The calendar has been changed… you would not have this problem if we followed the Biblical lunar calendar. We follow it for festival days, why not the weekly days. Passover would never ever fall on 15 (Which is alway a Shabbat) Passover is the 14th and Yeshua would have been crucified on the 13th (preparation day) before the beginning of Passover the 14th. Think the angel of death (Exodus) went through the night of the 14th, they left Egypt on the 15th. They needed one day to get organize and plunder the Egyptians. Thus one ends up with 3 literal days and nights before the resurrection!
@AsintheDaysofNoah I agree. We follow the solar lunar for all days, Sabbaths included. We wait to see that first crescent. Yah's calendar is in His control.
Shalom, As always I enjoyed the teaching on this highly controversial topic. The Scriptures, and history show us that Pharisaic Judaism does not have the authority of Deuteronomy 17:8. The line of this authority when followed is found in Ezekiel 44:15, 24 and follows the sons of Zadok. Since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the reconstruction of the calendar that was in place there it may be wise for us to at least acknowledge that what has been handed down to us may be just tradition without authority (no High Priest from the line of Zadok) If we follow the vertical line of authority a change in The Calendar may be necessary.
Bless Elohim for a great teaching props, visual support 👏🏽 and in depth information! Thank you Rabbi Steve!
You're welcome. Glad it was helpful. Thanks for watching.
Thank you, Rabbi, for always clarifying Scripture and showing us how to be maximalists!💖
You're welcome. Glad it was helpful. Thanks for watching.
Easy fix, keep one calendar!
The calendar has been changed… you would not have this problem if we followed the Biblical lunar calendar. We follow it for festival days, why not the weekly days. Passover would never ever fall on 15
(Which is alway a Shabbat) Passover is the 14th and Yeshua would have been crucified on the 13th (preparation day) before the beginning of Passover the 14th. Think the angel of death (Exodus) went through the night of the 14th, they left Egypt on the 15th. They needed one day to get organize and plunder the Egyptians. Thus one ends up with 3 literal days and nights before the resurrection!
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@AsintheDaysofNoah I agree. We follow the solar lunar for all days, Sabbaths included. We wait to see that first crescent. Yah's calendar is in His control.
Shalom, As always I enjoyed the teaching on this highly controversial topic. The Scriptures, and history show us that Pharisaic Judaism does not have the authority of Deuteronomy 17:8. The line of this authority when followed is found in Ezekiel 44:15, 24 and follows the sons of Zadok. Since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the reconstruction of the calendar that was in place there it may be wise for us to at least acknowledge that what has been handed down to us may be just tradition without authority (no High Priest from the line of Zadok) If we follow the vertical line of authority a change in The Calendar may be necessary.
Or what is the expectancy for those who aren't watching expectantly?
Moedim are all shabbats