The Spectrum Analyzer in Studio One

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @d-ziredjofficial4898
    @d-ziredjofficial4898 2 місяці тому

    Been struggling for years with mixdowns - I watch 3 of your videos and it's clear as day to me now. Thank you!

  • @NoQualmsTheArtist
    @NoQualmsTheArtist Рік тому +4

    The sidechain of a reference is brilliant! 💯

  • @DavidOxford606
    @DavidOxford606 8 місяців тому +1

    The content from this channel is spectacular! Thank you!!

  • @Earth-Worm-Tim
    @Earth-Worm-Tim Рік тому +1

    Thank you for showing me this. I recently switched to Studio One and I’ve been trying to figure out where the spectral analysis tool to visually observe my frequency response when mixing. Again, thank you so much.

  • @elusivepassages
    @elusivepassages 3 місяці тому

    That was a big help! Thanks Gregor

  • @ges2211
    @ges2211 6 місяців тому +1

    great video, very well explained, I am trying to create a "rabeca", a kind of viola common in northeastern brazilian musica, got a classical viola vst, adjusting the levels to sound like a rabeca. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, Greg!

  • @mikebozik
    @mikebozik Рік тому +2

    Thanks again, Gregor. I'm definitely going to add this to my master bus. I really like the ability to compare the master mix to a bus mix. People say that your ears are important, but the meters never lie. I depend on them a lot when I am mixing.

  • @synckeys
    @synckeys 15 днів тому

    Do you have a video of how to use reference track in studio one using the spectrum meter?

  • @thomasolofsson790
    @thomasolofsson790 Рік тому +3

    I allways have it pined on master but also use it on input to build up and finetune my sounds before i record. It is great!

  • @mixprofmix
    @mixprofmix Рік тому +2

    Having different colors on the spectrum meter will be nice

  • @michaeltablet8577
    @michaeltablet8577 Рік тому +2

    This was so very helpful! Thank you very much!!

  • @davehannah9894
    @davehannah9894 7 місяців тому +1

    wish it was a video out there to tell you how to use it more than how it works ,

  • @officiallistengreatmuzik
    @officiallistengreatmuzik Рік тому

    Can you use this for vocals

  • @ToXball
    @ToXball Рік тому

    Very useful video. One question: is there a reason to choose a normal high pass filter instead of the linear cut? For what I know, could be a better idea the linear version on the master bus.
    Thanks for your video

  • @muriela.851
    @muriela.851 Рік тому

    Thanks for your very usfull and clear explanations.

  • @lightwarp_
    @lightwarp_ Рік тому

    In tonal balance control there's a very useful feature such us a frequency tunnel because not everyone knows where they have to be actually. Hope you'll implement something like this in the future

  • @neezy.
    @neezy. Рік тому

    Super useful and informative as usual, thanks!

  • @nanoareva83
    @nanoareva83 Рік тому

    Come on Grega!! Awesome info here!! Big hug

  • @ronnyb5890
    @ronnyb5890 Рік тому

    hi Gregor,i love studio one and i have an idea for a useful addition,when you click the plus sign and give the number of tracks you want for 1 kontakt instance,why not have an option that you can choose for only one channel,or like the other options,choose the first channel and make the other ones with ascending channels,that way we wont have to manually input every channel number into the remaining tracks
    cheers mate

  • @Magnetic1908
    @Magnetic1908 Рік тому +1

    Can you put it on post insert?

  • @DeerRadio
    @DeerRadio Рік тому +2

    Would be really great if i could click&hold on the specific bar and listen to this bar isolated :-)

  • @1loveMusic2003
    @1loveMusic2003 Рік тому

    Great Video. Game changer

  • @DrumsEngineering
    @DrumsEngineering 10 місяців тому

    Hi Gregor! How can i set the channel view in the console in this "spilt " view fader/inserts, sends?

    • @presonus
      @presonus  10 місяців тому +1

      Hi, first you need to set the Mixer Console view to "Small" by clicking on the icon highlighted in red in the screenshot below. Then you can double click the Channels to expand the Channel View as shown in the video. Alternatively, you can click on the Channel Editor button highlighted in white in this screenshot:
      If you want Channels to auto-expand to this split view automatically, make sure to tick the "Auto-expand selected channel" option inside of the Console View Options:
      Hope this helps! -GBY

    • @DrumsEngineering
      @DrumsEngineering 10 місяців тому


  • @arrodkhalid7907
    @arrodkhalid7907 Рік тому +2

    Please add MicroTuring scale arab for studio one

    @CHETSTR Рік тому

    thanks, stupid question, how do you zoom in on a specific area? is that a mac thing??

  • @rios39
    @rios39 Рік тому +1

    My frequency balance is always something that bothers me. Glad there’s a way to monitor it better

  • @havemoney
    @havemoney Рік тому +1

    Bro. maybe make and add converter pdf(jpg) to midi?

  • @UserNumeroUnoo
    @UserNumeroUnoo Рік тому

    S1 should do something with volume meter, after update to v.6 it displays wrong value when panning signal. I noticed this in many youtuber videos.

  • @HarleyBob957
    @HarleyBob957 Рік тому

    Thanks..great tool..

  • @tomsiegel9759
    @tomsiegel9759 Рік тому

    It seems a little redundant. The ProEQ plugin has a spectrum analyzer. Am I missing something?

  • @caseymcbridemusic8321
    @caseymcbridemusic8321 Рік тому


  • @beltrandmarco1798
    @beltrandmarco1798 Рік тому +1

    odd you sell the revelator and you do not use it

  • @beatweezl
    @beatweezl Рік тому

    1:32 Straighten out your camera Gregor! We don't want you rolling backwards into that giant monitor behind you! 😄😄😄

  • @daw6071
    @daw6071 4 місяці тому

    oscilloscope - ? in studio one

  • @azizlyk
    @azizlyk Рік тому

    ❤❤ Presonus

  • @stefanolagreca5530
    @stefanolagreca5530 Рік тому

    Please, add restoration active mode!!!

  • @stephenfell4338
    @stephenfell4338 Рік тому

    I wonder if the Beatles or led zeppelin ever used one on the 8 track million seller mixes?

  • @Endless_Skyway_Adventures
    @Endless_Skyway_Adventures Рік тому

    I would argue that using peak hold to adjust tonal balance is a flawed approach. One single drum hit can cause a peak and you would be adjusting your entire song based on one drum hit. I believe that static tonal balance adjustments should be made with a long term average setting and that the peak hold trace should be adjusted using dynamic eq and/or multi band dynamics. I would like to see spectrum meter give us an even longer term average than it does. Essentially an average of the entire song, sometimes verses and choruses need separate treatment.
    Multi band dynamics is my choice for short term average adjustments.

  • @michosstudioproduction7992
    @michosstudioproduction7992 Рік тому


  • @ujashshah8087
    @ujashshah8087 Рік тому

    Online CHEATERS & Just Money Makers……….