Insanely accurate, professional history on both, both are hags, both have "big personalities" and both are insane and yab. And Dizzy is a water parasite and Fishman Fishman should just accept his fate at this point honestly
@@tumamaencosplayThat's because Marine lowers her power level on stream. The horny is just a glimpse into the abyss. She likes Touhou, she's probably into some... Stuff.
Fishman is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will... something you know very little about. I once saw him recruit three hags in a wherehouse... with coffee beans, with fucking coffee beans.
Fish had a vision and stuck to it, unfortunately added a bit more innocent pon than usual to the recipe. Worked out just as good if not better if you ask me.
- Pinky: tries to take over The World - Samurai Jack: tries to get back to the past - Luffy: tries to find The One Piece - Sir Pelinal: tries to hunt the questing beast - Captain Ahab: tries to hunt Moby Dick - H2OSakana: tries to find his Marine analogue
I think he should turn Dizzy into Marine instead tbh xD. Dizzy has more Marine energy than Airi. Airi give out more Mio vibe imo with the way she laugh at every single joke.
Can somebody at offkai or any other event PLEASE cosplay as Marine and approach Sakana while saying the "Pekora copypasta" but change it into Marine version.
@@MaxC_1 I don't think you understood the context of "Someone please cosplay as Marine" and "Say the Pekora Copypasta but with Marine" being used together in the same sentence... There is no woman in this situation.
Sakana hasn't even made a pirate yet. Much easier to make marine if your talent already sails the seven seas ! ...also not surprised sakana tried to make Claras booba bigger.
I knew you'd recognize it. Playthrough when?
All hail The Thirstquencher Empire~!
Brave thirster Clara
I thought so too, I miss that game
Sakana knows what he wants and he isn't ashamed to hide it, gotta respect that in a man
What i would pay to see him meet marine and see him spill his pocket spaghetti
@@Bam_bone Not just in his pockets, his briefcase would burst out with all the spaghetti stored in Tupperwares and ziploc bags.
Asian parents and their unrealistic expectations strike again smh
Sakana's obsession with making his own marine could be a horror movie
That the plot of a horror movie made in Spain "The Skin I Live In" with less vtuber and more fleshy bits.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo
That "ahoy" probably made Sakana cream himself even if his dream only came true for two seconds.
Sakana, stop trying to avoid the reality, you already have Marine on Phase, it's Dizzy
Sakana: "I wanted Marine, but not like this. NOT LIKE THIS!"
You have a point there
Insanely accurate, professional history on both, both are hags, both have "big personalities" and both are insane and yab. And Dizzy is a water parasite and Fishman
Fishman should just accept his fate at this point honestly
I don't know, Marine has never made me think "eww, gross"
@@tumamaencosplayThat's because Marine lowers her power level on stream. The horny is just a glimpse into the abyss.
She likes Touhou, she's probably into some... Stuff.
"I'll make my own Marine! With mental illness, and booba!" -Sakana, probably
Why did you repeat yourself?
H2OSakana is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will. I don’t know if he’ll get his Marine tho. Maybe Marine adjacent people at best😅
That man has a dream! And a man NEVER gives up his dream
I feel like sakana would just explode if he ever got to actually talk to marine, lol.
The thumbnail actually goes so hard wtf
Fishman is wise
Fishman has taste, he knows what is common man want
Homegrown Marine, for when you can't get the real thing
Like... not even Dollarama 😭
"We have Marine at home"
Sakana while looking at Airi: There is still hope.
I don't get why the SakaDizzy ship is so strong when the dude is literally trying to turn Airi into his waifu oshi. The doujin writes itself.
Cuz sakadiz has childhood friend energy
The SakaDizzy ship has existed since the ages long past, before Gen2 and while Gen1 was trying to find there footing with Uruka as the biggest talent.
No matter what happens he's never going to stop hating on Airi
That's just a Sakana moment
Bruh, even suggesting shipping Airi and Sakana is beyond disgusting 🤢, at least Sakadizzy has story and the chemistry of a bickering old marriage.
“I will have my houshou marine, for I am the ceo of phase connect.” -sakana probably
Fishman is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will... something you know very little about. I once saw him recruit three hags in a wherehouse... with coffee beans, with fucking coffee beans.
Let the fish COOK
Sakana will get his Marine no matter what gets in his way.
"I can fix her"
More like, I can recreate her.
Airi is too seiso to become "a Marine"
to be fair is anyone truly seiso in phase?
@@pforgottonsoul maybe muyu, iori or damichi
You have to applaud his dedication
Airi design wise is the phase connect version of Mio. Like she gives motherly vibes.
Fish had a vision and stuck to it, unfortunately added a bit more innocent pon than usual to the recipe.
Worked out just as good if not better if you ask me.
Sakana never stops making me love him more, how is this aquatic creature from Canada this BASED ! 😭
1:31 Airi's AHOY is pretty good ngl.
Mmmh... Clara and Airi don't do a bad Marine impression. Put on the Wig you two!
in his quest to replicate the houshou marine formula, sakana created Hag Connect
Fishman never give up 😂
if uruka can be a sex symbol of phase. airi can be marine
Wait out violinist is the sex symbol?!
@@crawlingboy she isn't exactly seiso lets put it that way
@@crawlingboyi think it was Lia who said it
Airi can be tastefully sexy when she wants to be, but she would need to devour half of Sadpanda or NH to even begin sorta resemble a Marine
@@NonConformistPsyche Dizzy's doing, as always
from what ive seen the Most Marine member of Phase Connect might be Dizzy
"Why does he want you to be a freakin skin walker?"
I mean, looking at the screen she already seems to be one 😅
- Pinky: tries to take over The World
- Samurai Jack: tries to get back to the past
- Luffy: tries to find The One Piece
- Sir Pelinal: tries to hunt the questing beast
- Captain Ahab: tries to hunt Moby Dick
- H2OSakana: tries to find his Marine analogue
Sakana probably has a secret love shrine to Marine in his office like Helga does with Arnold in "Hey! Arnold".
My man with a dream. Dont stop believing Fishman
Marine and pekora at home
Sakana: *airi is not marine BUT SHE WILL GET THIER!!!* 😎
At this point you got to give the marine experience one time.
These creatures are too strong together
Respect the Fishman's dream. For we all would do the same in his shoes.
As an Ichimi, I salute Mr. Sakana.
And I wil be looking forward to your career
follow your dreams Fishman!
fishman will get his marine one day.
Sakana tries to recreate Marin like Chris Wilson tries to recreate Diablo 2.
i dont know why i want Marine and Airi collab someday . . . .
Read the title and was expecting them to talk about her being a Veteran 😂
The dream stay on
but she DOES sounds like Marine
She sounds like marine if she was not Japanese
Yup her AHOY is perfect
ashelia was supposed to also be a marine i guess before she got unalived
And yet you ended up like Mio
I think he should turn Dizzy into Marine instead tbh xD. Dizzy has more Marine energy than Airi. Airi give out more Mio vibe imo with the way she laugh at every single joke.
Because Airi voice more like marine i think she can do it if she tried to mimic marine
Ever seen Vertigo?
So when is the "Can we pretend I am still Marine?" fanfic being released?
Can somebody at offkai or any other event PLEASE cosplay as Marine and approach Sakana while saying the "Pekora copypasta" but change it into Marine version.
So as a joke…..
Instant recruitment trick 101
Go ahead women, this is your chance
@@MaxC_1 I don't think you understood the context of "Someone please cosplay as Marine" and "Say the Pekora Copypasta but with Marine" being used together in the same sentence...
There is no woman in this situation.
@@ihaznoname6292 Do Not Cite the Deep Magic to Me, Witch
I am very familiar with that
ahoy hags
That thumbnail is messing with me badly
Sakana hasn't even made a pirate yet. Much easier to make marine if your talent already sails the seven seas !
...also not surprised sakana tried to make Claras booba bigger.
is there an hd version of the thumbnail
Imagine being the CEO and your talents just continuously relentlessly bully you lmfaooooo
Marine Airi Cosplay
I hereby declare it!
Off topic, but why does his talents call him fish man?
his name and avatar are exactly that
Sakana = fish
Hang in there Sakana keep pushing that idea. mAIRIne will come.
Most fish breathe in water.
Sakana breathes in a hopium+copium combo.
110IQ play: She joins the USMC.
Wtf is "The Marine of the generation" even supposed to mean?
I thought Sakana was dating Uruka or Airi. Not a surprise honestly.
If Sakana is dating anyone in Phase, it's Dizzy.
"Dizzy's gross."
Sakana 2023
I think you may be in to something lol.
Man's dating the warehouse
@@ab2aasd 🤣🤣🤣
You can't sink my dizzyXsakana ship