C2R1 Mualani 53 Sec Day 1 Top Half Speedrun [Bookless] | 5.2 Abyss (13 + 25 + 15)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tacticalnuke8006
    @tacticalnuke8006  2 дні тому +3

    There are definitely some improvements, I might try later with better cards.
    12-1 is few frames off 12 and can be improved if I don't play for Key stacks.
    On 12-2 I saw a different shield breaking strategy on bilibili that broke the shield sooner, but the first Mualani N3 was around the same time, they also didn't one shot as it was a lower investment run. There might or might not be improvement, I only saw this strat after I already finished my 12-2 run. What I would try to improve is the HP and energy management that chamber.
    12-3 can be in theory one shot with good cards at 12 seconds assuming all of buffs are present, but I am not sure if that's possible in practice, especially after 12-2.

  • @MuhaamadAreeb
    @MuhaamadAreeb 2 дні тому +2

    That is crazy for C2 level investment

  • @ajbrawlstars8844
    @ajbrawlstars8844 День тому +1

    Wel run nice

  • @animatry7410
    @animatry7410 День тому +1

    Mualani the girl who 12.2'd

  • @b-ri10
    @b-ri10 2 дні тому +5

    Would you please consult the graph

  • @requiemTA
    @requiemTA 2 дні тому

    Grats on the run!

  • @Yoyloyloyl
    @Yoyloyloyl 2 дні тому +3

    Does the crocodile not have hydro res when it spawns? Because Mulani ult did 1046862 to both

    • @tacticalnuke8006
      @tacticalnuke8006  2 дні тому +7

      @@Yoyloyloyl both spawn in with standard res going into consecrated state right after roughly 2 seconds

    • @hotaru-gi4
      @hotaru-gi4 2 дні тому +2

      ​@@tacticalnuke8006 Well that's something not everyone knows

  • @alth18
    @alth18 2 дні тому +1

    furina best character

  • @lukio3935
    @lukio3935 2 дні тому

    i didnt think of it when i beat it last month, but damn this looks annoying as hell to speedrun

  • @ariariAkari
    @ariariAkari 2 дні тому

    Is Mualani joining 49 club next?

  • @goodguywithagun8880
    @goodguywithagun8880 2 дні тому

    lmao thumbnail 😂

  • @li-fy8dx
    @li-fy8dx 2 дні тому

    can i ask why instructor on xilonen and scroll on xl?

    • @tacticalnuke8006
      @tacticalnuke8006  2 дні тому +1

      Can't activate scroll on 12-1 first wave, or 12-2 (at least with the setup I did). At least that was my initial idea, but if I want to push for one shotting 12-3 and 12-2 with a slightly different setup, I might reconsider scroll as long as I will be able to hit the required damage on 12-1.

  • @duwung121
    @duwung121 2 дні тому +2

    ok 1k reset
    did u sleep?

    • @tacticalnuke8006
      @tacticalnuke8006  2 дні тому +1

      @@duwung121 I am about to, I spent most of it trying to unbrick my 12-3

  • @MushKaBobby
    @MushKaBobby 2 дні тому

    Who said sharks can’t fly?

  • @kuri.
    @kuri. День тому

    isnt it 25s on 12-2? 25s 100 ms some shit like that

    • @tacticalnuke8006
      @tacticalnuke8006  День тому +1

      Yeah you are right, it's 25 [8f]. I checked very briefly as it seemed like a 59 start on a fast review.

    • @kuri.
      @kuri. День тому

      @@tacticalnuke8006 average Justify Moment

    • @tacticalnuke8006
      @tacticalnuke8006  День тому +1

      @@kuri. bruh

    • @kuri.
      @kuri. День тому

      @@tacticalnuke8006 jkjk bro