Amazons TOP Black Friday Deals Top 5 Dashcams For 2024 Viofo A229 Pro 4K HDR: Garmin Mini 2 1080p: Vantrue N5 2.7K: Nexar Pro 1080p: BlackVue DR970X 4K:
Not so impressed with the douche in the hatchback who thought he did not need to pull over as a cop is doing multiple pit maneuvers right in front of his car? The cop even had to tell dispatch that he had someone in his way!
towed a guy on my rollback, a used rolls royce. THAT was a 3 ton tank. made my truck drive like a drunk wagon. he hit a crossing dip and dislodged the spare tire rack. tore the hell out of the concrete dip and asphalt pavement. city had to close that side of the intersection. wild.
@@nickjohnson2985you misspelled treason trump supporter 🤣 it's ok, magats aren't known for their intelligence. Just like how you think shittler is gonna fix the economy. Silly children.
@@xZinnie omg, I was looking to see if anyone else recognizes her! I say the same thing!!! I swear she was having a meltdown over something else, in another video I watched.
@xZinnie Could it have been an interrogation of a woman acting like a child? I can't remember which one, but all the comments were of her childlike behavior. She wiped her nose on her sleeve and was acting ridiculous. 🙄
That era of Mercedes was built right boy.They are tough not a lick of power in most of them.But I gotta give this officer some credit.And he had no trouble spinning that benz around the first time
I know this is about the chase and crash, but the amount of outside drivers who don’t even slow down or switch lanes when they see or hear the lights and sirens is insane
I’m from Australia, our police force do things a lot different, but I have to say I do admire the no nonsense stance by the American police force. I thank all police officers around the world for keeping people safe. God bless them all, it is a thankless and dangerous job.
@@lawlessfarming9878 13% of the population commits over 50% of the murders, and over 50% of the armed robberies. That is an uncomfortable fact, but it is a fact none the less.
Specially the Motorola radios made in the 80's 😂.Police departments spend all kinds of money on equipment, but the most overlooked equipment seems to be communications.
Did anyone notice one VERY COMMON variable?? Something about how extra "TAN” 90% of the idiots wete? B L M - I cant breathe and what other terminology do they alwAys use? Thugs
@@rene837have you ever heard of this thing called a mental illness? There are just as many videos of stupid, hysterical men out there, if not more. I really despise people like you, and you’re the reason so many women hate men
Some of those fast cars like the hellcat have so much power that if the driver is skilled enough they might be able to get away. That’s why we’re seeing more police chargers lately
challengers, chargers, camaros, mustangs,audi's, nissan skyline / 350Z, it's always nice, but middle class sport cars, some people seen to think that a fast car equals police get-away driver forgeting that skill needs to be there as well
What?! lol Is that your way thinking instead of just saying that French cop was amazing and did a great job? You needed to say it will make a stud bull blush? So only bulls have balls? 😂 🤦🏻♀️
That's cause it's a classic old cars are tanks new cars get mangled a bit more easily then old cars we've gone as an American society from quality over quantity to quantity over quality but if you want nice things you gotta pay more because it is quantity over quality so if you want quality over quantity you gotta. Lay a premium to get it new Mercedes cost almost 80 90 100 grand and higher but as soon as they leave the lot it drops to like 60 to 70 and from there they just keep going down in 20 years the Brabus wagon will be worth like 60 grand give it another 20 it will be like 35 to 40k
Don't watch, it's that easy. Why do you people feel like you can dictate to others as to what they should or should not do with their own channel? What kind of narration do you have on the videos you produce, oh wait, that's right, you do not make videos for other's entertainment.
@@donniev8181 Is this answer for me? I said I like it, where did you get that it was a bad review? And if it's because of A.I. it doesn't lose the merit of being a good memory ;D
The bikers of the French police are really impressive to watch, they master their machines with such dexterity look at that :
This was a great video not just because of the excellent chase footage but also because you gave us relevant information about the convictions, etc., of the culprits involved. This is how you get viewers to like and subscribe! Well done, and thank you!
Holy F*@%!!! ASP on solo all the way....BUT FHP? DAMN!! That teamwork and brotherhood - WOW. That was so cool. Everyone knew or anticipated what every other one was going to do. Excellent and y'all should be training others.
Lol I fucking knew it! I thought I recognized her from another video where she called the cops on her boyfriend to scare him and then got arrested herself 😂 this lady needs serious psychological help...
@@IdahoRanchGirl yes! Lol and something tells me, her work was grateful she didn't show up that day and were just waiting for an excuse to let her crazy ass go 😂 I know if I worked w her it would be an "either she goes or I do" situation lol
@34:00 This is why I do not do door dash when it is raining. If you come across a door dasher like this they need to be removed from doing that job. I'm sorry but dashers like this make us all look like a bunch of self centered ignorant assholes. The whole incident is because this dasher is a cherry picker that picked all of the cherries and the orchard ran dry. The attitude, disregard, panic, and emotions this cherry picker is letting out screams desperation due to not getting those high pay orders anymore. To add insult to injury I'm sure her completion rating taking another hit got her contract terminated. (Finally.) *Word is she got a citation for driving without insurance.* She definitely got terminated. That's a breach of contract. Please remove this cherry picker from the platform effective immediately.
A 100 mph pursuit for expired tags! How many innocent people were put at risk for this? And this cop has a reputation for high speed pursuits! Public safety !
m helmet usless at anything over 30 just in the way mostly i was good during a bike car wreak me on bike then my helmet busted into and a peice is in my head srill was going around 25 during impact lady puled out infront of me during a spring shower that had just started legs or take a chance stil gotmy legs
Lol I fucking knew it! I thought I recognized her from another video where she called the cops on her boyfriend to scare him and then got arrested herself 😂 this lady needs serious psychological help...
it’s the way i’ve seen this video of her like 5 different times in 5 different videos. ALL DIFFERENT CHANNELS. like 3/5 of those channels weren’t related to each other. at all. 😭😭
She spends her time reporting him to 911 because she finds him annoying lol. Then the cops turn up and she says she didn't call. They call her and her phone rings in front of them. She appears to be like that all the time and internet famous for her multiple BPD videos. She will never live it down.
Lol I fucking knew it! I thought I recognized her from another video where she called the cops on her boyfriend to scare him and then got arrested herself 😂 this lady needs serious psychological help...
That first one was amazing. You could put an old Mercedes you bought at auction in a demolition derby, and after hit after hit, it would still come out on top leaving all the others steaming heaps of scrap metal.
Lol I fucking knew it! I thought I recognized her from another video where she called the cops on her boyfriend to scare him and then got arrested herself 😂 this lady needs serious psychological help...
I think there is a req't in the purchase agreement that whenever you buy a sport bike, a dodge charger or a dodge challenger, the vehicle owner must try and outrun their county/state police at least once.
Amazons TOP Black Friday Deals
Top 5 Dashcams For 2024
Viofo A229 Pro 4K HDR:
Garmin Mini 2 1080p:
Vantrue N5 2.7K:
Nexar Pro 1080p:
BlackVue DR970X 4K:
Wow, really impressed with that old Mercedes, that thing could really take a punch.
Not so impressed with the douche in the hatchback who thought he did not need to pull over as a cop is doing multiple pit maneuvers right in front of his car? The cop even had to tell dispatch that he had someone in his way!
Absolutely!! That Old school held up. Today's Benzs would have crumpled like an aluminum can.
towed a guy on my rollback, a used rolls royce. THAT was a 3 ton tank. made my truck drive like a drunk wagon. he hit a crossing dip and dislodged the spare tire rack. tore the hell out of the concrete dip and asphalt pavement. city had to close that side of the intersection. wild.
Made for the autobahn and built like a tank. Each pit took away only 12 hitpoints.
@@TheMsmith77 And that's good thing. Each bend is less energy going into yourself.
Nothing like a police chase to remind me I’d be a terrible getaway driver 😂
Hahaha this is a very under-rated comment and deserves more likes!
You got a new sub and likes for every video! Thank you! 😊
That French chase was scary.
Haha, right? It’s definitely a reminder that some skills are better left to the professionals! 😅
@@copscam bank robbers going " Stop f**king Indicating " ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I hate when people with expensive/vintage cars run from police. It hurts my car loving soul when they get damaged.
Not goin back to jail???🤡
@@ludicrous7044No one asked you anything you should answer to 🤡
you do realize cars can get fixed, right?
I agree. Why can't they use a POS?
Or a minivan
Kayla should be handcuffed and arrested. I don’t care about the charges. Just arrest her PLEASE!!!
Gag her, that woman is a screaming demon of nonsense and immaturity
Kamala supporter for sure
Psych ward immediately.
@@nickjohnson2985you misspelled treason trump supporter 🤣 it's ok, magats aren't known for their intelligence. Just like how you think shittler is gonna fix the economy. Silly children.
Yeah, but does she have food in the car or something?
The first guy handled spin recovery better than a lot of sober drivers
34:17 I HAVE FOOD IN MY CAR! I guess she thinks she can't get in trouble if she has food in her car.😂
She needed to make that money to get some pills , now she cant
i swear that girl is in a different cop video under a different situation lmao
@@xZinnie omg, I was looking to see if anyone else recognizes her!
I say the same thing!!!
I swear she was having a meltdown over something else, in another video I watched.
@xZinnie Could it have been an interrogation of a woman acting like a child? I can't remember which one, but all the comments were of her childlike behavior. She wiped her nose on her sleeve and was acting ridiculous. 🙄
Her ice creams thawing!?😋😏😱
Ive never had a desire to own a 30 year old mercedes until now
That era of Mercedes was built right boy.They are tough not a lick of power in most of them.But I gotta give this officer some credit.And he had no trouble spinning that benz around the first time
that MF was tough man
Those things can rip through roads and handle crashes, cops used them when they came out bc of the speed and brute force in such a dynamic car
this one looks like it's going pretty cheap
Had a 300SDL and a 300D really tough German built cars
ME TOO : )
Did not realize it till I read this
Me too I’m guilty😆😆
Love it.....
I know this is about the chase and crash, but the amount of outside drivers who don’t even slow down or switch lanes when they see or hear the lights and sirens is insane
Thank you!
It usually takes around 3 seconds for drivers to hear, locate, and react to sirens
Did u think they didnt do it intentionally to block the cops
With as fast as they're going, people might not have the reaction time. Or even 'freeze up', not sure what to do.
Then there's the nigga that be like "fuck 12, block 'em every time"
"Nervous wack-a-mole" 😆🤣
I’m from Australia, our police force do things a lot different, but I have to say I do admire the no nonsense stance by the American police force. I thank all police officers around the world for keeping people safe. God bless them all, it is a thankless and dangerous job.
No, that is only in American Southern States! Not all of them.
I just had I high-speed chase go by my house a couple days ago in northern New York state. It's not only a southern thing.
That's quite the ad for a pre-owned Benz. "Takes a f&^king and keeps on trucking!"
it did neither
The kid on the blue moped trying to be a little more aerodynamic fkn got me. 😂😂
I would of let him go after that 😂
36 HP???😏👍
@@robertbiondo Idiots like him are smash and grab. Would you have let him go after he robbed your Wife/Daughter?
"Devondre Devontus Jumarcus Laddarious" wrcked out!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
always the same criminals
@@lawlessfarming9878yea with about six names you can't pronounce.
@@lawlessfarming9878 13% of the population commits over 50% of the murders, and over 50% of the armed robberies. That is an uncomfortable fact, but it is a fact none the less.
Suspectus usualis
Biggus dickus brontosaurs. 🤣
4:20 the real crime here is the man bun.
May as well have "POOR IMPULSE CONTROL LOSER" tattooed on his forehead in large block letters! But the Man-Bun serves the same purpose, so...
He deserves an extra charge.
Man buns are the urban version of the mullet!
What these idiots forget is that you might outrun a police vehicle, but you cant outrun a motorola radio.
Nothing is impossible 🤷🏻♂️
Radios only work so far.
Specially the Motorola radios made in the 80's 😂.Police departments spend all kinds of money on equipment, but the most overlooked equipment seems to be communications.
That's 750 MPH!!😁😑😋
if you outrun long enough, the cops stop chasing you.
Gotta love Byrd man, he’s the real deal .
I have 2 beers and i question my ability to drive, these people down the entire bottle and go "ya im good"
that first police officer was bad ass, thats what im talking about, no messing.
Yeah and that douchebag driving the hatchback trying to get in the way as much as humanly possible!
Did anyone notice one VERY COMMON variable??
Something about how extra "TAN” 90% of the idiots wete?
B L M - I cant breathe and what other terminology do they alwAys use?
Hell yeah. Made the others look real disappointing.
Every State, County, and City should have an Officer Byrd!!! Respect!😅
I hope to meet Trooper Byrd someday ( not being chased by him! ) and buy him a cup of coffee or maybe a cold beer. He is ASP Legend.
Never try to run from a guy who races in his off time.
slightly something about that hope
@@ljessecusterl He does? I didn't know that. No wonder he is a legend.
@@victortinmouth1283he has been racing since a kid with a go-cart. He is a racer.
37:26 All along I thought my 11-year-old was a drama queen but this lady takes the cake! 😆 😂
Just think, she may be raising children! I feel sorry for law enforcement in her community.
Woman not acting accountable and throwing a tantrum..., not really a suprise.
@@rene837have you ever heard of this thing called a mental illness? There are just as many videos of stupid, hysterical men out there, if not more. I really despise people like you, and you’re the reason so many women hate men
There's a second video of her at home freaking out about her husband and yes, she has a baby. Poor dude, I hope he left when she was arrested.
She needed to make that money to get some pills , she's detoxing
No food in the car all the food in Kayla .
Bwahahaaha! Hilarious! 😂
Shakira Flabbergasteds' hips don't lie 😂🎉😂🎉😂🎉
🎵"Shaniqua-niqua... Ee-ee!"🎵
why are they always chargers?? and why are the people that have these beautiful cars always think they can outrun the police???
Stolen vehicle ! Always -
Some of those fast cars like the hellcat have so much power that if the driver is skilled enough they might be able to get away. That’s why we’re seeing more police chargers lately
You might start noticing a few more patterns😅
challengers, chargers, camaros, mustangs,audi's, nissan skyline / 350Z, it's always nice, but middle class sport cars, some people seen to think that a fast car equals police get-away driver forgeting that skill needs to be there as well
Cuz they wuz kangs and shiet
Running from the police on a sport bike n getting caught is crazy work🤣 much respect to all the officers in the video for stopping these guys👌🏾💪🏾
How could you pit a motorbike? Wouldn't that potentially kill him?
@ prolly would but honestly it’s like a 50/50 depending on whose behind the handle bars and behind the wheel so maybe your right
Jeez, those French motor cycle cops at the 17 minute mark, have balls that will make a stud bull blush.
The end was really a risky move from him. Road Rash XD
What?! lol Is that your way thinking instead of just saying that French cop was amazing and did a great job? You needed to say it will make a stud bull blush? So only bulls have balls? 😂 🤦🏻♀️
The first chase, He's already dressed for prison 😂
Yeah 😂😂
*Give the guy who edited this a raise, not one dull moment with this chase.*
Kayla will never be forgotten for all of her days I'm afraid with this video I see it everywhere😊
Imagine how it is for her husband and kids. She is not psychologically healthy and it could end really bad in the future.
"Don't talk to me!" "Shut up!" "DON'T TALK TO MEEEEEEEEEE!"
@@hagakure74 She's not married this is the second video she's in she's just as bad in the first she's nutz
@@PaulMcNamara-w9d not married? gee...i wonder WHY?
Jacob Byrd is the patron saint of the PIT
His name is Jacob and, yes, he's excellent!
Lord, these motorcycle ones make me so nervous.
He went under a guard rail and their cuffing him!!🤔😱🤦😔
It’s scary how fast these crashes happen.
Within a split second indeed
Man that Mercedes is a freaking tank!!!
That's cause it's a classic old cars are tanks new cars get mangled a bit more easily then old cars we've gone as an American society from quality over quantity to quantity over quality but if you want nice things you gotta pay more because it is quantity over quality so if you want quality over quantity you gotta. Lay a premium to get it new Mercedes cost almost 80 90 100 grand and higher but as soon as they leave the lot it drops to like 60 to 70 and from there they just keep going down in 20 years the Brabus wagon will be worth like 60 grand give it another 20 it will be like 35 to 40k
Byrd! Byrd! Byrd! The Byrd is the word! Hey nice thumbnail, Bob!
I think all people that run from the cops should never get a DL ever again.
A lot of them don't even have one to begin with!
Some ofum DON'T!!⚰️⚰️⚰️
"like a nervous whack a mole" buahahaaaaa loved that description!
What I like about this channel is that the narration makes it sound like the old TV shows World's Scariest Police Chases
AI narration
Don't watch, it's that easy. Why do you people feel like you can dictate to others as to what they should or should not do with their own channel? What kind of narration do you have on the videos you produce, oh wait, that's right, you do not make videos for other's entertainment.
@@donniev8181 Is this answer for me?
I said I like it, where did you get that it was a bad review? And if it's because of A.I. it doesn't lose the merit of being a good memory ;D
always a fan of GSP and ASP, but man I'm surprised that French motorcycle officer could go that fast with his MASSIVE balls weighing him down.
The bikers of the French police are really impressive to watch, they master their machines with such dexterity look at that :
Never drive faster than your IQ. In these cases, 30 Mph would already be speeding
that mercedes was built like a freaking tank. Like wow
Motorcycle police chases can easily spiral out of control, resulting in devastating accidents.
35:50 imagine being in a relationship with that thing!!!
IKR. That’s ridiculous
Those all-metal old Mercedes are literal tanks! It’s amazing how these cars can take a hit and keep going.
Its crazy that they do pits so close to other drivers but then again its dangerous not stopping him too
This was a great video not just because of the excellent chase footage but also because you gave us relevant information about the convictions, etc., of the culprits involved. This is how you get viewers to like and subscribe! Well done, and thank you!
"Like a nervous Whack-A-Mole". That made me chuckle lol
Omg that shyt was hilarious!!!!😂
I can’t believe some of the things people try to pull off on the road! Thank goodness for dashcams!
Really 😮
02:07 man that was a beautiful pit and nice recovery from the dude
Extra charge for the man bun.
They call it a bitch biscuit where I'm from.
Nervous whack-a-mole got me hard 😂😂😂😂😂
Byrde is the word
Great video! The action scenes are perfectly captured, very dramatic and engaging
the byrd man from Arkansas has quite the rep as a state trooper,hes the last guy you want pursuing your fleeing rearend
The man has been racing cars forever. He did go-karts as a kid.
Next time on America's Most Wanted
This editing style makes me remember those good old 90's "Caught on tape" VHS we used to rent and I love it
Holy F*@%!!!
ASP on solo all the way....BUT FHP? DAMN!! That teamwork and brotherhood - WOW. That was so cool. Everyone knew or anticipated what every other one was going to do. Excellent and y'all should be training others.
That Mercedes man... Tough car!!!
The engine was blowing blue smoke before the pursuit car even touched it. Yup, the essence of german engineering 😂😂
@drgonzo4714 sure! But it could take the hits man!
Hahaha the girl that rear ended that black truck. Well lets just say this isn’t he first time being on a viral bodycam.
Lol I fucking knew it! I thought I recognized her from another video where she called the cops on her boyfriend to scare him and then got arrested herself 😂 this lady needs serious psychological help...
@ hahaha yup that’s the one.
Didn't she need to go to work in that one too?
@@IdahoRanchGirl yes! Lol and something tells me, her work was grateful she didn't show up that day and were just waiting for an excuse to let her crazy ass go 😂 I know if I worked w her it would be an "either she goes or I do" situation lol
wait am i tripping or are the cops also the same as in her other video
9:40 That dog got some enthusiasm lol
5:53 Jesus those people passing by were lucky
@34:00 This is why I do not do door dash when it is raining. If you come across a door dasher like this they need to be removed from doing that job. I'm sorry but dashers like this make us all look like a bunch of self centered ignorant assholes. The whole incident is because this dasher is a cherry picker that picked all of the cherries and the orchard ran dry. The attitude, disregard, panic, and emotions this cherry picker is letting out screams desperation due to not getting those high pay orders anymore. To add insult to injury I'm sure her completion rating taking another hit got her contract terminated. (Finally.)
*Word is she got a citation for driving without insurance.*
She definitely got terminated. That's a breach of contract. Please remove this cherry picker from the platform effective immediately.
Everybody thinks they're a Gangsta Player until Jacob Byrd is behind them!
16:51 - 18:05 Well that guy was certainly NOT the Ghost Rider! LMAO (And no I'm not talking about the Marvel Comics character)
Now for these other awful police video editors. THIS IS HOW ITS DONE. You narrate while the video rolls. Love this! You earned a new sub
Mercedes should use this as a commercial lol
A 100 mph pursuit for expired tags! How many innocent people were put at risk for this?
And this cop has a reputation for high speed pursuits!
Public safety !
The biker had no helmet at 135mph 😮😮😮
That is what you call "an organ donor" when they arrive at the ER. (Nurse here)
He maybe went that fast once but damn he cant ride.
Wearing shorts with no helmet. Death wish.
m helmet usless at anything over 30 just in the way mostly i was good during a bike car wreak me on bike then my helmet busted into and a peice is in my head srill was going around 25 during impact lady puled out infront of me during a spring shower that had just started legs or take a chance stil gotmy legs
Yea because a helmet is going to do fuck all for anyone at 135 mph. You voted for Kamala didn't you?
MORE biker cops please....Those guys go hard.....
You included Kayla, the Screaming Toddler (aka Shakira Flabbergasted). Good job!
Lol I fucking knew it! I thought I recognized her from another video where she called the cops on her boyfriend to scare him and then got arrested herself 😂 this lady needs serious psychological help...
it’s the way i’ve seen this video of her like 5 different times in 5 different videos. ALL DIFFERENT CHANNELS. like 3/5 of those channels weren’t related to each other. at all. 😭😭
The first motobike video when the guy said you cannot P.I.T a bike at 130 MPH. I feeling is yes you can but he will never run from the cops again.
That cop at 6:29 absolutely ripping the patrol car. The focus and adrenaline was on forsure, Sliding corners like a video game!
The nervous wack a mole was freaking hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂
I love the boys in blue down South. They "get her done".
I Pray every day that all law enforcement that they and their families stay safe and healthy.
These clips are so wild, I almost thought they were scenes from a movie! Unreal!
Modern cars fall apart with the lightest tap on the bumper.
This old Mercedes brushed off three pit maneuvers. 😂
The cops faces at 34:00 should be a meme itself, I can't believe that interaction was real haha
The first clip is awesome. Those old MB's were tanks. I love those cars. That's when the Germans built absolute tanks...
20:00 Jimmy Turner had a brain blast 😂
The expression on the Mercedes owners face is:
Look what they've done to you my love! 💓
That Mercedes really took it. To bad they're rack hangers.
the look on the cops faces in the fender bender clip has me in tears lmao
there is one thing that goes way faster than a bike and it only weighs a couple of ounces!
36:36 She must be horible to live with. If she has a husband, he should sue for divoece.
I wonder why men are going overseas to find women?
This fatherless behavior is the reason.
She spends her time reporting him to 911 because she finds him annoying lol. Then the cops turn up and she says she didn't call. They call her and her phone rings in front of them. She appears to be like that all the time and internet famous for her multiple BPD videos. She will never live it down.
Lol I fucking knew it! I thought I recognized her from another video where she called the cops on her boyfriend to scare him and then got arrested herself 😂 this lady needs serious psychological help...
I think he stays home with the baby.
Kayla certainly looks like she's protective of food.
lolol that guy on the motorbike has absolutely no clue how to ride properly, ontop of that he isnt even wearing protective gear
That first one was amazing. You could put an old Mercedes you bought at auction in a demolition derby, and after hit after hit, it would still come out on top leaving all the others steaming heaps of scrap metal.
Nice old Mercedes
This is so intense, my heart’s racing!
That mangled car was across from a cemetery!?⚰️⚰️⚰️
Anyone else recognize that door dasher from a different body cam video? 😂 she falsely reported her boyfriend and got arrested
Look up desperation in the dictionary and find a picture of her boyfriend.
Lol I fucking knew it! I thought I recognized her from another video where she called the cops on her boyfriend to scare him and then got arrested herself 😂 this lady needs serious psychological help...
Yeah the dumb bitch at the police station who called her sister
She's internet legend, social media, specifically UA-cam, the gift that keeps on giving.....forever for Kayla aka Shakira Flabbergasted..😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉
@@SanDiegoSurrealityTV I commented that she belongs in a rubber room!
Though I am afraid I see this video everywhere, Kayla will always be remembered.😊
I think there is a req't in the purchase agreement that whenever you buy a sport bike, a dodge charger or a dodge challenger, the vehicle owner must try and outrun their county/state police at least once.
Great Video! Awesome Police drivers.
According to PC Hollywood it's all the "Future rocket scientists and doctors" leading police on pursuits 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Exactly, like over here in Europe
Need more judges who aren’t afraid to go the max with these perps. They’re wasting LE’s time & our money. And putting everyone’s lives in danger.
I guess we know why Kayla delivers food for a living, although she might have a bright future in the Diplomatic core.
Good one, fresh content for me.
OK, that Door Dash driver was the biggest Karen I've ever seen! Jeebus!
She did the same in another video.
This is the same woman that had calledm911 to scare her boyfriend, she had a real screamer that day. It is somewhere on you tube.