I actually bought this car about a year ago. The tick you heard was coming from some really old, maybe even factory, spark plugs. I noticed that when revving in park or neutral the tick was hardly noticeable. It was only when the engine was under load that it became pronounced. I did a bunch of maintenance and only after changing the plugs did the tick disappear.
Dude the spark plug tip fell off into my engine and scored the cylinder walls on my B9-S4!!! Didn’t know that was a common problem!? Love the content from Kentucky!
Unfortunately, after owning the S4 for a bit, I learned the B9s with the 3.0T had a multitude of issues, from the oil cap popping off, spark plug tips breaking off, rocker arms and more.. Thanks for the kind words!
@@abrakadabraangelov1829 Late production 2019+ 3.0T and 2.9TT should not have these issues whatsoever. I forget the exact date split, but you can find that on the forums.
Video of the knocking/tapping sound would've been helpful! Did you verify it was the rockers at all? Check filter for any metal? Boroscope through engine filler? The dealership didn't notice the knocking/tapping on trade in?
My noise only happened under load, and it was hard to differentiate. I never determined the actual noise, other than it being in the engine bay. My oil filter seemed a TAD flakey but wasn't exactly shining either.
Sorry! It’s a 230i XDrive! And the S4 was a more powerful car, and more luxurious, but this vehicle in my own opinion drives a lot better, feels better etc. But to each their own!
I actually bought this car about a year ago. The tick you heard was coming from some really old, maybe even factory, spark plugs. I noticed that when revving in park or neutral the tick was hardly noticeable. It was only when the engine was under load that it became pronounced. I did a bunch of maintenance and only after changing the plugs did the tick disappear.
@@jameshernandez5386 Interesting, what state are you in?
Dude the spark plug tip fell off into my engine and scored the cylinder walls on my B9-S4!!! Didn’t know that was a common problem!? Love the content from Kentucky!
Unfortunately, after owning the S4 for a bit, I learned the B9s with the 3.0T had a multitude of issues, from the oil cap popping off, spark plug tips breaking off, rocker arms and more.. Thanks for the kind words!
@@BrandonFinleyxDoes this also mean the B9,5 have the same issues?Or they are resolved on them?
@@abrakadabraangelov1829 Late production 2019+ 3.0T and 2.9TT should not have these issues whatsoever. I forget the exact date split, but you can find that on the forums.
Video of the knocking/tapping sound would've been helpful! Did you verify it was the rockers at all? Check filter for any metal? Boroscope through engine filler? The dealership didn't notice the knocking/tapping on trade in?
My noise only happened under load, and it was hard to differentiate. I never determined the actual noise, other than it being in the engine bay. My oil filter seemed a TAD flakey but wasn't exactly shining either.
I bought this car and after changing the spark plugs the tick disappeared. It seemed the plugs were well beyond their life.
2:20 you don’t mention the year of the car or what kind of car it is (228,M240?) B9 S4 is so much better though.
Sorry! It’s a 230i XDrive! And the S4 was a more powerful car, and more luxurious, but this vehicle in my own opinion drives a lot better, feels better etc. But to each their own!
@@BrandonFinleyx i guess you weren’t really comparing them to be fair lol but still a sick car and love the color congrats
@@stefanomarcellino6701Thank you for that! Thanks for watching!
Awesome video , this was such a good move getting this and ditching the Audi
Love your content, all the way from South Africa
Thank you! I appreciate the comment, it means a lot