Thank you for this presentation. I have a remark to make concerning the droop control chosen here: it actually doesn't depend on the grid being resistive, you could have used conventional droop, you just need a virtual impedance to make the VSC believe it has an inductance between its terminals and the grid. This is possible, and you can see that it actually works with the genset, because they have internal inductance that adds up to make the impedance between their terminals and the grid inductive. Thanks again.
Thank you for this presentation. I have a remark to make concerning the droop control chosen here: it actually doesn't depend on the grid being resistive, you could have used conventional droop, you just need a virtual impedance to make the VSC believe it has an inductance between its terminals and the grid. This is possible, and you can see that it actually works with the genset, because they have internal inductance that adds up to make the impedance between their terminals and the grid inductive. Thanks again.