The entire world around the people waiting.. is him. we’re waiting on you guys to accept the invitation to peace, and us all having one tribe. All chosen by our father.. as soon as you accept your waiting has been the sin.. then you’ll be able to finally disagree with yourself, and be anointed. We’re waiting on you guys.✌️🙏. You will feel the urge to suddenly stand up for the pierced and oppressed, for the entire world transgression.
4:15 Between the eyes and on the arm, means in your mind and in your actions. That's what the Mashiach will tell you as well. But you have the Decalogue which is the testimony of the covenant, and which is like the constitution of a country and if any law or commandment that is not according to the constitution is declared unconstitutional by itself. Do this and the Mashiach will come immediately.
I have a question for jews, christians, etc… If you are waiting for a messiah to lead you to a path of righteousness, doesn’t that suggest you currently don’t have a moral (good behaviour) compass? Or in other words you lack the ability to differentiate between good and bad? If that’s the case, what makes you think your “chosen” God is good and not evil? Why are you waiting and hoping that someone will teach you how to imitate good? Because you are evil?
That’s not what we’re waiting for at all. That’s already in the Torah given 3337 years ago. If you watch the video till the end you would understand what we are actually waiting for…
@@yaakovmeyer The Messiah coming, God in the Flesh, Immanuel. Jesus Christ. Challenge your beliefs and look into some of these verses below my friend. The birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled over 300 Old Testament prophecies, below are just a few! The probability of just a single person only just fulfilling eight Old Testament Messianic prophecies, according to some calculations, are 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000. This is similar to the odds of a blindfolded person picking a marked silver dollar from a pile of other silver dollars that covers Texas two feet deep. Messiah would be born of a woman; Genesis 3:15, Matthew 1:20 & Galatians 4:4. Messiah would be born in Bethlehem; Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1 & Luke 2:4-6. Messiah would be born to a virgin; Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:22-23 & Luke 1:26-31. Messiah would come from the line of Abraham; Genesis 12:3, Genesis 22:18, Matthew 1:1 & Romans 9:5. Messiah would be a descendant of Isaac; Genesis 17:19, Genesis 21:12, Luke 3:34. Messiah would be a descendant of Jacob; Numbers 24:1 & Matthew 1:2. Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah; Genesis 49:10 & Luke 3:33. Messiah would be heir to King David's throne; 2 Samuel 7:12-13, Isaiah 9:7, Luke 1:32-33 & Romans 1:3. Messiah's throne will be anointed and eternal; Psalm 45:6-7, Daniel 2:44, Luke 1:33 & Hebrews 1:8-12. Messiah would be called Immanuel; Isaiah 7:14 & Matthew 1:23. Messiah would spend a season in Egypt; Hosea 11:1 & Matthew 2:14-15. A massacre of children would happen at Messiah's birthplace; Jeremiah 31:15 & Matthew 2:16-18. A messenger would prepare the way for Messiah; Isaiah 40:3-5 & Luke 3:3-6. Messiah would be preceded by a forerunner; Malachi 3:1 & Matthew 11:10. Messiah would be rejected by his own people; Psalm 69:8, Isaiah 53:3, John 1:11 & John 7:5. Messiah would be a prophet; Deuteronomy 18:15 & Acts 3:20-22. Messiah would be preceded by Elijah; Malachi 4:5-6 & Matthew 11:13-14. Messiah would be declared the Son of God; Psalm 2:7 & Matthew 3:16-17. Messiah would be called a Nazarene; Isaiah 11:1 & Matthew 2:23. Messiah would bring light to Galilee; Isaiah 9:1-2 & Matthew 4:13-16. Messiah would speak in parables. Psalm 78:2-4 Isaiah 6:9-10 Matthew 13:10-15, 34-35 Messiah would be sent to heal the brokenhearted. Isaiah 61:1-2 Luke 4:18-19 Messiah would be a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Psalm 110:4 Hebrews 5:5-6 Messiah would be called King. Psalm 2:6 Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 27:37 Mark 11:7-11 Messiah would enter Jerusalem on a donkey. Zechariah 11:12 Matthew 21:4-5 Messiah would be praised by little children. Psalm 8:2 Matthew 21:16 Messiah would be betrayed. Psalm 41:9 Zechariah 11:12-13 Luke 22:47-48 Matthew 26:14-16 Messiah's price money would be used to buy a potter's field. Zechariah 11:12-13 Matthew 27:9-10 Messiah would be falsely accused. Psalm 35:11 Mark 14:57-58 Messiah would be silent before his accusers. Isaiah 53:7 Mark 15:4-5 Messiah would be spat upon and struck. Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67 Messiah would be hated without cause. Psalm 35:19 Psalm 69:4 John 15:24-25 Messiah would be crucified with criminals. Isaiah 53:12 Matthew 27:38 Mark 15:27-28 Messiah would be given vinegar to drink. Psalm 69:21 Matthew 27:34 John 19:28-30 Messiah's hands and feet would be pierced. Psalm 22:16 Zechariah 12:10 John 20:25-27 Messiah would be mocked and ridiculed. Psalm 22:7-8 & Luke 23:35 Soldiers would gamble for Messiah's garments. Psalm 22:18 Luke 23:34 Matthew 27:35-36 Messiah's bones would not be broken. Exodus 12:46 Psalm 34:20 John 19:33-36 Messiah would be forsaken by God. Psalm 22:1 Matthew 27:46 Messiah would pray for his enemies. Psalm 109:4 Luke 23:34 Soldiers would pierce Messiah's side. Zechariah 12:10 John 19:34 Messiah would be buried with the rich. Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27:57-60 Messiah would resurrect from the dead. Psalm 16:10 Psalm 49:15 Matthew 28:2-7 Acts 2:22-32 Messiah would ascend to heaven. Psalm 24:7-10 Mark 16:19 Luke 24:51 Messiah would be seated at God's right hand. Psalm 68:18 Psalm 110:1 Mark 16:19 Matthew 22:44 Messiah would be a sacrifice for sin. Isaiah 53:5-12 Romans 5:6-8 Messiah would return a second time. Daniel 7:13-14 Revelation 19
All these points are so vague that any Jew could be the Messiah from your standards. The idol you’re worshipping is a dead man. I made a video about why Jews don’t believe in Jesus if you’re interested in the facts: Also if you want to have a friendly live debate I’m down.
@@yaakovmeyer did you even bother to read the verses I provided? A dead man? So all of Jesus followers believed a lie and were tortured and died for it? Along with all the other witnesses who saw him after his resurrection? There’s more proof for his resurrection than there is that it was all a lie.
I read a few. Truth is very simple my friend. If you need all these verses to prove someone is the messiah he is not it. I can tell you the qualification of the messiah from 3-5 verses max. It’s SIMPLE. And yes you’re believing a lie and the reason why so many people believe in the same lie is because it’s COMFORTABLE. The truth is harder to accept but simple. Lies make you feel comfortable but are very complicated. Why is most of the world in bad shape physically? Cuz they don’t know that you need to exercise and eat the right Macro? Of course not everyone knows how to get in shape but everyone makes EXCUSES to not take responsibility. For the last 4k+ years the MAJORITY of the world has been involved in Idol worship. Just cuz you exchanged the idol from Baal to Jesus doesn’t mean the core isn’t the same.
Here is the plan: 1. Introduce the hebrew mosaic covenant/old testament. 2. Put the mosaic covenant on pause for 2000 years and introduce the abrahamic faith covenant/new testament. 3. Take all jew and gentile who put faith in the new testament covenant to the heavenly kingdom. 4. Combine the mosaic covenant/old testament with the abrahamic faith covenant/new testament covenant. Use the law for earthly holiness and use the faith in Jesus covenant for eternal salvation after leaving earth. Under this plan Jesus has to have an earthly messiah to be the king on earth because the new testament covenant is based on faith in the work Jesus did for salvation therefore if Jesus was on earth during the millennium it would kill the faith factor which is believing without seeing. That is why king david will be king on earth for the duration of the millennium and Jesus will be King and High Priest in the heavenly kingdom during the millennium
1. In the Revelation of John 22:16 it also says "I am the bright morning star." That is Lucifer. 2. "Why did King David call Christ "my Lord" if Christ is his son?" Because the prophet is not God, he has God. So David was addressing God, not the actual prophet, in your case Jesus.
@ It should not be surprising or controversial that the Bible uses the term morning star in two different situations with different applications. This occurs with other words like water, son of man, and lion.
@@gjag6969 That's why in some parts he is the king of Babylon, and in other parts he is still the king of "Babylon", 🤭 I mean the head with the mortal wound, but he lived. 🤫
@@gjag6969 You see, even Peter contradicts you when he talks about a light shining in a dark place, in 2 Peter 1:19 So he includes a hidden message and says in the next verse that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. So, this metaphor cannot be attributed to two different people. Isaiah is talking about the same idol. Shocking, but true. Jesus is the eighth head, among the seven, It was, it is no more, and it will come. It's the head with the wound.
Judeo-Christian is a term that came up in mid 20th century and was used by St. Paul and others to bridge the huge gap between Judaism and Christianity. The truth is Islam is closer to Judaism than Christianity. The only commonality between Judaism and Christianity is that Jesus is a Jew and as a result some of the Jewish values were incorporated into Christian faith. Regard US being involved if you’re referring to its involvement with Israel that’s up to the US to decide if their involvement is worth what they get in return or not. After all Israel is probably the US’s primary ally in the Middle East. It’s an even exchange.
The god of this world has blinded the eyes of those who refuse to believe the truth. Just look at the facts surrounding the life of Christ, the gospels were written within a time frame after the events of which they speak of, where other people who were around during that same time and location could have easily refuted the claims that the New Testament gospels speak about, yet we do not find that anywhere.. Yet we have an account of Jesus appearing to at least 400-500 people after his resurrection, yet I have yet to see any piece of historical writing of that same period stating it was false. Again, no one is willing to be persecuted, tortured, hunted like an animal and put to death for a lie. Nor is such a thing "comfortable" as you previous stated. Not only that, look at how the Christian belief and church grew in the local area and thus expanded into the surround areas.. That would not have been the case if the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Christ all been a fabricated lie. It would have been squashed just like other rebellions and false prophets and false messiahs were during that time; their beliefs, movement and followers ended when their life did. Yet again, that is NOT the case with Christianity, if anything it exploded after the death and resurrection of Christ! A lie does when the source of the lie dies. Yet truth continues on just as Christ was resurrected. You cannot deny this because history has proven just that. I will save you the trouble of looking it up by providing at least 9 evidences of the resurrection of Jesus. 1- Early accounts; The majority of scholars believe that the crucifixion of Jesus took place in 30 A.D. The four Gospels were written within just a few decades of the death of Jesus (70-95 A.D. according to critical scholars). Most of Paul’s letters were written prior to 60 A.D. Additionally, Paul records an ancient creed in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, which notes the appearances of Jesus to individuals and groups; this creed can be traced all the way back to within a few years of the resurrection itself (this creed dates to 30-35 A.D.). The sources for Jesus are remarkably early, especially in comparison to sources for other ancient historical figures. For example, consider Alexander the Great, one of the greatest leaders and military minds in ancient history. The earliest sources for Alexander are nearly 300 years after his life; the best sources (Arrian and Plutarch) are even later (400+ years after his life), yet they are still considered trustworthy. With Jesus, we have sources within 10 years of his life, and a number of other sources within 20-70 years. 2- Eyewitness accounts; According to 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, over 500 people saw Jesus alive, in addition to Peter, James, Paul, and the rest of the disciples. At the time Paul reported these events around 55 A.D., many of the individuals Jesus appeared to were still alive and could be interviewed (this was roughly 25 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection). In addition to the people who saw Jesus alive after his crucifixion, eyewitness testimony is foundational for the New Testament as a whole, with every book either being written by an eyewitness or by someone under the direction of an eyewitness. One of the greatest examples of this is 2 Peter 1:16, which reads, “For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” In other words, Peter wasn’t just reporting news that he heard, but rather something he saw with his own eyes. 3- Extra-biblical accounts; The events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus are mentioned by numerous individuals (Christians and non-Christians) from outside the New Testament. For example, the crucifixion of Jesus is referenced by more than ten ancient sources (Tacitus, Josephus, Mara-Bar-Serapion, Lucian, Talmud, Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp, Barnabas, Justin Martyr, etc.). The disciples’ experiences with the risen Jesus are reported by several extra-biblical sources as well (Josephus, Ignatius, Justin Martyr, etc.). 4- Embarrassing details; When dealing with historical events, one piece of evidence that lends credibility to an account’s authenticity is the inclusion of embarrassing details. All four Gospels mention that several women were the first to find the tomb empty, which makes them the primary eyewitnesses (Mt. 28:1-8; Mk. 16:1-8; Lk. 24:1-10; Jn. 20:1-2). This is significant because in first century Jewish and Roman cultures, women were looked down upon by men and their testimony was frequently regarded as untrustworthy. If the writers of the Gospels were making up a story that they wanted people to believe, they would have stated that men were the first to find the tomb empty. Why didn’t they do that? Because they wanted to tell the truth (women were really the first to find the tomb empty). 5- Enemy attestation; Even Jesus’ enemies didn’t deny that the tomb was empty. They had an alternative explanation for how the tomb became empty (the disciples stole Jesus’ body; Mt. 28:11-15), but they acknowledged that the tomb was empty nonetheless. Enemy attestation is a powerful form of testimony that involves an enemy stating something in favor of the opposing view. Enemies have nothing to gain when they do this. In the case of Jesus, the enemies of Jesus certainly didn’t have anything to gain by reporting that the tomb was empty - but they did so anyway. 6- Empty Tomb: There are a number of reasons to believe that the tomb was empty, one of which involves its location in Jerusalem. The Romans, Jews, and Christians knew where Jesus was buried; the location of his tomb was no secret. When Christians began spreading the news (in Jerusalem) that Jesus had risen from the dead, the Romans and/or Jews could have simply removed the body of Jesus from the tomb and displayed it in order to shatter the “hoax.” However, Jesus’ body was never produced; if it was we would have certainly heard about it from the critics of Christianity, particularly the second century skeptic, Celsus, who wrote against the resurrection. 7- Emergence of the Church; No historian would deny that thousands of people began following the life and teachings of Jesus in the first century shortly after his “alleged resurrection” (Acts 2:41). This number continued to grow rapidly throughout the remainder of the first century (Acts 2:47). There are several extra-biblical accounts to verify the emergence of the early church (Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, Trajan, Suetonius, etc.). How can the sudden emergence of Christianity be explained apart from the resurrection of Jesus? 8- Entirely Changed Lives; Prior to Jesus’ death, and for three days while he was in the grave, the disciples were skeptical and afraid (Lk. 24:21; Jn. 20:19). However, after Jesus’ resurrection, the lives of the disciples were entirely different; all of them were persecuted and many were martyred as a result of their belief in the risen Christ. James (the brother of Jesus) and the apostle Paul experienced radical conversions as well. Like the disciples, James and Paul also subjected themselves to persecution and martyrdom because they were convinced that Jesus had risen from the dead. Skeptics may comment that the transformation of these individuals (the disciples, James, and Paul) is insignificant, since it is normal for people to convert from one set of beliefs to another. However, the cause of these conversions is different. People usually convert to a particular religion because they hear the message of that religion from a secondary source and believe the message. The reason for the transformations of the disciples, James, and Paul is quite different; they are the result of what they actually saw with their own eyes: the risen Jesus. 9- Expected event; On numerous occasions throughout his ministry, Jesus predicted that he would die and rise again (Mt. 12:39-40; 16:21; Mk. 8:31; Lk. 9:22; Jn. 2:18-22; 10:17-18). In fact, Jesus predicted these events so frequently that his predictions actually became common knowledge (Mt. 27:62-64; 28:6). It’s one thing to make a prediction; it’s another thing to predict something that actually happens. Jesus’ predictions regarding his own death and resurrection suggest that he really is the Son of God and risen Lord. Despite the amount of evidence provided above, let’s remember that the resurrection is more than a fact to be proven; it’s the culminating event in God’s redemptive plan on behalf of mankind - and it has incredible implications for our lives today. The shed blood of Jesus and his resurrection from the dead are not distant events in history, they are present realities that make it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins (Heb. 9:22), experience and enjoy an intimate relationship with God (1 Pet. 3:18), undergo radical transformation (Gal. 1:23), and carry out all that God has called us to do in our lives (Mt. 28:20). The resurrection of Jesus also gives us hope for the future - since death was not the end for Christ, we have hope that it won’t be the end for us either (1 Cor. 15:22, 35-58).
@@yaakovmeyerglad you asked. It's about interpretation. Talmud and midrashic literature teach 2 Messiah's. Ben Joseph and Ben David. The New Testament teaches one Messiah coming twice. First for Joseph then the second time for Judah. This is a simple explanation of course. Neither teaching (2 Messiahs, one from Joseph, one from David or one Messiah coming twice, once for Joseph and a second time for Judah) can be explicitly found in Tenak. They are both based on interpretation. I believe the New Testament interpretation. I will gladly explain further if we can have a friendly dialogue. I hope you have a blessed Shabbat.
The entire world around the people waiting.. is him. we’re waiting on you guys to accept the invitation to peace, and us all having one tribe. All chosen by our father.. as soon as you accept your waiting has been the sin.. then you’ll be able to finally disagree with yourself, and be anointed. We’re waiting on you guys.✌️🙏. You will feel the urge to suddenly stand up for the pierced and oppressed, for the entire world transgression.
4:15 Between the eyes and on the arm, means in your mind and in your actions. That's what the Mashiach will tell you as well. But you have the Decalogue which is the testimony of the covenant, and which is like the constitution of a country and if any law or commandment that is not according to the constitution is declared unconstitutional by itself.
Do this and the Mashiach will come immediately.
I have a question for jews, christians, etc…
If you are waiting for a messiah to lead you to a path of righteousness, doesn’t that suggest you currently don’t have a moral (good behaviour) compass? Or in other words you lack the ability to differentiate between good and bad?
If that’s the case, what makes you think your “chosen” God is good and not evil?
Why are you waiting and hoping that someone will teach you how to imitate good? Because you are evil?
That’s not what we’re waiting for at all. That’s already in the Torah given 3337 years ago.
If you watch the video till the end you would understand what we are actually waiting for…
@@TheMessiah666 I will answer as a Christian. I have the word of God and the Holy Spirit. He bears witness and teaches me all things.
These laws are they before ore after Yeshua ritten?
Jesus never wrote a thing. The New Testament was written by mark, luke, John, etc
Written 70 years after Jesus died.
@@yaakovmeyerWe don't even know who these people are.
Y’all missed it by about 2000 years.
lol what did we miss? Nothing changed.
@@yaakovmeyer The Messiah coming, God in the Flesh, Immanuel. Jesus Christ.
Challenge your beliefs and look into some of these verses below my friend.
The birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled over 300 Old Testament prophecies, below are just a few!
The probability of just a single person only just fulfilling eight Old Testament Messianic prophecies, according to some calculations, are 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000.
This is similar to the odds of a blindfolded person picking a marked silver dollar from a pile of other silver dollars that covers Texas two feet deep.
Messiah would be born of a woman; Genesis 3:15, Matthew 1:20 & Galatians 4:4.
Messiah would be born in Bethlehem; Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1 & Luke 2:4-6.
Messiah would be born to a virgin; Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:22-23 & Luke 1:26-31.
Messiah would come from the line of Abraham; Genesis 12:3, Genesis 22:18, Matthew 1:1 & Romans 9:5.
Messiah would be a descendant of Isaac; Genesis 17:19, Genesis 21:12, Luke 3:34.
Messiah would be a descendant of Jacob; Numbers 24:1 & Matthew 1:2.
Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah; Genesis 49:10 & Luke 3:33.
Messiah would be heir to King David's throne; 2 Samuel 7:12-13, Isaiah 9:7, Luke 1:32-33 & Romans 1:3.
Messiah's throne will be anointed and eternal; Psalm 45:6-7, Daniel 2:44, Luke 1:33 & Hebrews 1:8-12.
Messiah would be called Immanuel; Isaiah 7:14 & Matthew 1:23.
Messiah would spend a season in Egypt; Hosea 11:1 & Matthew 2:14-15.
A massacre of children would happen at Messiah's birthplace; Jeremiah 31:15 & Matthew 2:16-18.
A messenger would prepare the way for Messiah; Isaiah 40:3-5 & Luke 3:3-6.
Messiah would be preceded by a forerunner; Malachi 3:1 & Matthew 11:10.
Messiah would be rejected by his own people; Psalm 69:8, Isaiah 53:3, John 1:11 & John 7:5.
Messiah would be a prophet; Deuteronomy 18:15 & Acts 3:20-22.
Messiah would be preceded by Elijah; Malachi 4:5-6 & Matthew 11:13-14.
Messiah would be declared the Son of God; Psalm 2:7 & Matthew 3:16-17.
Messiah would be called a Nazarene; Isaiah 11:1 & Matthew 2:23.
Messiah would bring light to Galilee; Isaiah 9:1-2 & Matthew 4:13-16.
Messiah would speak in parables. Psalm 78:2-4 Isaiah 6:9-10 Matthew 13:10-15, 34-35
Messiah would be sent to heal the brokenhearted. Isaiah 61:1-2 Luke 4:18-19
Messiah would be a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Psalm 110:4 Hebrews 5:5-6
Messiah would be called King. Psalm 2:6 Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 27:37 Mark 11:7-11
Messiah would enter Jerusalem on a donkey. Zechariah 11:12 Matthew 21:4-5
Messiah would be praised by little children. Psalm 8:2 Matthew 21:16
Messiah would be betrayed. Psalm 41:9 Zechariah 11:12-13 Luke 22:47-48 Matthew 26:14-16
Messiah's price money would be used to buy a potter's field. Zechariah 11:12-13 Matthew 27:9-10
Messiah would be falsely accused. Psalm 35:11 Mark 14:57-58
Messiah would be silent before his accusers. Isaiah 53:7 Mark 15:4-5
Messiah would be spat upon and struck. Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67
Messiah would be hated without cause. Psalm 35:19 Psalm 69:4 John 15:24-25
Messiah would be crucified with criminals. Isaiah 53:12 Matthew 27:38 Mark 15:27-28
Messiah would be given vinegar to drink. Psalm 69:21 Matthew 27:34 John 19:28-30
Messiah's hands and feet would be pierced. Psalm 22:16 Zechariah 12:10 John 20:25-27
Messiah would be mocked and ridiculed. Psalm 22:7-8 & Luke 23:35
Soldiers would gamble for Messiah's garments. Psalm 22:18 Luke 23:34 Matthew 27:35-36
Messiah's bones would not be broken. Exodus 12:46 Psalm 34:20 John 19:33-36
Messiah would be forsaken by God. Psalm 22:1 Matthew 27:46
Messiah would pray for his enemies. Psalm 109:4 Luke 23:34
Soldiers would pierce Messiah's side. Zechariah 12:10 John 19:34
Messiah would be buried with the rich. Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27:57-60
Messiah would resurrect from the dead. Psalm 16:10 Psalm 49:15 Matthew 28:2-7 Acts 2:22-32
Messiah would ascend to heaven. Psalm 24:7-10 Mark 16:19 Luke 24:51
Messiah would be seated at God's right hand. Psalm 68:18 Psalm 110:1 Mark 16:19 Matthew 22:44
Messiah would be a sacrifice for sin. Isaiah 53:5-12 Romans 5:6-8
Messiah would return a second time. Daniel 7:13-14 Revelation 19
All these points are so vague that any Jew could be the Messiah from your standards.
The idol you’re worshipping is a dead man.
I made a video about why Jews don’t believe in Jesus if you’re interested in the facts:
Also if you want to have a friendly live debate I’m down.
@@yaakovmeyer did you even bother to read the verses I provided?
A dead man? So all of Jesus followers believed a lie and were tortured and died for it? Along with all the other witnesses who saw him after his resurrection? There’s more proof for his resurrection than there is that it was all a lie.
I read a few. Truth is very simple my friend. If you need all these verses to prove someone is the messiah he is not it. I can tell you the qualification of the messiah from 3-5 verses max. It’s SIMPLE.
And yes you’re believing a lie and the reason why so many people believe in the same lie is because it’s COMFORTABLE.
The truth is harder to accept but simple.
Lies make you feel comfortable but are very complicated.
Why is most of the world in bad shape physically? Cuz they don’t know that you need to exercise and eat the right Macro? Of course not everyone knows how to get in shape but everyone makes EXCUSES to not take responsibility.
For the last 4k+ years the MAJORITY of the world has been involved in Idol worship. Just cuz you exchanged the idol from Baal to Jesus doesn’t mean the core isn’t the same.
Here is the plan: 1. Introduce the hebrew mosaic covenant/old testament. 2. Put the mosaic covenant on pause for 2000 years and introduce the abrahamic faith covenant/new testament. 3. Take all jew and gentile who put faith in the new testament covenant to the heavenly kingdom. 4. Combine the mosaic covenant/old testament with the abrahamic faith covenant/new testament covenant. Use the law for earthly holiness and use the faith in Jesus covenant for eternal salvation after leaving earth. Under this plan Jesus has to have an earthly messiah to be the king on earth because the new testament covenant is based on faith in the work Jesus did for salvation therefore if Jesus was on earth during the millennium it would kill the faith factor which is believing without seeing. That is why king david will be king on earth for the duration of the millennium and Jesus will be King and High Priest in the heavenly kingdom during the millennium
Isaiah 11:1, 10
Romans 15:12
Revelation 22:16
I Am the root and the offspring of David.
Why did King David call Christ “my Lord” if Christ is his son?
1. In the Revelation of John 22:16 it also says "I am the bright morning star." That is Lucifer.
2. "Why did King David call Christ "my Lord" if Christ is his son?"
Because the prophet is not God, he has God. So David was addressing God, not the actual prophet, in your case Jesus.
It should not be surprising or controversial that the Bible uses the term morning star in two different situations with different applications. This occurs with other words like water, son of man, and lion.
@@gjag6969 That's why in some parts he is the king of Babylon, and in other parts he is still the king of "Babylon", 🤭 I mean the head with the mortal wound, but he lived. 🤫
@@gjag6969 You see, even Peter contradicts you when he talks about a light shining in a dark place, in 2 Peter 1:19 So he includes a hidden message and says in the next verse that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. So, this metaphor cannot be attributed to two different people. Isaiah is talking about the same idol. Shocking, but true.
Jesus is the eighth head, among the seven, It was, it is no more, and it will come. It's the head with the wound.
So we agree to stop using that term to Judaean/Christian values?
We should also agree the US shouldn't be involved.
Judeo-Christian is a term that came up in mid 20th century and was used by St. Paul and others to bridge the huge gap between Judaism and Christianity.
The truth is Islam is closer to Judaism than Christianity.
The only commonality between Judaism and Christianity is that Jesus is a Jew and as a result some of the Jewish values were incorporated into Christian faith.
Regard US being involved if you’re referring to its involvement with Israel that’s up to the US to decide if their involvement is worth what they get in return or not. After all Israel is probably the US’s primary ally in the Middle East. It’s an even exchange.
The god of this world has blinded the eyes of those who refuse to believe the truth. Just look at the facts surrounding the life of Christ, the gospels were written within a time frame after the events of which they speak of, where other people who were around during that same time and location could have easily refuted the claims that the New Testament gospels speak about, yet we do not find that anywhere.. Yet we have an account of Jesus appearing to at least 400-500 people after his resurrection, yet I have yet to see any piece of historical writing of that same period stating it was false. Again, no one is willing to be persecuted, tortured, hunted like an animal and put to death for a lie. Nor is such a thing "comfortable" as you previous stated. Not only that, look at how the Christian belief and church grew in the local area and thus expanded into the surround areas.. That would not have been the case if the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Christ all been a fabricated lie. It would have been squashed just like other rebellions and false prophets and false messiahs were during that time; their beliefs, movement and followers ended when their life did. Yet again, that is NOT the case with Christianity, if anything it exploded after the death and resurrection of Christ! A lie does when the source of the lie dies. Yet truth continues on just as Christ was resurrected. You cannot deny this because history has proven just that.
I will save you the trouble of looking it up by providing at least 9 evidences of the resurrection of Jesus.
1- Early accounts; The majority of scholars believe that the crucifixion of Jesus took place in 30 A.D. The four Gospels were written within just a few decades of the death of Jesus (70-95 A.D. according to critical scholars). Most of Paul’s letters were written prior to 60 A.D. Additionally, Paul records an ancient creed in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, which notes the appearances of Jesus to individuals and groups; this creed can be traced all the way back to within a few years of the resurrection itself (this creed dates to 30-35 A.D.).
The sources for Jesus are remarkably early, especially in comparison to sources for other ancient historical figures. For example, consider Alexander the Great, one of the greatest leaders and military minds in ancient history. The earliest sources for Alexander are nearly 300 years after his life; the best sources (Arrian and Plutarch) are even later (400+ years after his life), yet they are still considered trustworthy. With Jesus, we have sources within 10 years of his life, and a number of other sources within 20-70 years.
2- Eyewitness accounts; According to 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, over 500 people saw Jesus alive, in addition to Peter, James, Paul, and the rest of the disciples. At the time Paul reported these events around 55 A.D., many of the individuals Jesus appeared to were still alive and could be interviewed (this was roughly 25 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection).
In addition to the people who saw Jesus alive after his crucifixion, eyewitness testimony is foundational for the New Testament as a whole, with every book either being written by an eyewitness or by someone under the direction of an eyewitness. One of the greatest examples of this is 2 Peter 1:16, which reads, “For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” In other words, Peter wasn’t just reporting news that he heard, but rather something he saw with his own eyes.
3- Extra-biblical accounts; The events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus are mentioned by numerous individuals (Christians and non-Christians) from outside the New Testament. For example, the crucifixion of Jesus is referenced by more than ten ancient sources (Tacitus, Josephus, Mara-Bar-Serapion, Lucian, Talmud, Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp, Barnabas, Justin Martyr, etc.). The disciples’ experiences with the risen Jesus are reported by several extra-biblical sources as well (Josephus, Ignatius, Justin Martyr, etc.).
4- Embarrassing details; When dealing with historical events, one piece of evidence that lends credibility to an account’s authenticity is the inclusion of embarrassing details. All four Gospels mention that several women were the first to find the tomb empty, which makes them the primary eyewitnesses (Mt. 28:1-8; Mk. 16:1-8; Lk. 24:1-10; Jn. 20:1-2). This is significant because in first century Jewish and Roman cultures, women were looked down upon by men and their testimony was frequently regarded as untrustworthy. If the writers of the Gospels were making up a story that they wanted people to believe, they would have stated that men were the first to find the tomb empty. Why didn’t they do that? Because they wanted to tell the truth (women were really the first to find the tomb empty).
5- Enemy attestation; Even Jesus’ enemies didn’t deny that the tomb was empty. They had an alternative explanation for how the tomb became empty (the disciples stole Jesus’ body; Mt. 28:11-15), but they acknowledged that the tomb was empty nonetheless.
Enemy attestation is a powerful form of testimony that involves an enemy stating something in favor of the opposing view. Enemies have nothing to gain when they do this. In the case of Jesus, the enemies of Jesus certainly didn’t have anything to gain by reporting that the tomb was empty - but they did so anyway.
6- Empty Tomb: There are a number of reasons to believe that the tomb was empty, one of which involves its location in Jerusalem. The Romans, Jews, and Christians knew where Jesus was buried; the location of his tomb was no secret. When Christians began spreading the news (in Jerusalem) that Jesus had risen from the dead, the Romans and/or Jews could have simply removed the body of Jesus from the tomb and displayed it in order to shatter the “hoax.” However, Jesus’ body was never produced; if it was we would have certainly heard about it from the critics of Christianity, particularly the second century skeptic, Celsus, who wrote against the resurrection.
7- Emergence of the Church; No historian would deny that thousands of people began following the life and teachings of Jesus in the first century shortly after his “alleged resurrection” (Acts 2:41). This number continued to grow rapidly throughout the remainder of the first century (Acts 2:47). There are several extra-biblical accounts to verify the emergence of the early church (Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, Trajan, Suetonius, etc.). How can the sudden emergence of Christianity be explained apart from the resurrection of Jesus?
8- Entirely Changed Lives; Prior to Jesus’ death, and for three days while he was in the grave, the disciples were skeptical and afraid (Lk. 24:21; Jn. 20:19). However, after Jesus’ resurrection, the lives of the disciples were entirely different; all of them were persecuted and many were martyred as a result of their belief in the risen Christ. James (the brother of Jesus) and the apostle Paul experienced radical conversions as well. Like the disciples, James and Paul also subjected themselves to persecution and martyrdom because they were convinced that Jesus had risen from the dead.
Skeptics may comment that the transformation of these individuals (the disciples, James, and Paul) is insignificant, since it is normal for people to convert from one set of beliefs to another. However, the cause of these conversions is different. People usually convert to a particular religion because they hear the message of that religion from a secondary source and believe the message. The reason for the transformations of the disciples, James, and Paul is quite different; they are the result of what they actually saw with their own eyes: the risen Jesus.
9- Expected event; On numerous occasions throughout his ministry, Jesus predicted that he would die and rise again (Mt. 12:39-40; 16:21; Mk. 8:31; Lk. 9:22; Jn. 2:18-22; 10:17-18). In fact, Jesus predicted these events so frequently that his predictions actually became common knowledge (Mt. 27:62-64; 28:6). It’s one thing to make a prediction; it’s another thing to predict something that actually happens. Jesus’ predictions regarding his own death and resurrection suggest that he really is the Son of God and risen Lord.
Despite the amount of evidence provided above, let’s remember that the resurrection is more than a fact to be proven; it’s the culminating event in God’s redemptive plan on behalf of mankind - and it has incredible implications for our lives today. The shed blood of Jesus and his resurrection from the dead are not distant events in history, they are present realities that make it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins (Heb. 9:22), experience and enjoy an intimate relationship with God (1 Pet. 3:18), undergo radical transformation (Gal. 1:23), and carry out all that God has called us to do in our lives (Mt. 28:20). The resurrection of Jesus also gives us hope for the future - since death was not the end for Christ, we have hope that it won’t be the end for us either (1 Cor. 15:22, 35-58).
Check out on Messiah son of Joseph and Messiah son of David.
I'm aware. What about it?
@@yaakovmeyerglad you asked. It's about interpretation. Talmud and midrashic literature teach 2 Messiah's. Ben Joseph and Ben David. The New Testament teaches one Messiah coming twice. First for Joseph then the second time for Judah. This is a simple explanation of course. Neither teaching (2 Messiahs, one from Joseph, one from David or one Messiah coming twice, once for Joseph and a second time for Judah) can be explicitly found in Tenak. They are both based on interpretation. I believe the New Testament interpretation. I will gladly explain further if we can have a friendly dialogue. I hope you have a blessed Shabbat.
Sure Nathan, you can email me at
We can have a dialogue.
@@yaakovmeyer looking forward to it.
@@nathanjames1913 wow, this is guenuinly the best arguement iv'e heard for new testament! Nicejob
Search the scriptures, they speak of Jesus if you just look.
Enlighten me. Where?
Idolator alert...your false man-god Jeazus was not moshiach
Judaism vs. Jesus: The Major Contradictions
It also states that he will destroy his enemies
Why don't you elaborate?
I'm sitting on the edge of my seat and can't wait to hear your response.