💈77-Year-Old Japanese Barber's Masterful Shave & Massage in Traditional 1920s Yamaguchi Barbershop!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @HairCutHarry
    @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +50

    We are back with a 2nd video with @yamaguchi_barber in Hayama, Japan! 🙌🏼 Thank you for watching, commenting & sharing the previous haircut video with Masao-san 🙏🏼❤
    Don’t forget to check out all our collaboration videos with Yamaguchi Barber Shop👇🏼

    • @yamaguchi_barber
      @yamaguchi_barber Рік тому +12

      Thank you Harry-san👍

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +7

      It was wonderful to visit you! Thanks so much again for having us over 🙏🏼❤️

  • @millapeu
    @millapeu Рік тому +64

    I just love the sound of the cooling down a hot towel, I think it’s the most relaxing sound ever.

  • @DavidKarlsson-ti6sb
    @DavidKarlsson-ti6sb Рік тому +123

    Keyboard, extensive music collection, bottle of Jameson peeking out from the background...this guy knows how to live between appointments!

  • @cdfree3
    @cdfree3 Рік тому +14

    This gentleman’s efficiency of movement is pretty astounding-what a pro-not a single motion is wasted. You get the feeling he could do it blindfolded.

  • @ronsimpson9786
    @ronsimpson9786 Рік тому +21

    I’ve never seen an automatic chair before. I notice the Master has his customer laying back quite far, which creates an excellent angle for the shave. Wonderful attention to details.

  • @Steve-318
    @Steve-318 Рік тому +19

    Love the barbers that are generous with the steam towels.

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +1


    • @thekidfromiowa
      @thekidfromiowa Рік тому

      Luna's would be the undisputed champion of towel count.

  • @daledexterlucion6596
    @daledexterlucion6596 Рік тому +10

    the 1st time i discover your channel harry i was studying for becoming a seafarer now that im going to be a seafarer and im having a 6months contract on board my the 1st thing i thought is i will download a lot of your video so that i can relax 🥰 THANK YOU SO MUCH UR HAVE BEEN IN MY JOURNEY ALSO FOR THE PAST YEARS AND THE YEARS WILL COME

  • @AlexM710
    @AlexM710 Рік тому +22

    Another incredible video! This Japan series has been epic!

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +2

      Thanks for watching - it’s awesome to hear you enjoyed the new video! Do you have a favorite video from this series?

    • @AlexM710
      @AlexM710 Рік тому

      @@HairCutHarry Hard decision but I'd probably have to pick the barber museum

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +1

      We love that one too!

  • @jeterman29ny
    @jeterman29ny Рік тому +35

    Another fantastic video from Haircut Harry! Now THIS is what ASMR is all about!

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +2

      Thanks so much for watching & commenting on Part 2 at Yamaguchi Barber Shop 💈🙌🏼 Glad you liked it!

  • @JasonRuppVlog
    @JasonRuppVlog Рік тому +5

    Love this. It's a happy time when a Haircut Harry video is released. Thumbs up!

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +1

      Thanks so much Jason 🙏🏼❤️ Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

    • @JasonRuppVlog
      @JasonRuppVlog Рік тому +1

      @@HairCutHarry Happy Thanksgiving back!!

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому

      Thank you!

  • @lukemn29
    @lukemn29 Рік тому +6

    The ASMR is strong in this one.

  • @Badonicus
    @Badonicus Рік тому +2

    First again.....nothing like a fresh drop on a cold winters Sunday. Hope all well with you Harry.

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому

      Doing well, thanks :) Hope you are staying warm 🧣

  • @bloopified
    @bloopified Рік тому +5

    Saw that bottle of Jameson sitting there. Hope you guys celebrated another great shave with a toast.

  • @katerinaberolina3135
    @katerinaberolina3135 Рік тому +9

    Gratings from Germany! We love your videos for Relaxing in the evening. Thank you and take care!

    • @tobybll
      @tobybll Рік тому +1


    • @derechte5079
      @derechte5079 Рік тому +3

      Jaa, mit abstand der beste Kanal in dieser Hinsicht💫💫

    @AGAINSTTHETRAIL101 Рік тому +2

    That chair looks so comfy and expensive!! Such a nice owner and a beautiful shop. Another great Harry video

  • @Carpe_Diem_40
    @Carpe_Diem_40 Рік тому +3

    This face massage after shaving makes me sleepy😴..... It's so relaxing😌

  • @nicoelgreeko
    @nicoelgreeko Рік тому +4

    That's gotta be a Feather Razor. I've seen very few razor holders that allow for such effortless efficiency and confidence like Feather injectable razor holders. They seem to be justified in their high price tag! Great stuff! Thanks, Harry!

  • @ricardohester9512
    @ricardohester9512 Рік тому +4

    Love the Japanese style with the hair cuts and shaving.

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +2

      Glad you like it! We are happy we had the opportunity to visit so many awesome barbers during our time in Japan 💈🙌🏼 Have a nice day!

    • @ricardohester9512
      @ricardohester9512 Рік тому +1

      @@HairCutHarry you too my friend..All the way from Detroit, Michigan

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +1

      Thanks so much 🙏🏼 Also, wishing you a happy holiday season!

  • @konstantinushakov5625
    @konstantinushakov5625 Рік тому +4

    Great video from Japan! Thanks, Harry, thats so chill and relax!

  • @dfsczar5150
    @dfsczar5150 Рік тому +12

    Now that's a hot towel.

  • @timsmith8115
    @timsmith8115 Рік тому +3

    Impeccable skills. Very professional.

  • @OMGpandemic
    @OMGpandemic Рік тому +2

    So very relaxing! As always! 😊

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому

      Thanks for watching - glad you found the new video relaxing!

  • @PaleWhiteMale
    @PaleWhiteMale 7 місяців тому +1

    This is exactly the place id want to go for a shave.

  • @shaunwest3612
    @shaunwest3612 Рік тому +2

    Great video harry, great shave, nice 😀👍👌

  • @PplsChampion
    @PplsChampion Рік тому +7

    i wonder what kinda music he collects on that shelf of CDs

  • @ElDocBruh
    @ElDocBruh Рік тому +3

    Two towels and three shaving cream applications, I bet that was really smooth.

  • @mohammedchampkhan9586
    @mohammedchampkhan9586 Рік тому +1

    Wow that is 1 impressive barber chair 😊😊

  • @shaunsautorepairs5410
    @shaunsautorepairs5410 Рік тому +2

    I'd like to know when these are filmed... surely before or after opening times... here in the uk there's always a que of around 3-4 waiting.. once you get to the chair your done and out in about 15 minutes and onto the next... no time for asmr....

  • @TheFamousDad
    @TheFamousDad Рік тому +4

    Wow the massage at the end with the cream was sooo relaxing and soothing.

  • @tiaraguy7705
    @tiaraguy7705 Рік тому +2

    I actually like that he doesn't smack the foam brush around in the dish when he's using it, most barbers do and it annoys me most of the time.

  • @overyonderjustapiece
    @overyonderjustapiece Рік тому +5

    I am DEFINITELY going to find a nearby shop that does straight razor shaves after watching all these videos.

    • @AleDiEsse
      @AleDiEsse Рік тому

      if you instist to learn with it you will have beautiful shavings

  • @zachlile7707
    @zachlile7707 Рік тому +1


  • @nathanbill2129
    @nathanbill2129 Рік тому +2

    I’m not sure if you’ve been asked this. But do you get razor bumps after a shave? You get so many different styles of shaves. With grain. Against grain…. Or your skin just that tough!?

  • @tonygarcia-fd4sg
    @tonygarcia-fd4sg Рік тому +3


    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому

      Thanks so much for watching and commenting 🙏🏼 It’s great to hear you enjoyed this video!

  • @rufusqristofer
    @rufusqristofer Рік тому +4

    I have so many questions but the main two are; 1- what’s up with all the cd’s and vinyl? 2- what’s up with the liquor bottles hogging behind the barber supplies?

  • @giff74
    @giff74 Рік тому +2

    I've gone to some skilled American barbers, but I've never gone to one that works as hard at doing a good job as any of the Japanese barbers Harry has visited. I'm willing to pay a premium for a superior barbering experience, but I can't find anyone talented and willing to do a good enough job to earn the money.

  • @henryskedel5771
    @henryskedel5771 Рік тому +3

    Bet he could do that blindfolded.What a beautiful gentleman

  • @TundeEszlari
    @TundeEszlari Рік тому +2

    Brilliant content, I love your videos.

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому

      Thank you for watching & commenting - glad you enjoy the channel! More videos from Japan are coming 🙌🏼

  • @andrewwohl11
    @andrewwohl11 Рік тому +13

    Another great video. Is everything okay with Yamaguchi-san’s nails? Hopefully not a medical condition with discoloration.

  • @francmaurer3036
    @francmaurer3036 Рік тому +2

    Szybkie oraz dokladne golenie i masaż twarzy. Super

  • @EZ-E56
    @EZ-E56 Рік тому +1

    Harry has gills. It's obvious at the 24:40 mark. I've always enjoyed Harry's videos. Keep up the great work and get some under sea time to replenish.

  • @recon3113
    @recon3113 Рік тому +1

    I’m so curious about the barbers music collection?

  • @warone100
    @warone100 Рік тому +1

    What cream does he use with the massage?

  • @Claudio.Pagliaro
    @Claudio.Pagliaro Рік тому

    Video 🔝 come sempre - Video 🔝 as always

  • @thedevilluis
    @thedevilluis Рік тому +1

    Hell yeah, so relaxing.

  • @mirkakik.o.u2531
    @mirkakik.o.u2531 Рік тому +1

    Greetings from GREECE 🇬🇷

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +1

      Hello - thanks so much for watching 🙏🏼 Have a great week!

  • @Scabberss91
    @Scabberss91 Рік тому

    The forniture and tools are retro and vintage, but the chair is so tecnologic.
    Grat one! 🤖

  • @eliself998
    @eliself998 Рік тому

    There was a barbershop my dad and I used to go to in central Indiana out of a caboose of a train I wish you could have gone there.

  • @mscreationworks5787
    @mscreationworks5787 Рік тому +2

    Love from South India

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому

      Thank you so much for watching & commenting 🙏🏼❤️

  • @rome33985
    @rome33985 Рік тому +1

    Restful 😌😴

  • @thefinestgent817
    @thefinestgent817 10 місяців тому +1

    Does anyone know what kind of towel steamer that is? Maybe a custom build?

    • @44dean44
      @44dean44 8 місяців тому

      You can find different steamers like that one. I think the one in the video uses gas instead of electricity

    • @thefinestgent817
      @thefinestgent817 8 місяців тому

      @@44dean44 Any direction on where to look? I’ve looked everywhere online and can’t find anything that resembles this one.

  • @lorranpriv
    @lorranpriv Рік тому

    hey harry, well in the future you could bring a video part 2 La barbiere de Paris

  • @AleDiEsse
    @AleDiEsse Рік тому

    can’t wait to use my Kai captain kamisori

  • @goblinsslayer7656
    @goblinsslayer7656 Рік тому

    i love it 😀

  • @thuyenthanhtv8507
    @thuyenthanhtv8507 Рік тому +1

    Relaxing shaving❤ thư giản cạo râu rất tuyệt ạ

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for watching & commenting 🙏🏼 Glad you like the new video!

  • @Danoots
    @Danoots Рік тому

    Hey @haircutharry, how hot were those towels? the barber can barely touch them but just after a few vents he's slapping them on your face, was that comfortable?

  • @gkbasil
    @gkbasil Рік тому +1

    Я не понял, он второе полотенце после того как снял с лица кинул обратно в бойлер? 4:38

  • @krazypizza1163
    @krazypizza1163 3 місяці тому

    How much is the cost for a haircut in the barbershop in Japan?

  • @Denis.-1
    @Denis.-1 Рік тому +1

    Hi Harry love your videos

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому

      Thanks so much for watching & commenting 🙏🏼 Great to hear you enjoy the videos!

  • @juanabelardopardales7626
    @juanabelardopardales7626 Рік тому +1

    ¿El barbero tiene las uñas pintadas? 🤔

  • @travelingdude33914
    @travelingdude33914 Рік тому +1

    Just in time for my afternoon nap 😴

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому

      Hello - how are you doing? Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!

  • @zharifshafiq9570
    @zharifshafiq9570 Рік тому

    I just want to know,what is the function of hot towel before shaving?why not just shave after put that cream?

    • @thefinestgent817
      @thefinestgent817 11 місяців тому

      It softens the hairs on the face, opens the pores, and prepares the skin for the shave. If you don’t use hot towels and some form of conditioner to prepare the skin for the shave, there is a higher likelihood of ingrown hairs and irritated skin. Also, finishing with a cold towel and then creams/ointments/aftershaves help close the pores and complete the shave process ensuring no dirt gets in the pores. Aside from all of that, it’s relaxing. Hope that helps.

  • @Christozable
    @Christozable Рік тому

    21:21 Straight stole the no-look from Magic Johnson

  • @markfizz2012
    @markfizz2012 Рік тому +1

    Harry, it's time for Ted 🤞🥰

  • @Ramon-1980
    @Ramon-1980 Рік тому +4

    Harry where you from??

    • @dougkarpf8974
      @dougkarpf8974 Рік тому +1


    • @Carpe_Diem_40
      @Carpe_Diem_40 9 місяців тому +1

      ​@@dougkarpf8974no he's not. He is from England i think so

  • @jeremystarson9855
    @jeremystarson9855 Рік тому +1

    Is this the same barbershop where the younger barber plays the piano/keyboard while the hot towel is enjoyed?

  • @KyleJohnson-hl9ot
    @KyleJohnson-hl9ot 4 місяці тому

    I'm surprised he wasn't playing a record wail shaving you

  • @memesahoy79
    @memesahoy79 6 місяців тому

    He went all in on CD technology

  • @TheRussiansDidIt
    @TheRussiansDidIt Рік тому

    Harry has reached ((ASMR GOD STATUS))

  • @sympatyk8906
    @sympatyk8906 11 місяців тому +1


  • @Obsidemon
    @Obsidemon Рік тому +12

    Why are his nails black?

    • @Maloss
      @Maloss 3 місяці тому +2

      @@Obsidemon Why not ? Mine are blue

    • @joelriva5424
      @joelriva5424 Місяць тому

      He could have cancer

    • @maxjohnson5354
      @maxjohnson5354 Місяць тому

      @@Obsidemonlikely from hair dye

    • @MGGate
      @MGGate Місяць тому

      Maybe henna


    I think harry you can visit SCOTT barbar shop

  • @王繹涵
    @王繹涵 Рік тому +2


    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for watching & commenting 🙏🏼 Glad the videos help 😴💤

  • @peleti027
    @peleti027 Рік тому +2

    Gonna sleep now

  • @Kenny-mg1bn
    @Kenny-mg1bn Рік тому +1


  • @RD3_R88
    @RD3_R88 3 місяці тому

    When the samurai academy shuts down

  • @thedapperdisciple4943
    @thedapperdisciple4943 Рік тому +1


    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому

      Thanks for watching 🙏🏼 Have a nice day!

  • @kieranhudson4938
    @kieranhudson4938 Рік тому

    These asmr barbers go overkill on the number of towels they use for real.

  • @bascodelagamma
    @bascodelagamma Рік тому +1


  • @labanix
    @labanix Рік тому +3

    Not to be rude, but why are his finger nails discoloured?

  • @tomassalazar2798
    @tomassalazar2798 Рік тому

    Wow hair cut harry asmr japanese barber those are the videos you need and should keep making especially with asmr japanese legends asmr japanese barbershop videos are the best but try to cut off the backround noise

  • @HungryTaaco
    @HungryTaaco Рік тому +3

    México presente o/ 😊

  • @quaverflava3639
    @quaverflava3639 Рік тому

    @TETOARI 7 місяців тому

    Сколько дедушке лет? 150 наверное!

  • @Sarah_Hair_Bliss_ASMR
    @Sarah_Hair_Bliss_ASMR Рік тому

    So cool! Hope you can come to our Barbershop and we make a video together ❤❤

  • @枪兵王哟
    @枪兵王哟 9 місяців тому +1

    梦幻联动 洗头之神啊

  • @Fahad60839
    @Fahad60839 3 місяці тому

    ‏‪3:50‬‏ Why didn't he change a new razor blade 😡

    • @onefastsled
      @onefastsled 2 місяці тому +1

      It’s a straight razor. You don’t change the blade. Instead of being disposable, you soak it in an alcohol bath that sanitizes it (after a thorough cleaning with water, soak, etc) and if it dulls, you just sharpen it again. I’d wager the barber has owned that blade for years at this point. When he fiddles with it, he’s checking the edge to ensure it’ll cut as it supposed to. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen a barber actively sharpen their razor before shaving the back of my neck/beard.

  • @kuanlee1946
    @kuanlee1946 Рік тому


  • @jrod2422ify
    @jrod2422ify Рік тому

    @HairCutHarry How you doing sir??!!!!

  • @ashshanV
    @ashshanV Рік тому

    Super early this time

  • @kuanlee1946
    @kuanlee1946 Рік тому

    Plz come to 🇹🇼 barbershop

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому

      Hi - we were traveling there a few years ago :) Would like to visit again one day!

  • @CristiS-si6xl
    @CristiS-si6xl Рік тому

    Hello Harry

    • @HairCutHarry
      @HairCutHarry  Рік тому +1

      Hi - thanks for stopping by and watching!

  • @DWilliam1
    @DWilliam1 11 місяців тому

    Old school barber with a new school chair…

  • @tattedup7031
    @tattedup7031 11 місяців тому

    No lotion or aftershave …?

  • @stephaniepaola2729
    @stephaniepaola2729 Рік тому


  • @sinjinmonsoon9055
    @sinjinmonsoon9055 2 місяці тому

    This man has nail fungus. 😮 They look way better than his last video.

  • @josemaximilianograndosimoe7126


  • @49ers_red_and_gold2
    @49ers_red_and_gold2 Рік тому +1


  • @Dazgerrard
    @Dazgerrard Рік тому

    Not knocking the gentleman’s skills at all, but in comparison to other videos I’ve watched, particularly in Japan, this felt rushed to me. Not quite the same level of care in my opinion.

    • @Steve-318
      @Steve-318 Рік тому +2

      He did another one put out a week ago with the same barber that took 43 minutes.

  • @overyonderjustapiece
    @overyonderjustapiece Рік тому

    I can't help but wonder why his fingernails are so dark. Almost looks like he has had them all smashed recently!

    • @shanesutherly
      @shanesutherly Рік тому

      It’s just a discoloration of the nail. Pretty common in Japanese people.

    • @sallypalmer6482
      @sallypalmer6482 Рік тому

      @@shanesutherlyYou learn something new every day 😊