Building the LAST PART in my GOOFY LEVEL!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @DoblAABatery
    @DoblAABatery День тому +142

    n.. No! m- my what the bass.. noo it’s ending 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @Reeses0104
    @Reeses0104 21 годину тому +46

    12:14 the fact that 1 is the rotating group says a lot about Trides style

  • @RetroSnug
    @RetroSnug День тому +125

    The last robot part is so cool! You made the ending connect with the rest of the level and that made the end work so well.

    • @AuroaPhilip
      @AuroaPhilip День тому +1

      How did you do this 14 hr ago the video was posted 1 hr ago?

    • @Zbz-dl1nx
      @Zbz-dl1nx День тому +1

      Probably membership

    • @RetroSnug
      @RetroSnug День тому +4

      @@AuroaPhilip yeah i'm a member so i have early access

  • @aduck-311
    @aduck-311 День тому +13

    full showcase 33:45

  • @kanii_1
    @kanii_1 День тому +59

    18:58 bro that genuinely reminded me of that one freddy fazbear image with the comically small realistic eyes

    • @brianbrugger2922
      @brianbrugger2922 16 годин тому

      For some reason I started hearing the eyes in the water song

  • @EvelynUwUwastaken
    @EvelynUwUwastaken День тому +20

    17:51 that saw at the end point actually looks really cool

  • @carson_r_0972
    @carson_r_0972 День тому +13

    I cried violently when he changed the center from purple to orange

  • @AeonAir
    @AeonAir 23 години тому +11

    AeonAir part

  • @cookiemong1234
    @cookiemong1234 19 годин тому +2

    list of suggestions for the goofy level:
    * Clubby (what I've named the clubstep monster at the end) should have electricity inside of the blue and orange beams going throughout the black bricks
    * Clubby should have some dark 3d objects making it look like you seeing him from an angle
    * In the transition between the goofier stuff and the long ship part, once you get around to decorating it, you should add a sign to it or making the 3-wide clubstep monster say that the end/portal thingy is ahead
    * Clubby's eyes should scale up and down a little as you go by him, and he should wink at you
    * In the ending inside of the blue glowy blocks with the pixley lines should have text that has a area fade (it appears as you come to it) and it should say someting (idk what though)

  • @SiriHacked
    @SiriHacked День тому +40

    this has to be the most satisfying part in what the bass bro it's so cool

  • @joaovicentesalomaolopes8902
    @joaovicentesalomaolopes8902 21 годину тому +5

    Dude, that clubstep monster in the ending is TERRYIFING AND SO COOL! i love the last robot part and how it came out! Congratulations on (almost) finishing the level!

  • @That1BeegWhale
    @That1BeegWhale День тому +26

    Me when my Band Member tells me to get him his Bass but i didnt quite understand him so i ask him for clarification on what instrument i should bring him. What? The Bass?

  • @AyameMitzuki
    @AyameMitzuki День тому +7

    I did not expect bro to use the grim reaper's many scythes

    @NICKDABRICK 22 години тому +2

    So I just found out my grandpa has cancer and I’m kinda sad rn but your videos always cheer me up

  • @gooseman6112
    @gooseman6112 День тому +3

    One of the coolest feelings witnessing this level's development over the course of this year, definitely your best level, and definitely the most YOU level. i absolutely cannot wait to play this when it comes out, looking forward to it :)

  • @carson_r_0972
    @carson_r_0972 День тому +10

    29:15 blade if justice moment

    • @ThatSpaceGuy-w9d
      @ThatSpaceGuy-w9d 22 години тому +1

      Blade can’t be sure if it wants to be justice

    • @carson_r_0972
      @carson_r_0972 21 годину тому

      @ThatSpaceGuy-w9d will it fight for justice ⚖️, or evil 😈

  • @modestMismagius105
    @modestMismagius105 3 години тому

    it's crazy how much more entertaining building is when the builder just does whatever they want instead of worrying about how "good" it is, i loved this series

  • @JoeAverage_
    @JoeAverage_ 21 годину тому +2

    It would be funny if you made the clubstep monster uber realistic and overdecorated

  • @not_andrix3269
    @not_andrix3269 День тому +15

    4:46 You know what else is massive?

    • @Lol-qh6sx
      @Lol-qh6sx День тому +3


    • @MrJuicyFruit
      @MrJuicyFruit День тому +2


    • @RidgeLinden
      @RidgeLinden День тому +3


    • @themindfulmole1796
      @themindfulmole1796 День тому +2

      @@not_andrix3269 Thought the same thing i so coooked

    • @D.Amaze75
      @D.Amaze75 23 години тому +2

      My… *STICK*

  • @jakobridley4047
    @jakobridley4047 14 годин тому +2

    29:16 is the warden's colours.

  • @Walay
    @Walay 17 годин тому

    Man what a journey it's been, this was one of the most fun building series I've seen because of how unique the style is, you genuinely have a lot of potential as a creator, the way you creatively use all the underused textures is so interesting, it gives a very special refreshing feel and I hope we can see more levels like this in the future

  • @Seb_jen
    @Seb_jen 20 годин тому +1

    The whole time you where building after you had given the clubstep monster eyes I couldn’t stop staring at it

    • @bluecubeidk
      @bluecubeidk 18 годин тому +1

      staring contest with the clubstep monster!!!!! "you won" 😱

  • @one77wastaken
    @one77wastaken День тому +2

    Tride and Jayden Irving are probably my two favourite Australians ngl

  • @ThatSpaceGuy-w9d
    @ThatSpaceGuy-w9d 22 години тому

    Take a shot every time tride says “I dig that”

  • @ninjadude_yt404
    @ninjadude_yt404 14 годин тому

    22:00 My boy Hugh with the rainbow teeth! I’m calling him Hugh.

  • @tarumtrue2834
    @tarumtrue2834 День тому +2

    Tride you couldve made the ending orb thing become the player color 1 at the end because the strips from completing the level are colored player 1

  • @BruhImSomeone
    @BruhImSomeone День тому +6

    All it needs is an Endscreen now. Just make it come down the camera after the completion and it would be awsome. ❤

    • @ChickenNugget7
      @ChickenNugget7 8 годин тому

      I don’t think this level needs an end screen, everything was done by Tride if I’m not mistaken so there is no need for credits and finishing the level in the swirl works well as a conclusion.

  • @yolkerie_1544
    @yolkerie_1544 20 годин тому

    i literally can't look at this level with a straight face. excellent work.

  • @MuhaeQojetab
    @MuhaeQojetab День тому +6

    6:09 Tride needs to get his shapes right 💀

  • @micahraffy5972
    @micahraffy5972 День тому +2

    you should add a scaling effect where the gameplay get sucked into the orb as you pass it, I feel like that would be sick

    • @TrideGD
      @TrideGD  23 години тому +3

      Wait that'd be awesome???

  • @themindfulmole1796
    @themindfulmole1796 День тому +4

    8:01 But you know what IS crazy?? (second low taper fade mention so far?

  • @roleor7638
    @roleor7638 День тому

    One of the best parts of watching u for so long is seeing how far you have come as a creator

  • @aidyy10
    @aidyy10 7 годин тому

    If you jump right before you go onto the wall, you can mess up the music sync by a tiny bit. Dash fixes it by placing spiky blocks at each of the corners, so if you try to jump you die to spikes, so maybe if you do that at each of the arrow triggers in this part that'll fix it. Force blocks can also do the job too, as long as you're forcing the player to be on the ground when you hit the arrow trigger

  • @EliBriGames
    @EliBriGames 20 годин тому +1

    That last robot part looks amazing! Only critique I have is that I'd make the black quarter-circles that rotate in the ground half opacity, as I think they draw just a bit too much attention to them. Other than that, I loved the whole series!

  • @777superstone
    @777superstone День тому +3

    This is fire. Love your videos tride!❤

  • @fbfnysnshnsgnwgGD
    @fbfnysnshnsgnwgGD 19 годин тому

    note for a rainbow loop, you can use the copy color option. set the channel to copy a different color, make hue +1, and target the color that will be a rainbow. Then, change the color being copied to the color being set. put that in a spawn loop and you get a rainbow loop in 2 objects

    • @camwall12
      @camwall12 10 годин тому

      ur so smart i’m using that

  • @andrew9042
    @andrew9042 4 хвилини тому

    what Ive learned from this level is that if you just rotate things it will look good. but no seriously i really like this series because it shows that sometimes you just have to try things that even though right away they might not look good, as you ad or tweak them they can still look great.

  • @Apexdoesrr
    @Apexdoesrr День тому +1

    32:24 instead of a force killing you, can you make a hand grab you and throw you into a walk of spikes

  • @someguy0081
    @someguy0081 День тому +2

    12:44 rorr my beloved

    • @frigigd
      @frigigd 21 годину тому +1

      @@someguy0081 Coalescence if I’m not mistaken

    • @someguy0081
      @someguy0081 21 годину тому

      @ correct

  • @Battle_brawlstar
    @Battle_brawlstar 22 години тому

    noooooo my goofy noooo me goggy gone noooooo the glog

  • @lions3456gd
    @lions3456gd День тому +2

    Goofy level time, I have been waiting so long for this! Gimmick level when tho?

    • @NUMBER10107
      @NUMBER10107 День тому +2

      he said he doesn't enjoy building it

    • @lions3456gd
      @lions3456gd День тому

      @@NUMBER10107 I know, but I still like holding out hope

    • @Sonotthatguythatigetnohandle
      @Sonotthatguythatigetnohandle День тому

      Idk when gimmick level gets continued, maybe even never-tride

  • @GraysonLane-rs7bu
    @GraysonLane-rs7bu День тому +1

    Did Tride just finish a project???😱😱

  • @sussdood
    @sussdood 20 годин тому

    i like there not being many screen transitions in the level, like theres only one in it, it looks cool being able to see the previous part and the decoration changes

  • @louiee4597
    @louiee4597 День тому +3

    Uhh what

  • @Progame1123
    @Progame1123 День тому

    Love the vid. this turned out to be really cool.

  • @yocketer8328
    @yocketer8328 День тому

    bro has the entire Terraria soundtrack in this video

  • @Hectorien_
    @Hectorien_ День тому

    Dude that clubstep monster came straight outta the mandela catalogue 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @evanineo
    @evanineo 21 годину тому +1

    you didn't remove the go at RED (57%) message from zaphkiel in the showcase

  • @EvelynUwUwastaken
    @EvelynUwUwastaken День тому +1

    I had an idea that you could surround the final part in a bit of black fuzz at the edges of the screen, I think that would complement the part really well

  • @Danesspace
    @Danesspace 20 годин тому +1

    Try an effect level like future funk cuz it’s a good level

  • @SwaggerStreet2
    @SwaggerStreet2 День тому +1

    What the bass is this basstactic video by Trid.

  • @Knockoffgdplayer
    @Knockoffgdplayer День тому

    This level is so much cooler than so many other levels nowadays

  • @TerkiMaster
    @TerkiMaster 22 години тому

    For the end screen you should make it so it zooms out from the orb and all the gameplay is gone but instead it’s the end screen! Hope you take this into consideration thanks!

  • @CheeseCannon-gc1cp
    @CheeseCannon-gc1cp День тому


  • @BagUALsGD
    @BagUALsGD День тому

    last building thiss level goofy. now building the last part of this level gooooooooooooofy

  • @VerNight_717
    @VerNight_717 День тому +1

    One my favorite level might go for this as a new hardest

  • @ConcreteXF
    @ConcreteXF День тому

    I was eating pita chips while watching (they are very loud and crunchy) and I swear I heard tried say Ryan gosling ball at least three times

  • @Goldenfyre1012
    @Goldenfyre1012 День тому

    I'll try and be there for when you stream finishing What The Bass, can't wait for the end result! This series has been amazing and thank you for making this awesome level. May all my practice runs be a grand experience💀

  • @ReviloMann-Carthey
    @ReviloMann-Carthey 16 годин тому

    For the robot you should of made the outline deco flash diferent colours that were used throughout the level (not all together, make it seperated) and maybe also make some small designs in the background for the gameplay that was in the level. I think that would make it look just a tad better!

  • @fbfnysnshnsgnwgGD
    @fbfnysnshnsgnwgGD 19 годин тому

    i feel at 34:31 that you could add pulsing objects in the spikes, i think it would look good

  • @Reeses0104
    @Reeses0104 21 годину тому +1

    21:17 you did that in color blockade but then you scrapped it

    • @TrideGD
      @TrideGD  20 годин тому

      I knew I used it somewhere

  • @Gimmegimme999-z1z
    @Gimmegimme999-z1z День тому +2

    Yeah it's a really goofy level

  • @Pinos_mrime107
    @Pinos_mrime107 22 години тому

    You should make the clubstep monster blink randomly, that would make it truly uncanny as it can blink at different times each attempt.

  • @SoulSumoner013
    @SoulSumoner013 День тому

    I’ve made my final conclusion: this is a goofy level

  • @Ancient16-r7y
    @Ancient16-r7y День тому

    What the bass
    How the bass
    Where the bass
    Who the bass
    When the bass
    Why the bass

  • @tiffy5220
    @tiffy5220 День тому

    I think it's so sad that the goofy level got canceled... but at least we got this beautiful level.

  • @Losos23
    @Losos23 22 години тому

    Im so excited to play this as my new hardest it looks so fun

  • @FrenchFries4111
    @FrenchFries4111 День тому

    the object color never strayed from its og colors o7

  • @HotdogGD
    @HotdogGD День тому


  • @MonkeBroodasvr
    @MonkeBroodasvr 21 годину тому

    call the clubstep monster frank

  • @leoroux3183
    @leoroux3183 День тому

    I like your videos so much !!! Never stop pls !💪

  • @DarkESTRuby
    @DarkESTRuby День тому +2

    What the pitch!

  • @flameelectromidis
    @flameelectromidis 7 годин тому

    I'm using this video to help cope with the fact my grandma isn't doing well ;(

  • @Lflazzy09
    @Lflazzy09 День тому

    probably my favourite upcoming insane/extreme very excited for this

  • @LikemilYT
    @LikemilYT День тому

    13:35 edit object -> edit velocity and override velocity -> -1
    no more bounce

    • @zyuino
      @zyuino День тому

      that is literally what he does

    • @LikemilYT
      @LikemilYT День тому

      @@zyuino he put an h block to fix it instead of doing this??

  • @T4rantar-bq1bx
    @T4rantar-bq1bx 21 годину тому

    streeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmm (also that last part is sooo sick!)

  • @1nsert_nam3
    @1nsert_nam3 20 годин тому

    pwetty pwease add a little smiley face on top of the end orb portal 🥺

  • @pietnunue1805
    @pietnunue1805 20 годин тому

    Lvl is turnig out so good. Love it. I would love the clubstepmonster to keep going on through the stonewall. I think it would improve the Look of the last Part. Still love it ❤

  • @AyameMitzuki
    @AyameMitzuki День тому

    Shin sonic reincarnated as a clubstep monster.

  • @BlastYourSelf
    @BlastYourSelf День тому +1

    How dare UA-cam gatekeep this from me for 35 seconds

  • @mikeschmidt-q9l
    @mikeschmidt-q9l 6 годин тому

    Really hope this gets epic rated.

  • @ieatpaint-y3r
    @ieatpaint-y3r День тому +1


  • @HeliosGD-qn5cl
    @HeliosGD-qn5cl День тому +2

    how the bass

  • @idkamethyst1762
    @idkamethyst1762 18 годин тому


  • @charabutimpeached
    @charabutimpeached День тому


  • @angusmacfarlane2569
    @angusmacfarlane2569 23 години тому

    Tride I had an idea! Try using black mist, basically fog for the long ship part

  • @dascraazy
    @dascraazy День тому +1

    nooo it was so good when it was purple why the orange also those quarter circles at the end that are black look kinda bad

  • @Gd_Sans-SAND
    @Gd_Sans-SAND День тому

    Tride is a bit underrated in my opinion! SHOW HIM SOME LOVE!!! TRIDE, YOU ARE AMAZING, SO KEEP BEING AMAZING!

  • @aracomeka
    @aracomeka День тому +1

    What the bass or how the base???

  • @derpydudee
    @derpydudee 16 годин тому

    By the way tride, dont forget to re-enable the enter effects on the level, im pretty sure you disabled them in one of the earlier episodes because they broke something in the editor or something (idk i forgot) and said you would re-enable them later

  • @iky1157
    @iky1157 14 годин тому

    good work. remember to indicate the d blocks 😭

  • @AranonInGeneral
    @AranonInGeneral 23 години тому

    Lovely Clubstep monster 😍

  • @James817lol
    @James817lol 23 години тому

    legit i think having the last part be rainbow before it all pulses to black and fades out at the end could be sick hope u see this

  • @tomopoms
    @tomopoms День тому

    a stream would be great, your streams are really fun!

  • @advance64bro
    @advance64bro 16 годин тому


  • @AranonInGeneral
    @AranonInGeneral 23 години тому

    The early 2.1 rocks blocks sorta look like birds or something staring at you.

  • @RitualDashh
    @RitualDashh 19 годин тому

    “Once something great ends. Something better will take it’ place” - RitualDashh
    (I am probably not the first person to say this…)

  • @animatus9587
    @animatus9587 День тому +1

    how the bass?

  • @SoulsGamin
    @SoulsGamin День тому

    Feeling a little silly and goofy with this build 🤪

  • @ArtemIsABadName
    @ArtemIsABadName День тому

    Rekrap if he played Geometry Dash: