Nora Exposes Innes on Live Stream!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kevinry4n
    @kevinry4n 15 днів тому +149

    Team Innes always, my cult leader 🫡

    • @akapilka
      @akapilka 15 днів тому +9

      I love this. A psycho streamer and a psycho enabler chat.

    • @FazeParticles
      @FazeParticles 15 днів тому +3

      i hate to say this but touch grass, brother.

  • @lily__e
    @lily__e 15 днів тому +138

    this trio goes hard ngl

  • @misternef
    @misternef 15 днів тому +78

    Innes was so close to winning! I think if she had brought forth the voodoo doll Pepe it would have sealed her victory!

  • @T0FFII
    @T0FFII 15 днів тому +83

    Innes didnt get her man rip

    • @shadowcraftplayer9075
      @shadowcraftplayer9075 15 днів тому +9

      She have to keep at it.

    • @siddxartxa
      @siddxartxa 15 днів тому +1

      Rip to every man who rejected her

    • @jaegybomb
      @jaegybomb 15 днів тому +9

      Not over till he says stop.

    • @ebolaboi5052
      @ebolaboi5052 15 днів тому +4

      ​@@jaegybomb not over if he's still breathing.

    • @Tampafan33
      @Tampafan33 15 днів тому

      It’s all fake. Sadly i think innes does really like him though. Salma just wanted someone to hang out with. Which is perfectly fine honestly.

  • @YurikRoss
    @YurikRoss 15 днів тому +35

    Nora is lowkey a very funny troll.

  • @BJ-sq1si
    @BJ-sq1si 15 днів тому +35

    The lick list lmfaooooo

  • @saagarsinha8760
    @saagarsinha8760 15 днів тому +119


    • @Kimsloe
      @Kimsloe 15 днів тому +11

      Gotta see the katchii arc first

    • @azieldaly2965
      @azieldaly2965 15 днів тому +29

      ​@@saagarsinha8760 Nora aint never leaving her family to move to America. That's a deal-breaker.

    • @T0FFII
      @T0FFII 15 днів тому

      ​@@azieldaly2965 Yeeeaaaa

    • @corey369h
      @corey369h 15 днів тому +6

      @@saagarsinha8760 she’s the best but most unrealistic too

    • @anthonyantenucci2138
      @anthonyantenucci2138 15 днів тому +1

      ​@@azieldaly2965 when did she say that? Feels like you're making assumptions

  • @RichDodger1
    @RichDodger1 14 днів тому +3

    9:45 the way she says salma😭

  • @Defer345-x4q
    @Defer345-x4q 14 днів тому

    Was smiling the whole stream thanks needed it

  • @Astheniumn
    @Astheniumn 14 днів тому +1

    "ok dood" is so XQC coded 😁

  • @EricMatHagna
    @EricMatHagna 14 днів тому

    Nora is doing better these days. Hopefully she continues and works harder. I hope she mixes the stream with IRL as well. As Irl seems to be the only meta working for most.

  • @Vhaldr
    @Vhaldr 15 днів тому +7

    tri-dentge ftw

  • @gi4dtv230
    @gi4dtv230 15 днів тому +8

    What does she mean about headlock? Are they wrestling, or are they "wrestling"?

  • @rigastreaming
    @rigastreaming 15 днів тому +5

    Well this is awkward... I really thought she would win

  • @JawadBhuiyan
    @JawadBhuiyan 15 днів тому +1

    Even MamaExplorer has joined in. This family ain't beating the allegations 😭

  • @PhonkEcho
    @PhonkEcho 15 днів тому

    "which cheeks?" is crazy!!😂😂

  • @JoeMenjivar
    @JoeMenjivar 14 днів тому

    If Innes is the next bachelorette on Love or Host I'm risking it all. Going to start working out my arm veins

  • @Showski72
    @Showski72 15 днів тому +2

    congrats on 15k subs and 1k subs gifted OFFLINE!!! fucking insane Nora!!

  • @TiberionMarivallis
    @TiberionMarivallis 13 днів тому

    It' getting out of hand, now there are 3 of them!

  • @AlbeezKneez
    @AlbeezKneez 15 днів тому +4

    What the Alabama hell

  • @Nodokadark
    @Nodokadark 15 днів тому

    Innes with her lists XD

  • @omarzarfer
    @omarzarfer 15 днів тому +2

    geez this girls are wild xd

  • @valynazvalkynaz5375
    @valynazvalkynaz5375 15 днів тому

    OK but the lick list isn't wrong though. The fact I knew what was being explained was the leaning one and I understand the reasoning behind the headlock.... I know there's a thing a second head embarrassment I think I got second head call outs, Cause I felt called out as f***

  • @kendrickkx
    @kendrickkx 15 днів тому

    Poor innes getting bullied by the 2 sisters

  • @MustYouHaveAUsername
    @MustYouHaveAUsername 15 днів тому

    Dirty gooners 🤣 no shame though. The heart wants what the heart wants...

  • @akumacode
    @akumacode 15 днів тому +1

    lmao, these 3

  • @LordNexusTheFir
    @LordNexusTheFir 15 днів тому

    Wait its pronounced In-Ness like anus 😂 bruh after playing fire emblem the sacred stones since i was a kid I thought it was pronounced In-ss 😂

  • @King_Rockst4r
    @King_Rockst4r 15 днів тому +2

    Last 30 seconds pureeeeee platinum content 😂 I can’t with this family!! Proud of all 3 of you! 💯💯💯💯

  • @braxtonmay391
    @braxtonmay391 15 днів тому +3


  • @lennysargeant19
    @lennysargeant19 15 днів тому +3

    Innes was in jail?

    • @Rune__
      @Rune__ 15 днів тому +10

      Yep, she tried to take over the South Korean government yesterday o7

  • @gomzy2197
    @gomzy2197 15 днів тому +1

    Who won the love or host?

  • @sweeleongng333
    @sweeleongng333 15 днів тому


  • @RichDodger1
    @RichDodger1 14 днів тому

    W trio

  • @Smalls989
    @Smalls989 14 днів тому

    trident gang

  • @H3O14
    @H3O14 15 днів тому +1

    Quick question Nora, if you were to go to the Streamer Awards what color dress would you use?

  • @krylesangerbeaver
    @krylesangerbeaver 15 днів тому +1

    Team Emily

  • @Shiftypowers1111
    @Shiftypowers1111 15 днів тому +2


  • @Karaszan
    @Karaszan 14 днів тому

    Keep it in the family. EZ