When I started this game, nearly 5 years ago, my first void was Bellower. I immediately ditched Galek and went all in on Bellower. I still use him as my campaign farmer (6s) and a few rare-only stages -- he's truly stood the test of time. Love the idea of all rare (or all epic) teams. As always, appreciate the video! Be well, brother.
Treeshield Knott is absolutely AMAZING! He is the reason I was able to finish his faction in faction wars. My first faction on my account finished! I also have a 5* blessing for him.
@@freeeggs3811 That stinks. I mean if you have the epic reviver for the faction try them too but Treeshield is better than a rare reviver has any right to be.
YES! YES!! YES!!! Finally! A kick-ass team that is ACCESSIBLE! Full Deep Dives PLEASE! I actually have these champs and will be working on getting them some great gear. THANK YOU, ASH!
Ash,....thank you brother for bringing in more f2p realistic builds and comps for the majority of players, you are the "MAN"! Much love ❤️ bro! Hope you and the family are doing awesome!
Great, great YT, Ash! A friend and I are already running a micro-acct each where we only use Rare or lower Champs. It makes you think; but, also proves a lot of fun can still be had (esp F2P) when you lower your expectations.
Man Ash, the lastv24 hours have been the best ever in my year and maybe 4 or 5 months playing Raid. I've bought several shards and always get rares. In all this time from bought shards 1 Lego and maybe 3 epics. Gottenba couple dozen legis between accounts from free and earned shard. The festival gifts that raid gave everyone. Let me just say I got a mystical from the primal shard from sharing the video. Lady Mikage. She's amazing. She's nit a lopsided fighter like I assumed. Yes you gave an advantage to jystvswitch firms so you don't have to wait fir cool downs, but you can't use it to escape death when you're running out if health. That stayrs the same. I also hot Misrider. Nan ges an awesome epic. I've run my campaigns with a pair of Caleb's but brutal aroundb6 maybe 7 was kicking my tail. I built mustruder up n swapped him with the weaker galec. And he ran galec thru the restbof brutal into nightmare about 3 3 when I stopped and finished up 1 fusion. I managed to fuse my first fragment fusion. Stay away n played nonstop I know mire than 60 hours. Since this whole thing was getting ready to start. Lije the night before. Non stop. And all I managed to fuse was one. And almost one on another account. Playing on 1blaptop and 2 cellphones the whole time. I jyst can't see hiw uts possible to fuse all for when you just make kevel 42 on your highest account. I gave one at 51. But its my very first account and we'll nothing is put together right atm. It's where I first learned this game. I say learned. I still have yet to beat an iron twin or get passed the 2nsld floor / room of doom tower. Haven't beaten the sand devil either. I jyst stay passed 8ff so I don't even bother anymore. Mo livevarebaveither. I swear those guts cheat somehow. I'll have 3 level 60 and a couple 50 and have 45000 more power n won't even get to make the first move. All 5 guys dead before I can even play. Thats just reciculous lol he'll I'm content jyst running through the campaigns and dungeons and doing what i can in these tournaments lol. Jystvwantbtovsay thanks again for all you do for us. BTW. What warrior is free with the promo code festival5 is it the Monkey king? I jyst notice I see him in the ad everytime I see the code
Good to hear love for Treeshield. Orn is my only 6-star blessing champ, but Treeshield along with Frozen Banchee and Geo are my only 5's and I need to get as much out of them as I can.
Marked is the only rare in the game with the big version of increase defense on all allies on a 3 turn cooldown. Would love to see Marked in an all rare team.
Love videos like this! Big fan of finding uses for rares! I loooooove Bellower, 6 starred him and threw him in stun set and made him fast and never looked back! Great content as always ash!
I have been playing raid for 4 almost 5 years, I was hooked, after I discovered how extensive UA-cam CCs cover the game, and I strived to improve my champion builds and still do, so all rare teams is great content to me, as much rares we get in the game we get fewer uncommons, last year we got two, glenspar, and Benchweaver. Benchweaver I built, you gotta three star ascend her to get her second skill, if you need a decrease speed champion and you have no Legendaries, look no further.
i like the community content idea. oh and i like the idea idea of all rare or all epic team stuff. its cool to see different teams with more accsessable champs
Maybe it was already mentioned, but you could put the Perfect Defence blessing on Knott, that way it will count as 5 attacks on Fire Knights shield every time FK does his shield-slam (provided everyone has Knotts increase defense buff). It should make it even quicker to take down the shield. In any case, it was a great video! and making a community challenge of Rare-teams is a really good idea. Perhaps with two different leagues, one with all gear allowed, and one with gear and/or level limitations (perhaps 5-star and 12-upgrade maximum?), that way more people can participate. The lower league will obviously go for lower level dungeons (perhaps level 15? or even 20?).
Shoot All Rare or even All Epic!! I made the mistake of sleeping on quests/Missions and now even with Legendaries I am struggling to get past Gold 1 lol 😂
One of your best videos for new players and unlucky players (that didn't get the right Legendaries/Epics) showcasing what is possible with Rare champions. Big help for many players.
I love this video! It shows me how much I still have to learn about this game and how much progress I still have to make. Ash comes in with an all rare team clearing dragon 25 faster then my team is clearing even the waves (its a 6-8min run for me with graz, demytha, ankora, Rath and geomancer on the waves and I kill the dragon in a min or 2). Thanks for the awesome content!
Awesome job! So for normal ice golem the trick is wave clear fast,then have a team that dies and have a regen frozen banshee that poisons him to deal but poison doesn’t trigger the nuke
Nice. All rare arena team. I'm skeptical. But one idea. If you are desperate. Could be: 1. speed aura (Ashwalker or Spirithost) (wait, did i say ASHwalker?) 2. Apothecary for turn meter boost and increase speed. 3. Marquis for AOE sleep from ability along with a Daze set. 4. Steelbond Bowyer for ignore defense single target nuke.
This is fun. Sintranos/DT-like challenges without all the stun sets! And I can just see what other people (you) cook up without feeling pressured to build these myself 😅
Some concept ideas would be the comment mentions 5 characters that can synergize well or whatever then throughout the video try it out make small adjustments would be amazing and I would love to see that!
Love the idea of bringing in more FtP friendly content! All Rare teams, hell, how about some "mostly Uncommon teams" content as well?!Lol Would enjoy seeing maybe all Rare + Uncommon teams focused into Faction Wars, since that can be a very challenging area for very low spender/FtP accounts.
If I may insert a shameless plug here, I’d like to say I’m currently doing what I call “Rares Only Plus Challenge” in which I’m progressing through the game using only Rare, Uncommon or Common *PLUS* any champion who is free and permanently available to all players. The intent is to make content that is educational and relatable to as many people as possible. If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, I’m actually doing a live stream later on tonight.
I love this stuff. Pleaseeeeeeee do a deep dive on some of these rares. I have multiple of all of these except coldheart so this is super interesting to me. I absolutely love this kind of off meta content Ash, I'm a mid game player (20-25 most dungeons except devil and shogun) and I eat this stuff up dude.
I put Bellower in Stun Set and never regretted it. My all around go to for most locations. I think most look down on him because his debuffs are not the large versions. But having AOE x'3 with all those debuffs really makes up for that. Add in stun and he is great at waves and can debuff bosses. Being void just cements the deal.
Morning Ash! ...thanks for all the great videos man! I think the community challenge idea is pretty cool. Maybe have something us noobs can maybe participate in, like a Rare CB team on various difficulties based on how far along people are in the game. Long Live EQ! ;)
Nice. Treeshield is getting use on my FireKnight team (which can clear FK25). Using Defense and Support masteries and the 'Reflect Damage' awakening skill. He does what he needs to do.
I'm currently doing a Mystery Shard and Fuseable champions only challenge and its so fun. Of course, F2P. The one exception I make is void rares because I don't want to block myself from void only content (theres just not enough fuseable void rares to make that content feesable).
i just started my rare champ challenge and thougt about going with defence based champs because i wont get my hands on coldheart, so was wondering of going with croud control and marquess as damage dealer, they would be easier to keep alive and marquess is an really good dmg dealer... but the team u're showing is really amazing^^
I’d like to challenge you to do the same thing, but without any voids. Does not necessarily have to clear level 25, but to see the highest levels you can get in all dungeons under this stipulation. Or maybe just aim for consistent level 20 farms at the sacrifice of void combined with possibly a mild limit on gear.
I'd also like to see the other dungeons like Sand Devil and Iron Twins. Doesn't have to be the final stages, but see how far you can get with the same team and test any rare substitutions. I also wouldn't mind seeing a single epic on a rare team, especially the easily accessible epics like from promo codes.
Great video I liked it a lot!! Could u put Cupidus on your build list, I saw you made a Venus but no Cupidus.i would love to see a deep dive,bellower. Thanks man
What was that video where all the solo farmers where grouped up and ranked? Was it before or after the "cinderella series" where you take a lesser gear set like provoke or poison and recommend some cool champions into gear sets.. I think that was released just after the video series where champions with certain debuffs or rare skills got ranked? Something like all ally attackers, bomb champions etc.. Taras obviously won freeze, poison, Hex, provoke and stun categories just with a makeover montage. I also remember there where these detailed information packets when to use attack gauntlets or super low speeds on champions. Yes the slowest but best champions of Raid Shadow legends it was.. then there where most annoying (but good) arena champions. And BuffOlympics where you just take the worst of the worst and buff them with rings and what nots yourself since Plarium hasn't yet. Oh yes and the Philosophers corner that asks the hard questions: - Deadnights missing buff - i bought all the champions from the shop for a month and this happened - i fully upgraded my guardian ring Also enjoyed the look mom no hands series where 12/7 is cleared with the worst possible gear setup and champion imaginable. Bad.. .. i didn't dream all this.. ..right?
Great idea about an all rare PvP team.. if for anything else to put it in your arena defense,Tag or classic.. then check battle logs and see how many people you surprised when they get defeated..maybe in tag team have a rare team, an epic team, and a lego team.. and surprise when they do a one two three punch against someones all lego teams..jst sayin. great videos..great work.
Nice teams! I would recommend Master Butcher in place of Gnarlhorn. In slot 5. He's got that passive heal for the party every time he takes damage, plus a 2-turn provoke, plus increase attack. Absolutely love that little dude! Perfect for Hydra too. Oh yeah, and I totally wanna see you cover an all-rare Hydra team! XD
Love this concept! Arena would be super interesting, shame it's not viable for sanddevil or phantom shogun, would be cool as well. All rare doomtower next rotation? 😂
Those champions are the best of the best in a rare team, but how would the The Best All Farmable Rare Team look? In many yt videos, we hear, "This farmable champion is good, but I would not make him 6*", but often people forget that this is a question of "6* fully booked because it is farmable" vs. "good, sometime very good rare 6*, but booked only partially or not at all" as rare tomes are not dropping from the sky. In my case this is a question of should my 4th 6* be one of let say Warmaiden, Valerie, Greybeard, Executioner, Diabolist (easy to book out as all are farmable) vs Abyssal, Soulbond Bowyer, Petrifya Rockroot, knowing that I have rare tomes for two and a half champions and gear is also not even close to good for any of them. Or maybe one of those few Epics that I have and I know that they will not be booked at all?
Can you do an extensive video really breaking down how to build teams for each area? Good gear and good champs only go so far if you don’t understand how all the different components work together. I’ve been playing for roughly a year and I still feel like I’m missing so much potential in the area of understanding.
I would like to see vids on how to beat Faction Wars factions with all rare teams. I don't have a lot of legendary characters to complete the final stage.
i have a few accounts running different challenges one of which is rares only, i'm still in progress though, so i've yet to settle on an actual team, it will be lacking a Coldheart though, based on my shard luck
I'd like to see maybe 3 different all rare Ultra Nightmare Clanboss Teams, or maybe 3 all rare nightmare clanboss teams. (Demon Lord) I guess the rare books cost 100 clan coins, but I can pull dupes of farmable champions.
Bro these CCs are on another level. "Endgame gear" casually has better stats on a rare than I do on my best champions. All that and nearing 300 speed on everyone. Absolutely insane and they don't even make light of it. Keep in mind I can clear top of all dungeons (minus the oil ones) and DT hard.
Would have thought you would put one of the starter in there. Didn't think one team of rares could do everything. Vote for Plat arena with rares! Thanks for the content. Happy days
Ash still wanna see Nobel, Armanz and fortus together but I think Selinia Nightcloak could slot well in this team and maybe fellhound as well and you might be able to do spider then as well
I was surprised: no Apo nor Ashwalker... xD (I'd like to participate in that challenge, but time is my biggest issue, so I will just watch others' rare-team creations here on your channel...)
When I started this game, nearly 5 years ago, my first void was Bellower. I immediately ditched Galek and went all in on Bellower. I still use him as my campaign farmer (6s) and a few rare-only stages -- he's truly stood the test of time. Love the idea of all rare (or all epic) teams. As always, appreciate the video! Be well, brother.
Galek is f*cking awful 😂 unless im building him wrong smh
Me too, early Bellower pull, and once he's your 12-3 Farmer, there's no need to ever use anyone else... 5.5yrs on my main & still my most used Champ.
Thanks for tuning in ;)
@@tearsofaclown20 i mean if you build well Galek he goes from f*cking awful to useless
@@ASH-RAID Please do the all rare PVP arena team! I would love that cause easy to build!!!
12:57 "topping everybody off..." 😆
My wife usually tops me 😆
Absolutely love the idea to ask the community for teams and get us involved. Love your content cant wait for the next one
Treeshield Knott is absolutely AMAZING! He is the reason I was able to finish his faction in faction wars. My first faction on my account finished! I also have a 5* blessing for him.
Just started playing like 3 weeks ago. He was my first void I’m building him now
I accidentally ate him 😭 and his faction it the only one I need.
@@mahfreedumb4314 Nice!
@@freeeggs3811 That stinks. I mean if you have the epic reviver for the faction try them too but Treeshield is better than a rare reviver has any right to be.
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Finally! A kick-ass team that is ACCESSIBLE!
Full Deep Dives PLEASE!
I actually have these champs and will be working on getting them some great gear. THANK YOU, ASH!
I wouldn't say coldheart is accessible, she's a void shard pull only Rare. the rest of the team is pretty accessible though.
Definitely recommend setting them to multi battle over night though but ya sick that a nice free team like that can do so much
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Ash,....thank you brother for bringing in more f2p realistic builds and comps for the majority of players, you are the "MAN"! Much love ❤️ bro! Hope you and the family are doing awesome!
Thanks man! Glad you like it ;)
Awesome seeing rares still putting in work!! The all rare Plat team sounds pretty incredible, could you imagine seeing it on your battle history?
Thanks for tuning in ;)
This content is super fun. LOVE the idea of community-inspired contests/content! Looking forward to it! 🔥
Having all the great halls is what makes it possible
That and all the ascended gear (some of which is maxed out). Still fun to see.
I mean even if they could pull of stage 20's instead of 25's with a mediocre Great Hall I think it would still be worth it for real
Great, great YT, Ash! A friend and I are already running a micro-acct each where we only use Rare or lower Champs. It makes you think; but, also proves a lot of fun can still be had (esp F2P) when you lower your expectations.
Man Ash, the lastv24 hours have been the best ever in my year and maybe 4 or 5 months playing Raid. I've bought several shards and always get rares. In all this time from bought shards 1 Lego and maybe 3 epics. Gottenba couple dozen legis between accounts from free and earned shard. The festival gifts that raid gave everyone. Let me just say I got a mystical from the primal shard from sharing the video. Lady Mikage. She's amazing. She's nit a lopsided fighter like I assumed. Yes you gave an advantage to jystvswitch firms so you don't have to wait fir cool downs, but you can't use it to escape death when you're running out if health. That stayrs the same. I also hot Misrider. Nan ges an awesome epic. I've run my campaigns with a pair of Caleb's but brutal aroundb6 maybe 7 was kicking my tail. I built mustruder up n swapped him with the weaker galec. And he ran galec thru the restbof brutal into nightmare about 3 3 when I stopped and finished up 1 fusion. I managed to fuse my first fragment fusion. Stay away n played nonstop I know mire than 60 hours. Since this whole thing was getting ready to start. Lije the night before. Non stop. And all I managed to fuse was one. And almost one on another account. Playing on 1blaptop and 2 cellphones the whole time. I jyst can't see hiw uts possible to fuse all for when you just make kevel 42 on your highest account. I gave one at 51. But its my very first account and we'll nothing is put together right atm. It's where I first learned this game. I say learned. I still have yet to beat an iron twin or get passed the 2nsld floor / room of doom tower. Haven't beaten the sand devil either. I jyst stay passed 8ff so I don't even bother anymore. Mo livevarebaveither. I swear those guts cheat somehow. I'll have 3 level 60 and a couple 50 and have 45000 more power n won't even get to make the first move. All 5 guys dead before I can even play. Thats just reciculous lol he'll I'm content jyst running through the campaigns and dungeons and doing what i can in these tournaments lol. Jystvwantbtovsay thanks again for all you do for us. BTW. What warrior is free with the promo code festival5 is it the Monkey king? I jyst notice I see him in the ad everytime I see the code
you know you are trully endagame when you can build a gnalhorn with 0% crite rate added to the build truly impressive
Imma slow learner at this game ☠️☠️☠️ n u say this 😂😂😂😂
That's not that hard
Gnarlhorn can't crit anyway so no reason to build him with crit rate
Good to hear love for Treeshield. Orn is my only 6-star blessing champ, but Treeshield along with Frozen Banchee and Geo are my only 5's and I need to get as much out of them as I can.
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Marked is the only rare in the game with the big version of increase defense on all allies on a 3 turn cooldown. Would love to see Marked in an all rare team.
Love videos like this! Big fan of finding uses for rares! I loooooove Bellower, 6 starred him and threw him in stun set and made him fast and never looked back! Great content as always ash!
Loved the video Ash. For the next video(or videos), how about "The Best all rare teams possible per Faction". That would be fun to watch!
0:41 ahahaha, your editor is so on point
how far could you take the original raid team? Aribiter and the 4 starters vs. Hard mode dungeons?
Thanks for the suggestion ;)
I have been playing raid for 4 almost 5 years, I was hooked, after I discovered how extensive UA-cam CCs cover the game, and I strived to improve my champion builds and still do, so all rare teams is great content to me, as much rares we get in the game we get fewer uncommons, last year we got two, glenspar, and Benchweaver. Benchweaver I built, you gotta three star ascend her to get her second skill, if you need a decrease speed champion and you have no Legendaries, look no further.
it's so nice to see the rares being the stars of the show. Keep it up!
Thanks man! Glad you like it ;)
Really cool! It’s great to see useful rares spotlighted like this.
Thanks for watching ;)
do you have a team to beat nightmare campaign?
i like the community content idea. oh and i like the idea idea of all rare or all epic team stuff. its cool to see different teams with more accsessable champs
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Maybe it was already mentioned, but you could put the Perfect Defence blessing on Knott, that way it will count as 5 attacks on Fire Knights shield every time FK does his shield-slam (provided everyone has Knotts increase defense buff). It should make it even quicker to take down the shield.
In any case, it was a great video! and making a community challenge of Rare-teams is a really good idea. Perhaps with two different leagues, one with all gear allowed, and one with gear and/or level limitations (perhaps 5-star and 12-upgrade maximum?), that way more people can participate. The lower league will obviously go for lower level dungeons (perhaps level 15? or even 20?).
Duuude, an all rare arena team would be crazy to see 😂
Shoot All Rare or even All Epic!! I made the mistake of sleeping on quests/Missions and now even with Legendaries I am struggling to get past Gold 1 lol 😂
I just wanna see the hurt feelings lol
One of your best videos for new players and unlucky players (that didn't get the right Legendaries/Epics) showcasing what is possible with Rare champions. Big help for many players.
I love this video! It shows me how much I still have to learn about this game and how much progress I still have to make. Ash comes in with an all rare team clearing dragon 25 faster then my team is clearing even the waves (its a 6-8min run for me with graz, demytha, ankora, Rath and geomancer on the waves and I kill the dragon in a min or 2). Thanks for the awesome content!
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Love this rare stuff, would love to see dep dive on bellower and other rares
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Awesome job! So for normal ice golem the trick is wave clear fast,then have a team that dies and have a regen frozen banshee that poisons him to deal but poison doesn’t trigger the nuke
Nice. All rare arena team. I'm skeptical. But one idea. If you are desperate. Could be:
1. speed aura (Ashwalker or Spirithost) (wait, did i say ASHwalker?)
2. Apothecary for turn meter boost and increase speed.
3. Marquis for AOE sleep from ability along with a Daze set.
4. Steelbond Bowyer for ignore defense single target nuke.
Thanks for tuning in ;)
@@ASH-RAID Thanks for the content. And I meant Soulbond Bowyer! Lol. In case you were wondering. Not Steelbond. Think this could work.
Deep dives on Treeshield and Gnarlhorn in particular would be great but honestly I'd watch content from you on any of them lol.
I added all of them to my list ;)
This is fun. Sintranos/DT-like challenges without all the stun sets! And I can just see what other people (you) cook up without feeling pressured to build these myself 😅
Thanks for tuning in ;)
love the idea of a fan build team videos
Some concept ideas would be the comment mentions 5 characters that can synergize well or whatever then throughout the video try it out make small adjustments would be amazing and I would love to see that!
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Just wanna share that Odachi is a stud too. I love that rare i maxed him and i did not regret :) thanks Ash very helpful video ❤
Thanks for tuning in ;)
That was fun to watch I enjoy this kind of content
Thanks man! Glad you like it ;)
Love the idea of bringing in more FtP friendly content!
All Rare teams, hell, how about some "mostly Uncommon teams" content as well?!Lol
Would enjoy seeing maybe all Rare + Uncommon teams focused into Faction Wars, since that can be a very challenging area for very low spender/FtP accounts.
If I may insert a shameless plug here, I’d like to say I’m currently doing what I call “Rares Only Plus Challenge” in which I’m progressing through the game using only Rare, Uncommon or Common *PLUS* any champion who is free and permanently available to all players. The intent is to make content that is educational and relatable to as many people as possible. If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, I’m actually doing a live stream later on tonight.
When you said “the third act is coming” I died a little inside. You truly get my dry Dad humor.
would love to see more content like this, would be interesting to know how poor the gear could be and still clear content. keep it up ASH!
Thanks for tuning in ;)
I love this stuff. Pleaseeeeeeee do a deep dive on some of these rares. I have multiple of all of these except coldheart so this is super interesting to me.
I absolutely love this kind of off meta content Ash, I'm a mid game player (20-25 most dungeons except devil and shogun) and I eat this stuff up dude.
I put Bellower in Stun Set and never regretted it. My all around go to for most locations.
I think most look down on him because his debuffs are not the large versions. But having AOE x'3 with all those debuffs really makes up for that. Add in stun and he is great at waves and can debuff bosses. Being void just cements the deal.
Thanks for tuning in ;)
What are your thoughts on Boughsmith Flannan? Could you make a guide please. Thank you
Great series keep ‘em coming
Morning Ash! ...thanks for all the great videos man! I think the community challenge idea is pretty cool. Maybe have something us noobs can maybe participate in, like a Rare CB team on various difficulties based on how far along people are in the game.
Long Live EQ! ;)
Hey ash, love the vid. Imagine a supreme bellower with the big version of each debuff.
Thanks man! Glad you like it ;)
This man legit has 157 primal shards
I saw that too
Dude- Ash - You are AMAZING for doing this All Rare FACTION Teams would be my Request!
Lots of 6 star blessings on those Rares 😉. lol Good picks on the Rares...all top notch!
On the “All rare Plat team” I think Hauraspex, the Lizardman void rare is a better way to go over Apothecary because of his speed aura.
Nice. Treeshield is getting use on my FireKnight team (which can clear FK25). Using Defense and Support masteries and the 'Reflect Damage' awakening skill. He does what he needs to do.
Thanks for tuning in ;)
I'm currently doing a Mystery Shard and Fuseable champions only challenge and its so fun. Of course, F2P. The one exception I make is void rares because I don't want to block myself from void only content (theres just not enough fuseable void rares to make that content feesable).
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Bellower used to be a solo champ for Doom Tower that was always at the top of the list.
Thanks for tuning in ;)
I pulled reliquary tender again during the armanz summon rush, definitely not sacrificing her this time
Lol... Congrats :)
i just started my rare champ challenge and thougt about going with defence based champs because i wont get my hands on coldheart, so was wondering of going with croud control and marquess as damage dealer, they would be easier to keep alive and marquess is an really good dmg dealer... but the team u're showing is really amazing^^
Love this video, really made me think about who to 60 next.
those 157 primal shards...were those bought or f2p earned?
I’d like to challenge you to do the same thing, but without any voids. Does not necessarily have to clear level 25, but to see the highest levels you can get in all dungeons under this stipulation. Or maybe just aim for consistent level 20 farms at the sacrifice of void combined with possibly a mild limit on gear.
Athel/Kael - Warmaiden - Gnarlhorn - Relequery Tender and Dilgol is also a very good rare team. Executioner and Bone knight are fantastic too.
I use reliquary tender and cold heart quite a bit my other six star rare is apothecary who I still use something in fireknight
awesome video. nice work!
Thanks man! Glad you like it ;)
I'd also like to see the other dungeons like Sand Devil and Iron Twins. Doesn't have to be the final stages, but see how far you can get with the same team and test any rare substitutions. I also wouldn't mind seeing a single epic on a rare team, especially the easily accessible epics like from promo codes.
Thanks for the suggestion ;)
I love the idea of a team made of 4-5 copies of the same champion. Like maybe 5 doompriests would be super fun.
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Great video I liked it a lot!! Could u put Cupidus on your build list, I saw you made a Venus but no Cupidus.i would love to see a deep dive,bellower. Thanks man
0:40 A-Aron hahahahaha
Would love to see more all rare teams
haha! that skit has forever changed how my friends pronounce my name LMAO
Can you come up with all epic teams for different faction wars
I been working on a aoe A1 team.skullcrown,abyssal,banshee & bellower.it's pretty fun,I call it tidel-surge.😅
Nice video. Always nice to see that Rare champions can do the job.
Thanks for watching ;)
What was that video where all the solo farmers where grouped up and ranked?
Was it before or after the "cinderella series" where you take a lesser gear set like provoke or poison and recommend some cool champions into gear sets..
I think that was released just after the video series where champions with certain debuffs or rare skills got ranked? Something like all ally attackers, bomb champions etc..
Taras obviously won freeze, poison, Hex, provoke and stun categories just with a makeover montage.
I also remember there where these detailed information packets when to use attack gauntlets or super low speeds on champions. Yes the slowest but best champions of Raid Shadow legends it was..
then there where most annoying (but good) arena champions. And BuffOlympics where you just take the worst of the worst and buff them with rings and what nots yourself since Plarium hasn't yet.
Oh yes and the Philosophers corner that asks the hard questions:
- Deadnights missing buff
- i bought all the champions from the shop for a month and this happened
- i fully upgraded my guardian ring
Also enjoyed the look mom no hands series where 12/7 is cleared with the worst possible gear setup and champion imaginable. Bad..
.. i didn't dream all this.. ..right?
Great idea about an all rare PvP team.. if for anything else to put it in your arena defense,Tag or classic.. then check battle logs and see how many people you surprised when they get defeated..maybe in tag team have a rare team, an epic team, and a lego team.. and surprise when they do a one two three punch against someones all lego teams..jst sayin. great videos..great work.
Great content! Some of these rares just grow on you, and you really want to keep using them.
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Does 5 Coldhearts count ? Would be easier and the vid would be 5 seconds long
Nice teams! I would recommend Master Butcher in place of Gnarlhorn. In slot 5. He's got that passive heal for the party every time he takes damage, plus a 2-turn provoke, plus increase attack. Absolutely love that little dude! Perfect for Hydra too. Oh yeah, and I totally wanna see you cover an all-rare Hydra team! XD
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Possibly try and fit Renegade in there to get everyones big moves reset quicker??
I really like it when you start thinking outside the box
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Love this concept! Arena would be super interesting, shame it's not viable for sanddevil or phantom shogun, would be cool as well. All rare doomtower next rotation? 😂
Thanks for tuning in ;)
how far would that team take you in cursed city?
How about the DT Rares squads, Ash? For FtP accounts?
Clan boss challenge- build and share your best damage run using a team built from 50 mystery shards
Thanks for the suggestion ;)
Hey Ash! Here's a content idea for this sort of rare content. What is the highest dungeon level that these rares, or any, can solo?
Those champions are the best of the best in a rare team, but how would the The Best All Farmable Rare Team look? In many yt videos, we hear, "This farmable champion is good, but I would not make him 6*", but often people forget that this is a question of "6* fully booked because it is farmable" vs. "good, sometime very good rare 6*, but booked only partially or not at all" as rare tomes are not dropping from the sky.
In my case this is a question of should my 4th 6* be one of let say Warmaiden, Valerie, Greybeard, Executioner, Diabolist (easy to book out as all are farmable) vs Abyssal, Soulbond Bowyer, Petrifya Rockroot, knowing that I have rare tomes for two and a half champions and gear is also not even close to good for any of them. Or maybe one of those few Epics that I have and I know that they will not be booked at all?
Can you do an extensive video really breaking down how to build teams for each area? Good gear and good champs only go so far if you don’t understand how all the different components work together. I’ve been playing for roughly a year and I still feel like I’m missing so much potential in the area of understanding.
Yesterday I finally pulled my first Coldheart! So damn excited
I would like to see vids on how to beat Faction Wars factions with all rare teams. I don't have a lot of legendary characters to complete the final stage.
An all rare platinum arena team would be awesome to see .. good idea
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Last night I finally beat Spider Den normal and then immediately cleared the first 5 stages of Spider hard
Ash, could you do all rare team videos for faction wars? That could possibly help some people out too!
i have a few accounts running different challenges one of which is rares only, i'm still in progress though, so i've yet to settle on an actual team, it will be lacking a Coldheart though, based on my shard luck
I'd like to see maybe 3 different all rare Ultra Nightmare Clanboss Teams, or maybe 3 all rare nightmare clanboss teams. (Demon Lord) I guess the rare books cost 100 clan coins, but I can pull dupes of farmable champions.
Bro these CCs are on another level. "Endgame gear" casually has better stats on a rare than I do on my best champions. All that and nearing 300 speed on everyone. Absolutely insane and they don't even make light of it. Keep in mind I can clear top of all dungeons (minus the oil ones) and DT hard.
ahem *Apothecary* would like a word. faves of faves indeed.
love the idea. go for it
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Would have thought you would put one of the starter in there. Didn't think one team of rares could do everything. Vote for Plat arena with rares! Thanks for the content.
Happy days
Thanks for tuning in ;)
Ash still wanna see Nobel, Armanz and fortus together but I think Selinia Nightcloak could slot well in this team and maybe fellhound as well and you might be able to do spider then as well
The scyll edits 😂😂😂
Please do more of these type of videos
Thanks Monica! Glad you like it ;)
Please do more vids, an all rare clan boss team, and Plat areana would be super helpful!!!!!😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for the suggestion ;)
Could have left gnarlhorn off the team and brought warmaiden to speed up the waves. If you needed the cc you could build stun set bellower.
Thanks for watching ;)
I was surprised: no Apo nor Ashwalker... xD (I'd like to participate in that challenge, but time is my biggest issue, so I will just watch others' rare-team creations here on your channel...)