an attractive work and I was glad to have had the opportunity of hearing yet again the work of an obscure Scandinanivian composer, of which there seems to be no end!
A very fine Symphony, the drama is not taken too seriously. Time was when Danish music was just Carl Neilson, but in recent years Denmark has been shown to contain many masters. Neils Gade, Peter Erasmus Lange-Muller to name but two.
By the way, KuhlauDilfeng2, you have to know that we massively post music from your great channel in this group: Thanks for that too!
Wonderful!!! Thanks a lot for this record! Where you found it? I know perfectly this symphony, I realized a complete transcription on it when I studied in Copenhagen! I have this record too, but is I guess is really rare.
an attractive work and I was glad to have had the opportunity of hearing yet again the work of an obscure Scandinanivian composer, of which there seems to be no end!
A very fine Symphony, the drama is not taken too seriously. Time was when Danish music was just Carl Neilson, but in recent years Denmark has been shown to contain many masters. Neils Gade, Peter Erasmus Lange-Muller to name but two.
Nielsen with an (e).
Thank you so much! I miss so much his Drot og Marsk in youtube. Btu I'm so happy to hear this symphony.
You are welcome! :-) I have the opera, i can upload if you want?
Yessssssssss!!!! Please!!! Or at least the ouverture or some arias... great music! thank you!!
By the way, KuhlauDilfeng2, you have to know that we massively post music from your great channel in this group: Thanks for that too!
Ana Briones I'l do that later in the week and thanks for for the link, very nice. :-)
Ana Briones There! The deed is done. :-)
Peter Heise - Drog og Marsk (1878) (Complete opera)
Wonderful!!! Thanks a lot for this record! Where you found it? I know perfectly this symphony, I realized a complete transcription on it when I studied in Copenhagen! I have this record too, but is I guess is really rare.
I found it at Unsungcomposers so it is some sort of private or radio recording so not a commercial one.
"Like" on 28 November 2016
Can someone please identify the painting? I know I've seen it before ... Thanks!
Yes, that is Paul Gustave Fischer's work. He's also Danish.