exocad Quick Guide: Get the most out of your Smile Creator Module!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tomaszmroz9343
    @tomaszmroz9343 2 роки тому +2

    How far away should the photo be taken so as not to distort the teeth? Meter? 4 meters? maybe more?

    • @exocadvideos
      @exocadvideos  2 роки тому +1

      Hi Tomasz,
      here you can find additional information: wiki.exocad.com/wiki/index.php/Smile_Creator_Photo_Protocol%E2%80%8B_%E2%80%8B

  • @lancephelps3333
    @lancephelps3333 4 роки тому +1

    Would it be possible to take a dentate patient to denture or a milled pmma toothset up with smile creator. I would love to see that work flow.

  • @nilousotouhi7988
    @nilousotouhi7988 5 років тому +2

    Hello exocad experts! I would like to hear your opinion and feedback! Please use the Chat window to communicate with me.

    • @Azi-Az
      @Azi-Az 3 роки тому

      How can i insert numbers or letters on the wax up for entertainment purposes

  • @Depelos007
    @Depelos007 6 місяців тому

    How do I find the youtube video where you use the Smile Creator to either 3D print or send directly to the lab as an .stl file for manufacturing veneers or crowns to match exavctly the smile creator design that the patient has already approved?

    • @exocadvideos
      @exocadvideos  6 місяців тому

      Click the 'related' videos option on the right hand menu to find the Smile Creator video tutorials related to this video. Best exocad.

  • @p_ant
    @p_ant 2 роки тому

    Could someone explain... i got a bit lost in why we need to do a coping? We do it and after we can Just continue with the silêncio design?

  • @joobasics6891
    @joobasics6891 4 роки тому

    Is this a dental aligner software?

  • @hamedel-khouly8807
    @hamedel-khouly8807 3 роки тому

    How can I get this software program for PC ?

  • @behzadolfat2848
    @behzadolfat2848 27 днів тому

    Love from Iran

  • @gerontiemsen6749
    @gerontiemsen6749 Рік тому

    How about upper lower

    • @exocadvideos
      @exocadvideos  Рік тому

      Hi @gerontiemsen6749,
      By default, SmileCreator always displays only the upper jaw. If you want to use Smile Creator to design restorations for both jaws at the same time, skip the wizard step that appears at the beginning of the wizard and continue with the setup until the teeth of the upper and lower jaw are positioned. Then start the Smile Creator by clicking on the Tools button in the main toolbar.
      Now the teeth of both jaw arches are displayed in the Smile Creator.

  • @عليعلي-ز5ي9ط
    @عليعلي-ز5ي9ط 4 роки тому +1

    Great explanation thank you very much

    • @brodieenrique1003
      @brodieenrique1003 3 роки тому

      I dont mean to be so offtopic but does anybody know of a tool to log back into an instagram account?
      I was stupid lost my login password. I love any tips you can offer me

    • @brodieenrique1003
      @brodieenrique1003 3 роки тому

      @Duke Ezra thanks for your reply. I found the site on google and I'm in the hacking process now.
      Looks like it's gonna take a while so I will reply here later with my results.

    • @brodieenrique1003
      @brodieenrique1003 3 роки тому

      @Duke Ezra It did the trick and I now got access to my account again. I'm so happy:D
      Thanks so much you saved my account!

    • @dukeezra5015
      @dukeezra5015 3 роки тому

      @Brodie Enrique Happy to help xD

  • @pouriaboroujerdi5938
    @pouriaboroujerdi5938 3 роки тому

    Great, Thank you Exocad

  • @AceHardy
    @AceHardy 5 років тому +1


    @SRFCADSANTAGATI 4 роки тому

    Beautiful 🛸👽🛸

  • @aniluyanik7652
    @aniluyanik7652 4 роки тому

    Try to make it simpler. With iPhone or iPad..

  • @ldent6414
    @ldent6414 3 роки тому

    Поставьте русские субтитры!

  • @秋秋-m6h
    @秋秋-m6h 4 роки тому
