What Does It Mean to Walk Like Christ? - 1 John 2:6 | Walking like Jesus might not be what you think

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024


  • @happyevardo3258
    @happyevardo3258 Рік тому +12

    My Christian friends say things against your ministry but i got all my answers (to questions they can't answer) from your teachings. Thank you for making things clear.

    • @johnwurfel2862
      @johnwurfel2862 Рік тому +1

      No one has a monopoly on Truth, save YHWH and His Word, Y'eshua. You have to seek the Truth and be humble to learn and be corrected, and you will continue to advance in being Set-Apart and made like Christ. 👍
      Imagine if you ripped on their teachers for ever incongruity they taught.
      That's not how believers are to act. We are to test everything by the whole Scripture. It is congruent, cover to cover, and not one yod or tittle was put there idly.

  • @deborahvandenberg-peck7325
    @deborahvandenberg-peck7325 Рік тому +16

    Thank you for this teaching. I just prayed last night for the Lord to show me if the law in the Tora is still applicable. This is the first thing I watched this morning. For me, eating pork has been heavy on my mind. For some reason I no longer have the desire for it and I believe the Lord is telling me this.

    • @mashariel
      @mashariel Рік тому +5

      Shalum, here is what you can expect when we humble ourselves because He is Yah and we are His Creation: The gates of Heaven opening to us.
      People who dont observe the "Sabbath" YET, they dont understand its a BLESSING they deny themselves the very blessings out Father has in store and meant for us.
      So when we struggle with giving up these "things" and honoring him we are simply limiting ourselves in lack of "faith" and belief in Him, that His Will and Word is perfect and for our GOOD!
      I pray that you are blessed in hearing and Doing The Will of our Father as Yahushua showed us is possible in the Spirit of Love & Truth.

    • @scottbenzing1361
      @scottbenzing1361 Рік тому +2

      Looks like you got a revelation. Praise I Am That I Am!

    • @addictedtohisgrace
      @addictedtohisgrace Рік тому +2

      Keep all the laws you are able to (some laws are specific to priests) and receive the blessings that come with your obedience. Pork, shellfish, birds of prey etc. Bring with them curses that not only manifest in the body, but also the mind and soul.

    • @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2
      @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2 2 місяці тому

      That is amazing. In 2018 I was warning people about the coming plagues and they laughed at me saying I could not stop them eating their bacon. Then a few weeks later listeriosis came killing hundreds of people mainly from pork then of course came COVID which is a remnant of the 1918 flu pandemic which killed about 50 mil people back then , basically it is Swine Flu and got mutated by gain of function so-called vaccines and autogenic backyard vaccines in China because their pigs were dying so fast and they were trying to save them. The scenes of China's pigs floating in the rivers and stinking up the water as we have seen repeatedly in their floods were prophesied by Yehoshua when he killed 2000 pigs being farmed in Israel contrary to the Torah.

  • @modishmade
    @modishmade Рік тому +21

    oh my goodness! you guys....YHWH has had it in my heart for years to start my blog/podcast/UA-cam outreach but told me to wait until He said go. Well, 2 weeks ago or so He had put this exact title in my heart to be the very first topic of discussion. My video isn't scheduled for release until the 7th though. too funny. I love how He moves in the body. Seeing this makes me even more excited to see what He has in store. I know it can be difficult to share these truths with other Christians but it is SO important for us to reach our brothers and sisters and try to help them out of deception.

    • @LuminousMindGames
      @LuminousMindGames Рік тому +1

      Proclaim the Holy Name of our Creator
      Shalom Shabbath

    • @nakiaboyr6196
      @nakiaboyr6196 Рік тому +2

      Yah bless you. It's important to speak His words at the right time. Noah was a preacher of righteousness before the flood. As in the days of Noah... so shall it be in the coming of the Day of Yeshua.
      Daniel 12:9-10 And he said, “Go, Dani’ĕl, for the words are hidden and sealed till the time of the end. “Many shall be cleansed and made white, and refined. But the wrong shall do wrong and none of the wrong shall understand, but those who have insight shall understand.

    • @mcanultymichelle
      @mcanultymichelle Рік тому +1

      What’s the name of your new channel??

    • @modishmade
      @modishmade Рік тому +2

      @@mcanultymichelle @walklikeachristian lol

    • @lakeworthmonster
      @lakeworthmonster Рік тому

      Me too! He’s been thumping my head for two years telling me to go video, but there were reservations until I saw the last couple of 119 teachings, these are PERFECT for providing others a scriptural walk to understand “if we love Him, we keep His Commands…and they are not burdensome “
      Very cool to see so many people being touched by the Spirit! VERY COOL!

  • @alhumble8175
    @alhumble8175 Рік тому +3

    Very beneficial teaching for those who care about connecting these dots.
    Thank you!

  • @timq2313
    @timq2313 Рік тому +5

    Keep up the great videos brother. Shalom friends

  • @newearth1912
    @newearth1912 Рік тому

    He walked as an unemployed homeless man, apart from the worries and cares of the world (in the light) , healing, casting out demons and raising the dead, exactly how he taught his disciples to walk. MANY have come claiming "His Name" but having no power to rescue the afflicted.

  • @tomference4618
    @tomference4618 Рік тому

    ..the comment made that "..time does not allow for us to expand on the dozens of passages regarding walking in the same way as our savior did..", is appreciated, and the same can be said about "..turning back" to our Creator when feeling lost in this world.
    Thank you for this message.

  • @jayaraj4806
    @jayaraj4806 Рік тому

    Thank you so much for your teaching

  • @pierreferguson1300
    @pierreferguson1300 Рік тому +1

    Walk in the Spirit

  • @taiadzyan8939
    @taiadzyan8939 6 місяців тому +1

    So good!

  • @mrspleasants8529
    @mrspleasants8529 Рік тому +3

    Praise Yah!

  • @EMCProton
    @EMCProton Рік тому +2

    Thanks for the explanation. What I think walking like is the pattern that we see in Genesis 1:26-27. We are made in the likeness of God's image. We are to reflect God's character like a mirror reflects the character of a person standing in front of a mirror. The law seems to me are examples of what God's character is about. It is the same way we describe somebody's character. It is more than just words.

  • @ellenlefavour628
    @ellenlefavour628 Рік тому +3

    Excellent comprehensive teaching, as you always bless us with.

  • @TglotSHARKify
    @TglotSHARKify Рік тому +18

    This is what makes me so sad about modern day Christian teachings. "We don't have to walk in Torah because Jesus did it for us." Really?! Then why did God say that we are to keep His feasts as appointments FOREVER MORE? He doesn't say until the new covenant; He says forever. The new testament does not negate the old.

    • @kyleamerica5522
      @kyleamerica5522 Рік тому +1

      I agree with you. Can you share the verse that says the feasts are forever?! Thanks!!

    • @TglotSHARKify
      @TglotSHARKify Рік тому +1

      @@kyleamerica5522 Exodus 12:14

    • @kyleamerica5522
      @kyleamerica5522 Рік тому

      @@TglotSHARKify thanks!

    • @kyleamerica5522
      @kyleamerica5522 Рік тому +3

      @@TglotSHARKify wow. Passover forever. Mind blowing the Catholic Church and Protestants dropped the feasts 😢

    • @TglotSHARKify
      @TglotSHARKify Рік тому +1

      @Kyle America What's more mind blowing is all of the Christian"traditions" that are fully mixed with paganism. Easter egg coloring.. it was a fertility ritual where the eggs were dipped in blood of infants sacrificed to pagan gods. December 25th is marked as the birthday of many pagan gods, not Yeshua.

  • @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2
    @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2 Рік тому +1

    Love the image of the tzitziot - says it all!!!

  • @sherryr7792
    @sherryr7792 Рік тому +1

    Thank you! Shalom!

  • @biarkuaya8183
    @biarkuaya8183 Рік тому +1

    Thanks you for simplifying our reading of the bible God will add more to your wisdom brothers

  • @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2
    @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2 Рік тому +3

    Good job! Thank Yahuah for his Word, His Son, apostles, prophets and saints who continue to preach and walk in His truth!
    Psa 119:35 Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight.
    Psa 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
    Pro 4:18 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
    Pro 4:26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.
    Rom_3:31 Do we then make void the law [TORAH] through moral conviction / emunah ( pw faith)? Elohim forbid: yea, we establish (keep, uphold) the law [TORAH].

  • @GoldenQ.
    @GoldenQ. Рік тому

    Nice work guys thank you.

  • @UnbiasedSports
    @UnbiasedSports Рік тому

    Great video. i learn so much. Does this Hebrew translates as to "mothers" מִשְׁפְּחֹת. Can you translate this word. thanks

  • @thinktank8286
    @thinktank8286 Рік тому

    Is there a particular Bible publication 119 recommends for use?
    A second question: as Jesus followers, which covenant sign/custom should we practice (not to earn salvation but walk it out) circumcision or baptism? How would the two work together?
    Frankly, are newly Torah Observant men and boys supposed to get circumcised (assuming they aren't already so "medically", or in some ceremony)?

  • @timjones1583
    @timjones1583 Рік тому +1

    Love God.... Commandments 1 though 5

    • @dds577
      @dds577 Рік тому

      To walk anointed is to guard the Sabbath.

  • @LuminousMindGames
    @LuminousMindGames Рік тому +4

    Matthew 5:17-19
    [17]Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
    [18]For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
    [19]Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
    To walk in the ways of Ya'ohshai ha Mashaykh ban Ya'ohsap of the tribe of Ya'ohdah, banay Ya'ohsharal, is to keep the Thorah and worship YA'OH
    ... not abandon your Creator in favor of worshipping His son and prophet Ya'ohshai, saying the Thorah is done away with and we now live under grace. Such is the teachings of the apostate and antichrist Paul (Pauxillulus (Latin: meaning "the least))

    • @cindyledbetter2228
      @cindyledbetter2228 Рік тому +1

      From reading parts of a very old Bible, a lot of the New Testament, especially from Paul, the words and meanings have been changed. I don't agree with all the things taught through Paul, but I wanted you to know that it has been changed. Maybe the devil wanted to confuse us with Paul, and compare contradiction between Paul and the rest of the Bible. I've been trying to get the very old Bibles so it/they can at least be posted online so we can really see what the actual Words of God, Jesus, and the Apostles has to say. Peace be with you.

  • @paulrebello1769
    @paulrebello1769 Рік тому +4

    Do I have to keep the feast days and the seventh day sabbath I don't know how to do the feast days

  • @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2
    @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2 Рік тому +4

    Thanks for this video in advance(27 Dec). I guess it is in response to Sam Bilton's [Built on Truth channel] attack on the Torah and his denial that we must walk as Yahushua walked. He +/ UA-cam deleted hours of work I spent writing comments with scriptures on his post. I told him I would be doing a video in response to his errors and lies. But perhaps now I won't need to.

  • @fredmorgan5387
    @fredmorgan5387 Рік тому +1

    Excellent teaching brother Shalom

  • @BondservantofYah926
    @BondservantofYah926 Рік тому +1

    My pastor is teaching that the Old Testament have one set of commandments and Jesus has another set. He is going threw all of Jesus’s commandments.
    I feel in my heart is wrong . All of the scriptures apply to us

  • @joshbrown9556
    @joshbrown9556 Рік тому

    Thank You For This Serious Information 🙂

  • @Anon62796
    @Anon62796 Рік тому +5

    Do you guys have any idea (timeline wise) of when you’ll release a teaching on the deity of Yeshua? I know you said you’re currently testing it but it’d be helpful to know something more concrete. I feel this is a very important topic…more so than matters of obedience. Thanks

  • @GloriaDahlke
    @GloriaDahlke Рік тому

    I love the apostles from of old because they do not play mind game with God's relationship among the people of God and they stand by according to the Holy Spirit guidance and admonitions...

  • @angryowlauto8666
    @angryowlauto8666 Рік тому

    I feel like most of these walking verses could also apply to greater exodus, the commandments were given to Israel when they were lost and walking in the wilderness, revolution 12 they are sent to the wilderness as well, and I feel in the next exodus the commandments will be greatly beneficial when we are walking again. As far as going from town to town teaching the law like Yashua did, the 2 witnesses in Revolution preach throughout the entire world. (possibly walking in greater exodus)

  • @Michael-ed5fs
    @Michael-ed5fs Рік тому +1

    Regarding Mat 5:17-19 you somehow forget to focus on the phrase "until all is accomplished". Why did Jesus come in flesh? Didn't He accomplish something important? Or was He solely a prophet?

    • @chanellefleury9126
      @chanellefleury9126 Рік тому

      He accomplished the law concerning the curse of sin equals death. Because He was crucified, and rose, and if we accept the gift of salvation, All people who accept the gift of salvation are no longer separated from God. ❤️ The rest of the prophecies will be fulfilled at His second coming.

    • @wolfgangmetcalf9557
      @wolfgangmetcalf9557 Рік тому

      I think you are missing the forest for the tree. Jesus said until heaven and earth pass away, not one thing will be taken from the law, then he says until all things will be accomplished. We know heaven and earth are going to pass away, scripture is full of the great and terrible day of the Lord, when the earth and heavens are destroyed in a great heat.

  • @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2
    @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2 2 місяці тому

    My video is premiering on 22 /08 : Sam Bilton Has A Problem With Torah Obedience Part 3 | Shavuot Assembly - Walk As He Walked 1 Jn2:6

  • @GloriaDahlke
    @GloriaDahlke Рік тому

    And He ( God) doesn't called to align with the life and will of the wicked so we keep them happy ,either ..
    We up to live according to God's Will for us as best of we can with the help of God..

  • @TexasRoadWarrior
    @TexasRoadWarrior 5 місяців тому

    Well shoot, I guess I’ll have to throw my sandals away 😮

  • @GloriaDahlke
    @GloriaDahlke Рік тому +1

    Luke 8:21
    For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother." Luke 8:21 "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it." Jesus looks carefully at his audience and includes them in His family.

    • @carolynpendley4295
      @carolynpendley4295 Рік тому

      I was coming on here to ask the question because there are so many homeless people and I been thinking so much going through my head like am I supposed to house someone I don't know or give money to those who will abuse it...I've saw with my own eyes how this can hurt more than it helps and I don't want to do that . I'm thankful that you posted this verse, it's the family of God that we stick by and help is that correct? Please help...

  • @purposesusage5655
    @purposesusage5655 4 місяці тому

    You said in Matt.5:17, "...to fulfill THEM." The word "them" is not part of that Scripture. That makes it referring to that the Law was fulfilled. In vs.18 shows that the Law was not fulfilled. (18) "Until heaven and earth pass away (heaven and earth is still here) not one jot or one tittle will pass from the law until all ll is fulfilled. " ( and not all is fulfilled).

  • @trevino37
    @trevino37 2 місяці тому

    How is it you compare Luke 1:6 with the epistles when the context of slime 1:6 was before the birth of the z Christ. It was the Old Testament… your error

  • @robertbeniston
    @robertbeniston Рік тому

    Around 13.50 Christ was the God who gave the Torah at Sinai so they are all His commandments.

  • @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2
    @Mr2TIMOTHY4V2 4 місяці тому

    Part 2 exposing Sam Bilton's attempts to debunk Walking as he Walked means keeping the Torah. My video is premiering in 25 minutes from now : Sam Bilton Has A Problem with Torah Obedience Part 2| 1 Jn 2:6 and Daniel

  • @93556108
    @93556108 Рік тому +2

    I respectfully disagree with your teaching. Granted scriptures speak walking in God’s ways and you quoted lev18:4 but God is not talking to the whole world to follow his rules and statutes and walk in them. So does this verse apply to us gentiles? The answer is obviously no as God was referring to the children of Israel. You quoted Eze36:27 and again who is the relevance audience? The Israelites and NOT the Gentiles. Eze18:5-9 Ezekiel was addressing the children of Israel and NOT the Gentiles to eat upon in the mountains. These verses were exclusively directed to Israel as a nation and they’re legally bound to walk in them. So it doesn’t apply to NT believers living under the New Covenant though we should learn its principles as it came from a righteous God. ..
    You cited Luke1:6 the Mosaic covenant was still operatives during the days of John the Baptist, so obviously he and even the Messiah, had to abide by it. 1Th4:1-3 certainly as new covenant believers we ought to walk and please God as he commanded us to abstain from sexual immorality which is recorded in the OT and NT as this is the moral law of God which is universal, timeless and eternal. FYI in fact, the moral principles of God are found in the entirety of the bible NOT just alone in the OT. ..
    You cited Deu10:12-13 here the children of Israel were commanded to have reverence for God and to walk in all his ways. Further they were required to serve God whole heartedly and to adhere to the commandments of the Mosaic covenant . This verse doesn’t apply to us but we can still draw its principles. We too in the new covenant should walk according to 1John2:5-6 and to keep his word and walk according to God’s will.
    You quoted 1John5:3 and 2John:5-6, on the word “commandments” you presumed it is the ten commandments by referencing it to Paul’s Roman13 mentioning part of the ten commandments. Not only the Torah taught about to live in reverence to God and follow His ways and the Law of Christ, the more superior to the Law of Moses, taught us better things .
    You quoted Lev19:17 thou shall not hate your brother in the heart but Jesus raised the spiritual level of the law in Mat5:43-45 by saying; “You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. ' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.”
    I certainly disagree with your notion “walking in the Torah in fact we have to love in order to keep the Torah”. Firstly, as New Covenant believers are not obligated to keep the Old Covenant or Mosaic covenant as it has become obsolete in Heb8::13, Jer31:3-32. Secondly, the love of God and living in faith and obedience too is taught in the new covenant. So, why are you still observing the old covenant which is obsolete and is far less inferior as compared with the new covenant which comes with better promises? ..
    Agreed if we sinned it is against God and in the new covenant we follow the commandments of Christ and NOT the commandments of Moses which you falsely taught. ..
    Though John doesn’t say the Messiah replaced God’s law but Jesus stated himself in Mat5:17 he came to fulfil the law and the Prophets and obviously He fulfilled all the law completely and perfectly. God gave a set of laws, starting with the Ten Commandments, that we refer to today collectively as the Law of Moses. These laws served as the terms of the Sinai Covenant. Once given, the Law of Moses became the heartbeat of Jewish culture. This lasted for 1,500 years until Jesus established the New Covenant. And under the New Covenant, many things changed. The definition of the “people of God” was expanded to include both Jews and Gentiles (Gal 3:28-29, Eph 2:11-16). The Sinai Covenant became obsolete (Heb 8:13). And the Law of Moses ceased to be binding on God’s people, Jew or Gentile. We see these changes taught in several places in the New Testament. For example, in Galatians, the apostle Paul writes: The law (of Moses) was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.Gal3:24,25….
    You quoted 1John2:7.8 and added in the beginning the old commandment and Jesus gave his new commandment that we need to keep this way in which we should walk is NOT new in fact it is very old. Is that true? Of course not, because the old command was to love our neighbour as ourselves, but the new command of Christ eclipses the glory of the former, by raising the standard of godly love into impossible heights. The beautiful, spiritual fruit of godly love, can only be manifested in our lives when imputed to us by God Himself - as we walk in humble obedience and total dependence before Him. So your statement is proven false…
    Nobody is contending with you that Jesus have made many references to the Law of Moses but the New Testament makes it abundantly clear that the believer in Christ is not any longer under the Mosaic law in its entirety… Indeed after having been delivered from the law, to deliberately place ourselves once again under its [control is said to be “falling from grace.” But let it be immediately understood that this does not mean to say that we should necessarily behave in a manner just opposite to what the Mosaic law commands-that we should kill, steal, bear false witness, etc. Long before the law was given through Moses, it was utterly wrong to do such evil things. This is not because God’s grace has not been manifested in other ages, but because in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ we have the ultimate manifestation of God’s grace…..
    You cited Exo20: 13 you shall not murder and Lev19:17 but the NT gave us the law higher spiritual standard; (Mat 5:21) Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:(Mat 5:22) But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.” …
    FYI the moral laws of God are found in the entirety of the Bible NOT just only in the Law of Moses as it even begun in Genesis.…..
    In your conclusion on how we walk in Christ, #1 you claimed the principle of loving our brother came from Torah but Jesus in the NT gave us His new commandments. #2. The Torah says to avoid murder and hatred and to help the poor. Likewise we have the Law of Christ that gave us the same principles. #3. you mentioned about keeping of the Sabbath and prohibition of eating pork but there is not a single verse in the NT that could support your claim. There are many ways to express our love to God and certainly not only be observing the Sabbath and the dietary as it is not mandatory for NT believers. #4 Your affirmation that we are to keep the Torah is diametrically opposed to scripture though we can learn from its principles.
    Lastly, please tell me are Christians still living under the Law oif Moses particularly the Mosaic covenant? Thank you.

  • @timjones1583
    @timjones1583 Рік тому

    Love your neighbor... Commandments 6 though 10. Simple... It's not rocket science people.

  • @Righteous210
    @Righteous210 22 дні тому

    Law is love. Church around the world teach law is a burden no one can bear and we do not have to. Now that message that we no longer have to keep the commandments is a doctrine of demons.

  • @GloriaDahlke
    @GloriaDahlke Рік тому

    This love your neighbor as thyself , goes both ways and first you may first love God Almighty and hate what He hate and align with His WORD...
    The game of some wicked it's this : i will do whatever i want to you and you most love us as yourself..... Bahaha, nope God didn't called us to be the devil's carpet or punching bag and of his minion's...

  • @thabilldozer
    @thabilldozer Рік тому

    I try not to walk like pagan gods and those that propagate their lies. I walk like Yahoshua ben Yosef. I worship HaShem Elohim only. I call upon his name only. I follow Exodus 23:13 which is one passage that those at 119 refuse to:
    "Be attentive to all that I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips" Repent.

  • @dustinfordham4007
    @dustinfordham4007 Рік тому

    Here's another reason that Yeshua's commandments aren't different from the Law of Moses: Jesus is YHWH and was the one who gave the commands to Moses in the first place.

    • @biltontruth
      @biltontruth 6 місяців тому

      119 aren't willing to agree with you here, does that raise red flags for you?

    • @dustinfordham4007
      @dustinfordham4007 6 місяців тому

      @@biltontruth I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to get at. Jesus is YHWH; the scriptures clearly teach that. What are you trying to suggest? Do you not believe that Jesus is God?

    • @biltontruth
      @biltontruth 6 місяців тому

      @@dustinfordham4007 I believe Yeshua is Yahweh. 119 do not. Seems like we have more in common than you and 119 do. Does it not concern you that 119 are an Anti Christ ministry?

  • @trevino37
    @trevino37 2 місяці тому

    1Thessalonian 4 tell you exactly how to walk in Christ- by abstaining from sexual immorality and living an orderly life. Had he meant to follow the Mosaic law, he would have made that clear but he did not. In like manner, circumcision was no longer required - which was the mosaic law. You are teaching another Gospel

  • @papajoefortner1817
    @papajoefortner1817 Рік тому

    🙏 Hello friends I have videos for you on bible prophecy and the end times. Please go to Papa Joe Fortner or shockwaves of the end times or The watchmen series with papa joe. Thank you and God bless you 🙏

  • @CovMixMultofIsrael
    @CovMixMultofIsrael Рік тому +1

    The 'author' (so called) you referenced has extremely myopic lenses where it is MOST convenient for him. I fear that this is a common 'tactic' of 'theologians', where the dismissing of a 'Rock' solid foundational precept of YHWH is just dismissed with the waive of their hand.
    Our perfect Creator has set forth His 'weights and measures' from the beginning, and if He set forth a 'new and improved' set for some other group (participation trophy covenant?), then He would be contradicting Himself, His Way of Truth in Life. For He calls 'unjust/unequal weights and measures, abominable'. Nope, there is no path to the religion of christianity.
    שבת שלום לכלם!

  • @RemnantHouseMinistries
    @RemnantHouseMinistries Рік тому

    Christ = Krishna ... test that.