Chill Castlevania music to work/study/relax - Video game music

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @FuzzyDunlop-pt5pe
    @FuzzyDunlop-pt5pe 12 днів тому +4

    Good stuff, listening at work.

  • @TerryKashat
    @TerryKashat 4 дні тому +5

    Please provide Time Stamps with names.

  • @tayloroc1
    @tayloroc1 4 місяці тому +3

    I started really bobbing my head at 2:16:40

  • @ezeakiodarmey9448
    @ezeakiodarmey9448 3 місяці тому +3

    I haven't heard music from the N64 games in forever.

    • @toptabletop
      @toptabletop  Місяць тому

      Definitely not the most popular games in the franchise 😅

  • @ericwood3709
    @ericwood3709 7 днів тому +1

    Same playlist as Calmvania, at least starting out. Nice new visuals, though.

  • @DoriMartin
    @DoriMartin 2 місяці тому +2

    241. Best music

  • @sojithesoulja
    @sojithesoulja 5 днів тому +1

    Anyone know the song at 2:35:32?

    • @toptabletop
      @toptabletop  3 дні тому +2

      Dance of Illusions, very iconic from Dracula's fight in Rondo/X and SotN, but it appears in more games

    • @sojithesoulja
      @sojithesoulja 4 години тому

      @@toptabletop Looks like it's from Smash Ultimate, good version.

  • @mikebrewhaus268
    @mikebrewhaus268 12 годин тому

    What song is 20:23

  • @DoriMartin
    @DoriMartin 2 місяці тому +2

    My whip ia soooooo fkn hard right now

  • @thomasalverson2431
    @thomasalverson2431 4 дні тому +8

    I'll never understand how you can relax or study to a playlist that interrupts with annoying commercials every few minutes

    • @neomontag
      @neomontag 4 дні тому +6

      Perhaps you can understand how the video uploader isn’t responsible for that, and many people pay UA-cam $20/month to not have commercials.

    • @KarateCowboy05
      @KarateCowboy05 4 дні тому

      watch in the Brave browser. it blocks the commercials.

    • @SoulConstruct
      @SoulConstruct 3 дні тому +5

      It's easy; UA-cam Premium.

    • @dustinhogle3844
      @dustinhogle3844 День тому

      Premium is a game changer. Best $20 I ever spent a month

    • @bloodtalonx
      @bloodtalonx День тому

      20 a month is highway robbery to not have to deal with constant obnoxious ads