Why don’t Latter-day Saints believe creation out of nothing (creatio ex nihilo) is biblical? Ep. 191

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Most traditional Christians believe that God created the universe out of nothing, or, 'creatio ex nihilo'. Latter-day Saints, on the other hand, believe that chaotic matter already existed, and God brought order to the chaos, giving it form and purpose. On what grounds do Latter-day Saints believe this (and vice versa)? That’s the question David explores in this video.
    Video transcript: saintsunscript...
    - For a compilation of 40 quotes from 40 different scholars (both Christian and non-Christian) about creation ex nihilo in Genesis and the Bible as a whole, please check out this post from Jaxon Washburn: bit.ly/3Wn866d
    Some non-LDS sources:
    - “Creatio ex Nihilo: Matter, Creation, and the Body in Classical Christian Philosophy Through Aquinas,” by James N. Hubler: bit.ly/3H56DwW
    - “Creatio ex Nihilo theology in Genesis Rabbah in Light of Christian Exegesis,” by Maren R. Niehoff, The Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 99, No. 1 (Jan. 2006), pp. 37-64: bit.ly/3XfER66
    - “Creatio ex Nihilo: The Doctrine of ‘Creation out of Nothing’ in Early Christian Thought,” by May Gerhard (German theologian): bit.ly/3jTmIwi
    - “'Creatio ex Nihilo': A Context for the Emergence of the Christian Doctrine of Creation,” by Frances Young, Scottish Journal of Theology, Volume 44, Issue 2, May 1991, pp. 139 - 152: bit.ly/3CAZHVy
    Some LDS sources:
    - “Ancient Views of Creation and the Doctrine of Creation ex Nihilo,” by Stephen D. Ricks (BYU Studies): bit.ly/3W1KL9I
    - “Out of Nothing: A History of Creation ex Nihilo in Early Christian Thought,” by Blake Ostler (BYU Studies): bit.ly/3IB0lGh
    - “Creation Ex Nihilo in the Bible?” by Dan McClellan (is LDS): bit.ly/3GrJgMf
    - “Examining Six Key Concepts in Joseph Smith’s Understanding of Genesis 1:1,” by Kevin Barney (BYU Studies): bit.ly/3CyqVfi
    Non-Latter-day Saint scholars:
    - Some Christians worry that this notion of pre-existent matter undermines God’s sovereignty. After all, if God didn’t create everything from nothing, then how can he really be Lord over all? Scholar Pete Enns countered this idea, writing that “the ancient Israelites would also have affirmed God is ‘Lord of all’ BECAUSE he ordered chaos.”
    - Regarding the use of Hebrews 11:3 & Romans 4:17 as evidence of creatio ex nihilo in the Bible, Gerhard May argued, “The passages repeatedly quoted as New Testament witnesses for the idea of creatio ex nihilo are Romans 4:17, where Paul says that God ‘calls into being the things that are not,’ and Hebrews 11:3, where it says that ‘the visible came forth from the invisible.’ But these formulations fit in with the statements of Hellenistic Judaism . . . about the creation of non-being, or out of non-being, and mean, no more than those, to give expression to creation out of nothing, in the strict sense, as a contradiction in principle of the doctrine of world-formation.” Source: Garhard May, “Creatio ex Nihilo: The Doctrine of ‘Creation Out of Nothing’ in Early Christian Thought,” pg. 27.
    - Regarding the use of 2 Maccabees 7:28 as evidence of creatio ex nihilo in the Bible, Gerhard May argued, “The best known text, constantly brought forward as the earliest evidence of the conceptual formulation of the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo, is 2 Maccabees 7:28. The need for caution in evaluating this is apparent from the context in which there is talk of creation ‘out of nothing.’ There is here no theoretical disquisition on the nature of the creation process, but a parenthetic reference to God’s creative power: . . . A position on the problem of matter is clearly not to be expected in this context. The text implies no more than the conception that the world came into existence through the sovereign creative act of God, and that it previously was not there.” Source: Garhard May, “Creatio ex Nihilo: The Doctrine of ‘Creation Out of Nothing’ in Early Christian Thought,” pg. 6, 7.
    - Regarding 2 Maccabees 7:28, James Hubler argued that “Non-being refers to the non-existence of the heavens and earth before God’s creative act. It does not express absolute non-existence, only the prior non-existence of the heavens and earth.” Source: James N. Hubler, “Creatio ex Nihilo: Matter, Creation, and the Body in Classical Christian Philosophy Through Aquinas,” pg. 90.
    - “While creation does entail ‘making something that was not there before,’ such an understanding does not necessarily entail creating ‘out of nothing.’ God’s creating in Genesis 1, for example, includes ordering that which already exists.” Source: “God and World in the Old Testament: A Relational Theology of Creation,” by Terence E. Fretheim, pg. 5.
    - Check our website (SaintsUnscripted.com) for additional content on this.


  • @lance7607
    @lance7607 Рік тому +40

    I've also heard modern physicists and cosmologists claim that the universe began out of nothing, but when I hear their definition of "nothing," it's a description of something.

    • @user-yr9lt7dz8k
      @user-yr9lt7dz8k Рік тому

      The current scientific paradigm of the gravitational universe is not correct. Our universe is an Electric Universe paradigm.

    • @charlemagnetheFranks
      @charlemagnetheFranks Рік тому

      White holes opposite to black holes

    • @brianevans3699
      @brianevans3699 2 місяці тому

      Because "nothing" by definition doesn't actually exist

  • @ruckin3
    @ruckin3 Рік тому +56

    Creatio ex materia, the Trinity defined sensibly and the plan of salvation (especially baptism for dead), are the Three main things that made me realize this is a church of simplistic depth that clearly stands out from other Christian religions who get lost in nuance and have no plan for the dead and make God unknowable

    • @peterkennedy8011
      @peterkennedy8011 Рік тому

      @@hewhohasearstohearlethimhe4284 Ii do not think so

    • @peterkennedy8011
      @peterkennedy8011 Рік тому

      @@hewhohasearstohearlethimhe4284 yes I read the bible and I may interpret different from you that’s why we have many different views on the say point of scripture

    • @peterkennedy8011
      @peterkennedy8011 Рік тому

      @@hewhohasearstohearlethimhe4284 so could you tell me which church to go to

    • @JD-pr1et
      @JD-pr1et Рік тому

      @@hewhohasearstohearlethimhe4284 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You obviously have little understanding of the Bible and early Christian history. You should actually read those.

    • @JD-pr1et
      @JD-pr1et Рік тому +2

      @@hewhohasearstohearlethimhe4284 Nope buddy. You obviously don't know how the God of Plato became the God of Christianity at Nicea. History matters. You have a very stunted understanding of scripture as your "Biblical truth" ends up being 3 or 4 scriptures while ignoring the rest. I know. I was a Roman Catholic and then an Evangelical Christian before reading the Bible fully and finding the promised restoration of all things. We invite you come unto Christ and come follow Him in a covenant relationship.

  • @thoughtfulfaith2020
    @thoughtfulfaith2020 Рік тому +49

    Brilliant work David

  • @murraymon
    @murraymon Рік тому +28

    I honestly didn’t know any of this, but if eternity is infinite time it would make sense there is also infinite mater God can use to make things with

  • @charlemagnetheFranks
    @charlemagnetheFranks Рік тому +6

    The funny thing is science can back that up. They are called white holes opposite to the black holes. The big bang for instance is energy coming from somewhere else. So apparently the church is ahead of its time. Maybe Stephen Hawkins was investigating the church philosophy?

  • @GadiantonsRobber
    @GadiantonsRobber Рік тому +25

    David crushes it again

    • @iowaguy6470
      @iowaguy6470 Рік тому +3

      So Geneses 1 is a lie? Interesting.

    • @GadiantonsRobber
      @GadiantonsRobber Рік тому

      @@iowaguy6470 Moses believed the world was flat

    • @iowaguy6470
      @iowaguy6470 Рік тому +1

      @@GadiantonsRobber and he's wrong

    • @netherquartz8946
      @netherquartz8946 Рік тому +6

      ​@@iowaguy6470 did you not watch the video or read the quotes at the end? Most scholars believe Genesis 1 supports creation from preexisting materials. So no it isn't a lie.

    • @iowaguy6470
      @iowaguy6470 Рік тому +3

      @@netherquartz8946 I watched it but it doesn't make any sense. I always believe God created everything out of nothing

  • @jeremymontanez9076
    @jeremymontanez9076 Рік тому +11

    Once again! Makes total sense, and this is why I love The Church so much because it's just undoubtedly correct.

  • @redalleyapparel7915
    @redalleyapparel7915 Рік тому +2

    love this video really, but one small critique... why are you guys using bce and ce, to me, this is clear that whoever came up with the term was just trying to get rid of Christ out of the history books, believe in Christ or not, its like your trying to change history, we should just stick to BC and AD... by the way I'm a member, love your videos by the way.

  • @metroidmckay
    @metroidmckay Рік тому +13

    holy frick the production value has gone up so much since last video... well done!

  • @dwRS1
    @dwRS1 Рік тому +11

    Thanks again for a job well done. All of your videos help me with Missionary work.

  • @p0stgravity997
    @p0stgravity997 Рік тому +13

    I absolutely love your videos that encourage forming your own opinions in tandem with guidance from church leaders

  • @andrewdurfee3896
    @andrewdurfee3896 Рік тому +8

    I also think about this when people ask me if I am a creationist or if I believe in the theory evolution. I think to myself that the creationist argument has a lot of ideas from mainstream Christianity that are not in line with the doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So neither would really represent my beliefs except in generalities like I do believe God organized the earth etc.

  • @Dragonmancer1
    @Dragonmancer1 Рік тому +8

    I am inclined to see cloud nebulae as unorganized matter. If I am worthy, I may yet form worlds from them and fill them with life !

  • @mikefoxtrot1314
    @mikefoxtrot1314 Рік тому +4

    4:43 Wouldn’t it also be accurate to say that the consensus among physicists is that Genesis has nothing to say about the actual origins of the universe?

  • @thomasveech7456
    @thomasveech7456 Рік тому +5

    Cool insight about the primordial conditions of creation: the four elements are used to describe them.
    Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.
    Earth is formless and meaningless
    Water is dark
    Air (spirit) is above the deep and
    Fire (light) separates light from dark and the waters, creating dry land.

  • @valeried7210
    @valeried7210 Рік тому +7

    This topic gets my blood flowing. I studied Genesis 1 and related passages and scientific cosmology on my own for a year or two recently (I wish I had all these quotes then!). I'm also an evangelical Christian and a young earth creationist and I was an English major. After studying it, I think absolutely God created out of shapeless chaotic, watery matter/stuff (this theme is repeated throughout the Bible) but he also first created that matter (and then light) out of nothing (this theme is also repeated throughout the Bible). Just as an artist starts with unformed stuff, so God did. It makes the most biblical and scientific sense. I also very much think eternal matter is also a pagan idea that diminishes Christ and that Genesis 1 is a polemic against it. As is Colossians 1, particularly verse 17 (KJV): "And he is before all things, and by him all things consist."
    Also, can you please slow down flashing things on the screen? 🙂 It's hard to even pause quickly enough to read each one.
    But let each one study for himself! This is a fascinating topic.

    • @jmalko9152
      @jmalko9152 Рік тому +1

      Well said 🙂 This passage came to my mind, maybe it relates. Hebrews 1, quoting Psalm 102
      You, Lord, in the beginning, laid the foundation of the earth. The heavens are the works of your hands.

    • @jmalko9152
      @jmalko9152 Рік тому

      @@hewhohasearstohearlethimhe4284 Hi ❤️ I think this is a better translation,
      Long ago, God’s word brought the heavens into being. His word separated the earth from the waters, and the waters surrounded it.

    • @jmalko9152
      @jmalko9152 Рік тому +1

      @@hewhohasearstohearlethimhe4284 Yep, like it says in Revelation,
      John, to the seven assemblies that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from God, who is and who was and who is to come; and from the seven Spirits who are before his throne.

    • @jmalko9152
      @jmalko9152 Рік тому +1

      @@hewhohasearstohearlethimhe4284 Well, in order to have ears to hear and eyes to see, we listen to John who wrote Revelation ❤️

    • @truthbebold4009
      @truthbebold4009 9 місяців тому +2

      Absolutely agree. God deserves all the praise we can heap upon Him. If matter exists independent of Him, then our praise would need to be diminished.

  • @daveduncan2748
    @daveduncan2748 Рік тому +2

    A few thoughts: Contractors don't "create" houses--they build them. However, an architect might create a plan for the house out of nothing but his immaterial thoughts.

  • @katherinem.4414
    @katherinem.4414 Рік тому +3

    It’s the nature of matter. I learned in school that it cannot be created or destroyed. So there you go. Thar was school….has truth gone out of education? If so, how much?

  • @TrentsPolitical
    @TrentsPolitical 2 місяці тому +1

    Somebody hasn’t ready John 1:3, which clearly shows there was nothing.

  • @daveduncan2748
    @daveduncan2748 Рік тому +1

    I'm not sure the two theories are as different as they seem. Even in ex nihilio, God existed before the universe, so there was SOMETHING. Likewise, in LDS doctrine, other things existed--intelligences/spirits, which are eternal, possibly many other things--perhaps even the things that this mortal existence is patterned on.

  • @Jayceodufuwa
    @Jayceodufuwa Рік тому +1

    If matter is eternal than there could have not been a beginning because with matter there is space and time so that would make the universe eternal, with the big bang that's when space matter and time came into being so how could matter be before the beginning of everything?

  • @brentgarner3143
    @brentgarner3143 Рік тому +5

    Again great video, well done!!!!👍👍

  • @lisaroper421
    @lisaroper421 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for all the good work that went into this movie! As well as all the notes you included. That is very helpful for researching more!

  • @brianevans3699
    @brianevans3699 2 місяці тому

    One question I've always had that's somewhat related to this is how does God physically exist in the universe if He created the universe? When did God "join" the physical realm with the rest of us?

  • @saldomino1639
    @saldomino1639 2 місяці тому

    Great Content!

  • @whabaskeythethird
    @whabaskeythethird Рік тому +9

    Very good 👍

  • @prestonb.f.
    @prestonb.f. Рік тому +7

    The mic seems new and crisp.

    • @Rose-du9bf
      @Rose-du9bf Рік тому +3

      It sound so crisp that it sounds like a voice over

  • @timneji
    @timneji Рік тому +4

    My understanding is that The Hebrew word Bara is normally understand for „creating something out of nothing“

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 Рік тому +5

      Where did that understanding come from? I have recently been studying Hebrew, and none of my textbooks teach that?

  • @timh6475
    @timh6475 Рік тому +1

    Thank You!!! 👍💖🐇🦄🐰💯

  • @jamesbaldwin7676
    @jamesbaldwin7676 Рік тому +7

    Why would God create something out of nothing, when something is everywhere ? The elements are eternal as are we. Give me a doctrine that makes more sense.

    • @truthbebold4009
      @truthbebold4009 9 місяців тому

      Why would matter exists independent of God? Where does the Bible suggest this?

    • @jamesbaldwin7676
      @jamesbaldwin7676 9 місяців тому

      @@truthbebold4009 Forget the Bible for a moment...The first law of thermodynamics or the Conservation of Energy, states that neither mass nor energy, can be created or destroyed. It can only change form, as when burning wood turns into hot gas etc. There simply remains no scientific basis for creating something out of nothing (rabbits are not pulled from hats without first being placed into them.)
      Joseph Smith argued hat the word "created" as used in Genesis 1:1 and 48 other Old Testament instances, is the English translation of the Hebrew word "bara" and if translated correctly, means "to organize." It is often pared with verbs such as "yasar"and "asah" meaning "to form, to do or make."
      Of course I know nothing about such translations but those who do, don't entirely disagree.

  • @RyanMercer
    @RyanMercer Рік тому +6


  • @zionmama150
    @zionmama150 Рік тому +4

    4:54 the Hebrew also testifies of organization of material, not creation out of nothing. That said, who is to say God cannot create with subatomic particles atomic particles…. And that subatomic particles are what is referred to by Joseph Smith as Spiritual Matter.

    • @logannance10
      @logannance10 Рік тому +1

      I like that thought. I've also thought that spirit matter is dark matter. Scientists only call it dark matter because we can't see it or feel it but it still has gravity and mass, and it's actually more prevalent than "tangible" matter.

  • @geoffshelley2427
    @geoffshelley2427 Рік тому +5

    I wonder about this topic. The connection between physical matter and energy is established, E= MC2. If earthly humans can destroy matter to make energy (it's done all the time) then surely Eternal God can take energy and make matter.

    • @six1nyne
      @six1nyne Рік тому +4

      It's not destroyed it takes a new form

    • @GadiantonsRobber
      @GadiantonsRobber Рік тому +2

      I would refer you to the first law of thermodynamics

    • @angelavinen2881
      @angelavinen2881 Рік тому +5

      Matter isn't destroyed it is altered into a different form (Energy).

  • @CMVMic
    @CMVMic 3 місяці тому

    Matter is eternal but the reason people posit god is because they believe matter had no form or required an external cause to change or have function. This is the nonsequitur that theists make and is basically an unjustified assertion. Humans are forms of matter and persons are specific events of these forms.

  • @mistytaylor8940
    @mistytaylor8940 Рік тому +2

    Enjoy you all! Great info.!!!!!!!!! -question to address. After you've received your patriarchal blessing as time goes by, can you become too unworthy to read your patriarchal blessing? Or is it always available as guidance in your life?

    • @vanhorntm
      @vanhorntm Рік тому

      Alma says it well I think….. Alma 12:9-11
      9.And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.
      10 And therefore, he that will harden his heart, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word; and he that will not harden his heart, to him is given the greater portion of the word, until it is given unto him to know the mysteries of God until he know them in full.
      11 And they that will harden their hearts, to them is given the lesser portion of the word until they know nothing concerning his mysteries; and then they are taken captive by the devil, and led by his will down to destruction. Now this is what is meant by the chains of hell.
      I think this applies to patriarchal blessings as well.

    • @taylor_su
      @taylor_su Рік тому +5

      You are never unworthy to read your own patriarchal blessing. Don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise.

  • @moiseybeliy5458
    @moiseybeliy5458 Рік тому +1

    Matter is creation, and God, by definition, is creator of all that is. He is therefore outside of, above, beyond, and before all matter. If you worship something that is not the creator of all that is, you do not worship God, by definition.

    • @truthbebold4009
      @truthbebold4009 9 місяців тому

      I like how you phrased your last sentence. I've been attempting to sum this up in one sentence and there it is 😊

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 9 місяців тому

      But that is not the defintion provided by the Bible?

    • @moiseybeliy5458
      @moiseybeliy5458 9 місяців тому

      @@brettmajeske3525 Genesis 1:1

  • @gatecrashercanadamb
    @gatecrashercanadamb Рік тому +1

    My question is, did the matter exist before Heavenly Father or did Heavenly Father exist before the matter and then rearrange it?

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 9 місяців тому +1

      The Bible does not specifically answer that question. According to the account in Genesis God organized preexisting matter to create the Earth, without explaining where that matter came form.

    • @gatecrashercanadamb
      @gatecrashercanadamb 9 місяців тому

      @@brettmajeske3525 where does it say he did that?

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 9 місяців тому +1

      @@gatecrashercanadamb Right in Genesis. The Hebrew word often translated as "formed" in English means "to arrange or organize". No where in Genesis is there any indication of God creating from nothing. The waters were preexistent, God separated them to form dry land.

    • @gatecrashercanadamb
      @gatecrashercanadamb 9 місяців тому

      @@brettmajeske3525 what specific verse? Gen. 1:2 says the earth was formless/without form, and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. So literally that means there was no things to form.

    • @gatecrashercanadamb
      @gatecrashercanadamb 9 місяців тому

      Toby wa-bohu (Biblical Hebrew) means waste and void, formless and empty

  • @Latterdaysaintcrunchymom
    @Latterdaysaintcrunchymom Рік тому +2

    Something I do know is that literally every natural thing on this earth is made out of carbon so there’s that

  • @brettmajeske3525
    @brettmajeske3525 Рік тому +4

    Quick answer before watching the video, because the Hebrew Bible does not teach "creatio ex nihilo", which is more of a Greek philosophy.

  • @Beastlango
    @Beastlango Рік тому +9

    I’m not sure about current Jewish thought, but anciently they didn’t even have the concept of something being created from nothing

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 Рік тому

      How do you support that?

    • @Beastlango
      @Beastlango Рік тому +1

      @@blusheep2 Genesis and every single Middle Eastern creation myth. Honestly nearly all ancient creation myths are not creation from nothing.

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 Рік тому

      I realize that the ancients cared more about why something was created then how it was created. Your statement though claimed that they didn't have the "concept of something being created from nothing."
      You can't get that from the half dozen or less ancient Mesopotamian creation stories, so I'm wanting to know where you got that they didn't have the concept of creation from nothing.
      This video took this to far when he applied it to NT thought. The NT has a greek background and the concept of nothing was addressed as far back as 500 years BC, by the greeks.
      Now I don't believe that nothing can exist and that is because I believe that God is a "necessary" being. Therefore, nothing may not truly exist. There is always God. So, when we speak about the universe being created ex nihilo, it means that it was created without using any of its component parts... matter, space, or time. These things came into existence at the formation of the universe.
      The Bible says this about it:
      Psalm 33:6 "By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth."
      Romans 11:36 "For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen."
      If there was "no thing" that god didn't create and the universe is a "thing" then God created the "universe" out of "no thing."

    • @Beastlango
      @Beastlango Рік тому +1

      @@blusheep2 you can because they all talk about sorting what already existed, where that is chaos or waters. If you have evidence that only points in one direction and don’t have any indication of the other it’s pretty safe to say it didn’t exist.
      It’s kind of like how the ancient Jewish after life is completely different from the mainstream Christian one.

  • @gatecrashercanadamb
    @gatecrashercanadamb Рік тому +2

    That's an interesting take. I haven't thought about creating from that angle. Here is what I found. You already mentioned Hebrews 11:3 but creation out of nothing is also inferred in Romans 4:17, where God “calls those things which do not exist as though they did.” The ESV says “calls into existence the things that do not exist.” In Psalm 33, the Scriptures say, “By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth….For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (vv. 6, 9). The creation ex materia sounds like something Big Bang theorists would use to explain how creation happened. My 2 cents.

    • @mahonrimoriancumer1834
      @mahonrimoriancumer1834 Рік тому +1

      ...you didn't look at the video description, did you? Romans 4:17 is specifically addressed. The scholarly consensus is that Romans 4:17 fits within the israelite/judaic understanding of creation from cosmic chaos.
      Psalms 33:6-9 doesn't have anything that points towards Ex Nihilio as opposed to what the accepted Israelite/Jewish worldview was(creation out of chaos) at the time of the writing of Psalms. Psalms, or even Romans, promoting Creatio Ex Nihilio would be anachronistic. It isn't an idea we see in Jewish theology until Christian thought clashes with Greek philosophy in the second century.
      “The passages repeatedly quoted as New Testament witnesses for the idea of creatio ex nihilo are Romans 4:17, where Paul says that God ‘calls into being the things that are not,’ and Hebrews 11:3, where it says that ‘the visible came forth from the invisible.’ But these formulations fit in with the statements of Hellenistic Judaism . . . about the creation of non-being, or out of non-being, and mean, no more than those, to give expression to creation out of nothing, in the strict sense, as a contradiction in principle of the doctrine of world-formation.”
      Garhard May, “Creatio ex Nihilo: The Doctrine of ‘Creation Out of Nothing’ in Early Christian Thought,” pg. 27.
      And just so you know, the Big Bang theory was developed by a Christian. It's 100% compatible with Christianity and our theology.

  • @danielschubert6219
    @danielschubert6219 7 місяців тому

    I am still Not sure what the actual evidences are That God did. Not create everything from nothing. The Video Mainly focused on various opinions and philosophy. What are the actual hints from the Bible? Secondy i also did. Not quite get, way this is relevant at all. How does this Effect us in ans way or our relationship to god?

  • @joshuarudisill1091
    @joshuarudisill1091 Місяць тому

    Does Genesis 1:1 not give you a sense of creatio ex nihilo ?

  • @christopherpeery7436
    @christopherpeery7436 4 місяці тому

    You cant create something out of nothing. Nothing doesnt exist. The act of defining or even thinking about nothing makes it something

  • @dustinpayne3223
    @dustinpayne3223 Рік тому +2

    You should do a video about Joseph Smith and dark, watery chaos! I've heard something about that and this video alluded slightly to it.

  • @donb7113
    @donb7113 4 місяці тому

    A neutrino exists, but we cannot see it.

  • @reflectionsdetail
    @reflectionsdetail Рік тому +1

    nothing is something......zero is +1 and -1

  • @matthewmortensen7792
    @matthewmortensen7792 Рік тому +1

    God created everything, which means EVERYTHING-even the material to build. The Father thought it; Son loved it; Holy Spirit carried out the works. Three functions created everything, including the heavens we see and cannot see. God has ALWAYS been the same then as he is now. He is Papa; He is Healer; He is Helper. Ex nihilo is correct. We assume because god has always existed, then there must be something that he used to create, which is a mistake. He formed everything from Nothing; you immediately take away him as creator and make him simply a builder which is also error

  • @theodorebe
    @theodorebe Рік тому

    What do you then make of God being the only one who possesses immortality and the only one able to destroy both body AND soul just as it was his “breath” that he breathed into us so as to have life? (1 Timothy 6:16, Matthew 10:28, Genesis 2:7)

  • @ThomasSimpsonOfficial
    @ThomasSimpsonOfficial Рік тому +1

    This si the problem when you make a god in your own image. LDS believe that God was one a man and he had his own god. so of course they are going to say that the earth is older than their god.

    • @SaintsUnscripted
      @SaintsUnscripted  Рік тому +4

      I think it's safe to say that there is no conflict with the idea that 'As man is, God once was.' We need only look to Christ's mortal life here on earth to see it in action. Misconceptions come into play by inferring more to that statement than we actually believe. For instance, assuming that we also believe God sinned - which is incorrect. Again, looking Christ, we can see plainly that although mortal, He led a perfect, sinless life.

  • @user-ql5kd5eg8q
    @user-ql5kd5eg8q 3 місяці тому

    This voice is different

  • @PapaKryptoss
    @PapaKryptoss Рік тому +3

    The earth was flat and God made a baseball out of it

  • @Skyman-zo3ul
    @Skyman-zo3ul Рік тому +3

    Anyone that believes something can be made out of absolutely nothing, I have beautiful beach front property to sell you in Nevada.

  • @Srmisterio27
    @Srmisterio27 Рік тому +2

    Well man was created from dust matter and eva was made from matter out of Adan, they weren't made out of nothing.

    • @Srmisterio27
      @Srmisterio27 Рік тому

      P. S. And all of us are born from organized matter, not born out of nothing.

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 Рік тому

      And why would that make a difference?

    • @Srmisterio27
      @Srmisterio27 Рік тому

      @@blusheep2 Don't know what you mean with your question. I'm just providing my 2 cents example on the fact that creation didn't happen from nothing and that matter can not be created or destroyed, it only can be organized and disorganized.

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 Рік тому

      @@Srmisterio27 It seems to me that there is a difference between the advent of the universe and what happens within it after it came into being. Within the closed system of our universe everything that exists from what is inside the universe itself because the universe is a closed system.
      If God is not a part of the closed system then how things work within it have no bearing on why the closed system exists in the first place.
      You see the problem Mormons have is science. Our discoveries have revealed that at sometime in the finite past the universe didn't exist. People often don't understand this because they think that the universe just contracted back to an original singularity, not realizing that singularities aren't "things." "Singularity" is just a point in the finite past where our math breaks down but not because our math doesn't work but because it breaks down to the infinite. An infinite curvature of space, time and matter.
      What better definition of nothing is there?
      This poses a major problem for any religion that defines their gods as contingent on the universe. If your god exists inside the universe and is in someway dependent on it then there was a time in the finite past when your god was also compressed to the infinite. A time your god did not exist. This raises another very important question. What then caused a universe to blossom from infinite nothingness? It didn't create itself because nothing can't create something. So that likely means that there is a reason or cause outside of our universe and independent of that the universe itself is contingent upon.
      This can get very deep but what it leads to is the true God. The immaterial, necessary, all powerful first cause of all that exists which would include any "gods" that are contingent upon the existence of the universe. One must then ask themselves why they are worshiping the god within the universe instead of the one without? And why would the "god" within the universe be looking for the glory that the one without really deserves. Who is the God "without?"

  • @nonrepublicrat
    @nonrepublicrat Рік тому +3

    In other words, God is super intelligent, not Harry Potter, Merlin the Magician, or Barney the Magic Purple Dinosaur.

  • @Wylieguy
    @Wylieguy Рік тому +1

    Hey David! So you sound different... like an AI...

  • @Bellg
    @Bellg Рік тому +2

    Ex nihilo creation is so foundational I don't see how anybody could reject it. You are deifying matter and making it, at the very least, equal to God in eternality. That's a big no no. Then that isn't God but merely a potent organizing being playing with a cosmic lego set instead of the creator of heaven and earth who "gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist"

    • @TBrown3117
      @TBrown3117 Рік тому +2

      Eternality=/=a measure of deity.

    • @Bellg
      @Bellg Рік тому

      @@TBrown3117 wrong

    • @TBrown3117
      @TBrown3117 Рік тому +1

      @@Bellg Why

    • @ethancate8462
      @ethancate8462 Рік тому +1

      ​@@Bellg why? Aren't we going to live with God forever?

    • @Bellg
      @Bellg Рік тому +1

      @@ethancate8462 what does that have to do with anything. That doesn't mean that we existed since forever. Man is created by God just like everything else was initiallly created by God. Nothing preceeded him. He is the source and sustainer of all things.

  • @hollayevladimiroff131
    @hollayevladimiroff131 Рік тому

    Most Christians that believe in the word of God, the bible are true Christians. You are not a Christian unless you believe in the bible. Mormonism is not Christian because their doctrine is not biblical. The bible is very clear that God commanded every substance of all created things into existence from nothing. Psalm 90:2 "Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God." In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, Genesis1:1 If God made all the stars in heaven and named them then He most certainly created the universe. Psalm 147.
    The great Architect of the world is derived from Freemasonry, which Mormonism takes some of its doctrine from. Joseph Smith was a Freemason. Gal 1:8 "Preach a gospel other than what you have been accepted let them be accursed." 2 Tim 4:4 And they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables.

    • @jessekoeven3757
      @jessekoeven3757 Рік тому +2

      Joseph Smith was a freemason, I will not argue you there, that does not make his views wrong. Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, in his role as the premortal God of the Old Testament, made all things, Heavenly Father designed all things, both are God, with resurrected bodies in the Godhead.

    • @hollayevladimiroff131
      @hollayevladimiroff131 Рік тому

      @@jessekoeven3757 God created all things, God consist of the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, ONE GOD! I understand Mormonism is a polytheist religion but there is one God. The Father designed nothing, He created it, you may want to read Genesis in the bible.

    • @jessekoeven3757
      @jessekoeven3757 Рік тому +3

      @Hollaye Vladimiroff read your New Testament, Jesus Christ is the God of the Old Testament. And yet, there was one greater than he, even the father of spirits, the God of Jesus Christ and the God of the Apostles, we know and worship this being as God the Father. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not a polytheistic religion. We believe in and worship God the Father in the name of, and following the pattern established by, Jesus Christ, who hath been made known unto us by the power of the Holy Ghost. Jesus and the Father are one, one in purpose and desire, that desire being for us to be reconciled to them as Jesus is reconciled with His Father.

    • @germanslice
      @germanslice Рік тому

      The Latter-day Saints teach that Jesus is risen up in the flesh so their doctrine is the same as what the Bible teaches about Christ and his Resurrection.