The Macaw Kingdom | Documentary [Expedition Edition] HD

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @notsosilentmajority1
    @notsosilentmajority1 4 місяці тому +5

    This was a fantastic video. Thank you for showing this beautiful and (mostly) untouched place. Hopefully, greed will not destroy anymore of the rainforest in this region and keep these protected regions, always protected.

  • @cristinahel
    @cristinahel 2 роки тому +73

    I went to Tambopata last year for a few days and it was one of the best experiences of my life. It's sad to see human development encroaching on the wilderness, but it didn't seem as bad there (or I went to quite an isolated place...). Great documentary, wish there were more like this. I hope the entire region stays protected, that wilderness is absolutely priceless.

    • @loribryant884
      @loribryant884 Рік тому

      My dream to go there and Africa 🌍

    • @cristinahel
      @cristinahel Рік тому +1

      @@loribryant884 I'm finally going to Africa (Uganda and Rwanda) in September, I am really hyped!

    • @loribryant884
      @loribryant884 Рік тому +1

      I'm soooo jealous 😫 I also want to go to Australia 🇦🇺

    • @xAnimey
      @xAnimey Рік тому

      the paradoxon of "its sad to see human development" blablabla but at the same time admitting as a human going to this places :D:D:D:D:D so u are a great human who doesnt harm this things right? with your plane, electricity use and so on? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D unfucking beliveble. or did you go there as an ape?

    • @1stexecutiveconstruction
      @1stexecutiveconstruction 9 місяців тому

      @@cristinahelyou'll love Africa. Me and my finance been going there for the past 3 yrs.

  • @Nitka022
    @Nitka022 2 роки тому +51

    Breath taking viewing from start to finish. So much life in those forests! A magical world. The parrots are stunning. Only Mother Nature gifts her children with such vivid colours. Thank you for filming and sharing. It is a definite keeper to re-watch at leisure..:-)

    • @WildlifeMessengers
      @WildlifeMessengers  2 роки тому +3

      Glad you enjoyed it, please spread the word about our work, cheers!

    • @georgetitus-glover6228
      @georgetitus-glover6228 2 роки тому

      That’s a comprehensive feedback. Love it✌️

    • @aonyx5270
      @aonyx5270 2 роки тому

      @Bernard but they don't. "nature" has no intelligence, and intelligence acting upon matter is what is required to create functional complexity. Those glorious macaws didn't self-assemble as per darwinist fantasy.

  • @shankarsuryanarayan8496
    @shankarsuryanarayan8496 Рік тому +18

    Guys this is one of the best documentaries I have seen on the Amazon. I must compliment the camera and editing on the jaguar sighting scene. It was simply a masterpiece. I hope more and more people see these documentaries and realise the importance of saving these forests. I hope the government uses their resources to curb the few selfish and irresponsible people from gold mining and logging

    • @WildlifeMessengers
      @WildlifeMessengers  Рік тому +1

      Thanks a lot for your comments, we are glad you liked it so much!

  • @liondancebird5246
    @liondancebird5246 4 місяці тому +1

    Most exciting adventure movie ever is also a nature documentary. Sleek little boats with brave crews navigating wild rivers, scientists ascending ropes into the tree canopy, piranha, jaguars, and so many macaws. Cheers to the dedicated Mexicans at the macaw breeding program, and kudos to Wildlife Messengers for producing this gem. It deserves cult classic status. Planning to watch this again and show it to my friends!

  • @johnhall8509
    @johnhall8509 9 місяців тому +1

    This was a great documentary,I enjoyed it very much THANK YOU.

  • @barryklinedinst6233
    @barryklinedinst6233 Рік тому +11

    The birds are so beautiful. I live with 3 Amazon parrots. They all come from homes that didn't understand what it takes as far as time with the birds or what it cost to give them a good home. My guys are spoiled rotten . They have a room of their own and never get locked in a cage. They come out into the house daily to be with us. They enjoy eating with us. I would never buy a baby bird but figured these guys can have a better life with me then they would in a rescue. So if you want a parrot do research and if your crazy like me go for it. They are very smart and bond with some lucky family member

  • @georgetitus-glover6228
    @georgetitus-glover6228 2 роки тому +19

    A very comprehensive footage of the Amazon forest! The footage is worth my time and indeed, captivating. Well done to all the crew for doing us a favour by going the extra mile. Good job.✅👍🇬🇭🙌

    • @WildlifeMessengers
      @WildlifeMessengers  2 роки тому

      Glad you enjoyed it! Please share the experience with your friends.

  • @mninsyos
    @mninsyos 5 місяців тому +2

    Great job, what a beautiful wildlife

  • @VenusEvan_1885
    @VenusEvan_1885 Рік тому +2

    One of the best documentaries that I've ever watched, thanks 👍

  • @atama203
    @atama203 2 роки тому +26

    Truly beautiful land. Thank you for showing it to us

    • @WildlifeMessengers
      @WildlifeMessengers  2 роки тому +5

      Our pleasure! Hopefully we can share many other conservation success stories in the future!

    • @entertainmentworld5411
      @entertainmentworld5411 2 роки тому

  • @sueellerman7984
    @sueellerman7984 Місяць тому +1

    Thanks for this excellent doco, let's hope that this area and many other pristine wilderness areas remain protected from any and all human interference for all time.

  • @Msbuddy08sej
    @Msbuddy08sej 2 роки тому +5

    Oh this is breathtaking. Just amazing. And it takes not only smart intellectual folks for these missions but hearty people too. This ain't no cakewalk and I appreciate their efforts. Mymymy.

    • @WildlifeMessengers
      @WildlifeMessengers  Рік тому

      Thank you so much for your kind words, we are glad you enjoyed watching it!

  • @1XX1
    @1XX1 Рік тому +7

    Beautiful camera work, talented guides, and challenges around every corner! CUDOS to the makers.

  • @tshaffer9681
    @tshaffer9681 2 роки тому +145

    This would be my absolute dream job or in Africa studying the animals there. I love wildlife and wish that humanity wasn't so greedy.

    • @carlawalker4693
      @carlawalker4693 2 роки тому +3

      Here here 🙌👏

    • @pango-y8j
      @pango-y8j 2 роки тому +5

      Been Africa Madagascar Venezuela Chiapas Mexico... Even I knew to bring mosquito 🦟 net head cover and of course sleeping tent ⛺? Tucson Arizona Sonoran desert 🏜️ Jah sisters Africa Ethiopia Addis Ababa Selassie I

    • @uknwbmore
      @uknwbmore 2 роки тому +6

      You and me both.. i would love it.. nature is majestic an amazing

    • @uknwbmore
      @uknwbmore 2 роки тому +4

      @@pango-y8j thats super awesome

    • @lyndenmanning
      @lyndenmanning 2 роки тому +3

      I will eat them before u get a chance

  • @relaxingblog
    @relaxingblog 2 роки тому +126

    I don't want much, I just want the person reading this to be healthy, happy, and loved. Wishing you a good day my friend

    • @panthakkonyak5122
      @panthakkonyak5122 2 роки тому +2

      Thank you.

    • @IbrahimQuayumrx
      @IbrahimQuayumrx 2 роки тому

      Being happy getting harder every seconds

    • @Dan-xx5jq
      @Dan-xx5jq Рік тому +4

      thank you! I have suffering with a debilitating illness for the last 12 years. Thank you so much.
      And all the same to you! Hope you are healthy and happy. Best Wishes!

    • @laurenmclain6378
      @laurenmclain6378 Рік тому +1

      I hope the same for you...Thank You!!😊❣️

    • @helgapimmingstorfer5957
      @helgapimmingstorfer5957 Рік тому

      Thank you soo much!!! Wishing you the same!!!!!

  • @nikita.kapustin
    @nikita.kapustin Рік тому +2

    What an amazing, breathtaking exciting documentary.
    Especially the part where the jaguar came so close.

  • @drips1030
    @drips1030 2 місяці тому +1

    Great documentary!!! 💖

  • @md.moinulislam9467
    @md.moinulislam9467 Рік тому +1

    MASHAALLAH khub valo video documentary.....!

    @AVOWIRENEWS 10 місяців тому +2

    What an exciting title, "The Macaw Kingdom | Documentary [Expedition Edition] HD"! Macaws are such fascinating birds, known for their vibrant colors and impressive intelligence. It's always intriguing to learn about their behaviors, habitats, and the vital role they play in their ecosystems. Documentaries like this can offer such an immersive experience, giving us a glimpse into the natural world from the comfort of our homes. It's wonderful how technology can bring us closer to understanding and appreciating the beauty of these magnificent creatures! 🦜🌳✨

  • @shaheencp8301
    @shaheencp8301 Рік тому

    Absolutely mesmerised and big applause for this great documentary

  • @gailbird100
    @gailbird100 2 роки тому +18

    My parrot likes watching this. Sometimes she will let out a scream, I wonder what these birds are saying to her.

    • @Dusty3030
      @Dusty3030 7 місяців тому +1

      Probably feel sorry for her as she is captured not free.

    • @gailbird100
      @gailbird100 7 місяців тому +3

      @@Dusty3030 In a way I use to, but I got her 50 years ago as a rescue and she has had the best life she can have. I wish she was never in need of being rescued but I think God led me to her to help.

    • @Dusty3030
      @Dusty3030 7 місяців тому +1

      @@gailbird100 She is lucky to have you. You all take care.

  • @eschwarz1003
    @eschwarz1003 10 місяців тому +2

    such important and difficult work

  • @chrissv10tfsi
    @chrissv10tfsi 2 роки тому +6

    An exceptional amazonian documentary, the type of film I normally browse for eternity on UA-cam without a luck. Especially glad to see a fellow hungarian taking a major part of the expedition, if you read it George, Molnár Gábor would be proud. And that jaguar encounter...

    • @WildlifeMessengers
      @WildlifeMessengers  2 роки тому

      Yes, I've just read it, thanks for your kind words, I'm glad you found us! Es nemsokara jon a magyar verzio is :)

    • @alexaferraro
      @alexaferraro Рік тому

      I also LOVE documentaries and things of this type, and spend forever on here trying to find things of the like! So if you have any recommendations of anything else here on YT that you enjoyed please let me know !

  • @ginagabriel2613
    @ginagabriel2613 Рік тому +6

    Thanks for restoring what the greedy are destroying.

  • @nbfarmandpets
    @nbfarmandpets 2 роки тому +18

    This is such an awesome episode, i love to watch it, close to nature❤️

  • @gloryBE-o1w
    @gloryBE-o1w Рік тому

    amazing beauty the parrots are like flying flowers ,GOD HOW SPECTACULAR

    @RACCOONSQUID 3 місяці тому

    Been trying to find this documentary ever since I saw it 2 years ago. Finally found it, definitely just as good the 2nd time around

  • @cvsvlogs6329
    @cvsvlogs6329 2 роки тому +10

    Best content for nature lovers 😍

  • @debbiedee1377
    @debbiedee1377 2 роки тому +3

    Stunning! I get so upset when I even think about these or any beautiful birds in captivity. They should all be as free as this.

  • @MsRichycon
    @MsRichycon 10 місяців тому +1

    I cant believe they carved a hard wood propeller thats truly amazing engineering props to them

  • @lambisglx22
    @lambisglx22 2 роки тому +9

    wow , an amazing and instructional documentary!! i hope one day to travel there , to see all this virgin landscape and and wild animals !!

    • @WildlifeMessengers
      @WildlifeMessengers  2 роки тому +2

      Thanks! Let us know if you need any help with your trip, happy to connect with the right people.

  • @stayawakenhealthy2539
    @stayawakenhealthy2539 Рік тому +3

    Let's Pray it stays untouched. 🙏🙏Fabulous documentary.

  • @syedfasih74
    @syedfasih74 Рік тому

    What an amazing expedition. Hats off to the team and all whose who supported. this. Relaxing videos of the river and peaceful wildlife. Thank you for sharing this.

  • @alamsyahformal1545
    @alamsyahformal1545 3 роки тому +7

    Thx for sharing

  • @dm55
    @dm55 Рік тому +44

    Can you imagine how beautiful this planet was before man?

    • @tomikola1864
      @tomikola1864 6 місяців тому +1

      Exactly my thoughtd

    • @gibamach
      @gibamach 5 місяців тому +1

      I'm Brazilian. I live abroad, and I've been out of the country for a while. But every time I visit, it breaks my heart that deforestation is happening faster. Massive land areas are being turned into soy fields, most of which are sold to China. Hearing the macaws in the morning is like having the loudest and most annoying alarm, but it's soothing at the same time.❤

  • @kelleelogan6758
    @kelleelogan6758 2 роки тому +4

    FYI...I always show my Scarlet videos of other Scarlets...but this video mesmerized him...he watched the whole video, unintorupted... PRICELESS..TY❤

    • @florencia5891
      @florencia5891 Рік тому

      Please give your macaw the best life possible, because in our countries where they are native it is forbidden by law to take them from their natural habitat, so the only way to breed it outside south america is by poaching. Please love your birb, they are precious!!!❤

    • @davidduvarney1807
      @davidduvarney1807 Місяць тому

      I didn't show it to the macaws but my cat Monte and I sure enjoyed it and he watched it mesmerized.

  • @svwhippoorwill3599
    @svwhippoorwill3599 2 роки тому +4

    Absolutely beautiful.
    Excellent adventure.

  • @muntasirsifat9083
    @muntasirsifat9083 2 роки тому +3

    Wow...its highly informative and also the adventure was full of excitement

  • @MariaMunoz-Nebbia
    @MariaMunoz-Nebbia Рік тому +5

    It’s devastating to see the deforestation that takes place. 😥 The governments should unite in fighting deforestation and illegal trade. [Please READ my last paragraph.] It’s great to see that scientific researchers are studying the macaws’ predicament. 👍 Thank you 🙏 and keep up the good work! ❤
    The paragraph above I wrote it after just a few minutes of the video. Then I continued watching, and now I say… amazing expedition! These researchers, scientists, veterinarians, and crew members went through so many problems which they resolved with ingenuity and valor! And the research of the green macaws… wow… wonderful work! ❤
    Beautiful, curious jaguar! I was relieved that it went away 😊 and that the humans didn’t have to anesthetize (????) it to save themselves! 😅
    Now, after finishing the video, I can see/say that government(s?) are doing something - protecting the Candamo River ❤😀❤

  • @robinsydney140
    @robinsydney140 2 роки тому +11

    Incredible footage, amazing research work, great cooperation among the crew, amazing views by the cameraman(woman?). THANK YOU, for this amazing documentary!!!

    • @WildlifeMessengers
      @WildlifeMessengers  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you very much! Please spread the word and share with your friends.

    • @blaineedwards8078
      @blaineedwards8078 Рік тому

      It's supposed to be, "camera personnel". You can also no longer say, "manhole cover". Now it's a, "personhole cover" and a, "ladies man" is now a, "person's person." They are also now putting tampons in men's restrooms and standup urinals in the ladies room.

    • @robinsydney140
      @robinsydney140 Рік тому

      @@blaineedwards8078 Are you giving me information on how the world (i.e. "first" world countries) wants to change the way things are said? If so, thank you for the information.
      If you are trying to "convert" me into adopting this new trend, then I would have to say, "I'm so sorry, but it's just not going to happen." Is someone going to point a g.un at me to force me to do it? I will continue to express myself in the proper way, whether this minority likes it or not!

  • @christinasornbutnark1208
    @christinasornbutnark1208 2 роки тому +29

    Beautiful film. Thank you for all the hard work trying to save one of the Amazons most majestic birds. I just read there are 2000-3000 Red Macaws here in my home state of California. What a shame that there are fewer in the wild then caged in peoples homes. The very people that knowingly or unknowingly help support this awful trade. Often the birds end up in terrible situations by ending up in homes that’s didn’t understand the commitment and/or cost involved with raising a parrot. *Its all very sad. But I very much appreciate your work.*

    • @Nitka022
      @Nitka022 2 роки тому +2

      Agree! I always felt so sad looking at those small birds in cages as a child. Quite a few of our neighbours had them. Not as many later on when I was a teen and older. I hate seeing any animals in cages but what really makes me sad is those captive dolphins and orcas in those bath tubs!! Birds and dolphins have unlimited spaces to explore! Absolutely tragic...kept for life behind bars for our entertainment ...

    • @georgetitus-glover6228
      @georgetitus-glover6228 2 роки тому +1

      I can feel your passion! I truly share similar sentiment. It’s well!

    • @shannonspage9360
      @shannonspage9360 2 роки тому +3

      Great macaws are no longer imported from the wild to the united States. Most parrots breed easily in captivity and are preferred over wild caught birds. Hand raised chicks are much better pets and companions. There are even groups now that breed macaws in there native habits and countries of origin in order to acclimate them back to their natural habitats. Birds that have been kept in captivity can never be returned to the wild due to the complexity of skills required. Great macaws are a rare example of animal that lives longer in its wild habitat than it does in captivity, which specimens living regularly to 100 yrs.

    • @kathybrem880
      @kathybrem880 2 роки тому +1

      No wildcaught parrots are sold in this country since 1985

    • @jackangus4530
      @jackangus4530 Рік тому

      I have a captive bred Ara ararauna that was hatched in the Netherlands then transferred to the u.k
      (She) I have raised since weaned yet I interacted with a contact in Venezuela about the prospect of introducing this Guacamaya/Macaw back to it's natural habitat but was advised not too for the very reason's prior mentioned.
      Wether captive bred or not I do not believe they should be classed as pet's even if one chooses/trains to free fly as I feel the only place they should truly be is in there natural environment and the breeding of these out of this environment is something unfortunately which prioritises greed from those which put money before (in many cases) welfare.
      If I had the choice , with myself or being hatched to be free it would be the latter every time.

  • @anuarabdrahman6130
    @anuarabdrahman6130 2 роки тому +3

    Same with my country rain forest Malaysia..#loveournature..

  • @ShanerOsman
    @ShanerOsman 10 місяців тому

    Thx you , 🎉Best documentary i have seen EVER. Cudos to the you all

  • @Farida-A.R.
    @Farida-A.R. 2 роки тому +2

    Amazing Information and videography amidst peaceful Nature. Thanks for sharing.

  • @wanderingsoul1189
    @wanderingsoul1189 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for such a beautiful documentary. Loved watching from Pakistan.

  • @rebekah9857
    @rebekah9857 2 роки тому +19

    That jaguar was so curious .. how freaky but beautiful

    • @WildlifeMessengers
      @WildlifeMessengers  2 роки тому +2

      Right?! A totally unexpected sequence!

    • @BkilNTR
      @BkilNTR 2 роки тому

      Hey u r rite

    • @Lavonne9870
      @Lavonne9870 2 роки тому

      I'm sure that dinner smelled really good to her...

  • @letdrawwithfun
    @letdrawwithfun 2 роки тому

    Amazing rainforest.... Amazon 🙂💗.....and great work. 👍🏽.....keep it up... Keep going, save the green beauty this planet🌍 🌳🌳🥰

  • @AdrianRodriguezWebDevelopment
    @AdrianRodriguezWebDevelopment Рік тому +1

    Thank you for this documentary.

  • @stanleyw7620
    @stanleyw7620 2 роки тому +4

    Great work!

  • @jabmd2nd
    @jabmd2nd 9 місяців тому +1

    It's so beautiful!

  • @georgetitus-glover6228
    @georgetitus-glover6228 2 роки тому +4

    What an exceptional commentary by a legendary presenter! 21 gun salute for you Sir.

  • @pothikergolpo
    @pothikergolpo 10 місяців тому

    amazing one! 💝 worth watching! Thanks 💖

  • @GuerraPStudio
    @GuerraPStudio Рік тому +1

    I'm making a videogame about the Last Macaw in the world, I saw this video and I've really liked it, thanks for sharing this kind of content.

    • @WildlifeMessengers
      @WildlifeMessengers  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for watching and please share your videogame once it's out!

    • @GuerraPStudio
      @GuerraPStudio Рік тому

      @@WildlifeMessengers Thank you, I will.

  • @kishoretadiparthiexplorer2958
    @kishoretadiparthiexplorer2958 2 роки тому +2

    What a beautiful Jungle river and parrots total paradise

  • @ohigill
    @ohigill Рік тому

    watch again after an year, amazing documentary.. 23/10/23 👍

  • @dr.brandileebunge
    @dr.brandileebunge 2 роки тому +1

    Beautiful video thank you for sharing our amazing world of divine creations.

  • @kerwincyrex170
    @kerwincyrex170 2 роки тому +1

    I've finish d video.i really enjoy it... You can see d Hardworking crew and also d Captain and of d boat... Salute also to d researcher

    @JESUS.IS.LORD.AND.GOD.FOREVER 2 роки тому +1

    These researchers and their guides are so brave! They pushed an entire boat up a massive raging river that has parana's and gators in the water and later being stalked by a panther in the middle of the night all in the name of research. This documentary is really amazing!

  • @alinapetriconi2208
    @alinapetriconi2208 3 роки тому +5

    Amazing Peru culture, food Super food !

  • @WildlifeMessengers
    @WildlifeMessengers  2 роки тому +54

    Thanks for watching our conservation movie! If you liked it, or want to watch it without ads, please consider joining our channel:

    • @olmade1
      @olmade1 2 роки тому +6

      a good documentary indeed

    • @alabastardmasterson
      @alabastardmasterson 2 роки тому +1

      Seemed like a great documentary but too many ads. Couldn't get through it

    • @elenitarodrigues7092
      @elenitarodrigues7092 2 роки тому

      Ainda é possível preservar o paraíso da Amazônia? Acredito que si.🙏💚

    • @hoponethar8350
      @hoponethar8350 Рік тому

      ​@101V_ qqqq

  • @ohigill
    @ohigill 2 роки тому +2

    Really so so awesome to watch .... amazing 5⭐

  • @sg19999
    @sg19999 2 роки тому +4

    God bless this beautiful species❤️❤️❤️

  • @rumahkreatifchannel3744
    @rumahkreatifchannel3744 Рік тому +2

    thank you sir, for giving a very valuable impression. we feel sad when the world's forests are getting smaller and smaller, deforestation and poaching must be stopped immediately so that our earth remains sustainable.

  • @watjejanssen7535
    @watjejanssen7535 2 роки тому +2

    enjoyed watching this great docu,subscribed right now !

  • @jennysloan7311
    @jennysloan7311 Місяць тому

    Beautiful Trip!!!

  • @karentrice9423
    @karentrice9423 Рік тому

    Thank you for the work you all do, Beautiful ♥

  • @jayantamanna1801
    @jayantamanna1801 2 роки тому +2

    An extraordinary documentary

  • @boy-vf4wz
    @boy-vf4wz 10 місяців тому

    Birds of different colors how fascinating mother natures creation❤

  • @tameimpala37
    @tameimpala37 2 роки тому +2


  • @mikeconnery4652
    @mikeconnery4652 4 місяці тому

    Nice video with excellent footage.

  • @jomarmadanlo385
    @jomarmadanlo385 2 роки тому +2

    Amazing 🥰

  • @sylviescopazzo2445
    @sylviescopazzo2445 Рік тому +1

    This was, amazing to watch! I'm proud to say that here in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico there is a team working on protecting the wild military maccaws. The macaw population has grown since they've created the man made nests. Its THE most beautiful thing to watch them fly free! 🦜💚

  • @mariatorres5563
    @mariatorres5563 2 роки тому +2

    So beautyful the land & aninals

  • @ThisGuyNatures
    @ThisGuyNatures 2 роки тому +3

    Amazing documentary.

  • @pratikbhimani6257
    @pratikbhimani6257 Рік тому +1

    Great Documentary. 👍

  • @ambarishjay1261
    @ambarishjay1261 2 роки тому +3


  • @lewistonsmith6179
    @lewistonsmith6179 2 роки тому +1

    Excellent documentary!

  • @EmilianoLoconsolo
    @EmilianoLoconsolo 2 роки тому +1

    Absolutely mesmerizing

  • @amazingworld999
    @amazingworld999 2 роки тому +9

    what a documentary. deserves millions of views. but sadly people are obsessed with gadgets not the nature.

    • @angrymurloc7626
      @angrymurloc7626 2 роки тому +2

      Watching this on my gadget right now

    • @amazingworld999
      @amazingworld999 2 роки тому

      @@angrymurloc7626 i was merely referring to these phones explanation videos where people get millions of views just by showing some new gadget.

    • @tuforu4
      @tuforu4 Рік тому

      EAGLE FARM IN DAVOS on yt.

  • @elsalva8337
    @elsalva8337 2 роки тому +2

    Very nice documentary

  • @Only1Othello
    @Only1Othello 2 роки тому +1

    Amazing! Well done 👏

  • @falconward6757
    @falconward6757 2 роки тому +5

    Good documentary - thanks!
    btw - the tallest trees in the world are not in Amazonia; they're the Coastal Redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) of the Central and Northern California coastal mountains. "This species includes the tallest living trees on Earth, reaching up to 115.9 m (380.1 ft) in height (without the roots) and up to 8.9 m (29 ft) in diameter at breast height." They live 1200-2200+ years. I know them well because I lived in a circle of coastal redwoods on the Central Cal Coast for 18 years.

  • @danielfletcher723
    @danielfletcher723 Рік тому

    Thought this was going to be bad! Just WOW!!! Amazing

  • @paquitoignacio3449
    @paquitoignacio3449 Рік тому

    I love watching all kinds of creatures or animals from different countries how they could survive and live to the fullest of their life

  • @hmdismail
    @hmdismail 2 роки тому +2

    nice videography!

  • @birdocs
    @birdocs 2 роки тому +3

    such a wonderful world.

  • @Truthseeker371
    @Truthseeker371 Рік тому

    I love the harsh wilderness and amazing narure that sustains itself. I also like observing people who destract and devastate it. Their ignorance is amazing.

  • @umarfarooqgujjar8176
    @umarfarooqgujjar8176 2 роки тому +1

    Great documentary💚💜

  • @RecordableID
    @RecordableID 2 роки тому +3

    Fantastic, what an adventure... I just hope greed doesn't ruin the forest.

  • @koushikmukherjee207
    @koushikmukherjee207 День тому

    I love the macaws, cockatoos. They however deserve this paradise to spread it's wings and fly. I used to have a alexandrine parrot as a kid but now I actively feel keeping a bird in cage to play with when I feel, to make it mimic human voice isn't cool. So here I am watching videos and enjoying birds.

  • @zaryabkhan2793
    @zaryabkhan2793 2 роки тому +3

    Thanks for sharing about macaws Kindle make more vedios on parrots

  • @sharonandrews6985
    @sharonandrews6985 2 роки тому +1

    New subscriber. Love nature channels. Will show support.

  • @maccoll3644
    @maccoll3644 Рік тому

    Very interesting - thank you!

  • @LelaBravo-j5s
    @LelaBravo-j5s Рік тому

    Thanks 😊

  • @robinmarks5638
    @robinmarks5638 2 роки тому

    This is wonderful!

  • @Abuvlogs754
    @Abuvlogs754 2 роки тому +3

    One of my favourite bird

    • @tomikola1864
      @tomikola1864 6 місяців тому

      Mine too. But I'm aware I don't have the space and conditions to own one. I have a ringneck and a conure instead. I'm a parrot freak. LOL

  • @satyajitganguly3135
    @satyajitganguly3135 2 роки тому +2

    Incredibly outstanding documentary of pristine beauty in abundance 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 ideally human encroachment should absolutely be to conserve the nature and it's soundings.

  • @davidjackson7051
    @davidjackson7051 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank God

  • @AlanRuiz-n7b
    @AlanRuiz-n7b 4 місяці тому

    What buitifull birds!?
    It's amazing what people do just
    show one off, like if they were from a
    different world.I once red an article
    National Geographic and their instinctive in Beliz
    and Guatemala. (LET THE GOOD WATERS RUN.)