у меня еще остались набоы с 80-х годов... фото наборов здесь yadi.sk/d/jI43Z_xFdarLuA . I still have tricks from the 80s ... photo sets here yadi.sk/d/jI43Z_xFdarLuA
Good review, sadly its a classic kit that holds no appeal for me. The use of stickers rather than decals is particularly bad in my my mind even for an old kit. Thank you for presenting the unboxing.
+ChancerNW Thank you for the comment! It is indeed a kit that is better kept in the box rather than assembled! Has more nostalgic value then real value... Luckily we have the brand new Airfix Beaufighters to build instead :-)
Собирал такой аэроплан...в 1985 году.Эх,детство....
A bit of Flash on the sprues was nothing new to deal with when you were used to Airfix of the same era.
Собирал такой в советские времена...за 90 копеек...Только коробка была из вторсырья...с надписью ,самолет,...и все!
у меня еще остались набоы с 80-х годов... фото наборов здесь yadi.sk/d/jI43Z_xFdarLuA
. I still have tricks from the 80s ... photo sets here yadi.sk/d/jI43Z_xFdarLuA
Good review, sadly its a classic kit that holds no appeal for me. The use of stickers rather than decals is particularly bad in my my mind even for an old kit. Thank you for presenting the unboxing.
+ChancerNW Thank you for the comment! It is indeed a kit that is better kept in the box rather than assembled! Has more nostalgic value then real value... Luckily we have the brand new Airfix Beaufighters to build instead :-)