This might seem absurd but back in the day when black people started carrying guns suddenly gun control was an important issue to the people caricatured in this clip.
When African Americans got given *rights* there was congressional madness. It’s fair to say that a major cause of the civil war was the issue of slavery, and you bet the south did not want to give up their slaves, let alone give them rights. After Lincoln we had a president who *literally got impeached* because all he did was veto progressive legislation that would have given rights to African Americans
@@Heating56 you're discussing Andrew Johnson, he vetoed liberal laws, not progressive laws. At college they were teaching it as progressive laws an stated Lincoln was progressive, he leaned more liberal. Meaning he believed government was their to give people freedoms, not control what they do but Lincoln would have kept slavery if the war didn't happen. As for CA, there were issues with black panther members killing people based on race. It still pisses me off that they used black people as an excuse for gun control, would love it if we repealed this law, but the people who call this law racist also don't like open carry.
yeah the black panthers in california were pro gun, and it is very heavily implied that the black panthers stance on gun control lead to ronald reagan signing the mulford act, banning open carry in california
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd Yeah I live in the UK and I am terrified by my lack of firearm to defend myself against the zero firearms I have seen in my entire life in this country. If only sensible gun control was abolished to allow lunatics easy access to guns so I could get a gun to defend myself against lunatics with guns. Sense. Also your point about the "thoughts and prayers" thing being useless, that's...that's literally the point of the episode, that mere "thoughts and prayers" do nothing, and we should be making an active effort to take steps to prevent further tragedies...
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd Rich kid living in a gated community? HAHAHAHA that's the funniest shit I've read all day! And you're seriously trying to tell me we have more violence than the US? Every country has violence. The UK is not a totalitarian hellscape of a country that watches your every move and eradicates free speech. We just have much less violence than the US, especially much lower gun related violence. Pretty sure we don't get school shootings every other week here. But sure, just arm the teachers rather than take the gun away from the murderous psychopath. Why not give all the children guns while we're at it? That solves the problem right? And also gun control doesn't work? I have one word to give evidence why it does. Australia. They have a societal system fairly similar to the US, and they used to have gun laws similar to the US until there was a mass shooting, but instead of just allowing countless more to happen like the US they introduced stricter gun laws. They recognised "thoughts and prayers" wasn't enough, so they actually did something. And shock horror - blocking lunatics access to guns has resulted in significantly less people shot. It's bloody common sense.
Honestly you're the one that needs to do some deep thinking and actual research - that link you posted is not a reliable source in the slightest if that's seriously your only justification for your opinion. Any good, reliable and unbiased source will show gun laws are sensible. And if that is informing your decision, is that not you eating up what they tell you like a little sheeplet? Whatever. Not every would-be-shooter has access to a black market - every single would-be-shooter in their mother has access to a gun in America. Not all shooters only has access to guns just because "their parents didn't lock the gun case". How many mass shootings a year will it take before you would begin to consider sensible gun laws? How many lives lost that could have been easily prevented? How many people slaughtered? In any case, if you can't see that allowing any random psychotic nutjob off the street to carry a gun is going to lead to people getting shot then there would be more point in me trying to educate a rock. This isn't worth my (or anyone else with common sense's) time or energy.
@@slashbash1347 Except for literally right now! Now that there's been a trans shooter, the "Shall not be infringed" crowd is literally calling for gun reform
Can we just appreciate the included detail of the scene that Princess Caroline is reading a Girl Croosh article about gun ownership and female fertility? I feel it was a nice touch to add that for P.C.'s character arc in the episode...
Jmdietr Nah, I love it! I kinda live that every season except for the first one, they include a pro-feminist themed episode. I hope they continue that trend!
It's okay, now that there's sensible gun legislation in the Bojack universe, nobody can get triggered anymore! .... I'll see myself, and my bad jokes, out.
While hilariously sad, it just tells me that nothing has changed in the past 15 years for me. First time I was able to vote was 2012 and it felt like progress was being made.
Not sure what you mean. If anything, this clip exemplifies the kind of ignorant misandrist ideas which pushed young men in the arms of Donald Trump. Many young men are just tired of playing scapegoat. It's hard to care about implicit bias and the right to essentially murder your baby for convenience when very explicit bias against you is celebrated, and policies which discriminate against you are the norm (college admission process, hiring, grants, social programs, even legal rights depending on the state). The worst is, they are typically getting blamed for things they have nothing to do with and no control over, which is then leveraged into explicit discriminatory policy against them to "compensate". They will vote for anyone that treats them like humans, before the party which will only offer them a space if it's to talk about how much they suck and are inferior (like Harris did with "white dudes for Harris").
The shrewd observer will note that this was a ban across _California,_ not the United States. So, really, Diane should be saying that her _state_ hates women more than it loves guns. Just sayin'.
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd The logic you're applying just doesn't work in a common sense way, though. Sweden is prosperous and the only reason tensions are growing is because Swedes are partisan as hell and force political tension up like all partisans and criminals still follow laws. If someone wants to kill someone it is easier to buy a legal weapon than to buy an illegal weapon. Like if you want to get some chips you COULD steal it but it'd be easier to buy it legally. Ergo, common sense.
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd "Crime rates going up to the hundreds" is literally the lowest rate I've heard. And Sweden's rape rates have gone up mostly thanks to strict laws that went from considering forced sexual intercourse as rape to any sexual act without consent, even when no violence or force is used. And half the rapes of Sweden are committed by locals with a majority of foreigners are North American and non-Middle Eastern, Asian born. And violent crimes have actually decreased as a whole. And yes, it is easier to obtain a gun legally in the United States. I can obtain a legal semi-automatic gun with no background checks, fingerprints, a special license, or a waiting period. It's quite easy compared to having to dig up contacts that string you into the arms dealers of America. A business most wouldn't want to get involved with unless they have been long-time offenders usually involved with gangs and other organized crime, which most mass shooters are not.
Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd Man, you just went full tin-foil hat there. Or you are a decent troll... I lean toward the latter due to the name.
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd well phrased troll, when you have something constructive to add feel free to contribute. Until then, shhhh
What interesting is that this scenario isn't that far off from history. In California during the 60's black people started to practice "open carry" their guns as a means to protect themselves but because cops and white people felt threatened by armed black people, then governor Ranold Reagon with the support of the NRA signed into law the "Mulford Act" in 1967 that banned open carry in California which last I checked is still in effect.
uaedaien Are you saying that his assassaination attempt was an inside job to scare people passing legislation to prevent black people from carrying guns? Or is that just the weed talking?
Gerardo Munoz God I hate this shit and how people just sweep this racism under the rug. Then they walk out and say "I'm a defender of minorities, also all minorities please go to our planned parenthood clinic so we can talk to you about abortions"
Luiz Marinho I enjoy how he set out a statement with fact and your only comeback is all leftists are pussies and hate white people. Guess what white people were not nice to brown people that’s a fact and because of that fact it created divides in race.
I always wondered why states prefer concealed over open carry. Wouldn't you feel safer knowing legally you had to show your firearm? Like it won't stop crime, but it could be a charge of illegally concealing weapon and they could get fined if found guilty.
@@milicabrajkovic9035 No, Women did not fight combat rolls in world war 2. Women were not allowed on the front line in world war 2 except for as nurses. Eastern countries women have fought wars in the past quite a bit. You should return to school. Women were never allowed combat rolls but some of them found loopholes. Women aren't incapable of fighting, just not good for regular combat and that is why Russians used them as snipers. A women has a physical disadvantage over a man
Joshpower57 80% of sexual assault victims are women, a third of all women have experienced domestic violence, and on average women work longer hours than men. Fuck off.
K. Flynn glad you brought up domestic violence 1 in 4 men experience it as well(domestic violence). There's over 2000 domestic violence shelters for women in the US, there's less than 5 that allow men. Also sexual assault is nowhere near the same as death, that term covers men whistling at women. Oh an there's been court cases where underage boys were raped by female counselors an later forced to pay child support to the rapist when they became 18... you can fuck off
K. Flynn also men work longer hours an more dangerous jobs by far, you lied about the statistics on that. 8.2 hours per day for men usually, 7.8 for women. Women don't even work 8hrs on average.
Joshpower57 mmm, no, I didn't. Women work about a half hour longer, source from the UN. And "sexual assault" means sexual assault. Rape, assault, and violence. Just saying "men die more" isn't a stat. Be specific.
Although I've found hopelessness surprisingly liberating. No hope means no care, and it turns out not caring what happens to America gets rid of a lot of worries.
I mean replace women with black people - down to the fact that it's in California - and you have exactly the case of the black panthers carrying guns leading to gun control in California. If anything it's referencing that
Cam and Will {ARCHIVE} It's poorly constructed extremist pandering. Also, nuance would infer subtly while this show completely and utterly lacks it when dealing with politics.
Cam and Will {ARCHIVE} it's extremely one sided. Painting anyone slightly to the right of the argument as horrible bigots that jist hate women. Everything else about the shoe is great. This one just annoyed me.
I love the salty tears of the guys in the comments with the mindseat that this scene is making fun at. Sure buddy, everything in this show is great and on point EXCEPT this scene.
Little mrs mods Well I clicked on this remembering that it might be funny. It wasn’t. Anyways my point was that I don’t hold this show as my sacred cow as many others do, so I myself am living proof that marioxzzz is wrong here. They are trying here to do a real “gotcha” moment but I don’t even like the show, so I don’t fit into the narrative they are trying to push here
This reminds me when Ronald Reagan as governor of California passed gun control laws when it was apparent the Black Panthers were becoming a thing and they had guns.
That part in the beginning where PC's assistant is hiding behind a sign because he sees two people armed to the teeth weapons is exactly how I would react. Like how the fuck am I supposed to know the difference between "good guy gi Joe" exercising open carry and the next shooting spree killers!? Especially if they're in street clothes.
This has nothing to do with Roe v Wade. If you're claiming that overturning a stupid unconstitutional decision from the 70s is hating women, you're an idiot. If you think being against abortion is hating women, you're also an idiot.
@@GigamokinThat this country hates women enough to give states the option. I have adult friends who had to move out of Texas because they couldn't get a doctor to do anything with their cystic ovaries without a signed consent form their parents or from the husband they didn't have.
I mean, Harris bragged about owning a gun, but she's a cop who would probably keep oppressed people from arming themselves. If she spoke out about the hypocrisy of gun laws, instead of insisting people who want only their good old boys to have guns that she's one of them, she could have maybe won a demographic... at least I'd be a percent less hateful to her.
How does seriously nobody understand that the final outcome of the scene, isn't what the writers are pushing as a good moral. They entirely understand this isn't good gun control, as they still make fun of it in the end, and people think the episode is black and white, when really their mentality is black and white. Oh well.
I agree with you, and am giggling at some people here being salty for being called out that they may be the ones with a black and white mentality, not the show.
Was that the one where the shooter was trans and now most of right wingers want to crack down on gun control and do background checks for people with mental issues? *cough* anyone who is has had hormone therapy *cough*. Because if so then no, This was just in my recommendations.
@@lazuruswolf6668right wingers don't want to crack down on gun control. If anything, they've doubled downed and have said that we need guns as the shooter had to change targets since the first one was too secured and armed. And kicked out two representatives for inciting an insurrection at the Tennessee hearing.
too be fair this was really preachy. i mean i know it's a joke but the whole thing feel like hey look at that those guy's love gun's but they hate women more.
The obviousness is the point. It's not supposed to change the minds of those who they're satirizing, it's making a highly dramatic point to highlight the stupidity of it all.
Black Panthers callback lol But honestly, kind of predicted the 2024 election too… “I can’t believe this country hates women more than…” History really does repeat itself
Ricky Williams I'm not trying to argue with you on the reality. I took it more as like we still perpetuate a society where women are scared to go out by themselves type of deal.
It might have to do with a lot of women's rights groups constantly saying how rape happy men are and how we live in a society that believes rape is OK. You know the whole "US society is rape culture." Surprising enough it actually isn't. Most people just tell women to get a gun, pepper spray, learn self defense, or something to defend themselves. However, there are people activity discouraging women, from what I've seen they're women's rights groups, from doing things to keep themselves safe.
Ricky Williams yeah instead of taking precautions to avoid rape they try to teach all men not to rape. That’s sexist because one it’s a blanket statement and 2 you don’t see any teach women not to rape things. Also if someone is a rapist they aren’t going to give a shit if you tell them rape is wrong. They will still do it.
dylan pheifer I don't even read Breitbart. I would prefer if you actually countered what I'm saying then just insult me. I'm more than willing to learn if I'm found wrong.
When you’ve decided you’re never going to advocate for common sense gun safety laws, reacting to massacres becomes more of an inconvenience and an obligation than something that truly upsets you.
Well that bill did recently get signed into law though many felt it doesn’t do enough I understand, but it is the biggest federal gun bill passed since 1994 (yes I know that one had unintended consequences that in turn led to an increase in mass incarceration, especially amongst people of color but my point still stands).
“I’m just saying, if people had the right pumped up kicks, maybe they can outrun the bullets”
- Todd Chavez
I guess we should ask to all the other boys if they worked out for them.
i really want this to be an actual quote
@@forestklein1205 It is...
@@friesaregood2941 wait what
This might seem absurd but back in the day when black people started carrying guns suddenly gun control was an important issue to the people caricatured in this clip.
When African Americans got given *rights* there was congressional madness. It’s fair to say that a major cause of the civil war was the issue of slavery, and you bet the south did not want to give up their slaves, let alone give them rights. After Lincoln we had a president who *literally got impeached* because all he did was veto progressive legislation that would have given rights to African Americans
@@Heating56 that's so depressing
@@Heating56 you're discussing Andrew Johnson, he vetoed liberal laws, not progressive laws. At college they were teaching it as progressive laws an stated Lincoln was progressive, he leaned more liberal. Meaning he believed government was their to give people freedoms, not control what they do but Lincoln would have kept slavery if the war didn't happen. As for CA, there were issues with black panther members killing people based on race. It still pisses me off that they used black people as an excuse for gun control, would love it if we repealed this law, but the people who call this law racist also don't like open carry.
yeah the black panthers in california were pro gun, and it is very heavily implied that the black panthers stance on gun control lead to ronald reagan signing the mulford act, banning open carry in california
People are controlled by fear unfortunately
Thoughts and prayers.
Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd Did you even watch the video?
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd Yeah I live in the UK and I am terrified by my lack of firearm to defend myself against the zero firearms I have seen in my entire life in this country. If only sensible gun control was abolished to allow lunatics easy access to guns so I could get a gun to defend myself against lunatics with guns. Sense.
Also your point about the "thoughts and prayers" thing being useless, that's...that's literally the point of the episode, that mere "thoughts and prayers" do nothing, and we should be making an active effort to take steps to prevent further tragedies...
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd Rich kid living in a gated community? HAHAHAHA that's the funniest shit I've read all day! And you're seriously trying to tell me we have more violence than the US? Every country has violence. The UK is not a totalitarian hellscape of a country that watches your every move and eradicates free speech. We just have much less violence than the US, especially much lower gun related violence. Pretty sure we don't get school shootings every other week here. But sure, just arm the teachers rather than take the gun away from the murderous psychopath. Why not give all the children guns while we're at it? That solves the problem right?
And also gun control doesn't work? I have one word to give evidence why it does. Australia. They have a societal system fairly similar to the US, and they used to have gun laws similar to the US until there was a mass shooting, but instead of just allowing countless more to happen like the US they introduced stricter gun laws. They recognised "thoughts and prayers" wasn't enough, so they actually did something. And shock horror - blocking lunatics access to guns has resulted in significantly less people shot. It's bloody common sense.
Honestly you're the one that needs to do some deep thinking and actual research - that link you posted is not a reliable source in the slightest if that's seriously your only justification for your opinion. Any good, reliable and unbiased source will show gun laws are sensible. And if that is informing your decision, is that not you eating up what they tell you like a little sheeplet? Whatever. Not every would-be-shooter has access to a black market - every single would-be-shooter in their mother has access to a gun in America. Not all shooters only has access to guns just because "their parents didn't lock the gun case". How many mass shootings a year will it take before you would begin to consider sensible gun laws? How many lives lost that could have been easily prevented? How many people slaughtered?
In any case, if you can't see that allowing any random psychotic nutjob off the street to carry a gun is going to lead to people getting shot then there would be more point in me trying to educate a rock. This isn't worth my (or anyone else with common sense's) time or energy.
Incredible how much more relevant this scene gets each year
I don't see 2A activists being against women bearing arms.
@@slashbash1347 Except for literally right now! Now that there's been a trans shooter, the "Shall not be infringed" crowd is literally calling for gun reform
@@potaterjim that or banning a particular group from owning firearms
@@potaterjim welp nothing happened
@@potaterjimno, they're not. No one was. You made this up.
Can we just appreciate the included detail of the scene that Princess Caroline is reading a Girl Croosh article about gun ownership and female fertility? I feel it was a nice touch to add that for P.C.'s character arc in the episode...
Jmdietr Nah, I love it! I kinda live that every season except for the first one, they include a pro-feminist themed episode. I hope they continue that trend!
is an awesome episode, you just got triggered, son :C
It's okay, now that there's sensible gun legislation in the Bojack universe, nobody can get triggered anymore!
.... I'll see myself, and my bad jokes, out.
Jmdietr i like the fact that the show panders to both sides of politics. They know how to balance the topic
Title is incorrect, should be 'Diane solves gun control. '
Fucking patriarchy.
once again, this feels terrifyingly relevant
While hilariously sad, it just tells me that nothing has changed in the past 15 years for me. First time I was able to vote was 2012 and it felt like progress was being made.
Not the only one reminded of this I see
The cartoon about a cartoon horse?
Not sure what you mean. If anything, this clip exemplifies the kind of ignorant misandrist ideas which pushed young men in the arms of Donald Trump. Many young men are just tired of playing scapegoat. It's hard to care about implicit bias and the right to essentially murder your baby for convenience when very explicit bias against you is celebrated, and policies which discriminate against you are the norm (college admission process, hiring, grants, social programs, even legal rights depending on the state). The worst is, they are typically getting blamed for things they have nothing to do with and no control over, which is then leveraged into explicit discriminatory policy against them to "compensate". They will vote for anyone that treats them like humans, before the party which will only offer them a space if it's to talk about how much they suck and are inferior (like Harris did with "white dudes for Harris").
Democrats suddenly understand why people need guns
Diane: "I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns."
Princess Carolyn: "...No?"
The shrewd observer will note that this was a ban across _California,_ not the United States. So, really, Diane should be saying that her _state_ hates women more than it loves guns.
Just sayin'.
@@PeterDivine The shrewd observer
@@Mattstak what is the shrewd explorer
@@PeterDivine i should have expected someone trying to mansplain a joke
@@canniloni And I didn't expect someone to cunt-plain about my comment, but here we are. Guess we're all unhappy.
A commentary on gun control **AND** women's rights? This ought to rustle some jimmies.
mattbellamymate It has rustled all the jimmies.
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd glad someone can use there brain.
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd The logic you're applying just doesn't work in a common sense way, though. Sweden is prosperous and the only reason tensions are growing is because Swedes are partisan as hell and force political tension up like all partisans and criminals still follow laws. If someone wants to kill someone it is easier to buy a legal weapon than to buy an illegal weapon. Like if you want to get some chips you COULD steal it but it'd be easier to buy it legally. Ergo, common sense.
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd "Crime rates going up to the hundreds" is literally the lowest rate I've heard. And Sweden's rape rates have gone up mostly thanks to strict laws that went from considering forced sexual intercourse as rape to any sexual act without consent, even when no violence or force is used. And half the rapes of Sweden are committed by locals with a majority of foreigners are North American and non-Middle Eastern, Asian born. And violent crimes have actually decreased as a whole. And yes, it is easier to obtain a gun legally in the United States. I can obtain a legal semi-automatic gun with no background checks, fingerprints, a special license, or a waiting period. It's quite easy compared to having to dig up contacts that string you into the arms dealers of America. A business most wouldn't want to get involved with unless they have been long-time offenders usually involved with gangs and other organized crime, which most mass shooters are not.
Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd Man, you just went full tin-foil hat there. Or you are a decent troll... I lean toward the latter due to the name.
"I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns" became extremely, insanely relevant all of a sudden
Literally the reason I'm here.
I’m literally sobbing for how relevant it is and I hate
@@Oliviagarry69420 stay safe during this awful time ❤ I cant believe this is happening
No, people are drama queens.
aged perfectly
I don't think a Bojack scene like this can be completely appreciated until everyone watches the full episode.
Agreed, but they would pull that in a heart beat
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd well phrased troll, when you have something constructive to add feel free to contribute. Until then, shhhh
*BoJack. With a capital J.
@Abdul jamal shariq lequif rahman the beeg deek the 3rd Yikes.
You gotta watch the full episode before discovering this.
What interesting is that this scenario isn't that far off from history. In California during the 60's black people started to practice "open carry" their guns as a means to protect themselves but because cops and white people felt threatened by armed black people, then governor Ranold Reagon with the support of the NRA signed into law the "Mulford Act" in 1967 that banned open carry in California which last I checked is still in effect.
uaedaien Are you saying that his assassaination attempt was an inside job to scare people passing legislation to prevent black people from carrying guns? Or is that just the weed talking?
"But because white people and cops".
How a leftist explains about everything.
Gerardo Munoz God I hate this shit and how people just sweep this racism under the rug. Then they walk out and say "I'm a defender of minorities, also all minorities please go to our planned parenthood clinic so we can talk to you about abortions"
Luiz Marinho I enjoy how he set out a statement with fact and your only comeback is all leftists are pussies and hate white people. Guess what white people were not nice to brown people that’s a fact and because of that fact it created divides in race.
I always wondered why states prefer concealed over open carry. Wouldn't you feel safer knowing legally you had to show your firearm? Like it won't stop crime, but it could be a charge of illegally concealing weapon and they could get fined if found guilty.
"we did it boys!"
Best line ever!
Um From Umbridge sounds like after men winning a battle in World War 2 "We did it boys, we pushed the nazi advance back and broke through their lines"
@@GiuseppeSimonetti women fought in WW2 as well. What is your point?
@@milicabrajkovic9035 For the Russians. They didn't fight for the US or most other countries.
@@GiuseppeSimonetti they fought in USA as well and especially in many Eastern countries. Back to school, boy.
@@milicabrajkovic9035 No, Women did not fight combat rolls in world war 2. Women were not allowed on the front line in world war 2 except for as nurses. Eastern countries women have fought wars in the past quite a bit. You should return to school. Women were never allowed combat rolls but some of them found loopholes. Women aren't incapable of fighting, just not good for regular combat and that is why Russians used them as snipers. A women has a physical disadvantage over a man
"I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns..."
Holy shit I died that's fucking quality writing
Vishal Singh Films 93% of work fatalities in the US are men... Yea this country really hates women
Joshpower57 80% of sexual assault victims are women, a third of all women have experienced domestic violence, and on average women work longer hours than men. Fuck off.
K. Flynn glad you brought up domestic violence 1 in 4 men experience it as well(domestic violence). There's over 2000 domestic violence shelters for women in the US, there's less than 5 that allow men. Also sexual assault is nowhere near the same as death, that term covers men whistling at women. Oh an there's been court cases where underage boys were raped by female counselors an later forced to pay child support to the rapist when they became 18... you can fuck off
K. Flynn also men work longer hours an more dangerous jobs by far, you lied about the statistics on that. 8.2 hours per day for men usually, 7.8 for women. Women don't even work 8hrs on average.
Joshpower57 mmm, no, I didn't. Women work about a half hour longer, source from the UN. And "sexual assault" means sexual assault. Rape, assault, and violence. Just saying "men die more" isn't a stat. Be specific.
I love PC's final line, like, "you're only just now figuring that out?" 😂
"Let them eat guns!"
-Todd Chavez
Welp Bojack was right about America.
"Man Who Thought He'd Lost All Hope Loses Last Additional Bit of Hope He Didn't Even Know He Still Had"
For all of us coming in after the election.
Although I've found hopelessness surprisingly liberating. No hope means no care, and it turns out not caring what happens to America gets rid of a lot of worries.
Bad news, you hear about the mass shooting in Las Vegas? Oh, terrible tragedy, thoughts and prayers.
how'd france's gun control work in paris? oh, it was deadlier than vegas...
+APAL880 Keep your hatefacts to yourself, you Islamophobic bigot!
@@ShankarSivarajan suck it up snowflake
Alpha Male I think we he was joking lol. Oh well, I'll continue to think that.
Wait, do people really use the term "hatefact" unironically?
This aged like wine
It honestly keeps getting better.
Aged like milk.
@@slashbash1347 haven't had the guns pointed at you yet
I mean replace women with black people - down to the fact that it's in California - and you have exactly the case of the black panthers carrying guns leading to gun control in California. If anything it's referencing that
Oh snap! Women owning guns has been outlawed? Better go confiscate them from my sister. She'll sure be disappointed.
This just continues to age like wine
Today's date is 3/27/23 and I'm waiting for this take to come out completely unironically in real life
Trump won whenever there was a woman competing 😂
Got a feeling you won't need to wait for very long now
It won't bc its a low resolution strawman and anyone who thinks this is clever satire is clueless
I feel like a lot of viewers missed the message in this scene which is sad because this is a hilarious satire
Cam and Will {ARCHIVE} It's poorly constructed extremist pandering. Also, nuance would infer subtly while this show completely and utterly lacks it when dealing with politics.
Cam and Will {ARCHIVE} it's extremely one sided. Painting anyone slightly to the right of the argument as horrible bigots that jist hate women. Everything else about the shoe is great. This one just annoyed me.
Nah, you just got triggered, son. Dayum!
mark markson Satire is literally the opposite of subtlety. It's supposed to be absurd.
You realize that "nuance would infer subtly" doesn't mean anything right? It's almost a contradiction because nuance IS subtle
The comment sections really shows who completely missed the point/satire
A nice safe blanket statement for somebody who probably doesn't understand the satire themselves
@@Slazors now say what you just said in front of a mirror to yourself
@@imnotreallyjess4318 no
This seems very appropriate today with what happend in Nashville
This isn't satire anymore.
Its real life now. I should know, i'm a dog now.
Yep, now it's just lies
4 years later and last line still holds up
I love the salty tears of the guys in the comments with the mindseat that this scene is making fun at. Sure buddy, everything in this show is great and on point EXCEPT this scene.
Nah, I honestly think the whole show is a bit shitty. Good try though
@@redstonesteve526 Don’t watch clips on UA-cam then? Go watch a show you actually like?
Little mrs mods Well I clicked on this remembering that it might be funny. It wasn’t. Anyways my point was that I don’t hold this show as my sacred cow as many others do, so I myself am living proof that marioxzzz is wrong here. They are trying here to do a real “gotcha” moment but I don’t even like the show, so I don’t fit into the narrative they are trying to push here
@@redstonesteve526 All humans are garbage and our species should be eradicated by the heat death of the universe.
But hey, that's just me.
@@mistermaxie6487 spotted the edgelord
Anyone else here after the 2024 election...?
Wild algorithm suggestion, accurate though lol.
well youtube thinks i should be here, honestly i would click on anything bojack related
This episode came out last year and boy oh boy has it aged beautifully
It's become even more relevant because of ro v wade
Even RBG, patron saint of the Democrats, thought roe v wade was a bad idea
need to laugh so I don't cry at the news
This show just gets it.
This whole scene had me rolling
Weak sense of humour
This reminds me when Ronald Reagan as governor of California passed gun control laws when it was apparent the Black Panthers were becoming a thing and they had guns.
That part in the beginning where PC's assistant is hiding behind a sign because he sees two people armed to the teeth weapons is exactly how I would react. Like how the fuck am I supposed to know the difference between "good guy gi Joe" exercising open carry and the next shooting spree killers!? Especially if they're in street clothes.
Guys search up
"Reagan gun control. Black panther party" literally the same shit
This might become relevant soon.
It's already relevant in November 2024.
"Owning a gun may increase female fertility"
Princess Carolina computer screen at 0:05
I love how Princess always sees the best in things
Anyone else watching this play out live Nov 5 2024
"No muh child murder!" Geeze why did you lose again?
Lol no
The only thing that this got wrong is that they didn’t start discussing how they should ban women from existing
This hits different after roe V Wade was overturned
Shut up
What does this have to do with federal vs state level legislation?
This has nothing to do with Roe v Wade. If you're claiming that overturning a stupid unconstitutional decision from the 70s is hating women, you're an idiot. If you think being against abortion is hating women, you're also an idiot.
@@GigamokinThat this country hates women enough to give states the option. I have adult friends who had to move out of Texas because they couldn't get a doctor to do anything with their cystic ovaries without a signed consent form their parents or from the husband they didn't have.
@@askadoctorifheresyisright4you sounds like an oversight more than "hate"
I came here after the 2024 election
Glad I'm not the only one who IMMEDIATELY thought of this clip after the 2024 election results.
This show is a national treasure.
this comment section is a bojack horseman scene is the day we see if this becomes reality
I think about this episode a lot
Samething now with Harris and Trump….
Not really. Harris always wanted women disarmed. Trump doesn't.
I mean, Harris bragged about owning a gun, but she's a cop who would probably keep oppressed people from arming themselves. If she spoke out about the hypocrisy of gun laws, instead of insisting people who want only their good old boys to have guns that she's one of them, she could have maybe won a demographic... at least I'd be a percent less hateful to her.
How Harris is wannabe authoritarian who's attempted braindead gun laws like this in her home state, but she's too lazy and incompetent to pull it off?
My first thought after seeing the election results...
This really predicted everything this year
This show has always been spot on about everything.
Well, now that a trans has done one, maybe we can do something about mass shootings...
Nice. Don’t look at the real issue 😮
Predicted the fucking future...
nope it didn't
How does seriously nobody understand that the final outcome of the scene, isn't what the writers are pushing as a good moral. They entirely understand this isn't good gun control, as they still make fun of it in the end, and people think the episode is black and white, when really their mentality is black and white. Oh well.
You are a colossal moron.
Wow please educate me more using your higher knowledge almighty intellectual God
I agree with you, and am giggling at some people here being salty for being called out that they may be the ones with a black and white mentality, not the show.
Mostly the scene was just stupid because it pushes the idea that society is against women.... I never even looked at this as gun control.
Damn that hit a little too close to reality just now...
Gun control wasn't a conversation until the Black Panthers encouraged black people to own guns. Then people suddenly had a problem with gun ownership
What are my constituents supposed to do? NOT compliment random women on the street because they may be carrying a firearm?
I love the little details like PC reading an article about how a gun may increase fertility
crazy how this aged
That “no?” At the end got me
I thought it was gonna be bojack saying we should buy all the guns in the world to solve the gun crisis
See I'm not the only one here after the historically bad decision made yesterday.
Shut up
@@92JazzQueen So you look at every comment that offends you and reply them to shut up? Classy.
@@Waltersop you just don't like being called on your shit
@@Waltersop shut up
@@bootyholebandit2905 adorable
The NRA was silent when politicians passed gun control laws too go after Black Panthers.
I can believe it, Diane...
shooter at youtube was a woman. it's happening
thoughts and prayers
@@Zero11s actually there was 🍕🍕
@@jose2226 just because you believe there was one doesn't actually mean there really was one
yeah thoughts and prayers
@@Zero11s i saw it on the news when it happened, look it up buddy
@@jose2226 #AutoHoax the media is the state church
This is probably one of the funniest and most prescient jokes the show ever made.
They called it.
it is called pre-programming
Zero11s well, thank god it doesnt matter what a flat earther thinks.
MultiMaikimaik well, thanks god it doesnt matter what a troll thinks.
Zero11s ohh youre a troll, thank god.
Zero11s thank* btw
Sadly now the mass shooting events in Bojack seem to be seeping into real life with Las Vegas.
Thoughs and prayers :/
mass shootings in america have been occurring long before this episode, have you been living under a rock the past decade?
Keegan Maskey as well as in France, the UK, Sweden, and etc. Everywhere but Poland really.
And now we had the Texas church shooting . . .
Exactly zero of those terrorists used guns, or what makes half of the entire qualification to be a mass shooting.
So uh... I looked up this video today for a particular reason. Made me think of this scene.
BoJack Horseman is a brilliant show.
This will be so relevant for a long time
This is the first thing I thought of with Las Vegas
California was immediately chopped off from the US mainland and left to float into the Atlantic.
Via the Panama Canal or the long way round?
@@williamchamberlain2263 Well it’s california so they took the easy way out.
And nothing of value was lost.
0:05 welp looks like this exact conversation has most likely happened now. lets hope the rest follows too.
Who’s here after the Nashville shooting
Was that the one where the shooter was trans and now most of right wingers want to crack down on gun control and do background checks for people with mental issues? *cough* anyone who is has had hormone therapy *cough*.
Because if so then no, This was just in my recommendations.
@@lazuruswolf6668right wingers don't want to crack down on gun control. If anything, they've doubled downed and have said that we need guns as the shooter had to change targets since the first one was too secured and armed.
And kicked out two representatives for inciting an insurrection at the Tennessee hearing.
With these recent passes to anti abortion laws, this is less of an exaggeration...
They hate women and love guns almost equally
This annoys me. The writing is amazing, super clear , Super obvious and it gets the point across? No... The moral is lost on a lot of people.
Thanks for proving his point, dipshit.
Ignore it. Its funnier to see him seek attention.
too be fair this was really preachy. i mean i know it's a joke but the whole thing feel like hey look at that those guy's love gun's but they hate women more.
True. I did like how they exaggerated with the thoughts and prayers bit.
The obviousness is the point. It's not supposed to change the minds of those who they're satirizing, it's making a highly dramatic point to highlight the stupidity of it all.
Black Panthers callback lol
But honestly, kind of predicted the 2024 election too… “I can’t believe this country hates women more than…”
History really does repeat itself
"I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns."
Bojack tried years ago to warn us about America's problem with misogyny.
the most realistic thing to happen in this show.
I feel like people are missing the point. The story didn't have to do with gun right. It was a commentary on women safety.
Ricky Williams I'm not trying to argue with you on the reality. I took it more as like we still perpetuate a society where women are scared to go out by themselves type of deal.
It might have to do with a lot of women's rights groups constantly saying how rape happy men are and how we live in a society that believes rape is OK. You know the whole "US society is rape culture." Surprising enough it actually isn't.
Most people just tell women to get a gun, pepper spray, learn self defense, or something to defend themselves. However, there are people activity discouraging women, from what I've seen they're women's rights groups, from doing things to keep themselves safe.
Ricky Williams yeah instead of taking precautions to avoid rape they try to teach all men not to rape. That’s sexist because one it’s a blanket statement and 2 you don’t see any teach women not to rape things. Also if someone is a rapist they aren’t going to give a shit if you tell them rape is wrong. They will still do it.
dylan pheifer maybe try to make a compelling argument instead of insulting the guy?
dylan pheifer
I don't even read Breitbart. I would prefer if you actually countered what I'm saying then just insult me. I'm more than willing to learn if I'm found wrong.
Two Trump victories against women makes this more relevant
Love how Diane is a well developed character but her opponents are one dimensional
That's strawmaning
That’s pretty much reality now.
Bojack Horseman predicted the Nashville school shooting!
Correction, he predicted the reaction to it.
Title is misleading. Should have been called "Diane solves Gun Control".
I feel like it’s good irony for the tone of the episode.
That's what NRA and Reagan did when black folks began being a little bit too fan of 2nd amendements
I hate how accurate this is
If Netflix released episodes weekly, this episode would have dropped this week
This is painfully accurate. So painful, it is disgusting.
So this is happening right now
1:39 This aged like fine wine…
The States overturned roe v wade and banned abortion but refuse to have gun control…
And it's not because of women
I feel like this video is kind of relevant to what's happening now in the US
Replace guns with government power
God, this episode came out five years ago...
The funny part of this scene is that California would be dumb enough to ban all guns and then call it "sensible gun legislation" LMAO
Man, this just hit my feed Nov 2024
When you’ve decided you’re never going to advocate for common sense gun safety laws, reacting to massacres becomes more of an inconvenience and an obligation than something that truly upsets you.
Now I honestly feel this could be a legitimate strategy to pass sensible gun legislation
Well that bill did recently get signed into law though many felt it doesn’t do enough
I understand, but it is the biggest federal gun bill passed since 1994 (yes I know that one had unintended consequences that in turn led to an increase in mass incarceration, especially amongst people of color but my point still stands).
Sensible gun legislation would be to repeal the NFA and legalize owning every weapon that military members can carry.
I don’t think a majority of women are crazy enough to push those boundaries and honestly the problem is mostly incels/outcasted people
I mean she isn’t wrong.....
Back in the 60s this exact scenario happened with blacks.
Christ What the fuck is wrong with America
This comment section is hot garbage
Bascally white fragility in men jumped out
This is uncomfortably appropriate
"I don't like Mondays."