Suvi...1997 või 1998. Olime mingi 14-16a, sõitsime spordilaagrisse, mingi vana Fiat bussiga, mis ajas tolmaval teel tolmu ka sisse natuke, tohutu palav ilm oli, ja siis tuli see laul raadiost, ja igaüks selles bussis taipas sel hetkel, et sellest saab meie suvi! :D Ja saigi! :) Ja mitte vaid sportlikus mõttes - esimesed armumised, jalutuskäigud käsikäes jõekäärus, esimesed kaklused kohalikega jne...Sõbra esimese pruudi hüüdnimi oli Adidas, sest ta meremehest isa varustas teda ainult Adidase kaupadega... :D
väga hea laul, ja tōeline nostalgiapomm, aga mis veidi ärritab, on vaid see, et üks "Rannamaja" stiilis suhtesaade julgeb legendaarse pealkirja ja viisi kaaperdada. üritan ignoreerida ja elu edasi elada, aga palun olge head ja looge midagi uut oma 2024a loomingu tarbeks, mitte ärge varastage hitte inimeste südamest, et neid uute ja vastuoluliste assotsatsioonidega kokku mätserdada
How can a human soul die? - through departure, a conscious SPIRIT leaves it`s clothing/body = a soul died. The word; "DYING" means just LEAVING or CHANGING REALMS. This word: "DYING" never carried the proof of stop existing. We, humans are considered LIVING SOULS only when all 3 parts of us (SPIRIT + SOUL + BODY) is together. After death aka leaving earth, we are JUST SPIRITS, considered naked as we are without body (carnal or spiritual). It is wise to live like there be no another day for us on this earth, even though we were given 120 years for a lifetime, still not a single second is promised. Well, our earthly lives are just a test in reality and as we read the BBILE (KJV) , we clearly see that, generations after generations, mankind had trials again and again, both, the real CHRISTIANS and the wicked ones. Therefore we ain´t expected ti live goodly without a reasons: no, our living goodly is a real life proof to GOD, that we wish to have life and have it more abundantly . But don`t be a fool, living good ain´t meaning, becoming rich and famous and bitter and full of hate and laziness, no, our good lives - means, being willing to suffer for CHRIST sake and for the gospels sake. We must REPENT AND BORN AGAIN to even start living up to the standards of a good lives. A change must take place in both places, in the mind and in the heart. A carnal mind must become spiritual mind and a cold stone`y heart, must start to beat warmly again. "Help others, protect and care for the beautiful planet we live upon, do no harm...Not because you're promised eternal paradise or threatened with eternal torment. Some people have such juvenile thinking." - help if you TRULY CAN, usually we cant, that`s why GOD ask us to place into HIS hands all the worries of this life. In reality, GOD do promise eternal life to all those, who believe and trust in HIM sincerely. (A CHILD LIKE FAITH = PURE FAITH). and we all are warned, not threatened, with a place, known as GOD`S prison, HELL and the LAKE OF FIRE. GOD ain`t a man that HE can sin, so why are we, you, me and others even dare to think that we, with our wicked and life destroying sins shall be allowed into HEAVEN or on the NEW EARTH? Will the HEAVEN still remain HEAVEN then? - NO. Will the NEW EARTH still remain a PARADISE (for there is summer forever and never have there a nighttme ever again= PARADISE aka NEW EARTH). - the answer is still NO, both places will then be ruined and transformed into the same "HELL" has we already have here and now, last 2000 and even more years.
Oehhh.. siiani mu lemmik. Omal ajal lõppesid peod selle looga. Mu esimene armastus tuleb meelde, kellega saime selle loo ajal kokku ja siiani väga head sõbrad oleme.
Suvi...1997 või 1998. Olime mingi 14-16a, sõitsime spordilaagrisse, mingi vana Fiat bussiga, mis ajas tolmaval teel tolmu ka sisse natuke, tohutu palav ilm oli, ja siis tuli see laul raadiost, ja igaüks selles bussis taipas sel hetkel, et sellest saab meie suvi! :D Ja saigi! :)
Ja mitte vaid sportlikus mõttes - esimesed armumised, jalutuskäigud käsikäes jõekäärus, esimesed kaklused kohalikega jne...Sõbra esimese pruudi hüüdnimi oli Adidas, sest ta meremehest isa varustas teda ainult Adidase kaupadega... :D
2020 tsekib sisse ja naudib seda lugu ikka veel ja alati!
ma olen venelane---aga ikka pean seda laulu oma kallis ja ainus)))
Обожаю эту песню, могу слушать бесконечно.
väga hea laul, ja tōeline nostalgiapomm, aga mis veidi ärritab, on vaid see, et üks "Rannamaja" stiilis suhtesaade julgeb legendaarse pealkirja ja viisi kaaperdada. üritan ignoreerida ja elu edasi elada, aga palun olge head ja looge midagi uut oma 2024a loomingu tarbeks, mitte ärge varastage hitte inimeste südamest, et neid uute ja vastuoluliste assotsatsioonidega kokku mätserdada
Best words ever , amazing
Unustamatud mälestused,unustamatu lugu.
Best song ever
Музыка - просто прелесть!
uskumatult kaunis lugu liigutab sydant :D
Meeletult hea lugu ja nii palju häid mälestusi :)
not vat, kui meie vanemad räägivad, et "see on meie aja laul", siis SEE SIIN, kallid inimesed, on meie aja laul. Meie, kes me praegu ca 30+.
Вот так то! Mu esimene kord, kui tantsisin poisiga (suvelaagri disko) :D :D
nii kaua aega tagasi komenteerisid, kuidas elu läheb?
Seda jah.
Ära pauguta! See oli teemalugu juba ka siis, kui sa olid alles 11 ja küsisid ema käest raha, et kontserdile minna. :D
super lugu
Mikk Targo on geenius!
Одна из любымых песен
How can a human soul die? - through departure, a conscious SPIRIT leaves it`s clothing/body = a soul died. The word; "DYING" means just LEAVING or CHANGING REALMS. This word: "DYING" never carried the proof of stop existing. We, humans are considered LIVING SOULS only when all 3 parts of us (SPIRIT + SOUL + BODY) is together. After death aka leaving earth, we are JUST SPIRITS, considered naked as we are without body (carnal or spiritual). It is wise to live like there be no another day for us on this earth, even though we were given 120 years for a lifetime, still not a single second is promised. Well, our earthly lives are just a test in reality and as we read the BBILE (KJV) , we clearly see that, generations after generations, mankind had trials again and again, both, the real CHRISTIANS and the wicked ones. Therefore we ain´t expected ti live goodly without a reasons: no, our living goodly is a real life proof to GOD, that we wish to have life and have it more abundantly . But don`t be a fool, living good ain´t meaning, becoming rich and famous and bitter and full of hate and laziness, no, our good lives - means, being willing to suffer for CHRIST sake and for the gospels sake. We must REPENT AND BORN AGAIN to even start living up to the standards of a good lives. A change must take place in both places, in the mind and in the heart. A carnal mind must become spiritual mind and a cold stone`y heart, must start to beat warmly again. "Help others, protect and care for the beautiful planet we live upon, do no harm...Not because you're promised eternal paradise or threatened with eternal torment. Some people have such juvenile thinking." - help if you TRULY CAN, usually we cant, that`s why GOD ask us to place into HIS hands all the worries of this life. In reality, GOD do promise eternal life to all those, who believe and trust in HIM sincerely. (A CHILD LIKE FAITH = PURE FAITH). and we all are warned, not threatened, with a place, known as GOD`S prison, HELL and the LAKE OF FIRE. GOD ain`t a man that HE can sin, so why are we, you, me and others even dare to think that we, with our wicked and life destroying sins shall be allowed into HEAVEN or on the NEW EARTH? Will the HEAVEN still remain HEAVEN then? - NO. Will the NEW EARTH still remain a PARADISE (for there is summer forever and never have there a nighttme ever again= PARADISE aka NEW EARTH). - the answer is still NO, both places will then be ruined and transformed into the same "HELL" has we already have here and now, last 2000 and even more years.
Armastus on kōige imelisem tunne selles maailmas
Ühes raamatus on öeldud, et "nüüd jäävad need kolm: usk, lootus ja armastus! Ning suurim neist on armastus!"
Oleks mul ka keegi kellele see laul saata..
#foreveralone :'(
Eco ikka üksi?
@Eco: See laul on aegumatu! Varem või hiljem leiad kellegi. Või kui oled juba 99 saamas, soovitan igaks juhuks koer võtta. ;)
kuidas nüüd, leidsid kaaslase?
@@JA-gz6cj Haha, tänud huvi eest aga kahjuks mitte. Olen luuser. :)
mis õied! süda nii härdaks läheb!
manosdoc - Koit Toome sings. He is (was) is Code One.
just Meie laul 30+ ei saa iial sellest laulust küllalt:)
Parim laul on see sinul :*)
Igavene ja jääv hinge!
Täiega hea vana hitt ILIKE
See on nii vabastav!
mu elu on täis seda kaunist üllatust :D
love ittttttt!!!!!!
Kuulan , olen Bayerni maal on minu suvi !
Väga hea!
Super jupetalt cccccooooooollllll
90ndad ei aegu
@Ingelsi aitah :) That's nice.
armastan sitaks !
Minu lemmikuks Aastaid Aastaid
i approve
Tahaks OLLA !
Oh, kuidas mulle see laul on meeldinud ja meeldiv veel...
Mmmm...vanad ajad : )
ilusad ajad ,olid majad olid ajad :)
see oli ka yks mu lemmik pikalt
Romantiline laul ja hinge teeb soojaks
hea laul
See on nii armas laul.
Nagu psühhiaater ei tea, kelle maalapo suvi on.
väga lahe laul
oli ka meie lugu aga .....
Oli ka meie lugu aga
Oehhh.. siiani mu lemmik. Omal ajal lõppesid peod selle looga. Mu esimene armastus tuleb meelde, kellega saime selle loo ajal kokku ja siiani väga head sõbrad oleme.
Ainus laul,kus Koit Toome mulle meeldib
meenuvad kunagised rõõmsad ajad
Südamete rõõm
Sirli Hiius
Koit Toome has any relation with Code One ?
Greetings from Greece
Not anymore. There is no "Code One" anymore.
üks lemmikutest
see on kuld tanapaeval kuuled ainult puhast si**a vanad ajad olid palju paremad
Keda "meie" all mõeldakse?
nii sobib
muidugi 1995 aasta
tulevad ainult head mälestused....
kes see tüdruk on kes laulab?
mina ka
i think i quite like this shit
head laulud
Sellest saab meie suvi, katusel istub tuvi, perses on tal kruvi
ma ei saa aru muidugi sellest, miks see kole bass kenale loole peale on hõõrutud
Tõnis mägi
Sa ei pea oma elust nii halvasti nüüd küll mõtlema.
su ema ütles ka nii, kui ma sinu kohta küsisin
hea :)
Best song ever