Shaikh Ibrahim Siraj - The Biography of Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (Amharic)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @abusaad823
    @abusaad823 4 роки тому

    Allahu akber

  • @amdetsyonmesay3214
    @amdetsyonmesay3214 4 роки тому +2

    Allah ye jent yargewut

  • @ummusabir3805
    @ummusabir3805 Рік тому +1

    አላህ ጀነትን ይወፍቃቸው ረሂሙሏህ አላህ ኬይር ስራ ይቀበሎች

  • @allymahaba3425
    @allymahaba3425 Рік тому

    Ibn Wahhab was mentioned by Prophet (SAW) that he would emerge from "Nejd" and that he would be "horn of the satan". All the prophesy is true for this person. He was born in Nejd, he was the father of King Suud's wife. He collided with that king to spread FITNA in the Muslim Umma. If he was mujaddid why did he not convince King Suudi to establish Islamic state instead of kingdom? You are lying, but you will regret it on The Judment Day. This boss of yours is not MUJADDID but he is FITNA to Muslim umma. Are you paid salary by Saudia govt??? Why do you conceal the truth about this man!!!??

  • @hanansaje26ethiopia70
    @hanansaje26ethiopia70 9 років тому +1

    الله اكبر

  • @natybest7596
    @natybest7596 4 роки тому

    Allahu Akber. Allah be jenetel firdous West kef adrGo keminkebakbachew barochu AdrGot.

  • @madammadam4430
    @madammadam4430 6 років тому +1

    ustazuna jezakumallah hayiren jeza

  • @hanansaje26ethiopia70
    @hanansaje26ethiopia70 9 років тому +1

    الله اكبر

  • @samiyetsamiyet9542
    @samiyetsamiyet9542 4 роки тому

    Allah yerhamek ya sheikh

  • @rukaylove6453
    @rukaylove6453 3 роки тому

    Allah yzenlot

  • @pure_heart7175
    @pure_heart7175 4 роки тому

    ሼኽ ኢብራሂም ሲራጅ (ረሂመሁላህ)

  • @mustafamohammed9766
    @mustafamohammed9766 2 роки тому

    Shame on this Wahabi speaker. According to him all muslims residing outside SArabia are MUSHRIK. including muslims in Habesha. To wahbi in order to be considered a true muslim you have to accept Abdul wahhab is mujedid or renewer scholar. Today the main cause of muslims tribulation is because of wahabi and their followers. You name it: Afghanstan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Kuwait, Yemen, Chechinya, Somalia, Nigeria, etc.. Next who knows where it looks HABESHA (Ethiopia) not Eritrea. A lot of Ethiopians going back home from Saudi and they are taking with them the wahabi school. Sooo scary, Ethiopian Muslims not going to have peace. They already took Mejlis and are killing scholars and students.Wakeup Ethiopians the wahbi school don't like work with others.

    • @abubekerashref188
      @abubekerashref188 2 роки тому

      think twice before you speak to know a person you should hear his talks or read his books and you shouldnt be fooled by rumors here and there dont go everywhere where the wind goes with those tiny leaves and be with the stones calm and educated
      have you studied or have you read his books, thalathatul usool, al qawaid al arba, nawaqid al arba, kashf ash shubuhat, kitab at tawheed have you studied them if yes then you know that they are only filled with ayaat from the quran and the authentic ahadith of the prophet saw, and maybe weakened narations to support the authentic narations and this is something (معلم عند العلماء ) known to the scholars to support an authentic narration by a weak one

    • @abubekerashref188
      @abubekerashref188 2 роки тому

      stop following your whims and desires and start following the sunnah
      فَأَمَّا مَن طَغَىٰ ٣٧
      then as for those who transgressed
      وَءَاثَرَ ٱلْحَيَوٰةَ ٱلدُّنْيَا ٣٨
      and preferred the ˹fleeting˺ life of this world,
      فَإِنَّ ٱلْجَحِيمَ هِىَ ٱلْمَأْوَىٰ ٣٩
      the Hellfire will certainly be ˹their˺ home.
      وَأَمَّا مَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِۦ وَنَهَى ٱلنَّفْسَ عَنِ ٱلْهَوَىٰ ٤٠
      And as for those who were in awe of standing before their Lord and restrained themselves from ˹evil˺ desires,
      فَإِنَّ ٱلْجَنَّةَ هِىَ ٱلْمَأْوَىٰ ٤١
      Paradise will certainly be ˹their˺ home.

    • @allymahaba3425
      @allymahaba3425 Рік тому

      We cannot follow the path of Ibn Wahhabi, the confuser, the father-in-law of king Suudi, the defender of Saudi kingdom, the "Horn of the Satan" according to Prophet's hadith, and "the man of Nejd by birth", also according to Prophet's hadith, the distorter of Sunna and creator of "Wahhabism". Want more description??