Lacus Clyne's birthday is February 5 which, at the date and time of this comment, is tomorrow in North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. It is already February 5 in Japan and the rest of Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Europe. Happy Birthday Lacus!
"Anna ni Issho Datta no ni (We Were So Close Together)" |「あんなに一緒だったのに」
Lyrics: Ishikawa Chiaki | 作詞 : 石川智晶
Music: Kajiura Yuki | 作曲 : 梶浦由記
Vocal: Lacus Clyne (Character Voice: Tanaka Rie) | 歌 : ラクス・クライン (CV : 田中理恵)
Lacus Clyne's birthday is February 5 which, at the date and time of this comment, is tomorrow in North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.
It is already February 5 in Japan and the rest of Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Europe.
Happy Birthday Lacus!