19:41 I started a big one before got 3 pages done of it and I miscounted, but I did the top row for two of the edges and found that out so it could've been worse. I haven't tried again to work on another big project since then.
@DarkXStitch for big ones, yeah it kinda did, but I'm still working on mid sized projects. Currently doing a futurama one for my brother and a witcher one for my husband
Your daughter's art is fantastic! And your stitching of it is so beautiful.
Thank you so much 💓
Amazing stitching!! Wow 🤩 ! Your daughter is soOo talented!! Thanks for sharing and Happy holidays! Tfs! Christine ❤
Thank you so much 💓 happy holidays to you too 😊
I'm hoping to start "I see you in my dreams" as well!! But the mini so I can finish it in my lifetime 😁
Getting the mini was a smart idea 😆 I hope I can finish the max colour one in a couple of years but we will see x
These are looking great x
Thank you 💓
I love all of your WIPs
Thank you so much 💓
19:41 I started a big one before got 3 pages done of it and I miscounted, but I did the top row for two of the edges and found that out so it could've been worse. I haven't tried again to work on another big project since then.
It can be really frustrating when you realise you've made a mistake 😕
I hope it hasn't put you off for future projects though 💕
@DarkXStitch for big ones, yeah it kinda did, but I'm still working on mid sized projects. Currently doing a futurama one for my brother and a witcher one for my husband
I love the pokemon pattern. I am working on the epic Pokemon generation 1 to 5 right now. It is such an amazing pattern.
Ah wow how far along are you 😊 I bet its amazing 💓
@@DarkXStitch I'm about 6000 stitches in. A lot of stitching to do. But it is worth the work.
Don't second guess yourself I'm sure you counted several times before your Final Cut. Happy Holidays
Happy holidays back to you lovely 💕