GAMING_CREW21 Рік тому +5

    Dj your a legend even when you we’re getting stalked by Dominic smit you still make content like this

  • @ARandomDudeNamedTobi
    @ARandomDudeNamedTobi Рік тому +2

    Do you know the difference between the king and his horse.
    They have to same strengths so why does the king get to ride the horse.
    Their is only one answer

  • @NulclearAt0m1c
    @NulclearAt0m1c Рік тому +7

    Imagine seeing his UA-cam search history without context💀

  • @theanonymousplayer
    @theanonymousplayer Рік тому +8

    Dj cook at it again with another amazing video!

    • @Been104
      @Been104 Рік тому

      ​Please listen to bait police

  • @prop_vehicle_jeep
    @prop_vehicle_jeep Рік тому +21


    • @DarkAngry
      @DarkAngry Рік тому +1

      I was thinking the same thing

    • @abird91
      @abird91 Рік тому

      ​@sus fungus google

    • @Tripp-y9b
      @Tripp-y9b 6 місяців тому

      I think it's actually wine

  • @Emaluna3848
    @Emaluna3848 6 місяців тому

    DJ Cook I appreciate all these amazing videos that you post keep up your awesome work 😊

  • @cherry_bl0ssom_gacha
    @cherry_bl0ssom_gacha Рік тому +6

    I feel like the 1st guy isn’t even a bad vlogger it’s like he’s just a kid whos in a bad home so obv I think that he might act like that, parents have so many effects of their kids I feel rly bad for him :(

  • @lovingjuhi9842
    @lovingjuhi9842 Рік тому +9

    DJ Cook's humour is getting better is each video😭🗿

  • @bananapug5393
    @bananapug5393 Рік тому +4

    I watch this guy whenever he uploads because it’s just entertaining

  • @Oliver_The_Goblin
    @Oliver_The_Goblin 11 місяців тому +2

    Dj, did you know Temu's sister company was revealed to be stealing peoples data? I would reccomend that people were to use the website instead of the app.

  • @scottploof2541
    @scottploof2541 Рік тому +4

    Hey, I LOVE ur vids. THEY ARE SO GOOD AND ENTERTAINING!!! Sorry if I spelled that wrong. But really
    THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS S TEIR CONTENT. I am so thankful, and you always make my day! 😄
    It's nice how you post this stuff on youtube, and keep you viewers away from the dark side of youtube,
    and how you try your best to clean up youtube. Thank you, for this amazing content. THANK YOU ❤

  • @John_Christie
    @John_Christie Рік тому +12

    9:36 the voice crack

  • @bluewolfanimations90
    @bluewolfanimations90 Рік тому +11

    6:23 the videos were probably recorded years before he uploaded them

  • @Kiwilikeschez
    @Kiwilikeschez 5 місяців тому +1

    The only problem with Temu is the packages just take long to arrive, but there is no other issues

  • @Monkey76640
    @Monkey76640 Рік тому +7

    Man sacrificed his eyes for us what a GOAT

  • @RhettJack.
    @RhettJack. Рік тому +6

    I hope micheal p is actully okay his room flooding is very concerning to me

  • @Porygon_1
    @Porygon_1 Рік тому +17

    Mad respect to dj for being able to risk his sanity and eyes to clean and produce content for us. Again, mad respect

    • @Porygon_1
      @Porygon_1 Рік тому

      OK wtf are these comments 💀

  • @ChellPortal
    @ChellPortal Рік тому +8

    11:15 did he manage to noclip to the backrooms?

    • @ChellPortal
      @ChellPortal Рік тому

      Thanks, it's actually my first time getting pinned!

  • @redhoodie232
    @redhoodie232 Рік тому +19

    5:58 LEAN?????? She drank LEAN??

  • @walkcycle5436
    @walkcycle5436 Рік тому +4

    11:20 i did have my cat die like that but i know it actually wasnt my moms fault the kid was following her and she stepped on her on accident
    we thought it was ok but one day she died i was in tears

  • @Rain_WCUE50
    @Rain_WCUE50 Рік тому +19

    11:54 eww he’s smiling what horrible pet owners 😡

    • @what-zr5jj
      @what-zr5jj Рік тому

      Just shut up ok

    • @Liam_Turtle7
      @Liam_Turtle7 Рік тому

      Bro you are taking it too seriously 😂😂😂

    • @randomchannel2926
      @randomchannel2926 Рік тому +1

      @@Liam_Turtle7it is really serious

    • @thealienboi479
      @thealienboi479 11 місяців тому +1

      That or they're faking it for views and that's why he's smiling
      (I don't know I'm just guessing)

    • @MysteryCheeseOfficial
      @MysteryCheeseOfficial 8 місяців тому


  • @MuslimPookie-BPP
    @MuslimPookie-BPP Рік тому

    10:36 dad: I don't want a puppy
    Family: gets puppy anyway
    Also dad and puppy: we are best friends now

  • @apotstill
    @apotstill Рік тому +27

    Can we all just take a sec to appreciate How hard dj works to make these videos? I've watched him since he done those fortnite videos and it's astonishing to see him grow. Keep up the good work dj and on ur second channel 💪

  • @Coco_Arts9
    @Coco_Arts9 Рік тому +4

    I think you should investigate Lankybox, as an old fan of them I was so confused on how they could upload so often. I remember in one of your old videos, they were one of the 3 youtubers and you touched up a little on the uploading situation so I thought I would comment about it

  • @Neglance
    @Neglance Рік тому +10

    Dj cook is the only person I know willing to watch hundreds of bad videos just to entertain us

    • @crisbrasil23
      @crisbrasil23 Рік тому

      Micheal P (the first Vlogger) isn't too bad though right?

  • @Alium4060Obero
    @Alium4060Obero Рік тому +6

    0:11 why.

  • @TheWeirdKid2968
    @TheWeirdKid2968 Рік тому +5

    Dj your one of my favourite UA-camrs ever, keep up the good work and exposing videos.

  • @xzanoo
    @xzanoo Рік тому +10

    We have to accept that he daily posts EVERYDAY on his other channel and when he uploads on this account, it's always so good knowing that he is dealing with just moving to Arizona, Having to post daily on his other channel, AND THEN having to work to find more horrible people on this account for us earns my respect hard. Love you dj 💗.

  • @VenusSteamTrain99
    @VenusSteamTrain99 Рік тому +12

    Shortest vlog ever…

  • @PizzaRobot1020
    @PizzaRobot1020 Рік тому +1

    12:34 they are the lasiest vloggers they didn’t even feed the pets😢

  • @smb3761
    @smb3761 Рік тому +11

    12:34 finding nemo

  • @Garnet2567-b7l
    @Garnet2567-b7l Рік тому +11

    7:27 is her in the philippines or south east asia or something?!? Why the outside looks like philippines my country..

  • @Donut_Lover45
    @Donut_Lover45 Рік тому +8

    He sacrifices all of his brain cells for us biggest legend of all time

  • @Football_zombie_e
    @Football_zombie_e Рік тому +5

    pc: ha you suck
    Him: bat time