The BigLaw Diaries: one year NYC-versary, officially a 2nd year associate, reflections and more!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @patriciateague8677
    @patriciateague8677 11 днів тому +89

    Congratulations on the first year under your belt! For much of my career, I worked 60-70 hours a week, and it does take a toll. Constant stress is not fun. You are so right to enjoy the slower times when you can. You would be such a great mentor for others. Have a wonderful holiday season.

  • @itsbea.utiful
    @itsbea.utiful 11 днів тому +65

    The less than 1k emails threw me for a loop 😂

  • @wearlucinda
    @wearlucinda 10 днів тому +27

    I love that you're still wearing that same gold necklace! Congrats on one year.

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому +3

      It's my lucky charm! 😊

    • @gil5885
      @gil5885 6 днів тому

      i've always been a fan of the necklace, it's lowkey like her signature accessory lol

  • @70YY
    @70YY 11 днів тому +61

    I audibly gasped when I saw the braids! Aunty knows she was dead wrong 😭 Glad you were able to finesse it.

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому +4

      She really tried me 🙄😭

  • @playerjames6280
    @playerjames6280 10 днів тому +21

    I was just thinking, “I could really go for a new Leandra vlog.” Then boom, I get on UA-cam today and you’re here 🙌🏿

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому

      Glad I could deliver! 🙌

    • @n.e.r.d3730
      @n.e.r.d3730 6 днів тому

      The at i was going to comment thisss cause same 🤗

  • @user-gt3kg3yy3w
    @user-gt3kg3yy3w 11 днів тому +13

    So sweet that you and your bf are taking swimming lessons!

    • @user-gt3kg3yy3w
      @user-gt3kg3yy3w 11 днів тому +2

      Also your kitty being perfectly content chasing the leaf is just precious

  • @eeyaah
    @eeyaah 11 днів тому +20

    Heyy leandra i know youll probably not see this but i just wanted to tell you how much you inspire me. Im currently a junior in Highschool taking criminal justice for dual enrollment hoping to be a lawyer. Your realistic vlogs beat my doubt of my career choice i thought i wouldnt be fit to be a lawyer but seeing you as a African-American female doing the darn thing made me KNOW i could do it as well. Im so happy i came across your channel months ago or i would’ve been stuck with what i wanted to be when i get older. I feel as if how you present your life even the parts you dont show that becoming a lawyer is worth it. I love you and your vlogs! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your experience and knowledge in this career. Hopefully someday ill be able to meet you!

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому +3

      Thank you so much!! I really appreciate you for being part of the journey and can’t wait to you my peer in the legal field❤️

  • @kaamvaa.x
    @kaamvaa.x 11 днів тому +23

    The way I jumped

  • @DrQuindelJones
    @DrQuindelJones 11 днів тому +10

    always a treat when you upload! Congrats on completing your first year 🥹🥂 as a fellow early career woman, your vlogs always manage to deeply resonate + inspire me to stay on top of everything!
    so glad to hear you’re enjoying the good work life balance when it comes 😌 you deserve! Happy holidays ✨

  • @davashe_n
    @davashe_n 11 днів тому +26

    Giiiiiiiiiirl, welcome back😭😭😭😭

  • @brittanycurtis828
    @brittanycurtis828 11 днів тому +13

    Congrats on getting the first year in biglaw done! It's been so cool to see you grow from a law student to be now a 2nd year associate!! You're truly inspiring! Much love from your friendly neighborhood 1L suffering during fall semester finals

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому +1

      Thank you so much! Sending lots of good vibes your way. Don't forget to take a break and treat yourself!

  • @therenatagomes
    @therenatagomes 11 днів тому +19

    OMG you’re alive 😂 so happy to see you ❤

  • @fauziashereensaggar
    @fauziashereensaggar 10 днів тому +8

    saw the notification and felt like an episode of my favourite show had been released! but 1.5 hours too, Leandra you are SPOILING us, much love you absolute QUEEN

  • @luchama6607
    @luchama6607 9 днів тому +4

    Congratulations Leandra ! As a Haitian American graduating college this year you give me faith that our dream job is possible! Keep it up!

  • @caramel_rxse3951
    @caramel_rxse3951 6 днів тому +1

    omg girl It's been a couple days so i don't know if you're going to see this BUTTTTT you inspire me so much in my school life like Im a senior is high school now and just seeing a fellow black girl live her best adult life is so nice and inspiring. I'm not going into the same field (i want to do something medical like being a nurse or maybe doctor) but you just living your life still drives me to try my best.

  • @debicnvs
    @debicnvs 11 днів тому +9

    never been more excited for a notification!!!! missed your videos so much

  • @SaturnsDaughter_
    @SaturnsDaughter_ 4 дні тому +1

    Happy Anniversary Sis! Thank you so much for sharing every step of the journey with us! Your transparency throughout the journey has been so inspiring!

  • @nyjello
    @nyjello 8 днів тому +3

    The way YT didn’t bother to notify me at all 😭😭 anyway idk why but the quote “they send the normal people” is taking me out 🤣🤣 Congrats on your first year of big law Leandra 🥳🎉 thank you for sharing ur journey with us 🤍

  • @edwardleecaliforniausa
    @edwardleecaliforniausa 11 днів тому +9

    Hi happy Saturday night to you and happy vlogmas day to you and this was amazing video I enjoy your channel

  • @berniceo5962
    @berniceo5962 11 днів тому +8

    Oh we are so backkkkkkk ❤❤❤

  • @ThomasinaAdams27
    @ThomasinaAdams27 9 днів тому +1

    Work hard, play more harder. So proud of you. I've watched you evolve from the cocoon blossom out to a beautiful Boss Butterfly. I love your videos. You have a great sense of humor, transparent and ambitious. you had me at 1000 emails 😆and learning how to swim at a big age🤣🤣 Keep shining. Welcome back

  • @merlyntjiposa4242
    @merlyntjiposa4242 11 днів тому +5

    GIRL! 🤗 Thank you. Been waiting, I am so happy.

  • @QueenOfNarnia49
    @QueenOfNarnia49 10 днів тому +1

    i love seeing a leandra vlog so much, I always know theres going to be a lot of good content to watch

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому

      Thank you so much! I appreciate you watching.

  • @dannielleknight4361
    @dannielleknight4361 11 днів тому +4

    Thank you for posting and sparing us some change 🤲🏾😩

  • @aleathamonae9357
    @aleathamonae9357 11 днів тому +3

    Yay! Congrats Leandra. Thanks for making a video for us

  • @TaliaFane
    @TaliaFane 11 днів тому +3

    Had to stand up in my room to give you a standing ovation , success and love looks good on you girly🌈🌟

  • @loa9863
    @loa9863 11 днів тому +3

    Congrats on one year!!!

  • @Thatgirldivineee
    @Thatgirldivineee 11 днів тому +4

    Yesssssss I was just stalking you yesterday 😅😅 been waitinggggg Thankyou!

  • @ColdGrandTetons
    @ColdGrandTetons 11 днів тому +3

    Congrats girlie!!! It’s awesome to see how much success has and continues heading your way!! Hoping for even more in 2025 for you!

    @OPExINxTOKYO 7 днів тому

    I love your editing style and personality. Congrats on one year babes!

  • @dottydelrey4736
    @dottydelrey4736 11 днів тому +6

    girl? we missed you hello🥺💓

  • @mals5617
    @mals5617 11 днів тому +5

    The way I screamed 🥹💕

  • @stephaniadelgrade
    @stephaniadelgrade 10 днів тому +1

    I screaameeeddd when I saw this video❤️❤️.. we missed you!!

  • @asia.caprice
    @asia.caprice 11 днів тому +1

    loved this sm, and the vacation looked so stunning, glad you had such a “heavenly” time lol

  • @miriamheart
    @miriamheart 11 днів тому +2

    Please do a tutorial on your hair it’s so cute. What are the lengths and texture??❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @MarlerDunshee
    @MarlerDunshee 6 днів тому

    I use my kislux as a work bag and have had no issues at all. It’s a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadn’t lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and don’t carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interio

  • @chanelzanee
    @chanelzanee 11 днів тому +3

    I missed ya girl!!

  • @art.thomas
    @art.thomas 11 днів тому +3

    I went on a "hike" where I was literally rock climbing and I WAS PISSED!! I woke up with back pain and if I was informed there would be rock climbing, I would've stayed home because I wouldn't want to injure myself further. I ended up injuring myself further! I will NEVER forgive them 😭

  • @angelac4182
    @angelac4182 7 днів тому

    Great video! Very inspiring Keep up the good work girl

  • @nomsgcabashe8723
    @nomsgcabashe8723 6 днів тому

    congratulations 🥰and your skin is skinning

  • @judaynebennett8591
    @judaynebennett8591 9 днів тому +1

    Young Jessica Pearson in the making 😂👏🏾👏🏾 iykyk

  • @jupitired777
    @jupitired777 3 дні тому

    great video 🎉

  • @cxnoelle_1220
    @cxnoelle_1220 11 днів тому +1

    omg pls share the hotel you guys stayed at it’s absolutely stunninggggg

  • @nicoleworld2.0
    @nicoleworld2.0 10 днів тому

    She’s back!!!

  • @livingwithmarss5993
    @livingwithmarss5993 11 днів тому +11

    The audible gasp i just gusped! AH!!!

  • @FeliciaMesadieu-k8l
    @FeliciaMesadieu-k8l 11 днів тому

    You're so pretty and I love your vlogs. Congrats to your first year as a big law attorney and living in New York.

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому +1

      Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy the vlogs.

  • @AlexaThinks
    @AlexaThinks 11 днів тому +4


  • @AmbesiweFatyi
    @AmbesiweFatyi 11 днів тому

    atp I'm watching bc i subscribed and i enjoy vlogs, no strings attached

  • @chelsealovely9778
    @chelsealovely9778 11 днів тому

    Y'all the way I was excited 😭😭✨

  • @istar2881
    @istar2881 11 днів тому

    Girl, You're living the dream

  • @plantlover9677
    @plantlover9677 11 днів тому

    you know how long i've been waiting for this??????????

  • @mazemame
    @mazemame 11 днів тому

    I need a reminder to re-watch this video in 3 years lol

  • @fafahm
    @fafahm 11 днів тому

    All the pr is so pretty

  • @snowiiieee.m
    @snowiiieee.m 11 днів тому

    congratulations queen🥰🥰

  • @Lia-hd4ip
    @Lia-hd4ip 5 днів тому

    hi! whats the link to the green sweater?? I c found similar ones but the sleeves dont look s comfy!

  • @teni6281
    @teni6281 11 днів тому

    ❤❤❤❤ congrats girly

  • @nim_19
    @nim_19 11 днів тому

    So excited to watch as always! also just downloaded the evolve workout app, what plan do you use? ❤

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому +1

      I really like the “Redefined” program! Right now I’m doing they’re Pilates X Strength program

  • @snowiiieee.m
    @snowiiieee.m 11 днів тому +1

    let me orderr food!!!

  • @raynisecharles2002
    @raynisecharles2002 11 днів тому

    Yayyyyyyy new vid

  • @123ligma
    @123ligma 7 днів тому +1

    wait can you drop the itinerary??

  • @Danigirlrocks101
    @Danigirlrocks101 10 днів тому

    You’ve taken like four vacations this year- sis I’m trying to get like you

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  10 днів тому

      lol I do love a good vaca🤭

  • @larwuo_k
    @larwuo_k 10 днів тому

    Love the vlog!! What’s the name of the two places you visited for your vacation?

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому

      You mean the Airbnb and Hotel?

    • @larwuo_k
      @larwuo_k 9 днів тому

      @ yes the two location you stay at for the vacation

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому

      @ hotel was the IHG Cabrits, Airbnb can be found here:

  • @JohanNaviel
    @JohanNaviel 11 днів тому

    Loved how green the vacation was!!? What was the name of the hotel you stayed at? Please and thank you.

  • @SaturnsDaughter_
    @SaturnsDaughter_ 4 дні тому

    Hiking in a mini skirt is actually iconic i fear

  • @jazlynntoussaint11
    @jazlynntoussaint11 11 днів тому +1

    would you ever do a giveaway of your pr products? cuzzzz id love to win some of that good stuff

  • @traceethompson3772
    @traceethompson3772 10 днів тому

    WELC❤ME backkkkk.......

  • @nomzamompophoma4155
    @nomzamompophoma4155 9 днів тому

    I missed you

  • @looksoferikha
    @looksoferikha 2 дні тому

    Hey, Leandra! Do you know the song that is playing at 23:47? Btw, you're so beautiful

  • @AdriennOnita
    @AdriennOnita 10 днів тому

    You got BS on your hair. I can't stand people to tell me NO, when I tell them what I want and do their own thing. But you did a great correction job❤

  • @flawlesly8502
    @flawlesly8502 9 днів тому


  • @tashaharper468
    @tashaharper468 11 днів тому +3

    I need to know are you exaggerating by stating “I’m getting less than 1K emails a day!” I have mild anxiety hearing that. Btw.. I love your content🩶✨

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому

      def a small exaggeration but it’s gotten close to that when I was extremely busy 😭

  • @kaamvaa.x
    @kaamvaa.x 11 днів тому +2

    Also first

  • @Tgore2
    @Tgore2 10 днів тому

    That braider was trying to play in your face

  • @taylordiggs3570
    @taylordiggs3570 11 днів тому

    Do you relax your leave out?

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  9 днів тому

      I do not! I do a keratin treatment once a year!

  • @Bigchychill
    @Bigchychill 11 днів тому

    Yes I only work for companies that like to spend a Lil cash 💸 💃

  • @TuMaLife
    @TuMaLife 10 днів тому

    As it relates to your profession, you can get PR products but you can’t get Paid sponsorships? Isn’t getting PR products kinda like advertising for a brand? It’s confusing and I always wanted to know how these things work when you work in corporate. ❗️❗️

    • @LeandraYomo
      @LeandraYomo  10 днів тому

      @@TuMaLife PR is free and I have no contractual obligation to a company that sends me pr

    • @TuMaLife
      @TuMaLife 9 днів тому

      @ Okie, so it’s just being courteous in mentioning the gifts received, gotcha. Thanks