Powerful :) personally I liked more the "normal" ret paladin build like this (because of the 1H+shield - 2H weapon switch which made my character a little bit more interesting, combined with some other tricks and with an all-around playstyle you could make a paladin way more than just a "beginner" character) and only used the preg spec in some arena games. But I never managed to get the Shadowmourne, so congratulation to you! 😃 👏 🎆🌠
So good, so nice, so powerful! Almost the preg spec :D
This is why Ret deserves Shadowmourne over anything else ⚔️
Son of Uther! Hero of the Alliance 💙 🦁 💙
Powerful :) personally I liked more the "normal" ret paladin build like this (because of the 1H+shield - 2H weapon switch which made my character a little bit more interesting, combined with some other tricks and with an all-around playstyle you could make a paladin way more than just a "beginner" character) and only used the preg spec in some arena games. But I never managed to get the Shadowmourne, so congratulation to you! 😃 👏 🎆🌠
Nice one! :) Love it!
epic. miss those times
Congratz of shadowmourne ❤
Gz on getting the Weapon of Gods :D Hybridpala here
pvp in onyxia server when?
U loose so many art of war procs