Fascinating... The presence of both the tender boat and those swivel guns just blows my mind. Considering the fact that the tender boat is still with the ship, I wonder what happened to the crew then? Wouldn't some of the crew have boarded the tender boat if the ship was going to sink? It's interesting to consider the observations that you can make from the evidence that remains. Looking forward to what the archeologists can learn from this shipwreck.
@@ugandanwarrior5657 It sunk when soviet russia was 300km east of estonia , just a ntion of these greedy people .I guess they would have taken over uganda and then what they would have done made ugandas borderfigting to their own eg eg suddenly they would have claims in neighbouring countries .. seem familiar it is they done it for 500 years
Корабль хорошо сохранился. Это самое интересное в находке, как изготавливались и выглядели оригинальные парусники, и насколько отличаются от них современные реконструкции.
Я удивлён, насколько умелыми были люди пять веков назад. Они могли очень многое из того, что и сейчас считается сложным. Просто у них ещё не было времени, чтобы узнать многие науки, как в наши годы, но умом и умением они обладали в высшей степени!
As a scuba diver it makes me sad that this wreck is so deep. But on the other hand it may be better if there are no divers like me can reach this beatiful wreck so it stays there forever.
I'm I the only one that thinks this is the lost shipwreck of Hanneke Vrome? It sank off the coast of Finland in 1468 so it is a 15th century ship like this one could be. The location of her wreck is unknown! So, this ship could be her though it was carrying honey, cloth and 10 000 guldens not sure if it has these inside of the wreck we only seen some of the things. Maybe if they explore her more we can see though there is another problem they think is in coastline east of Hanko and west of Porkkala peninsulas. If this ship is a lost shipwreck that would be amazing! Like we know about it but don't know where the location is
This is too expensive as we know from other recoveries like the Mary Rose and the Vasa. It has been there for 500 years, so that is the cheapest and best way of preserve it. :)
@@RodrigoPacheco-Ruiz I still recommend to use EU funds and raise this ship and preserve it as Mary Rose or Vasa, but at the country in whose naval theritory ship remains are.
Its probably a Merchant Symbol/Mark. Here. www.google.com/search?q=medieval+merchant+ships+symbols&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ACYBGNTO4wLO0dHB-UVX1oA66dYdwnVhkQ:1575424282310&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQtN7l8JrmAhWHLFAKHa5qAB8Q_AUoAXoECA8QAQ&biw=360&bih=612#imgrc=xHQqOmSwP120oM
Fantástico. Conforme a reportagem que eu li, ele tem cerca de 500 anos, praticamente a mesma idade do Brasil, mas o contrário deste último, o navio se encontra em melhores condições, está muito melhor conservado e não está cheio de vagabundos, ladrões, assaltantes, criminosos e políticos corruptos quadrilheiros.
we seem to have different definitions of the word "intact" "yeah, no prob, just scrub the deck a little and you are ready to go" jokes aside, awesome video.
Dmitry S, это металл какой-то специально закладывали? А само корабельное дерево - шпангоуты, обшивка - оно нетонущее? Я думал, там какая-нибудь тяжелая древесина, или из-за пропитки, и она сама тонет.
They are not going to raise it up, because examination can be done with cameras and scanners, and it is cheaper to reconstruct it using 3D printers.. Wait... what the actual f? Historians preferring digital representation over the real deal?
The idea that lasers would one day shine on that 500 year old ship...
Some incredible footage! The pictures were so clear and you gave a great tour of the wreck. Thanks!
Fascinating... The presence of both the tender boat and those swivel guns just blows my mind. Considering the fact that the tender boat is still with the ship, I wonder what happened to the crew then? Wouldn't some of the crew have boarded the tender boat if the ship was going to sink? It's interesting to consider the observations that you can make from the evidence that remains. Looking forward to what the archeologists can learn from this shipwreck.
We will be back soon to her and will answer all of these interesting questions.
Huh? Where did you see swivel guns?
Soviet quality👍
@@ugandanwarrior5657 i heard they called it the Kursk
@@ugandanwarrior5657 It sunk when soviet russia was 300km east of estonia , just a ntion of these greedy people .I guess they would have taken over uganda and then what they would have done made ugandas borderfigting to their own eg eg suddenly they would have claims in neighbouring countries .. seem familiar it is they done it for 500 years
All shipwrecks should take place at the Baltic sea for future archaeologists
Absolutely incredible. Thanks for sharing this magnificent find with us. There is still so much history out there waiting to be uncovered.
Fascinating! Thanks for posting.
Absolutely beautiful! Nature is so good to us for preserving such gems. Thank you for sharing.
Deep and cold so no marine worms to eat the wood. But you are right, Nature is so good!
Bryan Lorber I know there are no worms there, thats why shes good to us. She gives us areas where things we make are preserved for a time.
Корабль хорошо сохранился. Это самое интересное в находке, как изготавливались и выглядели оригинальные парусники, и насколько отличаются от них современные реконструкции.
Some paint, a new motor, it will be a good boat.
Я удивлён, насколько умелыми были люди пять веков назад. Они могли очень многое из того, что и сейчас считается сложным. Просто у них ещё не было времени, чтобы узнать многие науки, как в наши годы, но умом и умением они обладали в высшей степени!
Part of the ship, part of the crew.
beautiful state of conservation. I hope it will be possible to identify it and why not bring it to the surface like the Vasä
A fantastic video about Baltic Sea history thank you
Fascinating. thank you!
Is it possible to find out what the ship was called when it is so well preserved?
As a scuba diver it makes me sad that this wreck is so deep. But on the other hand it may be better if there are no divers like me can reach this beatiful wreck so it stays there forever.
Such an amazing fine - can you use the robot to recover any artifacts?
That's incredible.
Obviously the Baltic doesn't have Toredo worms, the ones which eat wood. It's why there are not a lot of wooden wrecks in many oceans.
I'm I the only one that thinks this is the lost shipwreck of Hanneke Vrome? It sank off the coast of Finland in 1468 so it is a 15th century ship like this one could be. The location of her wreck is unknown! So, this ship could be her though it was carrying honey, cloth and 10 000 guldens not sure if it has these inside of the wreck we only seen some of the things. Maybe if they explore her more we can see though there is another problem they think is in coastline east of Hanko and west of Porkkala peninsulas. If this ship is a lost shipwreck that would be amazing! Like we know about it but don't know where the location is
Is it possible to raise it if it's condition is so good (92 %) by some articles
This is too expensive as we know from other recoveries like the Mary Rose and the Vasa. It has been there for 500 years, so that is the cheapest and best way of preserve it. :)
@@RodrigoPacheco-Ruiz I still recommend to use EU funds and raise this ship and preserve it as Mary Rose or Vasa, but at the country in whose naval theritory ship remains are.
Wonderful journey to the past.
Looks in very good shape. Now who was the owner? Swedes, Germans, Danes? Who!?
Good question! It is hard to know especially because back then the Baltic was very differently geopolitically.
I call dibs on that gold and silver :D
Just imagine the artifacts that lay hidden there
Amazing 😍
What is that symbol at 0:21?
Its probably a Merchant Symbol/Mark.
What about the ducats, piastres, and the captains chest of gold???
Har väl kanske några riksdaler inuti....
Is that a pick axe at 2:18?
It's the bilge pump.
Who museum will get the treasures?
wow that is unreal
I wonder if any of the crew survived.
Wow really !!
будут ли поднимать?
Is the depth 140 meters or 140 feet?
Fantástico. Conforme a reportagem que eu li, ele tem cerca de 500 anos, praticamente a mesma idade do Brasil, mas o contrário deste último, o navio se encontra em melhores condições, está muito melhor conservado e não está cheio de vagabundos, ladrões, assaltantes, criminosos e políticos corruptos quadrilheiros.
Am I the only one who was a bit distracted by orange sparkles in the video?
No, we don't like them either, but they are useful as they are the laser pointers we used to measure the wreck.
@@RodrigoPacheco-Ruiz i think he was referring to the organic matter/microplastics floating around.
How deep is it?
Brasil Sil🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
it looks like a Galley
we seem to have different definitions of the word "intact"
"yeah, no prob, just scrub the deck a little and you are ready to go"
jokes aside, awesome video.
Well- "intact WRECK" (which is oxymoron by itself)- not an intact ship.
@@RadoslawKurczewski *facepalm*
O kurwa super
в трюмах по любому что нибудь ахуеено дорогое на нынешний момент есть
Cool ship u like ships 😽💟
никогда не понимал, почему деревянные корабли тонут
Балласт (утяжелитель) всему виной. Но без него корабль не смог бы ровно стоять. Лежал бы на боку.
Dmitry S, это металл какой-то специально закладывали? А само корабельное дерево - шпангоуты, обшивка - оно нетонущее? Я думал, там какая-нибудь тяжелая древесина, или из-за пропитки, и она сама тонет.
@@sirokkosp3207 Да нет. Тяжелое дерево конечно крепче, но стОит неимоверно дорого. А для балласта всё подходило, и камни и чугун, вопрос цены.
Вот инфа кстати: www.bolshoyvopros.ru/questions/1641419-pochemu-tonuli-starinnye-derevjannye-korabli.html
They are not going to raise it up, because examination can be done with cameras and scanners, and it is cheaper to reconstruct it using 3D printers.. Wait... what the actual f? Historians preferring digital representation over the real deal?
где сокровища? по кругу поплавали , поплавали сняли с "улицы"......
Устоявшееся с детства общее мнение, что на кораблях перевозились исключительно одни сокровища и ром:)
ot statek zatonął, nic nadzwyczajnego na morzu.
Fake video in the aquarium