RKCBW the queen ask

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @markthomson9978
    @markthomson9978 2 роки тому +1

    There is an inconsistency with the explanation,in one example 5c is stated as meaning 0 or 3 keycards but in another example it means 1 or 4

  • @billmcainsh5010
    @billmcainsh5010 2 роки тому

    Example 3: how does S know 5C "must be king of spades"? It could be A of C.

  • @getmartincarter
    @getmartincarter 3 роки тому

    The teacher doesn’t give the student the chance to absorb the layout before going into the analysis and speaking at super fast rate.

    • @bridgetrampton1537
      @bridgetrampton1537  3 роки тому

      Sorry Martin! I've been trying to slow down. Hope you still got something out of the flip video. Bridget

  • @valeriemcdermott9423
    @valeriemcdermott9423 Рік тому

    What about hearts? What do you do if trumps are hearts and partner has replied 2d to your 4nt bid? You want to know if they have the q of hearts but if they haven't your passed 5 h?

    • @bridgetrampton1537
      @bridgetrampton1537  Рік тому

      Hi, if trumps is the next suit up you need to bid the suit one higher than that. Clearly you can only do this if you can afford it. :)

    • @valeriemcdermott9423
      @valeriemcdermott9423 Рік тому

      @@bridgetrampton1537 Thanks for that. I did think this was an option. If I bid 4nt and hearts is trumps, you bid 5d showing 3. I then bid 5h to which you either pass without the queen or bid 6h with the queen?

  • @dougkippen4971
    @dougkippen4971 3 роки тому

    Speaker goes too fast to grasp the content, which itself is very good.
    HATE the loud, irritating music.

    • @archie6945
      @archie6945 Рік тому

      Reduce the 'playback speed' via the cog icon

  • @getmartincarter
    @getmartincarter 3 роки тому

    This teacher speaks too quickly to absorb the lesson.