Don't get too excited. Italy has been in many U-Championships final in the past 10 years, but only a few of our talents reached their potential because of italian football culture, where you are considered immature until the age of 24. I sure hope they all make it, would be amazing to see, but it's hard to believe
Forza Azzurri: U17 Euro champs, U19 Euro champs, U20 World Cup finalist, and current European champs! Camarda is going to be SPECIAL, future Azzurri #9!
@@ChrisM-vz4pethen proceeded to knock you out of consecutive Euros. Plus didn’t you guys get spanked by the Netherlands in a world cup and dumped out By Morocco recently? Learn to be humble sweetheart. 😙
bloody he** what a great football level from these boys! they gave us more vibes than the champion's league final last week, congrats guys 👏👏👏 great times ahead for european football ❤⚽
Una Squadra meravigliosa, il miglior calcio visto da moltissimi anni per una Nazionale Italiana, complimenti al Mister e ai ragazzi insieme a tutto lo Staff!
@@Stefano19otto1Hai detto il vero. In particolare ho seguite tutte le partite mondiali dell'under 20 lo scorso anno. Dominio del campo assoluto fino alla semifinale: tutti gli avversari costretti a difendersi affannosamente nella loro metacampo, e per es. ricordo gli inglesi che, fisicamente erano il doppio grossi rispetto a quasi tutti gli azzurrini, perdevano tutti i duelli anche a livello atletico oltre che tecnico e solo rarissimamente riuscivano a partire in contropiede. Purtroppo in finale i giovani dell'Uruguay hanno nettamente meritata la vittoria.
@@giorgiovendetti7632 Italy were definitely the better today but you can't say that England were a better team than Portugal when they lost 4-1 to them... These were the two best teams of the tournament and Italy are the deserving champions
Damn, throughout the tournament Portugal's attack was great, but defence was horrible. It really showed that today once again. Italy was the most consistent team, deserved winner.
I've noticed that in other age groups too. I wonder if it's cause since of young age we want to be (and our culture instill that in us too) the frontman, the attacker, the guy that scores goals, the hero so to speak. It seems there's less and less defenders in Portugal, but there's an icreasing amount of midfielders (and forwards) for example. I think Brazil is similar in that too.
@@danieldol.1930 I don't know if I'd agree with your premise. Portugal right now has one of the best U-25 defender list in the world. At CB we have Gonçalo Inacio, Antonio Silva, Diogo Leite, Toti Gomes, Tiago Djalo, Eduardo Quaresma. At fullback we have Nuno Mendes, Diogo Dalot, Nuno Tavares, Thierry Correia. It just happens to be that this specific group of players aren't really that good.
Im portuguese but congratulations to italy🏆 Better team, better defensively, better tactically and above all, better emotionally Our coach is weak and Quenda is overrated, having talent is not the only thing that matters...
if only you know how our football system worked... We've been developing lots of good young players, only to waste them in Serie B or secondary teams because "they're not ready". Unless this changes, most of these players won't really have a proper future...
Cette équipe des u17 italiens à tout ce qu'a besoin une équipe pour dominer le monde du football Avec un grand entraîneur Très haut niveau collectivement très haut niveau individuellement Cette équipe devrait prendre la place des À en Allemagne 😊
Quanta qualità.. Ricordiamoci questi nomi xche li sentiremo spesso... Finalmente il cambio generazionale Sta arrivando💪 Il 7🇵🇹 se ha testa diventa mejo de Leao
Well hopefully club teams willl play them and not loan them out to shit teams . So many talented players like pafundi had to leave to Swiss league or wherever just to play . Serie a it’s own worst enemy
@@clarencegaultieri8293 you are fully right mate! Italian system in general is broke even if we have the most potential out of all European countries..
Mi chiedo se quelli al comando del calcio italiano abbiano visto questi ragazzi! Quest partita mi ha. entusiasmato al massimo! Hanno esibito cose mai viste da una nazionale italiana. Veroniche, doppipassi, triangolazioni, tunnel, passaggi sorprendenti, dribbling, voglia di dominare e creare. Sembrano spagnoli in casacca azzurra. Qui ci sono quelli che puntano l avversario e creano superiorita numerica anziche sparare i cross sull avversario, perche manca la tecnica del dribbling, come fa l osannato Di Marco. Hanno tutto cio che stiamo disperatamente cercando adesso. Non vedevo tanta tecnica nemmeno ai trasfigurati tempi di Del Piero e Totti. Bisognerebbe tutelare preservare questa squadra! Questi ragazzi meritano fiducia!
Il futuro e' fantastico ragazzi! U17 Campione d'Europa, U19 Campione d'Europa, U20 Vice Campione del Mondo, Nazionale Campione d'Europa. Bellissimo. Puro orgoglio! Bravissimi, grande vittoria!
Was hoping it would be our year but congratulations to Italy. A lot of talk about our defense, but Camarda will make any youth defense seem bad, he is a cut above.
Dear friends, this match showed that if you have as much talent as Portugal, it's not enough to win if you don't play organized and, above all, as a team. I watched the game with my nephew and after a while he noticed it too, and he is 11 years old and he said that Portugal didn't play ed as a team. I add that mentality also plays an important role, having seen how Italy took to the field with competitive malice? it looked like Atalanta against Bayern Leverkusen, head commands legs. With this I'm not saying that Italy doesn't have any talents because people like Camarda, Liberali and Mosconi are predestined champions, but if they had played as soloists they wouldn't have excelled and shine like they did, instead in a united and mentally strong team talents can emerge with high level plays. However, I want to compliment Portugal who have many young talents, they will certainly have learned a lot yesterday, at their expense. last thing, 3 Italian coaches in the 3 European major finals this year (2 won), current U17 and U19 European champions, U20 world vice champion and current senior European champions. This might want to say something. Italian coaches are renowned and appreciated for their tactical organization. And you see the results
Love your comment . As for Italian coaches they don’t give chances to young players like these and this is the reason they are where they are now . They loan these players out or they forced to go abroad to Swiss league like they did to pafundi . Worst own enemy
Il telecronista che si sgola per dirci che abbiamo fatto la storia , non avendo mai vinto prima , e poi la Rai non ci fa vedere la premiazione . Ma che razza di gente è questa ? Vergognoso , inqualificabile , disgustoso !
Ragazzi dell'U17, se state leggendo questo messaggio sappiate che siete il nostro orgoglio. Vedervi giocare con questa intensità, questa classe e questo attaccamento alla maglia è una gioia per gli occhi, regalate molte più emozioni della nazionale maggiore. Siete talentuosi e dovete farvi sentire dai club e dalla federazione, non è più tollerabile che in Italia i giovani talentuosi come voi restino nelle categorie minori per "farsi le ossa". Siete il futuro del nostro calcio! Al mondiale tra 2 anni dovete esserci voi.
sono tornato a rivedere questi ragazzi con la consapevolezza che,questi magnifici atleti,come anche quelli dell'under 20,in questo tragico europeo tedesco avrebbero fatto 1000 volte meglio della nazionale maggiore (solo di nome,ma in realtà piena zeppa di bidoni tralaltro mal allenati)..abbiamo validi talenti,ma devono giocare da subito nelle squadre di club,titolari e pronti subito per le qualificazioni mondiali,altrimenti il calcio finisce!!!
Second goal shouldn’t have stood but it was a really nice goal by the way. Great mentality by Italy, saw them against England. Have an excellent resolve.
One of the best games I’ve watched in a long,long time. Brilliant play by Italy against the Portuguese who made it to the final so well to unfortunately lose without a goal.
Well played italy. Deserved win. Was hoping Portugal might turn it on. Perhaps if Portugal had been a little more unselfish they could have made more of some of their opportunities. Good match, worthy finalists and worthy winner. These U17 matches have been so good to watch.
The three goals were absolutely spectacular. As an Italian I keep my fingers crossed that we can see these players showing this quality in our major team in a few years. I watched a few highlights and besides Portugal i found England also quite good.
Once again I'm really delighted to see mainly TRUE Italian guys playing, unlike France, England and so on. That's not going to last, very regrettably, as we're being invaded, so let's enjoy the moment.
Non vedo l'ora che arrivino tutti nella nazionali maggiore(ovviamente quando avranno + di 25 anni,dopo aver giocato intere stagioni da panchinari perchè le squadre in serieA investono solo sugli stranieri economici) per poi giocare da scarponi senza esperienza e gioco 😍
Yes, combination of this team plus the U20s that reached U20 WC final a year ago + U19s who won the Euros. Sick to death of Spalletti wanting to insist with Professional Benchwarmer Jorginho and Mancini-Bastoni in defence.
C è luce in fondo al pozzo! Dove vedo la peggior nazionale da quando sono nato qui vedo dei fenomeni da valderrama a Camada,Coletta,liberati,sala complimenti gesti da grandi calciatori e tiro un sospiro di sollievo che nei prossimi anni ci toglieremo soddisfazioni. Dei fratelli portoghesi godetevi quenda un bel prospetto e belli capelli Fernandes solo che oggi aveva i piedi a virgola però si vede che ha classe.
13:35 either you kill him or you teach him true Italian defensive football: that ball sould have been kicked far far far far away, even better directly to the stands. That's the way they taught us here in Italy back then, and it always brought us our fair amount of trophies all through the eras.
Ho visto ora questa finale. Mi ha entusiasmato il gioco la compattezza di questa squadra..... auguro un futuro sereno come questa finale, dove da un segno positivo a una nuova nazionale dove spero di vedervi giocare insieme....P.S. Se questa nazionale scende in campo in Germania per gli europei ne fa vedere di gioco sono pieni di idee ....bravi ragazzi ❤❤❤❤
Rispetto da questi giovannoti sono 10 anni piu grandi di loro non ci poso credere. Come giocano le giovanotti del u 17 anzi e piu interessante da vedere
Dope to see two counties that mostly stick to their roots in the finals. Imagine we would havd gotten France vs England. What a clown show it would've been 😂
Non solo sono bravi sul campo. sono anche molto genuini nel festeggiare il gol. Piu' di qualche calciatore adulto, dovrebbe prenderne esempio. Siamo calciatori e non PAGLIACCI ( Quelli almeno fanno ridere ) molti di questi sono solo IMBARAZZANTI. Quando lo facevano in pochi era adesso fanno solo PENA. Un gol si festeggia dal profondo del cuore....E non dal 🚽ulo.😎 Bravi azzurrini.✌👊👍🖖💙💙💙💙
The Italian midfield and attack here are literally better than the senior team's
Absolutely. Spalletti should have replaced the major team's players with these ones
Camarda is far better than shitty senior team forward
By a landslide. Can't wait till they take over Italia 1
I thought the same 😅
Same thought here!
Italy should take this team to the Euro’s instead of the senior team they currently have.
This aged like fine wine
they go😀, more is in change in Italy... Ranieri should be a next CT of italian nazionale A
Italys next golden gen. I've waited 20 years for this
It's refreshing to see.
Camarda is a mix of Cassano and Ibra
Very few U17 players make it to senior level.
We will make back to back in july
Don't get too excited. Italy has been in many U-Championships final in the past 10 years, but only a few of our talents reached their potential because of italian football culture, where you are considered immature until the age of 24. I sure hope they all make it, would be amazing to see, but it's hard to believe
Forza Azzurri: U17 Euro champs, U19 Euro champs, U20 World Cup finalist, and current European champs! Camarda is going to be SPECIAL, future Azzurri #9!
U20 Uruguay killed us in that final
@@mahboiade9974playing on a shitty field
@@francescotrombetta8548 si ma han giocato 100 volte meglio, praticamente prendevano ogni palla
@@ChrisM-vz4pe Won another since then ... How Spain doing ?
@@ChrisM-vz4pethen proceeded to knock you out of consecutive Euros. Plus didn’t you guys get spanked by the Netherlands in a world cup and dumped out By Morocco recently? Learn to be humble sweetheart. 😙
bloody he** what a great football level from these boys! they gave us more vibes than the champion's league final last week, congrats guys 👏👏👏 great times ahead for european football ❤⚽
Una Squadra meravigliosa, il miglior calcio visto da moltissimi anni per una Nazionale Italiana, complimenti al Mister e ai ragazzi insieme a tutto lo Staff!
Under 19 (campione d'Europa) e Under 20 (vicecampione del mondo) hanno fatto altre due eccellenti figure, con ottimi giocatori e grande calcio.
@@Stefano19otto1 le merci revient aux entraîneurs italiens qui ont décidé dans la patience de réinventer le football
@@Stefano19otto1Hai detto il vero. In particolare ho seguite tutte le partite mondiali dell'under 20 lo scorso anno. Dominio del campo assoluto fino alla semifinale: tutti gli avversari costretti a difendersi affannosamente nella loro metacampo, e per es. ricordo gli inglesi che, fisicamente erano il doppio grossi rispetto a quasi tutti gli azzurrini, perdevano tutti i duelli anche a livello atletico oltre che tecnico e solo rarissimamente riuscivano a partire in contropiede. Purtroppo in finale i giovani dell'Uruguay hanno nettamente meritata la vittoria.
@@giannifois418 beh allora nel 2030 ci sarà una nazionale mostruosa. Speriamo di si.
@@roccociccone597 speriamo prima.
Camarda and Cama were just unstoppable, now we want Camardizard to make the 3rd evolution.
You win everything 🤣
No questions these were the two top teams, both very deserving of the final. Great game, congratulations Italy!
Bè , devo dire che assieme all'Italia l'Inghilterra mi è sembrata la squadra più forte !
@@giorgiovendetti7632 Italy were definitely the better today but you can't say that England were a better team than Portugal when they lost 4-1 to them... These were the two best teams of the tournament and Italy are the deserving champions
Only italy the top team
Portugal is just a mediocre team
@@goncalosouto2355 England is stronger than Portugal in Football. Look at the mens rankings, and under 21 rankings.
@@KingdomGIIpero ganó el mejor y fue Italia
Abbiamo almeno un'Italia che fà vedere come si gioca a calcio, bravi ragazzi
AC Milan definitely has a bright future with Camarda and Liberali in their academy
Camarda e Liberali giocano nel Milan
Camarda è del Milan
@@ersocero2224Yeah mixed up the Milan clubs
Also Emanuele Sala and Alessandro Longoni the gk that became injured for the semifinal and the final
Les entraîneurs italiens sont très au top cette année
Like always
As always! 👍😉
Impressive game by Italy. Numbers 7, 9 and 11 are special.
Portugal number 7 has crazy speed!
Congratulations italia!!!
Forza Azzurri!!!
Portugal number 20 una sega 👎🏼
El 10 es el de todos,el portero excelente y los laterales son unas máquinas
Anche il 3 Cama tra i migliori, ha giocato alla grande
Number 15 also andrea natali 🔥
Damn, throughout the tournament Portugal's attack was great, but defence was horrible. It really showed that today once again. Italy was the most consistent team, deserved winner.
I've noticed that in other age groups too. I wonder if it's cause since of young age we want to be (and our culture instill that in us too) the frontman, the attacker, the guy that scores goals, the hero so to speak. It seems there's less and less defenders in Portugal, but there's an icreasing amount of midfielders (and forwards) for example. I think Brazil is similar in that too.
it proves once again, attack wins you games, defense wins you titles. well done both teams
@@danieldol.1930 I don't know if I'd agree with your premise. Portugal right now has one of the best U-25 defender list in the world. At CB we have Gonçalo Inacio, Antonio Silva, Diogo Leite, Toti Gomes, Tiago Djalo, Eduardo Quaresma. At fullback we have Nuno Mendes, Diogo Dalot, Nuno Tavares, Thierry Correia.
It just happens to be that this specific group of players aren't really that good.
Portugal finishing really let them down IMO. Numerous chances were created, really good chances...
I'd argue that Scalvini, Bastoni and Calafiori are better than all those players listed.@@wnnr3294
Amazing italian U17 team. They deserved the European title🎉.
Why is Camarda playing in U17 and Retegui in the senior team? Swap them please.
Because Mancini is a moron that’s why left a mess after euro
Retegui can't play in U17 he's older
Dai , non diciamo fesserie : sono dei ragazzi !
This ain't Fifa, this is real life. At 17 yo Francesco hasn't got his body fully developed yet. He cannot compete against older men ffs.
@@frank2510 Cubarsi from Spain is the same age of Camarda yet he's playing with the senior team.
Im portuguese but congratulations to italy🏆
Better team, better defensively, better tactically and above all, better emotionally
Our coach is weak and Quenda is overrated, having talent is not the only thing that matters...
Thanks bro gg 🇮🇹🤝🏻🇵🇹
Thank you, brother! Portugal is a favorite for the EURO 2024!
@@VeniVidiVici456 I thought the same until I saw that Roberto Martinez is the coach.
You have lots of talent I really respect how many good players you put out as a relatively small country gg
Lots of good young talent for Italy. They'll be a powerhouse again at the top level in a few years.
if only you know how our football system worked... We've been developing lots of good young players, only to waste them in Serie B or secondary teams because "they're not ready". Unless this changes, most of these players won't really have a proper future...
Excellent match! Congratulations U17 team ! Well deserved 👏👏👏👏👏 bravissimi
E sempre forza Italia 🇮🇹
Italy has a great future in football
Fantastic Italia... Well done Azzurri...and very deserving of the win... congrats
Che spettacolo, speriamo sia la rinascinata del calcio Italiano ❤️
Se li convocano si
Its refreshing to see Italy's youth teams making a comeback after so many years of disappointment and coming so close so many times.
Cette équipe des u17 italiens à tout ce qu'a besoin une équipe pour dominer le monde du football
Avec un grand entraîneur
Très haut niveau collectivement très haut niveau individuellement
Cette équipe devrait prendre la place des À en Allemagne 😊
Camarda is our future 🇮🇹
É stato brillante, doppietta spettacolare
Tous les joueurs sont l'avenir
He looks like a mix of Ibra and Van Basten
Libereli Sala the All team is special 🏆🇮🇹
A wonderful prospect. I trust he will turn out to be a great n° 9 for our future...
Well done Italy, congrats from Germany👏👏
Congrats to Italy, well deserved win. 💪🏻👊🏻
Really thanks 🙏❤
❤ thanks from Italy
Well done to Italy, it was well deserved, no complaints here. Easily the better team this match.
Che squadrone!!! Complimenti a tutti!!
Never favourites but always there
Forza azzurrini
Forza Ragazzi,siete una squadra veramente Forte!!!👏👏👏
Questa nazionale u17 è fortissima. Dovrebbero fare esordire qualche attaccante e qualche difensore nella nazionale italiana di calcio. Fenomeni
Quanta qualità.. Ricordiamoci questi nomi xche li sentiremo spesso...
Finalmente il cambio generazionale Sta arrivando💪
Il 7🇵🇹 se ha testa diventa mejo de Leao
This kids together in 8 years are going to win the FIFA WORLD CUP!! Watch 😜🔥🇮🇹
Well hopefully club teams willl play them and not loan them out to shit teams . So many talented players like pafundi had to leave to Swiss league or wherever just to play . Serie a it’s own worst enemy
Ma mannaggia a te! 🤘🏼🌶
@@clarencegaultieri8293 you are fully right mate! Italian system in general is broke even if we have the most potential out of all European countries..
Well done Italy! Keep winning Azzurri! Respect!
The assist for the third goals is literally nuts!!
And the assist for that assist by Liberali.
well I hope these guys (or those that keep up the good work) can do the Italy senior team some justice in a few years after the disastrous Euro '24
Mi chiedo se quelli al comando del calcio italiano abbiano visto questi ragazzi! Quest partita mi ha. entusiasmato al massimo! Hanno esibito cose mai viste da una nazionale italiana. Veroniche, doppipassi, triangolazioni, tunnel, passaggi sorprendenti, dribbling, voglia di dominare e creare. Sembrano spagnoli in casacca azzurra. Qui ci sono quelli che puntano l avversario e creano superiorita numerica anziche sparare i cross sull avversario, perche manca la tecnica del dribbling, come fa l osannato Di Marco. Hanno tutto cio che stiamo disperatamente cercando adesso. Non vedevo tanta tecnica nemmeno ai trasfigurati tempi di Del Piero e Totti. Bisognerebbe tutelare preservare questa squadra! Questi ragazzi meritano fiducia!
Camarda, Liberali, and Longoni got to be in next world cup team!
Nope Italian coaches never take chances on young players
the future bodes well for Italy and Portugal. The Italian captain is next level. This is where the club scouts should all be...
Camarda has bags of potential to be world class one day.
He already is
Il futuro e' fantastico ragazzi! U17 Campione d'Europa, U19 Campione d'Europa, U20 Vice Campione del Mondo, Nazionale Campione d'Europa. Bellissimo. Puro orgoglio! Bravissimi, grande vittoria!
Was hoping it would be our year but congratulations to Italy. A lot of talk about our defense, but Camarda will make any youth defense seem bad, he is a cut above.
What I couldn’t believe was how hungry Italy was to score more after 3-0. Something senior team lacks
Dear friends, this match showed that if you have as much talent as Portugal, it's not enough to win if you don't play organized and, above all, as a team. I watched the game with my nephew and after a while he noticed it too, and he is 11 years old and he said that Portugal didn't play ed as a team. I add that mentality also plays an important role, having seen how Italy took to the field with competitive malice? it looked like Atalanta against Bayern Leverkusen, head commands legs. With this I'm not saying that Italy doesn't have any talents because people like Camarda, Liberali and Mosconi are predestined champions, but if they had played as soloists they wouldn't have excelled and shine like they did, instead in a united and mentally strong team talents can emerge with high level plays. However, I want to compliment Portugal who have many young talents, they will certainly have learned a lot yesterday, at their expense. last thing, 3 Italian coaches in the 3 European major finals this year (2 won), current U17 and U19 European champions, U20 world vice champion and current senior European champions. This might want to say something. Italian coaches are renowned and appreciated for their tactical organization. And you see the results
Love your comment . As for Italian coaches they don’t give chances to young players like these and this is the reason they are where they are now . They loan these players out or they forced to go abroad to Swiss league like they did to pafundi . Worst own enemy
Great game. - Congratulations. FORZA Azzurri!!!
Questa generazione è fortissima...partita senza storia...L'ITALIA UNDER 17 È CAMPIONE D'EUROPA MERITATAMENTE!!! 🇮🇹🏆
Ma quanto giocano bene....velocità...e tecnica......super🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Il telecronista che si sgola per dirci che abbiamo fatto la storia , non avendo mai vinto prima , e poi la Rai non ci fa vedere la premiazione . Ma che razza di gente è questa ? Vergognoso , inqualificabile , disgustoso !
sicuramente non è colpa del telecronista se hanno staccato la linea, comunque è un trofeo under 17, va preso per ciò che è
@@acojone6110 certo, ma 5 minuti potevano prenderseli
@@pierluigidipietro8097 sisi sono d'accordo era solo per dire che non è colpa del telecronista ma della programmazione rai sicuro
Che vergogna sta roba. Anche una mancanza di rispetto verso i ragazzi
Ma guardate che la premiazione l'hanno fatta vedere, bastava mettere il canale 58, la RAI aveva spostato lì la trasmissione
Ragazzi dell'U17, se state leggendo questo messaggio sappiate che siete il nostro orgoglio. Vedervi giocare con questa intensità, questa classe e questo attaccamento alla maglia è una gioia per gli occhi, regalate molte più emozioni della nazionale maggiore.
Siete talentuosi e dovete farvi sentire dai club e dalla federazione, non è più tollerabile che in Italia i giovani talentuosi come voi restino nelle categorie minori per "farsi le ossa". Siete il futuro del nostro calcio!
Al mondiale tra 2 anni dovete esserci voi.
Non facciamo perdere per strada questi talenti
Je pense que cette équipe de l'Italie devrait jouer l'euro à la place des seniors 😊😊😊
Bien sure..😅
T'as completement raison. Les autres ce sont des c@ns
Ils feraient meilleure figure oui ! Tout à fait d'accord avec toi !
Italy need flair again with this team they will be world class in a few years 👏 👍 🎉😂
sono tornato a rivedere questi ragazzi con la consapevolezza che,questi magnifici atleti,come anche quelli dell'under 20,in questo tragico europeo tedesco avrebbero fatto 1000 volte meglio della nazionale maggiore (solo di nome,ma in realtà piena zeppa di bidoni tralaltro mal allenati)..abbiamo validi talenti,ma devono giocare da subito nelle squadre di club,titolari e pronti subito per le qualificazioni mondiali,altrimenti il calcio finisce!!!
Second goal shouldn’t have stood but it was a really nice goal by the way. Great mentality by Italy, saw them against England. Have an excellent resolve.
Congratulazioni Italia the future of Italian football looks bright 😎🇮🇹🏆⚽
Tre gol splendidi. E poi gioco, cattiveria, aggressività. Niente relax, nemmeno sul 3-0. Magari fosse così la Nazionale maggiore...
What a player Camarda! Ac Milan youth team have some future stars
One of the best games I’ve watched in a long,long time. Brilliant play by Italy against the Portuguese who made it to the final so well to unfortunately lose without a goal.
Mosconi e Camarda grandi talenti, forza Italia sempre e comunque! 🇮🇹💪
Liberali too. Che fantasista 🤌🏻
That first goal was very similar to Paolo Rossi’s first goal against Brazil in 1982.
Well played italy. Deserved win.
Was hoping Portugal might turn it on. Perhaps if Portugal had been a little more unselfish they could have made more of some of their opportunities.
Good match, worthy finalists and worthy winner.
These U17 matches have been so good to watch.
Bravissimi e meritatissima vittoria. Siete stati grandiosi ❤️🇮🇹😱👏🥇🏆
Camarda should be playing for Milan already. Looking like a mix of Ibra and Van Basten.
e anche mazinga-z
Maybe I'm wrong he reminds me of young Cassano not in attitude but raw talent
@@JeremyWade-z2n Cassano was extraordinary at passing tho, while Camarda is a phenom at shooting. He is very similar to Ibra.
@@JeremyWade-z2n Camarda is like 6'1 at 17 years of age, probably gonna grow some more
Portiamo questi agli europei 😅🙏
Giocano sicuramente meglio lol :))
Meglio della prima squadra
Tutto a suo tempo, presto o tardi loro saranno la prima squadra, quanto abbiamo aspettato...
😅😅 mi hai letto nel pensiero
The three goals were absolutely spectacular. As an Italian I keep my fingers crossed that we can see these players showing this quality in our major team in a few years. I watched a few highlights and besides Portugal i found England also quite good.
Once again I'm really delighted to see mainly TRUE Italian guys playing, unlike France, England and so on. That's not going to last, very regrettably, as we're being invaded, so let's enjoy the moment.
Italy number 10
Tanta roba 💙🇮🇹
Non vedo l'ora che arrivino tutti nella nazionali maggiore(ovviamente quando avranno + di 25 anni,dopo aver giocato intere stagioni da panchinari perchè le squadre in serieA investono solo sugli stranieri economici) per poi giocare da scarponi senza esperienza e gioco 😍
As an Italian I say that if this national team went to play the major Europeans, we would certainly make a better impression
We still don't know bit i Hope we can Talk like thiis Also for the adult team
yes, Spalletti picked bad team for euro
We dont have a lot of choice@@ramboj7924
Yes, combination of this team plus the U20s that reached U20 WC final a year ago + U19s who won the Euros. Sick to death of Spalletti wanting to insist with Professional Benchwarmer Jorginho and Mancini-Bastoni in defence.
@@ramboj7924it's not his fault when he doesn't have good players to pick
Yuuuhhuuuuu! Great azzurrini. big future for Italy football !!!
So glad for our youngsters. Very well done, lads!!
Both teams are great young talents. They should be proud. Congrats for the win Italy.
Assist from mosconi to camarda, like Pirlo to Grosso in 2006.
Spalletti knows where to find good players. He can replace the current main team with this one, by sure is a no-loss business
great game. Forz Azzurri. Congratulations Italia!!!
Cama the left back Number 3 is so underrated
È fortissimo e ha tanta classe
Milan have some absolute ballers in their academy. I can’t wait to see Carmada and Liberalli in 2-3 years on the first team for Milan.
What a fantastic young Italian team 👏👏👍🏼👍🏼
Forza Azzurri!!! Siete stati bravissimi ❤❤❤🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
C è luce in fondo al pozzo! Dove vedo la peggior nazionale da quando sono nato qui vedo dei fenomeni da valderrama a Camada,Coletta,liberati,sala complimenti gesti da grandi calciatori e tiro un sospiro di sollievo che nei prossimi anni ci toglieremo soddisfazioni. Dei fratelli portoghesi godetevi quenda un bel prospetto e belli capelli Fernandes solo che oggi aveva i piedi a virgola però si vede che ha classe.
I like that italy is still italian.beautiful to see.
Hope to see them on senior team
13:35 either you kill him or you teach him true Italian defensive football: that ball sould have been kicked far far far far away, even better directly to the stands. That's the way they taught us here in Italy back then, and it always brought us our fair amount of trophies all through the eras.
Ho visto ora questa finale. Mi ha entusiasmato il gioco la compattezza di questa squadra..... auguro un futuro sereno come questa finale, dove da un segno positivo a una nuova nazionale dove spero di vedervi giocare insieme....P.S. Se questa nazionale scende in campo in Germania per gli europei ne fa vedere di gioco sono pieni di idee ....bravi ragazzi ❤❤❤❤
non potrebbero andare loro in germania?
Hihihihi e già!
voi siete gli stessi che avete insultato Mancini quando convocò Pafundi secondo me
@@acojone6110 “a cojone”
@@acojone6110 "a cojone"
Prima dovrebbero essere le società ( per fargli crescere e dargli minuti ) a spingere i giocatori non la nazionale...
Portugal has quality on the front row but defense is really fragile. Better defenders are needed. Love the portuguese keeper was solid and cold
Se fossero andati questi ragazzi all'europeo avremmo fatto di sicuro molta ma molta più bella figura.
Yes exactly.
More precision and what a heart they have got for the shirt
Rispetto da questi giovannoti sono 10 anni piu grandi di loro non ci poso credere. Come giocano le giovanotti del u 17 anzi e piu interessante da vedere
Dope to see two counties that mostly stick to their roots in the finals.
Imagine we would havd gotten France vs England. What a clown show it would've been 😂
You mean Franafrica and Englafrica
I hope more of this players.. go in nazionale A in near future...
Camarda cuore rossonero❤️🖤❤️🖤🔥🔥🔥
Camarda e Liberali ❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤
Voi si che avete delle giovanili, invece noi del napoli siamo ridicoli
Great future for Italy
The future of Italy
Non solo sono bravi sul campo. sono anche molto genuini nel festeggiare il gol. Piu' di qualche calciatore adulto, dovrebbe prenderne esempio. Siamo calciatori e non PAGLIACCI ( Quelli almeno fanno ridere ) molti di questi sono solo IMBARAZZANTI. Quando lo facevano in pochi era adesso fanno solo PENA. Un gol si festeggia dal profondo del cuore....E non dal 🚽ulo.😎 Bravi azzurrini.✌👊👍🖖💙💙💙💙
Congratulations Italy 🇵🇹👍
Congratulations Italy. We were, among other things, tactically naive.
#3 on Italy was crazy good. Instrumental in setting up 2 of the goals, almost scored on another.
Camarda, please help Italy break their world cup curse 🙏
Grandissimi giovani talenti azzurri! Campioni di Europa!