Aired on CBS daytime Wednesday, October 26, 1983. When this show was aired on CBS daytime, school lunch menu courtesy of the Glendora, CA Unified School District: Taco Treat w/Ground Beef,_Cheese & Sauce, Shredded Lettuce, Buttered Corn, Jello w/Fruit.
At 16:20 she managed to Michael Larson the board for three spins. It looks like it was stuck on the same pattern. She stopped the board during the same sequence each time, trying to hit the $5000 square.
As if to add insult to injury, Kim's big loss meant the streak of contestants taking at least $3000 into Round 2 only to fail continued. She's the 4th to do that, and there's yet to be even one who takes in that much and goes on to win. Taking in 10 spins here doesn't help matters, but Mark from a few episodes back did that and came away with nearly 17K - so there's that.
Kim is a boss. She was not afraid to spin, and I love her for it.
Aired on CBS daytime Wednesday, October 26, 1983.
When this show was aired on CBS daytime, school lunch menu courtesy of the Glendora, CA Unified School District: Taco Treat w/Ground Beef,_Cheese & Sauce, Shredded Lettuce, Buttered Corn, Jello w/Fruit.
I kept seeing Kim in the intros of other episodes and saw the whammy display wrong. Now I see why. Thanks for posting!
This episode was a complete MESS UP
14:33 Patti is the “Default Woman” from PYL:EE
19:04 finally, the audience shuts up.
At 16:20 she managed to Michael Larson the board for three spins. It looks like it was stuck on the same pattern. She stopped the board during the same sequence each time, trying to hit the $5000 square.
The infamous 2-12-1-9-4, no less.
@@MisterVercetti I know most of the patterns lol
14:32 So that's where the default female "Stop" clip from PYL:EE came from!
Do you know where the default male is from?
@@somerandomgameranimator4481 Have no clue; I'd have to keep going through the episodes. Just happened to notice as I was watching this one.
17:56 spin from the intros
the whammies are crazy
they make me laugh
Pause at 14:10, see anything ODD with this board?
I enjoy watching these but its so frustrating that the thumbnail for the next video gives away the winner. Like SPOILER ALERT!!!
I just try not to look at it, or put it on full screen so you can't see anything.
I remember seeing her on Card Sharks with Bob Eubanks, was it that same one with a changed hairstyle?
16:14 Wrong whammy card there
I think there was something wrong with the mechanics, I think they were closing there eyes and pressing the buttons that opened the flaps!
What a shame, no split-screen shot during the final face-off moment. It would have been nice to see Patti's reaction as well.
13:20 they put 32 spins instead of 2 spins 19:50 kim want in intros and 4th whammy mistake
Man, how many times does Kim hit the big amount square?
As if to add insult to injury, Kim's big loss meant the streak of contestants taking at least $3000 into Round 2 only to fail continued. She's the 4th to do that, and there's yet to be even one who takes in that much and goes on to win.
Taking in 10 spins here doesn't help matters, but Mark from a few episodes back did that and came away with nearly 17K - so there's that.
And Patti’s Clapping Hands win her Cash & Prizes together.
Kim is beautiful.
Her screaming makes her not so.😩😡
Kim gives me the tingles all over. Hair helmet and all.
Did you know that kim appeared on super password a couple years after PYL
Kim, sure looks cute then. I wonder what she looks like now.
I was asking the same question
No whammy no whammy STOP!!!!
Stop at $750.
Why would you IRON a newspaper??????
Ephraim225 something only the English can answer, but I'm assuming for the same reason you iron remove wrinkles.
Kim is out
The Brady bunch
Hawaii winner.
inda king 01 the brave that own my 2009 in anything head all have the do I get on with it 000 the same as as new most everyone huh done with
Kim won big.
Whammy big bank count from 10/26/83
1st whammy:$0
2nd whammy:$3,435
3rd whammy:$3,500
4th whammy:$3,250
5th whammy:$16,195
6th whammy:$0
She should have passed.
I am glad the screamer lost, so annoying. Pattie came in 2nd in scream dept.
Kim is out
You Are The Weakest Link, Goodbye.
18:32 Pattie Wins the game!