"Doesn't really matter how wide it is." Except for determining how much leverage the chassis has vs. the rollbar, and thereby determining the roll stiffness..
Seems to me you need some pre load on the passenger four link. Both for what you’re seeing on the scales and the amount of roll you had at the track. I was able to almost eliminate roll with my Datsun 4 link even without an ARB
Hey Hayden, you are doing a top top job but please be careful with the rear shocks mounted single shear like that. You launch it enough, the bolts will eventually fatigue and then break; usually under high speed load. Mounted properly, double shear (from both sides of the shock), will last a "lifetime".
I was very surprised yours was that heavy, mine was about the same with me in it. Obviously you have more cage etc vs my full interior, but I still thought yours would be closer to 2700 with driver. Regardless, good work, Homie!
Can't believe your talking about redoing the cage after all that time doing it the first time, I guarantee if you redo it won't be done till next winter and miss this season to
The enemy of good is better. So many times I have made things worse by trying to make them a little better. This thing is sharp. It is already a beast.
Hayden, honest question: are you wanting to make it as a youtube or part time youtube/ mostly fab shop? The frequent uploads are 🔥 I think we would all be down to see more content even if you don't feel like its new or exciting (boostedboiz 3 part trans. install video lol).
@@aaronbonbon72 "Billet" only means machined from a block of metal. Can be steel (which these obviously are), can be aluminum, it's just a colloquial term for "machined"
Can't wait too see it at the track man!!!
Makes sense why the car always hooked so good before. The person building it completely understands the physics of the car launching and squatting.
"Doesn't really matter how wide it is." Except for determining how much leverage the chassis has vs. the rollbar, and thereby determining the roll stiffness..
Exactly. Its basically a torsion spring. Shorter - stiffer
@@urbanburja6291 Almost forgot about that part - so the width determines spring rate and motion ratio.
My first thought. Shorter=tighter bar
Closer on the chassis=less leverage.
As wide and as stiff as possible.
That dyno tease at the end
You are my favourite small youtuber 🤩
I can't wait for you to make a nice pass on this setup! Keep it up man. Your killing it!
Awesome journey man that car has come a long way great fabrication skills
Killin it Hayden 🔥🔥🔥 sneak peak at the end, sounds mean 😎
You can adjust both your coil over and anti roll bar to adjust weight.
Love these updates..... Keep them coming..... Cant wait for the track videos
16 degrees in Canada and it's amazing lmaooo winter isn't shit haha
I'm digging all these uploads you been putting out bro 🤟
Why did you mount the roll bar backwards? Usually I see the bar with billet arms mounted to the chassis.
As you preload the anti roll bar, it will add weight to the right rear, which will even it out while helping it launch straight.
please show us more on that mustang!!!
What’s that rear rim and tire combo ? Looks great been look for some bead locks
Shouldn't the rear coilovers be double sheer on the bottom? Not sure just asking, and trying to learn
Seems to me you need some pre load on the passenger four link. Both for what you’re seeing on the scales and the amount of roll you had at the track. I was able to almost eliminate roll with my Datsun 4 link even without an ARB
Hey Hayden, you are doing a top top job but please be careful with the rear shocks mounted single shear like that. You launch it enough, the bolts will eventually fatigue and then break; usually under high speed load. Mounted properly, double shear (from both sides of the shock), will last a "lifetime".
I was very surprised yours was that heavy, mine was about the same with me in it. Obviously you have more cage etc vs my full interior, but I still thought yours would be closer to 2700 with driver. Regardless, good work, Homie!
My Dakota was 3300 with me in it. Thing felt real light too
Can you put any preload in the roll bar with the end links? Might be an additional option.
It finally came together💪🏼 can’t wait to see what it does
Nice check on the bench
What about the drivers hoop?
Holy Vanilla Ice hair.. Ice Ice Baby. Ice Ice Baby TO GO!
Can't wait to see what it runs!
What external pump you running
Race this car, man. I know a project car is never finished, but at least race it a full season before it goes down again.
Can't wait to see you and Kyle race
Florida is looking good huh?
You're right there with 187 Customs that I wait for the anticipated content!!! Let's Go!!!
I just want to know what happened to the Honda Civic V-8 build
So i watched ur video 5 times was hopin that would help looks like u need it! mUCH lOVE bRO...
Looking forward to the Dyno adventure
Can't believe your talking about redoing the cage after all that time doing it the first time, I guarantee if you redo it won't be done till next winter and miss this season to
This car gets better and better.
We blizzarding in Okoboji
The enemy of good is better.
So many times I have made things worse by trying to make them a little better.
This thing is sharp. It is already a beast.
Whoo hoo enjoy the track !
Only person I’ve ever see make hair look like a hat. Low key jealous my hair jumpin off like paratroopers. 😆
You gotta roast those tires for 100k subs bro.
Hayden, honest question: are you wanting to make it as a youtube or part time youtube/ mostly fab shop?
The frequent uploads are 🔥 I think we would all be down to see more content even if you don't feel like its new or exciting (boostedboiz 3 part trans. install video lol).
i love my trick parts i have all there rear end brackets
Nice... this thing is going to move 👍
That white WS6 🤤
That gray notch in the background though 🤔
That's pretty light mann
Awesome content 👍
I’ve never seen an anti roll bar installed like that. It looks like you installed it upside down.
So stoked for this.
I've been told that comments help with the UA-cam algorithm. 😁
I bet you miss Florida 😂😂
my man got a treasury check on the bench lol
That $18 tax return 🥴
@@Metigulous better than owing haha
Put the notes in 📝 on your phone…
Hell yeah 👍👍from this guy
You're killing it whyatt.
@mashi DO neither one has a finished car.
Redo the cage. Just fix what you cut off and race the dang thing...lol
Just race the damn thing. You’ve spent two years building it to redo it all again?
oh. hi.
Pretty sure fuel is 8lbs per gallon bro.
That's water bro.
Ok 6. Just looked it up. That's why I said "about" to cover my ass from you.
@@wjpreslar oh snap I didn't say that, my bad. What a douche canoe I am.
Somebody wiped that car down I bet it was Carlos. It looks gleeming.
Let’s go!
- 👍 👍 🔧 -
Or just add your weight ahaha
mmmm zadddyyy
You always click bait with your thumbnails.
Does anybody have the one question...
Billet ends to steel?
@@aaronbonbon72 "Billet" only means machined from a block of metal. Can be steel (which these obviously are), can be aluminum, it's just a colloquial term for "machined"
Why do people say( not gonna lie) is that because you might have lied I don't think decent people need to or would even think to say suck things
Yay I'm early for once!
Just drive the fucking car before you rebuild again