6-15-22 tsev muaj dab vim neeg tuag nyob rau hauv
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- yuav tau tsev muaj dab tuag nyob
kuv tus fb: www.facebook.c...[0]=AZWqlT7de-IJqToB1NZsiObNAHhpapR-VaYjTi6bFwV8JRKqbiS2BFF3EVF6xnPcuKd2znvHdNnKEEMwKz3gPsPjXr2HzqwEWbJgfHqdaJy-4CfggIFZ9ht830QyeyGxKl2agFWAhHoX7B4FFGQnrxAGPvzaAsG3ey0CZOKo75DFEg&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R
Ngob zoo os tij koj hais tau zoo heev os ❤❤
Tuaj ,mloog koj lawm thithiab 😃❤❤❤
Aws ualios dab laug ua tsaug ntau os
Ib qho txaus ntshai kawg.
Yog lm nb ua tsaug ntau2 UA qhia rau peb paub nb tu txiv ntxawm siab zoo. 👍👍🙏🙏🙏
Awwwe, Nplog Liab Hmoob Sav!
nyob zoo tij koj hais yog lawm os
Nyob zoo so dab laug aw koj hais tau zoo heev li so
hnub nua nov kj thaam cov lug kuj ntseeg tau muaj tseeb kawg tug tsum txhaj paub zoo ua tsaug os phjyg
Tej vaj tej tsev yus yov mus nyob yuav tsum tau thov cov txiv neeb txiv yaig txawj² ntawd tuaj chej hos tsis li ces kawg yeej muaj teeb meem xwb² nawb.
Txaus ntshai heev li os hnov koj tham nas
Vim li cas city stp ho ua cov kev circle na hlob, kuv peb per xeem yuav complain kom city yuav tsum hloov danger hleev li, yus nres lawv tsis nres li
Kuv kuj nyob ntau lub tsev lawm yeej tsis muaj dab hem li....tiam sis muaj ib xyoos kuv niam Pog txiv yawg mus Tim nplog los cov Kwv tij uas tuag nyob Tim nplog hnov tias nkawv los no thiaj li tuaj xyuas nkawv txog hnub nkawv rov los Australia no tseem caum nkawv qab los thiab txaus ntshai tiag tiag li lub sij haum 4 moos uas yuav tsaus ntuj ntawv xwb ces lub tsev ces cuag li ua zog co nto xwb thaum tsaus ntuj kuv tus txiv pib hauj lwm li 10 moo tsaus ntuj thaum ntawv kuv lub siab xav tias vog tsam lam zoo li qub ne xav xwb na tam sim ntawv ces cuag li lub tsev yuav vau tiag tiag li tsaj tsev mas txaus ntshe heev.. mus saib no lawv hais tias...cov niag dab ntawv tuaj txog teb chaws no tsis muaj noj muaj Haus lawv xav rov qab mus es lawv yuav yuav me ntsis nyiaj txiag xa lawv rov qab tag nrho peb 6 tus Kwv tij thiaj li ua neeb xa lawv rov qab cov phooj ywg nej xav puas muaj tiag
tseem ntseeg dab ces tas tiam meej no lauj. yog muaj kab mob mas tseeb,
Saub Juab, koj tsav bus nev, ua cas koj ho tsis nyia tsev nyob ze cov kev bus khiav. muaj ib cov neeg nyiam lub tsev nyob thaj chaw cov kev muaj Bus khiav los ze hos.
Hi so sad 😥😥
good point brother
Thanks for listening
Ib yam li tug txiv peb thb
Yog kawg yeej muaj li koj hais txaus ntsai kawg li os
Ưa ntej yuav mus nyob yuav tsum tau thov VAJ TSWV ntiab dab kom khiav ua ntej koj mus nyob nawb
Puas tau muaj cov ntseeg Vajtswv los nyob seb puas muab dab lawm mas.
Txaus ntshai ualuaj li os
Yeej muaj li koj hais mas, kuv muaj ib tug phooywg mus xauj ib lub tsev nyob ces muaj ib hnub nkawv tus ntxhais 15 xyoos ntxuav2 tais diav ces nws hnov zoo li ib tus neeg los hauv qab daus los sawv nraum nws nrobqaum, nws tig hlo mus saib nahas txawm muaj ib tug neeg sawv ntawm nws nrobqaum thiab quaj2. Tus ntawd hnav ib daim tiab dawb2, tiamsis lub ntsej muag txaij dub thiab plooj2 pom tsis zoo. Nws txawm ceeb kiag ces nws hu nws niam ces niag dab tuag txawm pawv lawm. Tus dab tuag no yeej tsis tso tus ntxhais no tseg li, thaum nws nrog nws tus niam laus pw uake ces ib mentsis tus dab tuag txawm los pw ntawm nws ibsab. Leej niam thiaj muab nws ib tug kwv yau los pw ntawm tus ntxhais no. Nws thiaj pw nruab nrab ces tus dab tuag no thiaj tsis los pw nrog tus ntxhais no lawm. Thaum no tus tub tus nyab pw ib lub txaj uas muaj lub frame ces muaj ib hmos tus dab tuag no txawm los rub tus tub kotaw, nws thiaj hais rau nws tus pojniam tias tias pw twb ywm mas, koj xij rub kuv kotaw ua dabtsi, tus pojniam hais tias kuv tsis tau rub koj kotaw li es. Nkawv txawm rov pw lawm. Thaum tus tub pw tsaugzog hlias ces tus dab tuag rov los rub nws kotaw zaum ob ces nws sawv tsees mus xua tus dab tuag ntawd, nws pom ib thooj dub nciab khiav nkag lub qab txag lawm, nws hais kom nws pojniam sawv ces nws muab lub txaj ntxeev pho ces nws muab lub Frame nqa mus pov tseg nraum lub garage lawm. Nkawv rov mus pw ces niag dab tsis bother nkawv ntxiv li lawm, Tiamsis tus dab tuag no tsis tso tus ntxhais no tseg li, nws pheej los sawv ntawm tus ntxhais nraubqaum yog nws ntxuav tais diav thaum twg, Tsev neeg no yeej ntseeg Vajtswv ces leej niam thiaj hu tus xibhwb thiab cov txwj laug tuaj thov Vajtswv ob zau ces tus dab tuag los ua npausuav rau leej niam hais tias muaj neeg tsis pub nws nyob lub tsev no ces nws thiab khiav lawm. Txij hnub ntawd los ces tus dabtuag tsis los bother lawv li lawm. This is a true story.
Zoo li koj lam piav dab neeg rau peb nyeem xwb na. Puas muaj tiag thiab nyob qhov twg no?
Agreed with you
Why does city of St. Paul and Maplewood are building those round about road brother Saub Ntsuab
Tsis tsev muaj dab nws yog muaj xyw xwb thov hloov lus os.
Saub ntsuab koj hem peb cov hmoob dhau lawm os, peb cov hmoob feem coob nyob cov tsev no, koj yuav tau pab peb muag peb cov tsev kom paub tag 😬
Nyb zoo os
Koj thaij lub tsev uas ncaj dab txoj kev nruab yeeb ntawd rau sawvdaws tau saib os.
Phooj ywg koom koj lawm os hos koom kuv thiab os
Lawb dab rau tes zoo thiab nyob tau lawm os.
Awwwe, WTH! you're genius!
Dev dag noj quav neeg ok
Tij raws le kuv xav mas ntshai tsev neeg tsi ntseeg vts pob .yog ib tug neeg ntseeg tswv yexus lm đab yeej tsi muaj cuab kav hem tau le naj
kj twb tias tsis muaj zaj tsis muaj dab no nes cas pheej yuav hais txog dab ma kj vwm lawm los
Yog vim li cas tsis noog rau City ua ntej tias puas muaj neeg tuag rau hauv lub tsev no? Lawv muaj Record cia.
Txog txij lawv thab rau yus ces lawv twb kob huam tas los mas, Hmoob aw?? Ruam ua luaj thiab.?
Kuv twb mag li kos lawm lawv tsi nyob kuv them tauj ces zoo li kos
Tauj no mus ceev faj nawb, lag luam los kuj zoo ib yam. Nws twb mus tsis taus li lawm, tseem dag koj tias nkawv ob niam txiv yov mus ua lub kom loj xwb no laiv.
Saub ntsuab koj puts Kam qhia koj tus xov tooj rau kuv es kuv ho yuav tham kuv li qhia rau nej thiab os
Teb chaws.meka e muaj dab thiab lov
Daab nyob thoob ndlaj teb maj
Yog li koj hais!
Tseem muaj tej tug Kwv tij Hmoob zais siab npaum ntawd thiab?
Yog muaj li
Cov tsev kws muaj dlaab muaj xyw le koj thaam ko nwg yeej muaj tag nawb tsi yog thuam peb cov kwvtij kws tseem tsi tau lug ntseeg tswv Yexus tug cawmseej sis yeej nyob tsi tau tag ov, tam sis tug kws ntseeg Vaajtswv tag 2 lawm nyob kuj nyob tau thaamyeeb tsi muaj dlaabtsi os. Tabsis yog tug moob lawb dlaab xwb los yuav nyob tsi tau tuab yaam nkaus le nawb
Tsis las li xwb, qhov koj yuav thiab koj mloog koj tus poj niam hais li cas koj yuav li ntawd xwb ces yog txoj cai ntawm neb khub niam txiv xwb.
Luag twb ua neeb saib thiab qhia yus txog cov xw no los yus tsis tij lim li tseem nyob ntev thiab me nyuam thiaj ntsib xau.
Yog hais qhov tseeb tiag2 tsis qhia npe los yuav tsum qhia lub xeem kom qhov koj hais os p y
Has kuam ob tug siv txiv yaaj Soob lwj tug ntawv VaajTsaabXeemLis lug quas saib puas paab tau. Ntseeg has tas yuav paab tau.
peb Hmoob has txug dlaab tuag xyw sov muaj hab tsi muaj peb tsi pum tsi paub tsuas yog cuab
xeeb puas teem xwb.peb Hmoob cov coob yog ib co neeg yeej tsi tshua meej pem yog le peb ntseeg
ib txha los yuav tau tseg ib txha hab.peb Hmoob lub nam tswv yim nua yog tswv yim poob qaab vim
muaj hab tsi muaj los has kom muaj.tseeb hab tsi tseeb los has kom tseeb yog le peb Hmoob yuav tau
saib ntsuam xyuas kom meej pem
Saub tsis yog hnub no nyob MN no no los koj ho hnav tsho coat na?
Yuav tau nrhiav ib tug txiv neeb kom tshaj lij nrog cov dab hauv lub tsev tham muab xa mus rau Ntuj Ceeb Tsheej mas nej thiaj li yuav nyob tau
Ghost is real but I’m scared people than ghost 👻
Yog tsev muaj dab muaj xyw es yus yuav lawm nej yuav nyob ntev los tsis tauzoo, yuav muag los nyuab, qhov zoo nej puas tau muab nyiajtxiag xyabntaw ntiav nws tawm ? Kuv pomzoo ua lintawd ntshe yuav zoo.
nej hmoob mekas mas txawv deb tiag2 li os. vim ua cas kuv thiaj hais li ntawv.vim twb nyob ua ke sab tog tsev puab yus xwb es 10 lub xyoo twb tsis sib paub mas yog txawv dau lawm os.
Nyob zoo os saub ntsuab kuv xav tau lub tsev li koj hais xwb tiag vim xav tau cov tsev pheej yim xwb tias
Kuv nyob California nawb kuv twb mus pw tau ib lub tsev hotel nyob Fresno tus tswv hotel no hais tias lub hoob 102 no mas tsis muaj leej twg kam pw li kuv twb pw tau 2 hmo dawb xwb mas
Dag los tiag nas Pojniam hmoob meka heev li kj nas? Hahaha
Kom cov coj kev Cai Vaj Tswv ho mus nyob seb.Lawv twb tsis ntseeg dab tsis coj dab qhuas lawm thiab lawv tus Vaj Tswv muaj zog heev leej heev tej zaum lawv muz nyob yuav tsis muaj teeb meem laiv.Ho yog cov coj kev cai Vaj Tswv mus nyob es hli puav tso tes plau tsa chij dawb lawm thiab no ces lawv kuj coj dab ib yam thiab laiv thiab Vaj Tswv tsis leej pab tsis tau dab tsi li thiab laiv.
Saub ntsuab Kom lawv siv hmoob txoj Kev Caum dab tawm saib puas tau: 3 lub pob nws lias muab dha, ib tug nplawm txiv ruaj ces muab pob nws aw nplawm aw nplawm thoob vajtswv tawm nram rooj Vang , ua li 3-4 hnub ces ntsiag to lawm. Nyob USA no twb lub Tsev tawv dawb nyob muaj xya hmoob mus ua rau zoo lawm
Yog yug kev ntseeg khov kho yeej nyob tau xwb
Cas tham txoj dab es yuav tham txoj poj niam thiab na! 🤣
Es no doggy so?
Great information. Brother would you please tell me what is your video editing software and what is your camera. I like your video, it's so sharp and clear.
I used Sony a7siii and iPhone pro max 11 to film most of my clips. And the program that I'm used to editing is the latest Final Cut Pro version..
@@Kujkublugmoviechannel Brother, ua tsaug nawb. God bless you and your family.
@@Kujkublugmoviechannel saub ntsuab kuv hais kev pab koj . Koj tu kwv ntxawg muas no koj kom cov nom tswv ntawv muab lub xov tooj ua yog maiv kue lauj siv ntawv coj mus kuaj taub teg thiaj li pab tau nawb
Haha uaneeb yuav tau siv lus Askiv mas
thiaj yuav nrog tau cov xyw dub, dawb no
tham totaub tsis li ces yeej tsis nkagsiab
Xav tau koj Tus xov tooj
Hais rau nej cov tsis tau los ntseeg Vajtswv naj, tseem tsis tau lig rau nej nawv. Kav tsij los ntseeg Vajtswv tamsim no tsam lig rau nej lawm nawv. Nej tsis paub hais tias dab twb yuav muaj nej xyuas haujlwm sai2 no los. Dab xaiv cov ntseeg dab xwb nawv ces muab lawv xyuas haujlwm kiag laiv.
Tsi nco qab txog vajtswv lawm ne
Saub ntsuab, koj hais npaum ko thaij koj lub tsev tso sawv daws saib seb koj lub zoo li cas? Koj lub tsev twb yog tsev qub thiab xwb ne twb pom koj lub tsev thiab twb tsi haib thiab es.. ntshe koj ho yuav lub $1 million lawm xwb tsi li koj tseem nyob lub qub ces kuv twb pom koj lub tsev tag lawm os
I don't know if it's a gift or a curse to see ghost/s.
I knew someone who saw a ghost in the form of a hmong woman in her traditional funeral clothing behind a building on a trade school surrounded by nothing but trees. I heard this place was built on an old Indian grave site.
His OGs hu plig on him and they said a spirit/ghost confronted him in the form of the hmong lady to scare him.
I'm not sure if it's true or the ghost was an actual hmong woman who was raped and killed on the property long time ago...we will never know.
you should tell us the address so we don't buy that house lol
Cov niag tsev qub2 tau 1-2 puas xyoo lawm ces xyhov .? ncaj lub txhob muaj neeg tuag ces kuj ok, yog ncaj lub muaj tej yam zoo li no ces nyuaj siab ntag laiv.thaum koj yov yuav , koj yov tau mus noog history Tim city seb puas muaj record phem , los sis tej neighbors nyob ze seb lawv puas paub txog lub tsev ntawd,ncaj cov zoo thuan lawv nyob ntev2 lawm tej zaum lawv ho qhia yus thiab.xyhov tsam lawv ho tsis nyiam yus ces ho qhia xwm cuav kom yus ntshai es txhob yuav thiab los kuj muaj.meka kuj muaj cov neeg tshawb txog tsev muaj dab(Haunted)oh kuj txaus ntshai kawg.ua2 tus tswv tsev quaj qaws li xwb tiag.saib tej no ua kev kawm, kev ceev faj nawb.ua ntej koj yov yuav noog information kom zoo2 tso mam khom lag luam.tus tswv los tsis kam qhia, tus muag los yeej tsis paub pab Vav txog lub tsev li.Tim city thiaj paub xwb vim tias every crime police , fire Department tuaj , muab xov xwm ces coj mus zwm rau tid tag li lawm.lub tsev Dawb huv ces yeej tsis muaj record dab tsi.
Cov tsev zoo li koj hais koj nws pab yooj yim heev kuv pab dawb xwb
Lho aw kuv thov koj los peb tswv yim tsog peb tus tub hmoob uas mus ua tub rog es lawv nyuam quav muab tua pov tseg yam tsis raus kev cai li os koj mus saib tom xov Xwm 52 txhooj yuthuj ces koj yuav pom ua tsaug
Is that house still available I want to buy if anyone know
ua li os
Ho tu tub koj hais tias kho tsheb ntawv tsis yog muaj dab nawb yog nws txeem tsis zoo xwb nawb Qhia kuv nawb pab tau yooj yim xwb
lol, I’ve got a corner house.
Anything strange happens? Because my daughter moving to her new house 25 of this month it’s at the corner too.Lol
@@keith23615 no. It’s been good all 16+ years.
it's only at the big street and busy street that I have referred to.
If you want to buy a house please go to the police station do a background check 24hrs something happens in house they let you know right away.
Quav dev xwb dev ruamphev dev qaubthiaj vwm2saupimaib ok
I live near a church with a cemetery, and the state prison. I'm not sure if they think dab but it pretty psychologically scary.
The church could be a funeral home for the dead and the state prison houses criminals and sex offenders. I am okay with the church but not the cemetery and the state prison.
@@tshavfengvang7831 It's a white church in alliance withe Koreans. Most likely haunted. The state prison there is not the only one. The penitentiary in Atlanta houses prisoners who live free outside the prison. Who know what they really do. All I know is that I live here and people pick and choose there side.
Cas koj ho npog thiab kuj dag xwb.Yuavtsum qhia qhob tseeb.
Hais txog ntawm poj niam, ua cas koj ho hais li koj ne. Koj hais yuam kev los yog tsis raug lawm. Lub tebcbaws no twg yog ib lub tebcbaws poj niam txiv neej los muaj Vaj Huam sib luag laiv. Tsis muaj ib txoj cai nyob qhov twg hais tias, cov txiv neej los yog tus txiv yuav tsum mloog li tus niam hais xwb no laiv. Kuv pom cov txiv neej coj li koj hais ko thiab, Hmoob los muaj, American los muaj tiam sis hom txiv neej ko mas yog cov txiv neej tsis muaj noob lawm cia poj niam tuaj saum toj, nws ces ua lau qaib tais poj, poj muab nws lem ncab los mus ncab lem nkaus los mus nkhaus xwb. Hos yuav hais tias lub tebcbaws America no yog poj niam thiaj muaj cai, poj niam thiaj muaj Xiv, poj niam hais li cas ces yus yuav tsum ua li ntawd xwb no ces tsis tseeb lawm. Yog lus dag lawm xwb. Nej cov muaj UA-cam channel no, nej yuav tau txhob lam tau lam hais. Muaj mam hais, tsis tseeb txhob hais vim nej yuav ua rau cov tsis paub yuam kev loj laiv. Thov nawj!
Qee tus xwb os brother aw
It is real living in a haunted house. Ghost slept with my daughter later me. My daughter turn pale and started feel sick at the time. We moved out by going shopping but never returned back.
Woohoo! Very genuis moved?
Hai kj niag qau ca xauj txau ntshai ua lj
The father known that his child is not well like that and yet he does not even want to move out. That is so selfish and thoughtless for letting his son to suffer for so long.
The ones that can’t win an argument with his wife is piiiiiiiiieeeee lerrrrr haha