Is The Universe a Hologram? Brian Greene on Quantum Gravity & Black Holes

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • String theorist, mathematician and theoretical physicist Brian Greene talks about black holes, quantum gravity and the possibility of our Universe being a hologram. Brian Greene thinks string theory has potential to reconcile quantum gravity and general relativity.
    He also brings attention to the question "Could the whole universe in fact be a hologram? This is not just a wild speculation but a theory that scientists take very seriously, even if they can not completely understand it.
    The idea is that "everything is just a 2-dimensional projection" of the rest of the universe, and from this perspective, our three-dimensional world is actually a hologram.
    According to Brian Greene, this is a hard idea even for physicists to fully grasp and they are still trying to really understand in detail what this would mean.
    The holographic principle, came out of the study of the most extraordinary objects that are known to exist in the universe - black holes. They could hold the key to unlocking the next phase in our understanding of the laws of physics.
    There’s a similarity of black holes and the big bang, in that both are space-time singularities where the laws of physics break down.
    We think of the big bang as a moment when the entire observable universe was crushed to a very small size. So, according to Brian Greene, they’re kind of the same in some deep mathematical sense.
    Stephen Hawking believed information that enters a black hole is lost forever. Many scientists believe that the information we see all around us is actually encoded on a big surface that surrounds us, a thin two-dimensional surface that sort of is like a hologram.
    The holographic principle was given a precise string-theory interpretation by Leonard Susskind, a physicist at Stanford University.
    According to this holographic Universe theory, our "reality" is also encoded in the structure of space itself. Like a normal hologram, such a universe would be fundamentally two dimensional.
    #bgreene #Universe #science
    Subscribe to Science Time: / sciencetime24
    Sources: "Brian Greene no Fronteiras do Pensamento Porto Alegre 2014" by fronteirasweb is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.
    A grand challenge in modern theoretical physics is to find a ‘unified theory’ that can describe all the laws of nature within a single framework - connecting Einstein's general theory of relativity, which describes the universe on a large scale, and quantum mechanics, which describes our world at the atomic level.
    World Science Festival - Interviews with Brian Greene throughout the years
    / worldsciencefestival
    Mathematical discovery could shed light on secrets of the Universe


  • @cps_Zen_Run
    @cps_Zen_Run 2 роки тому +144

    Every experience, memory, thought, and emotion happens in our consciousness. To have an experience we must be aware. Please enjoy your brief existence.

    • @panismith1544
      @panismith1544 2 роки тому +6

      🤔 analytical speaking, yes - we are aware of our existence...thoughts transcends into consciousness, consciousness into being, of self awareness, of existence.

    • @bobaldo2339
      @bobaldo2339 2 роки тому +11

      @@panismith1544 Ah, but all "we" directly know are sensations, sights, sounds, smells, textures, thoughts that seem to occur in "our heads", etc. From these sensations it is inferred that there is an inside (an individual "consciousness"), and an outside (an environment, a physical universe if you like).
      Both of these inferences require a great leap of faith to swallow. In reality, we don't know anything at all for certain. This "I think therefore I am" business is utter nonsense. Descartes might as well have said , "I stink therefore I am!" All he was saying really is , "I therefore I". It was just his ego assertion - the equivalent of a "selfie" in terms of its supposed "profundity".

    • @vincentfalsaperla
      @vincentfalsaperla 2 роки тому +11

      our consciousness comes from out side...our brain is just an antenna

    • @Mr.CreamCheese69
      @Mr.CreamCheese69 2 роки тому +1

      We experience the body and it's functions because it's aspects of our awareness. Turn of sight for example, sight is gone. Turn of it all, it's all gone. Thus, non self is the baseline, and the full body mind/universe state, is created FOR the awareness to experience. There really is no outside world, it's all inside the mind. It's existence depends on the knower of it

    • @iordanneDiogeneslucas
      @iordanneDiogeneslucas 2 роки тому +2

      @@bobaldo2339 you do a disservice. You can doubt everything in existance except your own existence. Since doing so would require you to exist in the first place.

  • @FortitudineVincimus
    @FortitudineVincimus 2 роки тому +45

    Simulation or not... I still have to go to work.

    • @luisfernando5998
      @luisfernando5998 2 роки тому +4

      Not if you hack the simulation code

    • @FortitudineVincimus
      @FortitudineVincimus 2 роки тому +9

      @@luisfernando5998 I really need to get the infinite money cheat code...

    • @luisfernando5998
      @luisfernando5998 2 роки тому

      @@FortitudineVincimus I mean even kids became like millionaires today instantly through like social media and stuff like Bitcoin ….. definitely using cheat codes and hacks

    • @tshirtspot5455
      @tshirtspot5455 2 роки тому +5

      @@FortitudineVincimus somehow i feel like we all have it, it's just a matter of tuning in to the frequency (mindset) to recieve a so-called cheat code.

    • @abloogywoogywoo
      @abloogywoogywoo 8 місяців тому

      @@FortitudineVincimus we'd probably get deleted by whatever's running the hologram sim. Our fun isn't their goal. :(

  • @50shadesofbrown25
    @50shadesofbrown25 Рік тому +25

    The holographic thing could be true because in reality we don't really touch anything, atoms don't touch each other Everything our whole reality is just a transfer of information through various mediums and they all need the observer / conciousness.

  • @bernieflanders8822
    @bernieflanders8822 2 роки тому +14

    Read all of Brians books. He articulates science in a very clear and comprehensively.

    • @rayoodatruth
      @rayoodatruth 3 місяці тому

      What’s the name of the book

  • @enzonation5363
    @enzonation5363 2 роки тому +14

    Some of the brightest and most intelligent alive 500 years ago thought the Earth was flat and the center of the universe, just think about how wrong we are right now and what the scientific community will say about us in 500 years.

    • @dr.fjoer_the_crazy_scienti5841
      @dr.fjoer_the_crazy_scienti5841 2 роки тому +2

      We discovered that Earth is round more than 2000 years ago

    • @monodriver001
      @monodriver001 2 роки тому

      You are looking at only one side and not at the whole scenario back then.

    • @andsalomoni
      @andsalomoni 2 роки тому

      No one believed that the Earth was flat, at least since the ancient greeks.

    • @mattwood1233
      @mattwood1233 2 роки тому +1

      Ancient Greece mathematically proved the Earth was round, 2000 years ago. Many scientific principles will likely be building blocks but not completely replaced.
      But overall I agree, it would be very interesting to know how wrong we are on things we take as fact today. I think about that all the time
      Edit: Just realized somebody else beat me to it. Should have read the comments.

    • @abloogywoogywoo
      @abloogywoogywoo 8 місяців тому

      they're saying it isn't even flat though, just a hemisphere, which is absurd whichever way you cut it.

  • @sabeehb9514
    @sabeehb9514 2 роки тому +3

    Sorry but nothing in this video explains anything about this holographic universe ! When Brian Greene was speaking he did not explain it. There are a lot of so called theories out there. The big problem I have (and I have studied physics degree) is that we have lost our way through over reliance on mathematics and less and less concern for observational study. Well the math says it could work therefore we have a theory. Observation is key, let's do real physics and get back to this fundamental aspect of developing theories and away from getting lured by science fiction.

    • @alkhemetic
      @alkhemetic 2 роки тому

      The one thing that does not need a “theory” or hypothesis to verify its reality: We move and have our being in a holographically projected simulated universe. All we need to study is light in all its expressions and how we perceive it.
      “Cones and rods are two types of photoreceptors within the retina. This means that they are responsible for receiving signals (or images), processing them, and sending them to the brain. The cone and the rod serve different purposes to work towards the same goal: helping you see!”
      And this is only a sliver of the electromagnetic light spectrum that the eyeballs could process.
      Within this holographically projected simulated universe, every image that one sees is just a “signal” captured by the eyeball, in which the brain translates into a workable image.
      The brain doesn’t see the actual image of anything, it only interprets the various photonic particles (pixels) it can, which is very limited.
      On a quantum level, everything we perceive in life is just an simulation of light itself, and this can happen in analog or digitally.
      Those who are throwing around “the simulation hypothesis” today are only referring to digital gaming technology to correlate their musings, while dismissing or ignoring the analog. It’s much more simpler that that.
      The study of light in all its various expressions, and how the brain and its eyeballs function in relation to such light, tells us all we need to know to prove we’re living in a simulation.
      Now, there are two roads before us:
      You can choose to remain as a Simulation, or you can choose to become an Emanation... for this you need to employ the technology of the science of Authentic Tantra.

  • @50shadesofbrown25
    @50shadesofbrown25 Рік тому +6

    It's remarkable and a lil crazy how ancient cultures like Hinduism and Buddhism also called the world as Maya ,an illusion and developed mind-blowing philosophies around the same concepts.

  • @invespriatigation6113
    @invespriatigation6113 2 роки тому +10

    I read until the end of time, his science book, and it was very impressive.

  • @alkhemetic
    @alkhemetic 2 роки тому +6

    The one thing that does not need a “theory” or hypothesis to verify its reality: We move and have our being in a holographically projected simulated universe. All we need to study is light in all its expressions and how we perceive it.
    “Cones and rods are two types of photoreceptors within the retina. This means that they are responsible for receiving signals (or images), processing them, and sending them to the brain. The cone and the rod serve different purposes to work towards the same goal: helping you see!”
    And this is only a sliver of the electromagnetic light spectrum that the eyeballs could process.
    Within this holographically projected simulated universe, every image that one sees is just a “signal” captured by the eyeball, in which the brain translates into a workable image.
    The brain doesn’t see the actual image of anything, it only interprets the various photonic particles (pixels) it can, which is very limited.
    On a quantum level, everything we perceive in life is just an simulation of light itself, and this can happen in analog or digitally.
    Those who are throwing around “the simulation hypothesis” today are only referring to digital gaming technology to correlate their musings, while dismissing or ignoring the analog. It’s much more simpler that that.
    The study of light in all its various expressions, and how the brain and its eyeballs function in relation to such light, tells us all we need to know to prove we’re living in a simulation.
    Now, there are two roads before us:
    You can choose to remain as a Simulation, or you can choose to become an Emanation... for this you need to employ the technology of the science of Authentic Tantra.

    • @stevensteven3417
      @stevensteven3417 2 роки тому +1

      We are inside an electromagnetic simulation

    • @delitatactics6721
      @delitatactics6721 2 роки тому +1

      True reality must be some crazy shit we can only see a fraction of it and even then were only seeing signals secondhandedly

  • @smileifyoudontexist6320
    @smileifyoudontexist6320 2 роки тому +5

    I was born Inside the event Horizon of a black hole just like everyone else, we are “Frozen here together” in this time being …Everything is Frozen into time, the freezing is part of the embedding. People have a bias that a black hole is unlike the world around us

    • @poopandfartjokes
      @poopandfartjokes 2 роки тому +1

      Nothing is frozen in time. Not even a picture captures a single moment in time.

    • @smileifyoudontexist6320
      @smileifyoudontexist6320 2 роки тому +1

      @@poopandfartjokes I Agree with you… I meant frozen as in a hot frying is actually very cold….. Throw some dust in the air and then project a movie onto the dust…. How still could something in the Movie Be?

    • @smileifyoudontexist6320
      @smileifyoudontexist6320 2 роки тому +1

      @@poopandfartjokes Or everything IS frozen Like a picture and Nothing whatsoever moves !? We perceive movement because we are in an Inertial Frame(Time) Continuum. All Matter and every Particle are “Super-Positioning” at an imperceptible Planck Length . (Like trying to count millimeters looking through a small hole at 60 mph) It all Appears to be Flowing SpaceTime?

    • @Masoch1st
      @Masoch1st Рік тому

      ​@@smileifyoudontexist6320 how high are you right now?

  • @andyp621
    @andyp621 Рік тому +10

    Another awesome video, really love the channel keep up the good work guys!! 👌

  • @TerryBollinger
    @TerryBollinger 2 роки тому +6

    00:35 "This is not just a wild speculation." Yes, it is. Gerard 't Hooft ignited interest in 2D external-sheet holography with his 1993 fiat declaration that "One Boolean variable per Planckian surface element [of an event horizon] should suffice." [1] Realistic, physics-based bits require complex mechanisms to fight back quantum uncertainty and become _harder_ to implement at sub-atomic scales, not easier.
    2D holographic sheets nonetheless approximate reality because quantum mechanics has been holographic since the 1920s. The founders of quantum mechanics quickly realized that the holographic equivalent of the Schrodinger wave function, called the momentum-space wave function, is just as fundamental as the xyz version. The word "hologram" did not exist then, so they expressed the relationship in terms of Fourier transforms. The quantum holographic relationship works in both directions since the xyz view is also the hologram of the momentum-space view of reality: a two-way or dual hologram.
    Quantum holography is far closer to 3D-matrix or "Denisyuk" holography than 2D planar holography. Instead of speculative external 2D branes of paradoxical bits, vast swaths of ordinary matter encode more conventional forms of information to express the hologram. A new (April 2022) PRL paper [2] explores the fascinating problem of how the universe encodes itself holographically by looking at black holes in a way that flips the 't Hooft model upside down.
    No one in the 1920s knew how to integrate momentum holograms with general relativity if they even thought to try. Thus, the cosmic branch of quantum holography remained in limbo until 't Hooft reintroduced the idea, albeit in a needlessly exotic fashion. In sharp contrast, quantum holography with a different terminology quickly exploded for condensed matter physics and remains vital to that field a century later. Folks interested in cosmic quantum holography thus might want to talk more to condensed matter folks.
    [1] G. 't Hooft, _Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity._ arXiv Preprint Gr-Qc/9310026 (1993). See page 6, paragraph 2, sentence 4.
    [2] X. Calmet, R. Casadio, S. D. Hsu, and F. Kuipers, _Quantum Hair from Gravity,_ Physical Review Letters 128, 11 (2022).
    Terry Bollinger CC BY 4.0
    2022-04-16.1727 ET Sat

    • @itneverwillbefar
      @itneverwillbefar 6 місяців тому

      He said "this is not just wild speculation, but a theory that scientists take very seriously." You misrepresent his meaning when you cherry pick the part of the quote.

    • @TerryBollinger
      @TerryBollinger 6 місяців тому

      @@itneverwillbefar, the feedback is appreciated, but my comment was directed at the source of this entire debate, not the video. Gerard ’t Hooft is a nice fellow, and quite humble, so I flatly cannot picture him claiming in his original paper the idea he had just proposed was necessarily a “serious theory.”
      Later, sure, a lot of folks - and, especially, Professor Leonard Susskind - jumped on his wild speculation like bees on honey. That tends to happen when Nobel Laureates come up with some ideas that sound incredibly fun to explore, maybe for decades.
      Also, think about what you just said. Did you address my point that classical bits require machinery, complexities, and masses at least in the range of an atom or so - chemical bonds, for example - to qualify as “bits”? Or did you appeal to a social belief system - “some people say” as sufficient? (And no, electron spins are not “bits” until you acknowledge the mass and complexity of the magnetic field generator needed to orient the spins. A common mistake, that.)
      Finally, don’t forget that Wheeler’s Planck foam speculation was rather spectacularly disproven - by more than three orders of magnitude - by the 2020 HAWC Collaboration study of spacetime smoothness using extreme cosmic gamma rays.
      If space is 2000 times too smooth to support any kind of structure at the supposed “Planck” scale - kudos to Einstein on that win - why is anyone even talking about Planck-scale uncertainty suddenly transforming itself into the fundamental unit of infinitely precise classical certainty, better known as a “bit”?
      The real problem is sunk cost. If an idea fails spectacularly in the lab, but you and folks around you have invested entire careers in it, do you say, “Oops, sorry everyone, HAWC just proves the Planck scale doesn’t exist, so as of today, we’re shutting down all of our graviton and ‘super’ string research. Sorry about that!”
      Of course not. That’s not human nature. Instead, you come up with an excuse, perhaps to “explore” the “beauty” of math on the premise that since math, unlike grubby experimental physics, is “perfect” and thus must, surely, somehow, someday figure out the solution _regardless_ of what grubby experiments say.
      So, again: It’s nice that a lot of folks took Professor ’t Hooft’s idea seriously, but that was never the question. The question is whether Planck-scale regions of supposedly pure uncertainty - which have been soundly proven by good data not to exist - have a plausible mechanism by which they can flip in the opposite direction and suddenly become extremely classical devices with sufficient mass and structure to retain a yes-no distinction indefinitely.
      My vote is no.

    • @sveinh2302
      @sveinh2302 12 днів тому +1

      Kudos for citing sources 👍

    • @TerryBollinger
      @TerryBollinger 12 днів тому

      @@sveinh2302 thanks! It is my normal mode to put in lots of references, but on most UA-cam channels it gets me instantly deleted for putting in a URL. But in general, I love putting in references, especially with open links that people can instantly access.

  • @thesoundsmith
    @thesoundsmith 2 роки тому +2

    The OSI Information Theory model demonstrates one way a universe of pure vibrating energy fields could exist without the need of actual particles, part of this relies on the Holographic Principle. We are pure, unadulterated energy, configured so as to simulate mass and dimension. (So I believe, based on several credible sources - Bohm, Pribram, Susskind ...)

    @DEXTERSONEMANBAND 2 роки тому +1

    In other words we don’t know nothing…. So detailed explanations about black holes are ridiculous! We don’t know if they exist let go how they functioning.

  • @ujjwalbhattarai8670
    @ujjwalbhattarai8670 2 роки тому +3

    No space time itself is wrong concept.

  • @jack00scarecrow
    @jack00scarecrow 2 роки тому +4

    in past space time i used to fall asleep trying to understand concepts from Brian Greene's talks "now" i fall asleep trying to understand concepts from a man trying to understand concepts from Brian Greene's talks . Is it turtles all the way down ?

  • @dpc0809
    @dpc0809 2 роки тому +5

    When I put this steak in my mouth, the Matrix is telling me it’s juicy and tastes great.

  • @cecilkeith1951
    @cecilkeith1951 Рік тому +2

    So something made a holographic "image" of all time and we're living in that pocket dimension.
    To quote Bill Cipher: “Remember! Reality's an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold! Byeeee!”

  • @robstructive
    @robstructive Рік тому +1

    Quantum Entanglement is what makes the projection of our "reality" possible and relevant.

    @GUPTAYOGENDRA 2 роки тому +2

    Vedant teaches that consciousness is singular. All happenings are played out in one universal consciousness and there is no multiplicity of selves says Erwin Schrodinger.

  • @LesterWayneDobos
    @LesterWayneDobos 2 роки тому +4

    Sophisticated along the lines of Greek Myth. It's no longer Atlas holding up the sky, or the devil in the underworld. My myth would be a quantum understanding of black hole curves in the time continuum to maybe further assess our time and place in it. Would be another one small step for man type thing except a deeper discovery of the cosmos which would do really well.

  • @KillersWalkFree
    @KillersWalkFree 2 роки тому +16

    “Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.” - Democritus.

  • @Ambre_ytb
    @Ambre_ytb 11 місяців тому +1

    "and all things We have enumerated in a clear register."

  • @GhostRat__
    @GhostRat__ Рік тому +2

    In reality we are all in a dream

  • @joelmichaelson2133
    @joelmichaelson2133 Рік тому +1

    Yes. You would think you could reduce things into smaller and smaller constituents. This would explain the large. What you find is the small constituent’s the large.
    Maybe reality is tv screen

  • @shawnmclaughlin5886
    @shawnmclaughlin5886 2 роки тому +3

    Could black holes just be where whoever or whatever is outside the simulation collecting the info from the simulation?

    • @OhhSlash
      @OhhSlash Рік тому

      Well then how would you explain a black hole sucking up another black hole?

    • @abloogywoogywoo
      @abloogywoogywoo 8 місяців тому

      Not sure how destroying stars collects information on them. Besides if they made a sim via a Quantum Computer that had stars, then they already have all the information they need.
      The reasons why they'd run this sim this big and for this long is unknown...

  • @michaelbruns449
    @michaelbruns449 Рік тому +1

    "For The World Is Hollow
    And I Have Touched The Sky"

  • @空耳聴力固定
    @空耳聴力固定 2 роки тому +5

    The gravitational force needs to be reviewed.
    When the amount of elementary particles falling from space is 100
    When the amount of elementary particles penetrating from the other side of the earth to your feet is 80
    This difference of 20 is the attraction.

    • @zaw2654
      @zaw2654 2 роки тому +4

      Even Einstein said Gravitational Force is an illusion. Gravity does not pull anything - Space pushes.

    • @Ascendlocal
      @Ascendlocal 2 роки тому

      Not sure where you are headed with this comment. However, it is true, that Gravity is not necessarily a force. It’s a matter of preference and perhaps semantics among physicists.

  • @leonidas6134
    @leonidas6134 6 днів тому

    According to the hollow-graphic principle, when we cast a shadow on a 2D surface.. Thats the hollow-graphic principle.
    Some would say that’s what UAP’s could be.
    A 4D object projecting its shadow onto our 3D plane.

  • @boogieboss
    @boogieboss 2 роки тому +1

    So actually like a 3D video game on flat tv screen. Just “slightly” more advanced.

  •  2 роки тому

    What is separating Blockhole from its surroundings?
    Does the Blockholes are expanding or shrinking?
    Why Blockhole's are round and not oval?

  • @johncrawford6549
    @johncrawford6549 Рік тому +3

    What if the stars was just a detailed 3D hologram that we can look at but never travel through 🤔

    • @shanemcinally2218
      @shanemcinally2218 Рік тому

      If that was true dart would if went through the astroid not boom into it as well as cassini would of came out the other end of Saturn unscathed.

  • @thefussmedia4173
    @thefussmedia4173 4 місяці тому +1

    In other words! That’s the most concise way of saying.I DON’T KNOW. 😂

  • @CoolRohanKunwer
    @CoolRohanKunwer Рік тому +1

    This is beyond my dyslexic abilities. But I have a question, if everything is holographic projection and our brain is just mapping everything. I don’t get it if a truck strikes me and I die, how is my brain mapping that incident and I get all injured or even killed. My brain can’t fake that. Even if it does, how can everyone else brain perceive same thing. Even let’s say it’s a pattern that let’s say everyone sees, but what about the injury/death.
    Maybe brain just makes you believe that you are dead . Maybe it’s a hologram and no one is actually real. But to decode this we need to understand consciousness better

  • @bounceday
    @bounceday 7 місяців тому

    Could the 2d dimension be hyperbolic. There's no reason to assume its flat is there?

  • @dondattaford5593
    @dondattaford5593 2 роки тому +1

    Not a holigram but one persons experience of the world this is created for me

  • @spiritsavage
    @spiritsavage 8 місяців тому

    Wouldn't it make sense that black holes would just be broken down pieces of matter into its smallest parts (like sub-atomic particles) that are just packed more tightly together as a result of the incredible force applied by the black hole? I think projection theory really stops making sense when you take flexible measuring tape and wrap it around a circumference. If it was 2-dimensional and projected, you wouldn't be able to get a 3-dimensional measurement physically.

  • @sandyestabrook3898
    @sandyestabrook3898 2 роки тому +1

    So what is the projection method of this Hologram? And is it "OUT SIDE" ? ....Reaching

    • @bounceday
      @bounceday 7 місяців тому

      Its like fuzzy blackholes. I think that's a simplification of their explanation.

  • @portalsandmagicghostnumbercube
    @portalsandmagicghostnumbercube 2 роки тому

    I propose an amended inverse Invisible/Holographic Principle. Two sides of the same coin. Both states existing at the intersection of the observables and the unobservable universe of our realities.

  • @charlescowan6121
    @charlescowan6121 Рік тому

    If you have points in space-time (singularity) where your mathematics fail; its because your mathematics are incorrect or incomplete. Newton and companies discovered how to calculate the effects of gravity, but didn't know how it worked. Einstein discovered how gravity actually works, but only in very special cases. There's obviously a next step into this puzzle and it's to discover what gravity is, what are it's constituent parts? Is it a composite or a single unit?

  • @badbrad1564
    @badbrad1564 Рік тому

    The thoughts of not knowing is what keeps us thinking which keeps us in space time.

  • @CMVMic
    @CMVMic Рік тому

    How fallacious it is to think that if our consciousness allows us to experience reality, then there is nothing external to our consciousness! Everything is not a hologram. The kind of special pleading you have to do to reach such a conclusion is incredible!

  • @beatmasterbossy
    @beatmasterbossy 10 днів тому

    Fixed that for you.

  • @nunoafonso2593
    @nunoafonso2593 Рік тому

    I wish the holographic principle was better explained. Why should we be a projection of some distant 2D information, "why does it feel real?", how would that work, etc.

  • @michaelnewell6385
    @michaelnewell6385 7 місяців тому +1

    So who is projecting the hologram? Wouldn’t there need to be an intelligence projecting it?

  • @danwelsh6706
    @danwelsh6706 2 роки тому

    Can someone help me I have a Question :
    Leonard Susskind has spoken about the possibility of a black holes event horizon storing the information of all the matter that falls into it and that we may exist within such a structure..If this is so it would make sense that we exist bound to the event horizon as everything is numerical and mechanical in our perception of the known universe?..the problem I see is we had to fall into the void in the first instance and that would mean spaghettification had to occur tearing everything asunder and doesn't that mean that everything we know doesn't exist anymore and we are nothing more than the data stored on the EH?..
    If this is a possibility then we can never see the real scale of things because time slows on the EH and time beyond that would be running at a different speed so moving towards it would be pointless as we are entangled in the mighty hold of a black hole that will eventually recede and cease to be?

  • @billbadiha9836
    @billbadiha9836 3 місяці тому

    Every atom has a black hole in its center. Space doesn’t bend no different to a shadow.
    “Space has no properties”Nicola Tesla.

  • @WalkeeTalkeeMan
    @WalkeeTalkeeMan Рік тому

    Very well explained. Thanx

  • @stevewatkins1221
    @stevewatkins1221 Рік тому

    Superb video!!! Holographic Theory can best studied (and proven) in stock markets, that information is preserved on the event horizon based on scalar time. Use Square Root of 10 and plank time! You WILL SEE that history repeats itself based on simple fractal (continued fraction) numbers. All information is stored and echoed back towards us. In old speak "what goes around, comes around" is a basic truth. One only has to look at the correct time-frames when this hologram principal plays out.

  • @chrisgascoigne6199
    @chrisgascoigne6199 5 місяців тому

    A hologram requires line of sight to project a 3D image. A single object would be represented everywhere on the 2D circumference of the sphere; but what if you put this object in a box? Does this not now block the projection from certain angles and effectively put the first object out of sight and unable to receive information? How can you have layers of information on a 2D surface? Very confusing and seemingly pointless to me.

  • @physics1719
    @physics1719 2 роки тому

    Why current flow in wire produce magnetic field????

  • @lemuelpapango9709
    @lemuelpapango9709 2 роки тому

    By any chance, are you hiring for a video editor?

  • @physics1719
    @physics1719 2 роки тому

    In 2 dimension, X^2;
    in 3d, X^3 but
    In which dimension √X and X^4

  • @kindred3259
    @kindred3259 Рік тому +3

    So this is the Flat Universe theory - not just the Flat Earth one!!!

  • @vibekecarstensen1331
    @vibekecarstensen1331 3 місяці тому

    Isn't that going against the old saying, "if if walks like a duck. etc."

  • @sayittomyfaceidareyou8629
    @sayittomyfaceidareyou8629 Рік тому

    But what would the purpose of this be. And who or what made this holographic world 🌎

  • @timothyglasscock3649
    @timothyglasscock3649 Рік тому +1

    We are a DVD, why is that so hard?😂

  • @jinchovelazquez2605
    @jinchovelazquez2605 2 роки тому +3

    seeing how some countries, and ancient civilizations knew astronomy and even distances of various star systems..with no knowledge of physics, or mathematical theories...odds are the way we are measuring things is whats wrong. some how, way shape, size or form..the rudimentary systems they had are more or less how we should be approaching things. as opposed to theories, revolving around other theories, with hopes that it all aligns

  • @beatmasterbossy
    @beatmasterbossy 10 днів тому

    String theorist, mathematician and theoretical physicist Brian Greene talks about black holes, quantum gravity and the possibility of our Universe being a hologram. Brian Greene thinks string theory has potential to reconcile quantum gravity and general relativity.
    He also brings attention to the question "Could the whole universe in fact be a hologram? This is not just a wild speculation but a theory that scientists take very seriously, even if they can not completely understand it.
    The idea is that "everything is just a 2-dimensional projection" of the rest of the universe, and from this perspective, our three-dimensional world is actually a hologram.
    According to Brian Greene, this is a hard idea even for physicists to fully grasp and they are still trying to really understand in detail what this would mean.
    The holographic principle, came out of the study of the most extraordinary objects that are known to exist in the universe - black holes. They could hold the key to unlocking the next phase in our understanding of the laws of physics.
    There’s a similarity of black holes and the big bang, in that both are space-time singularities where the laws of physics break down.
    We think of the big bang as a moment when the entire observable universe was crushed to a very small size. So, according to Brian Greene, they’re kind of the same in some deep mathematical sense.
    Stephen Hawking believed information that enters a black hole is lost forever. Many scientists believe that the information we see all around us is actually encoded on a big surface that surrounds us, a thin two-dimensional surface that sort of is like a hologram.
    The holographic principle was given a precise string-theory interpretation by Leonard Susskind, a physicist at Stanford University.
    According to this holographic Universe theory, our "reality" is also encoded in the structure of space itself. Like a normal hologram, such a universe would be fundamentally two dimensional.

  • @hfc3249
    @hfc3249 Рік тому

    Most likely: we all are made of Atoms, if you look close enough at how our Physicality is Structured you'll see how the Atoms are Arranged, you can fit each Atom in a Cube; you can't see it, but it's there delimiting each ⚛️ Atom.

  • @i-m-alien
    @i-m-alien 6 місяців тому

    when explaining hologram ....why ur adding black hole in the topic.......... u people are mad or what

  • @NondescriptMammal
    @NondescriptMammal 2 роки тому +6

    I wish some scientist would do a study on why physicists are so prone to asking tantalizing but preposterous questions that have nothing but the wildest speculation as their basis, and then pretending it's even remotely a credible theory.

    • @schmetterling4477
      @schmetterling4477 2 роки тому +4

      We know the answer: people who become physicists actually paid attention in high school. Everybody else just tried to get through without failing. Some people didn't even manage that and they keep asking stupid questions on the internet. ;-)

    • @NondescriptMammal
      @NondescriptMammal 2 роки тому

      @@schmetterling4477 ;) hah, yeah, it seems that at least half of all youtube videos on the subjects of cosmology or quantum physics, are titled with questions that lure viewers in with the prospect of an answer to that question... except they are questions for which current scientific knowledge unequivocally has no definitive answer....

    • @schmetterling4477
      @schmetterling4477 2 роки тому +4

      @@NondescriptMammal You are correct, I have never seen you in an actual physics lab. You always hang around on UA-cam, which is entertainment, not science. ;-)

    • @NondescriptMammal
      @NondescriptMammal 2 роки тому +2

      but then I suppose they wouldn't get many views with truthful titles like "Physicists Speculate Wildly About The Highly Unlikely Possibility That The Universe Is A Hologram", or "We Honestly Have No Real Clue What Dark Matter Or Dark Energy Are, If Indeed They Even Exist"

    • @schmetterling4477
      @schmetterling4477 2 роки тому +2

      @@NondescriptMammal The views a real scientist gets are in Science, Nature and The Physical Review, kid. Oh, you are not reading those... ;-)

  • @cesardeluna4560
    @cesardeluna4560 2 роки тому

    That's is a good information thanks

  • @bobby123321bvbv
    @bobby123321bvbv 2 роки тому

    Who made the hologram?

  • @SpiralOut8888
    @SpiralOut8888 Рік тому

    If everything is a hologram, how do objects have weight

  • @sorapongchotipanich1859
    @sorapongchotipanich1859 2 роки тому

    If this theory is true, Why didn't we observe holographics of the object already devoured, around the black holes?

  • @micpin6810
    @micpin6810 2 роки тому +3

    Fantastic episode. Brian Greene is such a good communicator of Science. The modern day Carl Sagan for sure.

  • @BigdadiSixty9GTC
    @BigdadiSixty9GTC Рік тому

    Currently getting pissed off trying to push through this hologram table 😡

  • @markrockliff2742
    @markrockliff2742 2 роки тому +5

    I think we are organic holograms and the body is like a virtual reality space suit for the Soul. So I'm ok with the universe being a Hologram as long as its many other things at the same time including being a three dimensional universe with a anti universe not separate as a Dual Implicate Companion. I think the humans Soul requires an Anti universe and a universe for its existence. How a model of a hologram fits between both must be what quantum physics role is.

    • @jscotthatcher380
      @jscotthatcher380 2 роки тому +2

      nice non-science.

    • @smileifyoudontexist6320
      @smileifyoudontexist6320 2 роки тому

      If a person Looks very closely at their moving hand…. If you see what movement is and what space it is moving…. Zapp ! You will immediately understand how exactly we are all holograms…. If a person doesn’t see , if I’m not seeing it or experiencing it, Then I’m taking for granted spaceTime and the Existence happening in it. We are all inside the event Horizon Together .= that’s how we got “sorta Frozen in Time” ?

    • @michaelfried3123
      @michaelfried3123 2 роки тому

      sounds like you take too much acid.

    • @markrockliff2742
      @markrockliff2742 2 роки тому +1

      @@smileifyoudontexist6320 The event horizon is the condensed layer of compacted Strings that all that fell into the black hole were made off. To appreciate that we are holograms requires us to experience our our sub conches led view of the quantum biological nature of Nature. You need to let go of your egoic mind set that gets in the way.

    • @smileifyoudontexist6320
      @smileifyoudontexist6320 2 роки тому

      @@markrockliff2742 Yeah ! Something Like that.. We Humans are Also Part Animals with a survival Instinct.. Fighting and Fucking is more important for Biological survival than Realizing We are Holograms…. Our Brains are Electro-Chemical Quantum Computers and our Mind is the Remote control. Atma is the Observer and Witness . Looking out at the world it appears Real. Looking to Pivot it is Seen as Unreal…?

  • @derriusdunn-jk3gf
    @derriusdunn-jk3gf Рік тому

    Thinking about quantum time I thought about the sun dial and how it was timing space then realized the core is connected to space first before the top side so we have to record core time tempature to load with atmosphere time pressure temperature to match the load sound of void time to accurately get the quantum time structure the core know the sun time so it knows when to start the day with pressure light activity or Cosmic energy like timing atoms to there kinetic structure body hold of why is the form in this time motion

  • @stephenblessed92
    @stephenblessed92 2 роки тому

    NO. ONE. KNOWS. Including Brian Greene! 1:28 ...might be sort of like... genius!

    • @andsalomoni
      @andsalomoni 2 роки тому +1

      ...might be kind of a sort of thing in some way similar to something like a...

  • @ebrahimsaeed8155
    @ebrahimsaeed8155 2 роки тому +1

    It's really a shame that a cleric gets millions of views, just because he talks about how to go to the bathroom or some hate speech. And in such a science video, there are only a few people :(

  • @annamariadelponte
    @annamariadelponte 2 роки тому

    It’s su Important tu know the sky and of Things , La verità è incredibilmente più spettacolare e affascinante della fiction

  • @educatedguest1510
    @educatedguest1510 2 роки тому +4

    Brian still plays with favorite toy of mathematicians - differential equations with boundary conditions - nothing new and no breakthrough. If you want to read how asymmetry on borders of time bubbles lead to matter creation - read Bob Lazar Cutting Edge: In any point of space where time is homogeneous any matter born annihilates, but not in time dilation areas.

    • @Smile_Wave
      @Smile_Wave Рік тому

      Brian rides waves of none of his breakthrough

  • @georgemechleb
    @georgemechleb 2 роки тому +1

    Is TV what you see on the screen as an image ? Of course not. Through your brain an your technology you see the universe in a certain way that is far what the universe really is

  • @kunta-kinte0904
    @kunta-kinte0904 Рік тому +1

    If ur projecting ur using something to project from...means we are alive somewhere else and projecting ourselves here in this game

  • @rawryxd9026
    @rawryxd9026 2 роки тому +9

    One could liken the universe to a chromosome or allele, whose dna sequence of the entire organism is wrapped around , just as the two dimensional field wraps the universe and dictates what happens within

    • @panismith1544
      @panismith1544 2 роки тому

      Interesting, analogy.

    • @kingnarothept6917
      @kingnarothept6917 2 роки тому

      That does beg the question.
      What about 1d, 3d, 4d, 5d etc?
      Those dimensions do play vital roles if they exist.

  • @Soldierinthegarden
    @Soldierinthegarden 5 місяців тому

    Space and time can not be at the same time space desroys itself every TIME and infinity is within just think about it for some Time

  • @blacked2987
    @blacked2987 2 роки тому +1

    9 36

  • @jimjackson4256
    @jimjackson4256 2 роки тому

    Do you really need actors pretending they are scientists to convey your point?

  • @waterfall9386
    @waterfall9386 Рік тому

    The future belongs to augmented reality partly. Some factors are gonna heart the nature of things, as the fact that we are not alone in the universe.

  • @Nav3n
    @Nav3n 2 роки тому +2

    Soooo you pose the question and then forget about it half-way through? Ok….

    • @michaelfried3123
      @michaelfried3123 2 роки тому

      this is rubbish, its really just garbage philosophy being passed off as science.

  • @phokgedimaja327
    @phokgedimaja327 2 роки тому

    I like these stuff 1am

  • @Ascendlocal
    @Ascendlocal 2 роки тому +2

    With all due respect, Brian Green is not the best communicator to us lay persons. This video is an example of just what I am referring to. I would highly recommend Lennard Susskind presentations on UA-cam if you really want to understand and gain tremendous insight to holography. Or even better his book, The Black Hole Wars. His Holographic theory that resolves the paradox of lost information (entropy) that Stephen Hawkins postulated in the mid seventies.

    • @michaelfried3123
      @michaelfried3123 2 роки тому +1

      this subject is still rubbish philosophy masquerading as science...

    • @Ascendlocal
      @Ascendlocal 2 роки тому +4

      @@michaelfried3123 your opinion. Respectfully, I would bet you are not well read on the subject. But let me ask you a question. Does information (entropy) when crossing over the event horizon unable to return, disappear forever from the universe? BTW, not a rubbish question.. if your answer is yes, it changes almost everything we know of physics. The 2nd law of thermodynamics, the conservation of energy. So, you can’t tell us the question is rubbish, and if your answer to the question is no, then by all means, what is a possible solution to the paradox other than the Holographic Principal? I await. Granted, it’s not easy to understand and why Brian Greens video is a terrible attempt. You must have a basis of understanding, anti de sitter space, Hawking radiation and other prerequisite subjects. Why I recommended Lennard Susskind book. It took he and several other 30:years to come up with “accepted” solution by the far majority of theoretical physicists, not philosophers. Confession? I had to read the book twice before I really could grasp the concept, forget the math. We have to be in Awe of such brilliant minds, Susskind, Guth, Linde, Ed Witten, Kip Thorn, Sean Carroll, May Tagmark. Amazing, mind blowing reality in which we reside and we are only are beginning our journey. So, don’t diminish their accomplishments. Their entire lives devoted to contributions, both incremental but nevertheless, so important to progress, understanding.

    • @jack00scarecrow
      @jack00scarecrow 2 роки тому

      @@Ascendlocal mic drop :)

    • @andsalomoni
      @andsalomoni 2 роки тому

      When a photon passes through a polarizing filter, the information about its previous polarization is lost.
      Why shouldn't information disappear? Is there an "information conservation" principle?

    • @Ascendlocal
      @Ascendlocal 2 роки тому

      @@andsalomoni Yes, in the classical world, information can indeed be copied or deleted anytime and at will. However, in the quantum world, information cannot be created nor destroyed. So there is the Principal, “conservation of quantum information”. And as you already understand, Quantum physics is the reduction, underlying Newtonian physics or our normal perception of reality

  • @spiritualawareness7736
    @spiritualawareness7736 2 роки тому

    It's not because a hologram is not in any way energy matter, A holograms is a protection of bits and bits are don't make atoms to have matter!

  • @2002daverj
    @2002daverj 2 роки тому

    Next time a hungry bear is charging you don't panic, it's only a hologram

    • @abloogywoogywoo
      @abloogywoogywoo 8 місяців тому

      which makes us as real as the bear...

  • @lisaj2269
    @lisaj2269 Рік тому

    The sound effects make this intolerable at times

  • @mynamejeff2006
    @mynamejeff2006 2 роки тому +8

    I cant get this thought out of my head that I am in a simulation. There are others in this simulation but some people are just npc's.
    I picture waking up and them asking me and me answering.. "i wasnt 100% convinced."

    • @thermalrain_yt9725
      @thermalrain_yt9725 2 роки тому +2

      Dude I'm all for this. The more you actually look around and pay attention to people. Fuck me no way that's not an npc just running programs.
      I use this example every time. I like pokemon cards. Ever week I go to walmart to check the new stock. They put the cards in an aisle that's a self checkout but it's the big ones with the table. There are 5 others right next to it. Plus all the smaller self checkouts. So many times Ive been there with 2 empty big rows and half the smaller ones are open. There will be 2 people in line and another person will walk up and get in line!! Wtf no thinking agent is gonna stand in that line. I'm dead serious I really think those are npcs. Just there to be in my way.
      I've thought about going up to random people and saying hey can I come see your house. Lol I would never but man no way there are 8 billion people with minds like mine. They're just drones filling up my world.
      Anyway I've been telling people this and some agree and I get some weird looks too. Nice to see others are aware of this

    • @TheSCPStudio
      @TheSCPStudio 2 роки тому +4

      @@thermalrain_yt9725 it’s kinda weird talking to another person who feels this way… because shouldn’t we both feel like the person were replying to is an NPC?
      It makes sense in a coding perspective though. A lot of human consciousness is defined by following routines, patterns, normalcy, etc. that’s why political parties work so well and why social trends happen. In coding, it would be much easier to make the AI path in ways that eliminate excess calculations. Using your example of checkout lines; the program would have to specifically calculate which lanes are empty and which has at least one person in line. It would have to also calculate whether or not the lines themselves are open or not. If a lane is empty it would have to calculate if that lane is closed or if there’s simply no one there. And if no lanes are empty, it would have to calculate which lane would be the shortest to wait in. So it’s just much easier for the ‘program’ to decide "there are people in that line, it MUST be operational, I will use that".
      Hell maybe you and I ARE NPCs, just programmed to be the ones who are able to find those empty lines and be the first one in them, allowing for the lesser developed ‘programs’ to easily path to us.

    • @andsalomoni
      @andsalomoni 2 роки тому +1

      Simulation run by whom?
      It's more senseful to say that we are living an illusion. We are superposing a dream to actual reality. We are dreaming with our eyes open.

  • @Smile_Wave
    @Smile_Wave Рік тому


  • @andrewcarpenter3991
    @andrewcarpenter3991 2 роки тому +1

    I am a butterfly dreaming that I am a human.

    • @schmetterling4477
      @schmetterling4477 2 роки тому +1

      So you got the best of both worlds. Just watch out for the birds. :-)

  • @TEE19622
    @TEE19622 2 роки тому

    Cool, narrated by the Geico Gecko it seemed but here are my problems with this presentation. In its entirety My Green speaks in a sing-song fashion with undue confidence in his words not reflecting that inspection and detection brings about deeper interrogation, not resolution. In other words, as Carl Sagan spoke as in constant question of knowledge rather than in aha now we know, its settled. And make up your mind about light. Does it matter, or does it not. We feel the effects of sunlight on our skin but have the audacity to say it is not matter. And then he limits all of the universe to man made supposition called physics; preposterous. I enjoy talks like these because theyre thought provoking not because i believe they surpass our intuition with intellect.

  • @jayb5596
    @jayb5596 2 роки тому +2

    Quarks, protons, & neutrons are stationary charges, they have no velocity. The neutron is an on switch (no space for an electron). The proton is an off switch (room for electrons). These stationary charges bind electrons into orbitals. We are a moving electric field that produces a magnetic field. As we move through spacetime our magnetic field interacts with the magnetic field produced by the moving electrons trapped inside the orbital of stationary charges.
    We are a conscious depiction of measured energy states. We are just an energy field. The more connections the electron makes to these stationary charges the stronger the interaction between the fields become, the stronger the force of gravity will be. Particles are a conscious depiction of reality not reality. If you are inside of an electric field you are subject to the force exerted on that field by the magnetic field interactions that take place. This is why our mass or weight depends on the field we are contained in.

    • @Westrait
      @Westrait 2 роки тому +1

      I do see the numbers in everything bio ,microbio, and subatomic...

    • @jayb5596
      @jayb5596 2 роки тому

      @@Westrait The particle wave duality is a part of the duality of self. Myself, himself, herself, yourself, ourself. We are all a projection of self. We think of ourselves as the "observer" in truth. Self is the observer, we are the projection of the observation. Self experiences the wave and projects the particles unto us. What really changes from the observation is the projection, which changes the identity being projected not the observer. Particle wave duality is just the duality of self.
      Electromagnetic radiation is the neutral carrier that connects the moving electrical field with the stationary charges to exchange information. Self is not unique to the individual, the individual is unique to self. Force is great at carrying energy from an internal to an external state, it is equally good at carrying energy from an external state to an internal state. If force wasn't so good at this task we wouldn't be energized to have this conscious experience. The force that energized this universe come from outside of it.
      I'm just sharing my conscious experience cheers and GOD> speed.

  • @arbenravmanovski74
    @arbenravmanovski74 2 роки тому

    Soooooo...IF it's All a Hologram, what did NASA achieve and where?!?! did they achieve if not on the Moon..or Space?!?!

  • @Spinoza137
    @Spinoza137 6 місяців тому

    3:00 это видео снято на Крещатике в Киеве. Украина)

  • @Smile_Wave
    @Smile_Wave Рік тому

    . I'm being respectful when I say your on too many videos. It's not your info your riding the waves on.

  • @vidflu6920
    @vidflu6920 8 місяців тому

    Remember there is NO Space

  • @jazzyj7834
    @jazzyj7834 Рік тому

    So the earth really IS flat! Wait til I tell my therapist this one! I'll get the good meds this month!

  • @atmanbrahman1872
    @atmanbrahman1872 2 роки тому +1


  • @tomspotley5733
    @tomspotley5733 Рік тому

    Great. So we’re in Inception and The Matrix.

  • @florptytoo
    @florptytoo 2 роки тому +3

    What's funniest about this to me is that both globe believers and flat earth believers are right. They're just seeing from different perspectives.