Chitsuva che England has opportunities for everyone,as long as you are willing to work. It is well governed and politicians are accountable and answerable for anything deemed illegal. It doesn't benefit one family and their close friends and hangers on thats the reason why people are leaving Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Chitsuva che England has opportunities for everyone,as long as you are willing to work. It is well governed and politicians are accountable and answerable for anything deemed illegal. It doesn't benefit one family and their close friends and hangers on thats the reason why people are leaving Zimbabwe.
MUHINGIRANDI,MUNE Economy, Bvura,Magetsi,Ma Benefits ,Mushonga muzvipatara, MaRoads,Government inotere vagari vemomunyika.
Yekela ukuhlanya Wena SHONA ababulali izinja mgodoyi lonke. gwayi shangani dam 60% 3%75%50%,1 side development doti
Zimbabwe belongs to shonas only
Gukuraundist mouthpiece
Gukuraundist killers
Gukuraundist propaganda
Gukuraundist propaganda
What do you bring to the table wethu?