This should be commercialized ASAP. This is the best gift to gift Nigerians right now. The suffering is too much and I swear this will solve 70 to 80 percent of our Nigerian problems. No light , heat wan kill person , keep huge nepa bills yet no light. Fuel, gas, diesel all expensive, coupled with noise of normal generator and air pollution. This is the best gift for Nigerians. Thank you sir for your video.
Since I watched this video I have become restless. Why hasn't this product flooded the Nigerian market yet for onward buying since 2019 this video was made. This is 2024.. Why???? What is it waiting for to be commercialized ???? It will be disservice that our Nigerians electrical engineers and talented experts will fold their hands and continue to watch nepa continue to deal with nigerians while we have this type of technology waiting to put smiles on the faces of millions of suffering Nigerian homes due to continue d power outrage and high cost of fuel and gas.
Infact, you are a good and great teacher, I had been thinking about this method but no equipment and materials but as you have demonstrated it now i am highly convinced that I can do the same. Thanks very much l love you most.
Explosive video! Excellent teaching. Simply amazing. You are really a great instructor of detailed perfection. It would be hard to find someone unable to follow; even a novice. Two thumbs up sir.
you prolly dont care but does anybody know of a trick to get back into an instagram account..? I somehow forgot the account password. I love any assistance you can give me.
Great job. everything you just explain is very correct but for one, the battery will run down. the charging system of the alternator id just 8 amps output. so the power liberated is greater then the power decipated. finally the battery will not last
You are failing to ask an important question why hasn't this product been commercialized for ASAP buying since 2019. What is preventing or olding them from fully mass prodding this product for the benefits of Nigerians.
Congratulations! Great job Mister! I hope it works just as well as I could see it in this movie. Your accent is a quite hard to understand in the beginning, but after a few minutes of using to it I understood almost all of. Sounds a bit like New Guinea Pidgin, and some aboriginal Australian talk though. :) We need something like this also here, in Australia. They want to kill us with power prices here. And not only, the same goes on all over the world. In addition, there is either not available at all, or if it is, it it is becoming increasingly unaffordable, especially by elders having to live of their meagre aged pension only... I can see that you are, so far, the only one who took good care to explain everything in plain language, understandable by plain people. I appreciate it a lot. It gave me some idea how to go about final electrical connecting into the all 240V, pulley and heavy wheals, inertia system. Keep on a good job! :)
Wow u make me proud of Nigeria engineering, u ar really talented, thank you, sir,.. And I need u to prove another bigger one, to let them know Nigeria engineering have something up stair. BRAVO SIR
good investment but try using super capacitor on the battery for stable changes and longer run cause the dc motor draw 90amp per running and higher on the starting load and not all battery can put out 140 amps per start just remember that solar battery cant start this unit without supercapacitor
You have done so well, your explanation was very clear, I am a pioneer of free energy. First time to see a Nigeria post a video online on free energy. However , you can make it work without the car battery, the battery will only serve initial energy to the DC motor. When it start running you removed the battery. Thanks so much, pls post more videos on Free energy
Good day brother. Please, is there any medium to reach you? I am very much interested in this project. Am not an expert in this area, but after I came across this video, I decided to try it out and it worked, but the problem I have now is that the motor gets too hot when it's running. I would like to widen my knowledge in this field of free energy. Thanks.
Thank you very much. Great teaching and down to earth explanations but please, the phrase (I Better Pass My Neighbour) should be abbreviated to either (IBPMN) or (BPMN) for the small generators Thank you.
pls sir I will love to learn from u a fast learner..I dont av any supporter anywhere I believe wit dis I earn to survive..pls sir kindly help base in lagos sir..thanks and God bless u sir
Thanks for the great teaching sir.. but my question is that, did you fo anything on the alternator? Like rewinding or upgrading the copper wire on the alternator.. pls enlight us
The RPM is higher but what he does not show is the amount of AMPS used to power the motor. The battery charger will ONLY charge at a set amperage. If the Amps consumed by the motor is higher than the charger can return to the battery. The battery will slowly discharge. The motor MUST use the same as consumed as the charger or LESS!
you are the only man exposing truth about what people want to learn. you are a great teacher. my question if u can answer me fast, how did you know that the motor will match with the sitting of the generator where the engine came out from, is it how the motor was made or you built the sitting
This is good a innovation after all it is human being that built generators. I am interested . Well done,the only observation is that the battery might not last long because of the pressure of in and out simultaneously
Sir, The Alternator you have connected with the DC motor has no permanent magnet rotor as I can see, which means it can magnetise only when current is supplied to it. You have shown how to rotate the rotor using DC motor but how does it get magnetized is not clear, can you pls answer this. I appreciate the fact that you have taken time and effort to share this technology but for others to fully understand it I believe some answers from your side are really important.
Learn the working of alternator,rotor coils are just for excitation purpose for cold run, later once the prime mover/engine starts, it cuts off to give A.C current as output.
This is a fascinating idea as well as many other ideas of power generation. I am not here to talk down on any one, we are doing great, Kudos to these guys. Yet the arguments are there. You cannot charge and discharge a battery at the same time let alone using same system. it looks like it is working but, in reality it is not. Charging, discharging (Electricity production in a battery) is a chemical process. On the surface, charging and discharging is a bit like filling up a parking garage with cars or taking them out. But that’s a bad analogy, you can put in a 2 Honda and a chrysler and take out 2 Nissans and a toyota and they will pass each other on the entrance gate. In practice, electrons are not different from each other, you do not have have them passing each other simultaneously as it its assumed in charging and discharging. Basically electrons go into the battery and we call that charging or electrons leave the battery and we call that discharging. When you have three items, a battery, a charger, and a load, the current sums at the junction. The total load determines if the battery is charging or discharging Lets say the Load takes 2A, the Charger pushes 3 A then I can determine that the Battery is getting the 1A difference. Thus it has a net charge, even though the load is being powered and the source is powering. If the Charger put out 2A and the load took 3 A then I can determine that the battery is furnishing or discharging 1 A Net. To really analyze this takes careful definition and attention to the sign of the current relating to its direction. There is no such thing as a component charging and discharging at the same time. Its a system solution. Therefore if a load and a charger were both connected you could either have a charging or discharging battery but it would be no worse than if you only had 2 components- either a battery and charger or a battery and a load. This said, the Generator will not be efficient cos the battery capacity will keep dropping untill finally its out, its just a matter of time, and then you will have to buy another battery. Buying a battery of that size is not that cheap. Then the whole aim has been defeated on the long run. I have had this idea since my elementary physics, further research helped me understand better. i am thinking of Using high power capacitors to power the motor. This will entail some intricate electronics design to control the exact timing of charging and discharge of the array of capacitors. Then the battery can kick start the system and at full revolution, the first capacitor Charges and then second one before they start discharging one after the other, then the battery shuts off its power transferring to the capacitors to continue.. Yet it will not be that efficient cos the capacitors will have a shorter life. hence regular change.
Thanks for the analysis. This power generated is determined by the speed of your dc motor measured in rpm (i.e revolutions per minute). Take for instance, if you have a DC motor of 3000RPM connected to a 2000rpm alternator. Definitely, you should have enough power output. If you connect load to the output, the 1000RPM will be used and the system still works perfectly. Mind you the DC power used in charging the battery comes from the diode connected to the alternator. And the current from the diode is about 8.3A which is sufficient in charging a normal car battery. This shows the system works fine.
Wayne Chukwuemeka Uwakwe Hello! I like your idea and the explanation given by Engr Ololade. I am a qualified project manager also working on big projects like this. We can be solving all these problems facing Africa together. Thank you all for your contribution. You can join me on Facebook oshmod group
Wayne Chukwuemeka Uwakwe For what you have analysed there is a point because I have sample that resemble your analysis. If you can contact me directly I can forward it to you so we look into it together.
Yes you are right to some extent, but if the power coming from the diode (charger) is greater than what the dc motor is drawing from the battery the battery will charge.
Thanks for the correct analysis. Obviously, we can't get something from nothing. While this is a wonderful presentation coming from our own, we will definitely need to improve on it. One method is to use the kinetic energy stored in rotating flywheels to keep the generator running. Let the experimentation continue!
Good day Sir, Good job Sir, The DC motor you plug on battery can you plug it on the out put after using battery to start the fueless generator, because battery have started the generator DC motor is rolling change the wire to the socket
Saludos cordiales Profesor gracias por tan excelente vídeo. Te quería preguntar qué tipo de motor es? Y si me puedes dar las especificaciones del mismo. Por lo que entiendo es 12v ( con un alternador de planta o generador eléctrico eso lo tengo claro.)me corriges si no estoy en lo correcto, y que tipo de maquinaria usa ese tipo de motor. increible tu proyecto muchas gracias. Un fuerte abrazo desde Venezuela.
I am really wondering what good is this if the battery will eventually run out of power in long term operation.. I have asked this question again and again but you do not reply.. you took so much time to explain so many things but you do not have any time now to answer this simple question
@@freeelectricgenerator7921 thanks for your generous offer for help building the device, kindly also answer if the battery running the device will slowly run out of power as although it is being charged but seems that the output will be more than input and thus eventually the power of the battery will get depleted in long hours of operation .. pls give ur email I’d for further communication.. thanks..
Good work boss please I need your help . Please what is rpm of the motor connected to the generator and also does the motor have to run from left to right or from right to left . I have try it before but it didn't work out for me the motor was running from right to lift can it cause it not to work Thank you for the video may God bless you Hoping to hear from you soon
I think what your doing is called a Dynamotor. Running a Generator head from any electric motor is possible, as long as the speed of the motor can be maintained high enough, to maintain the proper output voltage the generator requirements. The challenge here is the torque on the motor needs to be strong enough to handle it going up as the generator goes under heavier load. Some generator heads supply a 12v output to charge a separate battery, which could be used to supplement the battery being used, to maintain the system. Which could also be used for that and as a feedback loop to regulate the current flow into the motor to maintain the generators speed. And you might get by with a 2kw generator there, here 10 to 20kw would just about cover a typical home, with the 3 ton AC blasting.
Nope, not possible. There is no generator that is 100 percent efficient. There is no motor that is 100 percent efficient. Therefore, any combination of motor and generator cannot produce free energy. Period. Stop the bullshit scamming and learn thermodynamics.
how man watts output of the alternator? am i correct that , for you to produce 1000 watts/1kw you need to have 2hp motor? how many HP motor you have been used there sir? ty
Dear Sir , Your invention is great but for those OF us living here in Nigeria can you assemble this kind of fuel less Gen for us ? if yes what will be the cost . Your urgent response is highly welcome. Best Regards Tony A .Akubue
Thank sir for the enlightenment, but please what is the name of that component With four terminal that you connect the charging cable from the coil to charge the battery?
Hello Mentor, your videos have been really helpful and inspiring, which made me start building mine with my medium 1.8kv generator. The challenge I'm having now is getting a motor that will be able to power it. Do you know how, where I can get a Motor for it. Thanks
This should be commercialized ASAP. This is the best gift to gift Nigerians right now. The suffering is too much and I swear this will solve 70 to 80 percent of our Nigerian problems. No light , heat wan kill person , keep huge nepa bills yet no light. Fuel, gas, diesel all expensive, coupled with noise of normal generator and air pollution. This is the best gift for Nigerians. Thank you sir for your video.
Dear Engineer, you have done it all in terms of FUELLESS GENERATORS. Thanks.
I am from Sudan really I salute you for the good step by step teaching.. You are really greate engineer and teacher... May Allah bless you
Since I watched this video I have become restless. Why hasn't this product flooded the Nigerian market yet for onward buying since 2019 this video was made. This is 2024.. Why???? What is it waiting for to be commercialized ???? It will be disservice that our Nigerians electrical engineers and talented experts will fold their hands and continue to watch nepa continue to deal with nigerians while we have this type of technology waiting to put smiles on the faces of millions of suffering Nigerian homes due to continue d power outrage and high cost of fuel and gas.
The spirit of darkness is all over the people
Infact, you are a good and great teacher, I had been thinking about this method but no equipment and materials but as you have demonstrated it now i am highly convinced that I can do the same. Thanks very much l love you most.
this is man of the year. who expose the secret which the power company dont want to know us.
Thank you
HowTos Planet why dont you draw it on paper ...and we will have easy way to duplicate. please.
Let me have the number of the engineer@@IconiumTechnologies
Very good, lovely explanation with good, lovely gift the world needs this machine of generator
the professor is a boss this is real engineering nothing hidden
Thank you for your free online lecture. Please post more videos for our youth.
You are not just an engr, but a good teacher. Please advice where to get the dc motor. Thanks.
Wonderful teaching. More grace to librate humanity!
A belated thank you for the best explanation in clear, decent and professional manner, on this particular topic.Be blessed.
God bless.And all hail Nigeria we cant be last.
Thanks bro. Dont forget to subscribe
Great sir, I wish we more engineers like you in this country, More Grace
Sir thank you very much you are the best teacher ever seen I must commend you for all your efforts God bless you
Great Engineer. God bless you
We need this kind of Energy here in the USA.
Most thoughtful.
Thank You.
Thanks. We need Renewable sources of energy in the world to preserve our planet
Explosive video! Excellent teaching. Simply amazing. You are really a great instructor of detailed perfection. It would be hard to find someone unable to follow; even a novice. Two thumbs up sir.
Good job please and please and please I need your address or contact
More experience to you sa, please haw many hours this can work?
pls I need the email or direct contact of this Man
Wow! Sir. May the good Lord bless you real good for sharing this information. Thank you very much.
you prolly dont care but does anybody know of a trick to get back into an instagram account..?
I somehow forgot the account password. I love any assistance you can give me.
My problem had always been how the battery runs down now you have cleared that THANK YOU
God bless u and more knowledge to you and your handwork, u are a real good teacher indeed
Insightful and educative
Honestly you're a good teacher. How can I get 12V DC motor
Good one Sir.
God bless you, you are very, very, very nice mane God bless you and God Bless your Team
Great job. everything you just explain is very correct but for one, the battery will run down. the charging system of the alternator id just 8 amps output. so the power liberated is greater then the power decipated. finally the battery will not last
God bless you richly for your teaching. I am really blessed
You are failing to ask an important question why hasn't this product been commercialized for ASAP buying since 2019. What is preventing or olding them from fully mass prodding this product for the benefits of Nigerians.
Clever boy the world needs this technology. Thank you do much ..mike scotland
Can anyone in this community translate his comantary to english please .mike scotland
@@jaminthevanuk296 what do you mean,he speak English or you don't understand?
I can't understand
@@freeelectricgenerator7921 uk
@@freeelectricgenerator7921 thank you do much I'm new to this and find it hard to understand but can see the importance 07729700074
Apart from being an engineer sir, you are a great teacher!! Bravo!
Thank you @william
Iconium Technologies What if you replace the rotor with magnet.
Well done sir could i get your contact I'll Like you to build one for me
What about the gnarrator that is having only compass positive and negative
Indeed man u are a Boss, u are legit and transparent
God bless you Sir, for sharing this wonderful information.
You are a blessing to the field changing thousands of living in this world
God bless you so much sir, i have learnt a lot from you
Congratulations! Great job Mister! I hope it works just as well as I could see it in this movie. Your accent is a quite hard to understand in the beginning, but after a few minutes of using to it I understood almost all of. Sounds a bit like New Guinea Pidgin, and some aboriginal Australian talk though. :) We need something like this also here, in Australia. They want to kill us with power prices here. And not only, the same goes on all over the world. In addition, there is either not available at all, or if it is, it it is becoming increasingly unaffordable, especially by elders having to live of their meagre aged pension only... I can see that you are, so far, the only one who took good care to explain everything in plain language, understandable by plain people. I appreciate it a lot. It gave me some idea how to go about final electrical connecting into the all 240V, pulley and heavy wheals, inertia system. Keep on a good job! :)
God will bless you sir with explanation but how many hours it's can work with and then which load it's can carry out
From indonesia, jesus bless you.
❤🎉🎉 Blessed 🙏💞 and Thank You
Lovely work! You are a good lecturer. Forget the paperwork. Your experience and knowledge speak for themselves.
Wow u make me proud of Nigeria engineering, u ar really talented, thank you, sir,.. And I need u to prove another bigger one, to let them know Nigeria engineering have something up stair. BRAVO SIR
For sure, Africans too must be innovative
Thank you very much for all the information you requested, excellent explanation
Tebrik ederim harika bir çalışma olmuş. Ellerinize sağlık. Tanrıya emanetsiniz kardeşlerim. Türkiye'den selamlar
good teacher i love this sir.
vous etes des passionners ,vraiment ,te dire mon père je t aime
good investment but try using super capacitor on the battery for stable changes and longer run cause the dc motor draw 90amp per running and higher on the starting load and not all battery can put out 140 amps per start just remember that solar battery cant start this unit without supercapacitor
You have done so well, your explanation was very clear, I am a pioneer of free energy. First time to see a Nigeria post a video online on free energy.
However , you can make it work without the car battery, the battery will only serve initial energy to the DC motor. When it start running you removed the battery.
Thanks so much, pls post more videos on Free energy
Good.. Pls how can I get it
Good day brother. Please, is there any medium to reach you? I am very much interested in this project. Am not an expert in this area, but after I came across this video, I decided to try it out and it worked, but the problem I have now is that the motor gets too hot when it's running. I would like to widen my knowledge in this field of free energy. Thanks.
@@mercyseat1524 Hello, how did you get your DC motor?
@@ARTROTV I bought from a dealer in Lagos Nigeria.
@@mercyseat1524 hello 🖐️ I understand what you said
thanks for the shared . I appreciate you sir
Good work well don
Thank you very much.
Great teaching and down to earth explanations but please, the phrase (I Better Pass My Neighbour) should be abbreviated to either (IBPMN) or (BPMN) for the small generators
Thank you.
Let get this free ENERGY we deserve that was left BEHIND for Us ALL. 🗿
I have understood really what fuel less generator is 100%.
pls sir I will love to learn from u a fast learner..I dont av any supporter anywhere I believe wit dis I earn to survive..pls sir kindly help base in lagos sir..thanks and God bless u sir
Great teaching sir I need explanation on how to Connect the switch sir
Good work sir. May you not lack good things in your life. My question is, what is the capacity of the diode, capacitor, and the DC motor?
So great nice job
Thanks for the great teaching sir.. but my question is that, did you fo anything on the alternator? Like rewinding or upgrading the copper wire on the alternator.. pls enlight us
The RPM is higher but what he does not show is the amount of AMPS used to power the motor. The battery charger will ONLY charge at a set amperage. If the Amps consumed by the motor is higher than the charger can return to the battery. The battery will slowly discharge. The motor MUST use the same as consumed as the charger or LESS!
You are the best
you are the only man exposing truth about what people want to learn. you are a great teacher. my question if u can answer me fast, how did you know that the motor will match with the sitting of the generator where the engine came out from, is it how the motor was made or you built the sitting
This is good a innovation after all it is human being that built generators. I am interested . Well done,the only observation is that the battery might not last long because of the pressure of in and out simultaneously
Good teaching. Pls for how long can one run the generator, can it run 24 hours and what are the common parts that need replacement often ?
Wow!! This is an awesome lecture. Can i also use my old Yamaha 2.5kva generator to experiment on this as a Layman?
Sir, The Alternator you have connected with the DC motor has no permanent magnet rotor as I can see, which means it can magnetise only when current is supplied to it. You have shown how to rotate the rotor using DC motor but how does it get magnetized is not clear, can you pls answer this. I appreciate the fact that you have taken time and effort to share this technology but for others to fully understand it I believe some answers from your side are really important.
Learn the working of alternator,rotor coils are just for excitation purpose for cold run, later once the prime mover/engine starts, it cuts off to give A.C current as output.
Wooow simple to work....
God bless you sir
Informative and elaborate video. thanks.
God bless your knowledge.
I love you my brother
Awesome! Thanks for speaking in simple terms.
This is a fascinating idea as well as many other ideas of power generation.
I am not here to talk down on any one, we are doing great, Kudos to these guys. Yet the arguments are there. You cannot charge and discharge a battery at the same time let alone using same system. it looks like it is working but, in reality it is not. Charging, discharging (Electricity production in a battery) is a chemical process.
On the surface, charging and discharging is a bit like filling up a parking garage with cars or taking them out. But that’s a bad analogy, you can put in a 2 Honda and a chrysler and take out 2 Nissans and a toyota and they will pass each other on the entrance gate.
In practice, electrons are not different from each other, you do not have have them passing each other simultaneously as it its assumed in charging and discharging.
Basically electrons go into the battery and we call that charging or electrons leave the battery and we call that discharging.
When you have three items, a battery, a charger, and a load, the current sums at the junction. The total load determines if the battery is charging or discharging
Lets say the Load takes 2A, the Charger pushes 3 A then I can determine that the Battery is getting the 1A difference. Thus it has a net charge, even though the load is being powered and the source is powering.
If the Charger put out 2A and the load took 3 A then I can determine that the battery is furnishing or discharging 1 A Net. To really analyze this takes careful definition and attention to the sign of the current relating to its direction.
There is no such thing as a component charging and discharging at the same time. Its a system solution.
Therefore if a load and a charger were both connected you could either have a charging or discharging battery but it would be no worse than if you only had 2 components- either a battery and charger or a battery and a load.
This said, the Generator will not be efficient cos the battery capacity will keep dropping untill finally its out, its just a matter of time, and then you will have to buy another battery.
Buying a battery of that size is not that cheap. Then the whole aim has been defeated on the long run.
I have had this idea since my elementary physics, further research helped me understand better. i am thinking of Using high power capacitors to power the motor.
This will entail some intricate electronics design to control the exact timing of charging and discharge of the array of capacitors. Then the battery can kick start the system and at full revolution, the first capacitor Charges and then second one before they start discharging one after the other, then the battery shuts off its power transferring to the capacitors to continue.. Yet it will not be that efficient cos the capacitors will have a shorter life. hence regular change.
Thanks for the analysis. This power generated is determined by the speed of your dc motor measured in rpm (i.e revolutions per minute). Take for instance, if you have a DC motor of 3000RPM connected to a 2000rpm alternator. Definitely, you should have enough power output. If you connect load to the output, the 1000RPM will be used and the system still works perfectly.
Mind you the DC power used in charging the battery comes from the diode connected to the alternator. And the current from the diode is about 8.3A which is sufficient in charging a normal car battery.
This shows the system works fine.
Wayne Chukwuemeka Uwakwe Hello! I like your idea and the explanation given by Engr Ololade. I am a qualified project manager also working on big projects like this. We can be solving all these problems facing Africa together. Thank you all for your contribution. You can join me on Facebook oshmod group
Wayne Chukwuemeka Uwakwe For what you have analysed there is a point because I have sample that resemble your analysis. If you can contact me directly I can forward it to you so we look into it together.
Yes you are right to some extent, but if the power coming from the diode (charger) is greater than what the dc motor is drawing from the battery the battery will charge.
Thanks for the correct analysis. Obviously, we can't get something from nothing. While this is a wonderful presentation coming from our own, we will definitely need to improve on it. One method is to use the kinetic energy stored in rotating flywheels to keep the generator running. Let the experimentation continue!
Nice one.
Bravo e felicita
Good day Sir, Good job
Sir, The DC motor you plug on battery can you plug it on the out put after using battery to start the fueless generator, because battery have started the generator DC motor is rolling change the wire to the socket
This is very nice
Can you Pls also inform if the battery will eventually discharge with long usage of this or will stay charged even with long hours usage..
Saludos cordiales Profesor gracias por tan excelente vídeo. Te quería preguntar qué tipo de motor es? Y si me puedes dar las especificaciones del mismo. Por lo que entiendo es 12v ( con un alternador de planta o generador eléctrico eso lo tengo claro.)me corriges si no estoy en lo correcto, y que tipo de maquinaria usa ese tipo de motor. increible tu proyecto muchas gracias. Un fuerte abrazo desde Venezuela.
I am really wondering what good is this if the battery will eventually run out of power in long term operation.. I have asked this question again and again but you do not reply.. you took so much time to explain so many things but you do not have any time now to answer this simple question
Do you want to construct I'II teach you I did something seminar like ✔️ that years ago so I know everything about it
@@freeelectricgenerator7921 thanks for your generous offer for help building the device, kindly also answer if the battery running the device will slowly run out of power as although it is being charged but seems that the output will be more than input and thus eventually the power of the battery will get depleted in long hours of operation .. pls give ur email I’d for further communication.. thanks..
@@freeelectricgenerator7921 yes my WhatsApp is 0091 9350553266 and email is
Excellent job there. Pls, where can one Easley gets DC motor from?
Yes I've it 12v 2700rpm , you can drop your phone number if you want it
Thank you sir
Good work boss please I need your help . Please what is rpm of the motor connected to the generator and also does the motor have to run from left to right or from right to left . I have try it before but it didn't work out for me the motor was running from right to lift can it cause it not to work
Thank you for the video may God bless you
Hoping to hear from you soon
Que motor usaron de arranque y de cuantas revoluciones des Venezuela por favor soy nelson no entiendo el inglés por favor en español
Good work, pls hw cn I get de full details of what u just demonstrated here as to be able to do it on my own, tanx.
Thanks brother
It was so helpful . Now I can easily create it .... Thanks for sharing your workout.
Nice video with well broken down explanation.Sir, what is the rating of the diode used?
I think what your doing is called a Dynamotor. Running a Generator head from any electric motor is possible, as long as the speed of the motor can be maintained high enough, to maintain the proper output voltage the generator requirements. The challenge here is the torque on the motor needs to be strong enough to handle it going up as the generator goes under heavier load. Some generator heads supply a 12v output to charge a separate battery, which could be used to supplement the battery being used, to maintain the system. Which could also be used for that and as a feedback loop to regulate the current flow into the motor to maintain the generators speed. And you might get by with a 2kw generator there, here 10 to 20kw would just about cover a typical home, with the 3 ton AC blasting.
Nope, not possible. There is no generator that is 100 percent efficient. There is no motor that is 100 percent efficient. Therefore, any combination of motor and generator cannot produce free energy. Period. Stop the bullshit scamming and learn thermodynamics.
how man watts output of the alternator? am i correct that , for you to produce 1000 watts/1kw you need to have 2hp motor?
how many HP motor you have been used there sir? ty
Thank You!
Please can the same procedure be done on a 3kv generator successfully? If so, what capacity of DC motor must be used. Please respond. Thanks sir.
VERY mice Sir,can we upload more power and making some testing amp load and charging current ?
Sir nice lecturing but please how can we start up the fuelless generator without the battery coming in sir
Dear Sir ,
Your invention is great but for those OF us living here in Nigeria can you assemble this kind of fuel less Gen for us ? if yes what will be the cost .
Your urgent response is highly welcome.
Best Regards
Tony A .Akubue
Good day sir, I have a problem of change the 1HP DC motor so what kind of change the I need to change it sir?
Thanks so much for this as I have been waiting for a long time. I will contact you guys for one.
Thanks for watching and learning. DO subscribe
How can I contact you.I seriously need one
Good innovation, keep it up sir. Pls I will like to know how long or how many hour can the battery work with this Gen as it is being charge by diode?
I got another question for you too can it run an air conditioning three rooms too I think that's what you were saying at the end of the video
Thank you for sharing sir, my own generator doesn't have the wire for recharging the battery what should I do pls?
Anybody with useful ideas should please help.thanks
U can buy the diode and use it
@@josephosmond7686 no no worry if your generator doesn't have that, just buy battery charger it we serve you
Thank sir for the enlightenment, but please what is the name of that component With four terminal that you connect the charging cable from the coil to charge the battery?
Diode,four bridge diode ok
Hello Mentor, your videos have been really helpful and inspiring, which made me start building mine with my medium 1.8kv generator. The challenge I'm having now is getting a motor that will be able to power it. Do you know how, where I can get a Motor for it.
Hi good evening sir, I want to ask sir if you have done the project successfully sir
Hello sir . Am watching from Lagos .. Please how can I get it
Please sir how many HP is the DC motor, the speed level and how long is the DC motor expected to last