Find mass of displaced liquid - solved example | Fluids | Physics | Khan Academy

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kayrobyn488
    @kayrobyn488 4 роки тому +8

    Just wanted to say your handwriting is so nice and helps things look more clear, thank you😭

  • @mshah7461
    @mshah7461 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you! The break-down of floating vs. submerged conditions really helps in understanding the topic better.

  • @tamimhaider1352
    @tamimhaider1352 5 місяців тому

    Thanks again,sir!Jazhakallahu Khairan.

  • @zeropotential6830
    @zeropotential6830 3 роки тому +1

    Really now i'm grateful to you.Because,when i was teaching my student i didn’t understand that the mass of stone and mass of Displaced water are equal.Now that makes sense.
    Thank you so much

  • @meenaparashar8865
    @meenaparashar8865 5 років тому +2

    Too goooood sir

  • @TohsinaSultana
    @TohsinaSultana Рік тому

    I explain it so easily.... thank you so much

  • @liyagebeyehutesfaye6792
    @liyagebeyehutesfaye6792 2 роки тому

    I thank you very much at the bottom my heart
    It's really help me to understand much more 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @bitoffbalance4021
    @bitoffbalance4021 2 роки тому

    Since the entire volume is submerged and hence the same volume Is displaced, the weight of the solid is greater (since it's density is greater)

  • @fathi9171
    @fathi9171 3 роки тому

    Thank you for your videos!

  • @tanishqsinghal2082
    @tanishqsinghal2082 2 роки тому

    Wonderful explanation

  • @abbeyeads9419
    @abbeyeads9419 4 роки тому

    Very helpful. Thank you.

  • @squallleonhart4605
    @squallleonhart4605 Рік тому

    after 12 years, i know the answer, thanks for this video

  • @rahulsingh-pf5xn
    @rahulsingh-pf5xn 4 роки тому +1

    Thanksssss sir i am so frustrated due to weight of object equal to weight of displaced liquid. Thank uuuuuuu

  • @Hino_55
    @Hino_55 4 роки тому

    Thanks sir!

  • @kal9650
    @kal9650 2 роки тому

    How is the mass of the displaced water the same as a stone which is bigger. Please explain sir.

  • @batoolnetwork9699
    @batoolnetwork9699 4 роки тому


  • @lyndsay2309
    @lyndsay2309 2 роки тому

    can we say that, *The mass of the stone is equal to the mass of water being displaced and volume of stone equals the volume of water being displaced?..
    (please do reply). thank you.!!

  • @purnimasaha3037
    @purnimasaha3037 3 роки тому

    How to find the mass of the displaced liquid if the units were in SI ??
    Pls ans

  • @samarthbose7882
    @samarthbose7882 3 роки тому

    For an object to float weight of water displaced by it should be more than weight of object. But when we solve numericals related it, we took weight of water displaced equal to weight of object why? Please solve immediately sir i am completely dependent on you.

    • @et.sachin
      @et.sachin 3 роки тому +2

      "For an object to float weight of water displaced by it should be more than weight of object" Here the "weight of water" is that weight of water when the object is COMPLETELY SUBMERGED in water and not the fluid displaced when it is floating. When the object is FLOATING the volume of displaced water will be always equal to the weight of the object.

    • @samarthbose7882
      @samarthbose7882 3 роки тому

      Thank you!

  • @atute
    @atute 5 років тому

    Sir, does the mass of an object decrease while submerged under water? ... And thank you for the video.

    • @antonludwigaugustvonmacken8680
      @antonludwigaugustvonmacken8680 5 років тому

      Mass will remain the same. Its apparent weight will change.

    • @rahulsingh-pf5xn
      @rahulsingh-pf5xn 4 роки тому +1

      No mass is constant until it (object) reach closer to the speed of light but weight can change according to conditions

    • @TSTProductionedu.2307
      @TSTProductionedu.2307 7 місяців тому

      mass is an unchangeable quantity it would never change even if you go to other planets but wiegth however will change....

  • @anshraj9984
    @anshraj9984 4 роки тому

    Sir why this video is not in Hindi