Credit where credit is due but the germanics beat them. you can see the effect even today. old roman provinces speak romanized languages but not in northern europe. They were free men and sons of Wodan. they still remember the names of their gods.
They didn't beat anyone. Germany is a Roman name. The alphabet you use is the Roman one. The numbering you use is the Roman one. The senate you use is the Roman one. Democracy is the Roman one. The basic culture is Roman, poetry, theatre, opera. People like you have made Europe divided, instead of being an Arminius choose to be a Fulvius.
Credit where credit is due but the germanics beat them. you can see the effect even today. old roman provinces speak romanized languages but not in northern europe. They were free men and sons of Wodan. they still remember the names of their gods.
They didn't beat anyone.
Germany is a Roman name.
The alphabet you use is the Roman one.
The numbering you use is the Roman one.
The senate you use is the Roman one.
Democracy is the Roman one. The basic culture is Roman, poetry, theatre, opera. People like you have made Europe divided, instead of being an Arminius choose to be a Fulvius.
@@Genkoprime nope
@@Powersnufkin yep
Hailaz þiudiskaz folkjaz!
repost The Lion of Europa please
The worst enymy seems to have to has retunred
Creepy shit