The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn ushers in an Aquarian Age

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @adrianbrattle345
    @adrianbrattle345 3 роки тому +7

    I see that this air signs cycle will make society less focus on the material world,
    Development quantum technology,
    Massive development in air travel,
    and a more ethical mindedness.
    As the conjunction that was in the year 2000 was an earth sign. That means a return to a more focused mind on the material world, consolidated power into fewer hands.
    I think transportation will be very interesting! less physical, more quantum. More weightlessness, mass and inertia cancelling.

  • @astroshadows
    @astroshadows 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you for this wonderfully informing and eclectic video. I thoroughly enjoyed and learnt quite a lot too. You covered astro & esoteric themes and reflected on society in ways that are outside my own interests and yet my Gemini Mercury LOVES coming across new viewpoints, info and facts. Particularly when they are so well conveyed.

  • @Kate-hh8yi
    @Kate-hh8yi Рік тому

    Only 5 minutes in & already paused for about an hour to jump down a rabbit hole 🐇 on the history of ethernet... really excited, so happy you did this collab with Dan... leaving random ethernet notes in comments 🙌 Love the work! Thank you for presenting it publicly & allowing me to learn in the process 🙏

  • @kinesisfilms9147
    @kinesisfilms9147 3 роки тому +3

    Very interesting considering this 240yr Air Triplicity cycle being a reoccurence of the Pax Mongol Era with the silk road and the interconnected trade between Asia and Europe.
    In reference to the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction the Greek astrologer antiochus said, "the two heavy planets (Saturn and Jupiter) cause conflicts and overthrowings, and that is from their shifts from Triplicity to Triplicity and from one essence to it's contrary."
    Abu Ma'shar a Persian astrologer wrote: "and the years in which there is unrest and rebels and deniers, are recognized when the two heavy ones are in conjunction."
    Saturn rules the current and lawful king, religious men of faith, farmers and rural people, traditions, law and order, etc; while Jupiter rules judges, social leaders, rebels, those close to the king amongst many other significations.
    Now because Saturn is higher in declination than Jupiter all things of a Saturnian nature should prevail. Particularly starting around Dec 19th-20th as Saturn and Jupiter begin switching signs and Mercury passes to the other side of the sun with the quarter moon shift.... and more so beyond the winter solstice as Mars switches into tropical taurus, this will represent an apex in the 2020 events.
    Overall Triplicity shifts occur every 240 years and bring changes in religious ideologies and geopoltical systems, kings, sects, etc. The greater cycle is 4 sets of 240 year cycles.
    While shifts in essence occur every 80 years and are testing periods. IE 2020, 1940, 1860, 1780, etc. These conjunctions occur every 20 years an cause minor civil unrest, they reoccur in approximately the same portion of the sky every 60 years, however the battles between governments and rebels occurs every 80 years at significant SIGN shifts WITHIN the elemental Triplicity cycle.
    The great Reset will fail and wont have a chance to take root until 80 years from now at the next generational mutation. Because Saturn has higher declination and is occuring in a fixed sign the outcome will be in the current and lawful kings favor (Trump) and there will be a persistence of things (ie no great reset out of the world economic forum or drastic change).
    According to Richard tarnas book cosmos and psyche the other 2 important cycles we are under are the destabilizing of financial and geopolitical systems of the Saturn square Uranus cycle and the "soon to be" massive tragic event which will unfold during the Saturn conjunct Neptune cycle.

    • @kinesisfilms9147
      @kinesisfilms9147 3 роки тому +1

      So "soon to be" would look like 2023 up to the exact conjunction. In the view of the world this is "soon." These outer planet transits aren't viewed as pointed events but rather sweeping waves that surge upon approach, influencing world trends, themes, and ideological narratives; a zeitgeist if you will. (Conjunctions having a wider orb of influence than other angular relationships.) Richard Tarnas states in Cosmos and Psyche on page 212 that the orb given for the years of influence for conjunctions and oppositions of outer-planet world transits is approximately 15 degrees with a penumbral range of up to 20 degrees while the orb for the intervening squares is somewhat smaller, approximately 10 degrees, with a proportionately smaller penumbra. He studied these cycles geocentrically, but did not rule out, or research, heliocentric orbs. So possibly using both geo and heliocentric views could potentially afford a more thorough understanding. The Saturn conjunct Neptune effects will probably be initially felt and pushed into existence at the time of the Jupiter square Pluto aspect in mid 2023. The Saturn-Neptune themes are of materialistic reductionism, asceticism, judging what is truth and what is illusion, poisoning, pollution, toxic chemical effects, a subtle poisoning of the public mind or political environment in a variety of forms, drug addiction epidemics, credibility gaps, widespread loss of faith, etc as found on pages 472 and 473. From page 470: "A characteristic motif of Saturn-Neptune eras is a heightened tension and dialectic between ideals, hopes, and beliefs on the one hand and the hard realities of life on the other. The same complex can express itself in the form of heightened conflicts between religion and secularism--"belief and facts," "faith-based and reality-based" (And in the United States, "red states" and "blue states")--each side perceiving the other to be living in a state of delusional self-deception." It goes on to further say..."a collective experience of tragic loss, the defeat of ideals and aspirations, the death of a dream, which are accompanied by a sense of profound sorrow."
      Best to remember that none of these aspects take place in a Vacuum. But it's good to know that there will be a strong depressional and divisive energy arriving just after this current Saturn Jupiter Triplicity shift; which many Persian Astrologers have mentioned the increase and intensification of transits occurring around these conjunctions shifts.

    • @sjanderson144
      @sjanderson144  3 роки тому +2

      Thanks for your long, detailed response. Yes, you mention very relevant points. I only chose to cover the few I felt most compelled to share, but this topic is a seriously deep one. Check out Andre Barbault's work too. He has the 2080 moment being the next big crisis point.

  • @TiffanySoulbird
    @TiffanySoulbird 2 роки тому

    This is such amazing insight. I'd never heard a take on the conjunction that included those fixed stars. Thank you!

  • @DerHammerSpricht
    @DerHammerSpricht 3 роки тому +2

    What a time to be alive!

  • @jupiterthesun3217
    @jupiterthesun3217 3 роки тому +1

    I think what will be will be , so
    The best thing is to embrace the new things , no point resisting , after all we all volunteered to be here at this very critical age , we all have the ability to embrace the new things humanity was never the end goal of gods but we will not be discarded because we are the bringers of the change and change is the name of the game of the universe.

  • @user-uu4kf9bg8m
    @user-uu4kf9bg8m 3 роки тому +3

    I wonder what you guys think about the significance of Pluto entering Aquarius in 2024!

  • @Tdetrich1955
    @Tdetrich1955 3 роки тому +3

    This was the explanation I’ve been waiting for. Still...somewhat concerned about loss of liberty in this new age. Glad to hear the optimism.

    • @lostinthemoonlight
      @lostinthemoonlight 3 роки тому

      We will only lose our illusion of control. It will be replaced with infinite ✌️and ❤️.

    • @AWSVids
      @AWSVids 3 роки тому +3

      Anybody who thinks the Aquarian Age will have LESS freedom doesn’t understand Aquarius. There’ll be more freedom. True freedom is when we no longer have to be slaves to our needs. Aquarius will take control of certain things, but it will be done in a humanitarian way, allowing the individual to shine within the system. The Piscean Age has been more about self-sacrifice. We’ve been conditioned by organized religion and moral control by authorities to believe we need to deny our unique selves, sacrifice ourselves through work and service, and ultimately deprive ourselves of joy through shame and “responsibility”. Then you have the 250 year long Capricorn ruled period that has been playing out since the 1770s Grand Trine in Earth signs between Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. This Capricorn era has coincided with the 200 year period of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in Earth signs. It’s been a muddy, Earthy time the last 250 years or so, since America began. It was founded with Aquarian ideals during Pluto in Aquarius when the Constitution was written, but with the Earthy aspects of its foundation and the paradigm of the last 200-250 years being so Earthy... we’ve been living in very heavy, oppressive times, where the Aquarian ideals of America have been corrupted and stifled. Capitalism is Earthy and keeps most people struggling while the few benefit (top-down structure of Capricorn, while the people have been forced to embody Piscean sacrifice for the benefit of the wealthy, which is the glorification of materialism associated with Earth signs).
      Aquarius is about to shift it all to a much lighter, more free-thinking world. Individuality will be more important. Society will be more about empowering individuality and personal freedom, while collective matters become more egalitarian instead of elitist. An example of how this is happening now is the shift from cubicle-confined office work to working at home with more freedom to decide how and when you do your work. Technologically, Aquarius will provide all the tools we need to really empower ourselves. Think about how the internet has provided a platform for people to independently do business or find an audience for their art. Whereas in the Capricorn-ruled times, we’ve had to answer to a top-down system like a movie studio or a television network in order to make mass-distributed content... you can now just post it on UA-cam. Right now, we’re still in Capricornian times, especially the last 12 years of Pluto in Capricorn, since Google bought UA-cam around 2006, I think it was... UA-cam, and all social media, was born out of Neptune in Aquarius, but then Pluto in Capricorn came along and corrupted it with corporatism. What’s happening now is Capricornian things starting to fall apart and give way to truly Aquarian things as this Great Conjunction happens and then it’ll complete when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023/24. We’ll likely see major elitist sources of power and control, like Google, get broken up. We’ll move to more independent, decentralized models. That’s what Aquarius is really about. A lot of people seem to think Aquarius is dictatorial or controlling, but it’s only ever in pursuit of freedom for the most amount of people possible, and the glorification of individuality within a cooperative group. Capricorn is the one that’s dictatorial for the sake of top-down structures. Capricorn is the one that most people are actually fearing when they think about the downsides of Aquarius. I believe Aquarius has been unfairly vilified to a certain degree during the Capricornian era. We’ve been convinced that Aquarius is responsible for some of the negatives of Capricorn and Earth signs, like when people blame Saturn in Aquarius for Hitler’s Third Reich, even though there was a stellium in Virgo at the same time that was ACTUALLY responsible for it. (along with Pluto in Cancer)
      Capricorn is the Devil. Don’t trust it. Aquarius is the light. The star. It’s the light at the end of the Capricorn tunnel. And it’s the final up before the final down of Pisces. It’s the climax at the end of the story, before the denouement of Pisces. Aquarius is exciting, bold, uplifting, revealing of plot twists where we finally learn the real truth, things actually get resolved and the villain gets their comeuppance, while the good people finally win. It’ll be a massive improvement to finally ascend from the introverted and relatively depressing muddiness of the Piscean-Capricorn paradigm we’ve been living under our whole lives. Aquarius is going to be fun!

    • @robertodinosaur6621
      @robertodinosaur6621 3 роки тому

      @@AWSVids finally someone breaks it down the way it should be .

  • @teresaaust5431
    @teresaaust5431 4 роки тому +2

    Been looking for this information. Thank you from my Sun, Venus, Chrion and moon 🌚

  • @sammi8021
    @sammi8021 2 роки тому

    Great reading....wish I'd seen this back in 2006...a massive shift for me back then .. 👏👌

  • @anthonyasart
    @anthonyasart 4 роки тому +1

    Fabulous video SJ. May thanks !!!

    • @sjanderson144
      @sjanderson144  4 роки тому +2

      Glad you enjoyed it, Anthony! Thanks!

  • @steveaitch2382
    @steveaitch2382 3 роки тому +2

    AIR- airborn diseases, things carried by air- beliefs, rumours, gossip, ideas

  • @theedspage
    @theedspage 3 роки тому +1

    It's the Annual December 21 Age of Aquarius hysteria.

  • @jungianLaura
    @jungianLaura 4 роки тому +1

    Brilliant! 🙌

  • @Echo-o-o
    @Echo-o-o 3 роки тому

    S. J. Anderson: May I ask if you have a chart of predominant Air? Just testing my intuition. Your humor and voice make me think grounding in earth as well. Thanks.

    • @sjanderson144
      @sjanderson144  3 роки тому

      My elemental distribution is Fire, Air, and Water in that order, with no earth, actually (unless you count Chiron and my pre-natal lunation). Thanks for the kind words.

    • @Echo-o-o
      @Echo-o-o 3 роки тому

      @@sjanderson144 Thanks so much for indulging me. Perhaps it is your Chiron---or I.C., South Node?

  • @gorjanaelenairi
    @gorjanaelenairi 2 роки тому


  • @Indigoflower1111
    @Indigoflower1111 3 роки тому +3

    Ugh given everything that’s been happening this makes me nervous

    • @sjanderson144
      @sjanderson144  3 роки тому +2

      I'm rolling with it and hoping it won't all be bad. :-)

    • @lostinthemoonlight
      @lostinthemoonlight 3 роки тому +3

      Just let go. We will catch you. ✌️❤️

  • @shredda7
    @shredda7 4 роки тому +1

    December 21st 2020... The great dystopia...

  • @teatime009
    @teatime009 3 роки тому

    Great video.

  • @lostinthemoonlight
    @lostinthemoonlight 3 роки тому

    Can’t wait! ✌️❤️🌈

  • @Indigoflower1111
    @Indigoflower1111 3 роки тому

    You seem like an amazing astrologer though

  • @bones22j
    @bones22j 3 роки тому

    My gf says you’re wrong about Saturn ruling Aquarius. She says it’s Uranus.

    • @sjanderson144
      @sjanderson144  3 роки тому +2

      That's the modern take. Remember, the rulership scheme was developed 2000 years before Uranus was known. Many astrologers use only the traditional rulers, some use co-rulers, and some use modern rulers. There is a variety of approaches, none are "wrong" per se, just different.

  • @sammi8021
    @sammi8021 2 роки тому +1

    And a big fat scary virus in the Millennium lol....

    • @sammi8021
      @sammi8021 2 роки тому

      A Microsoft one....

  • @melm2740
    @melm2740 3 роки тому

    The fourth industrial revolution?

    • @sjanderson144
      @sjanderson144  3 роки тому +2

      Yes, I believe that's the name given to the technologies we'll see implemented.

  • @user-bk2vg7ym5w
    @user-bk2vg7ym5w 3 роки тому

    What happened??? About 2 years ago or so I was wondering when the "Age of Aquarius" began and no one knew... everywhere I looked no one knew and now I see a bunch of stuff talking about it... According to "The Message Of Aquarius ~ Samael Aun Weor...The Age of Aquarius begins February 4th of 1962, between 2:00 and 3:00 pm"... You're all full of SHIFT!

    • @sjanderson144
      @sjanderson144  3 роки тому

      There is no consensus on when the Age of Aquarius will begin.

  • @owenferguson7893
    @owenferguson7893 3 роки тому

    Saturn's is not the ruler of aquarius Uranus is