Just a quick F.Y.I., @12:23 AT in builder tweaks has keys that will allow you to easily move elements around in the structure panel (no need for click and dragging them).. that will help with EASILY moving them up / down among siblings and even in / out of containers / sections (indentation).
Yeah, I do know that. I generally don't have much issue with DnD in the structure panel. When my browser is zoomed for making videos it appears to be a bit more tricky. I generally don't enable features unless I need them. But definitely good to know the features are available if needed.
Just a quick F.Y.I., @12:23 AT in builder tweaks has keys that will allow you to easily move elements around in the structure panel (no need for click and dragging them).. that will help with EASILY moving them up / down among siblings and even in / out of containers / sections (indentation).
Yeah, I do know that. I generally don't have much issue with DnD in the structure panel. When my browser is zoomed for making videos it appears to be a bit more tricky. I generally don't enable features unless I need them. But definitely good to know the features are available if needed.
P r o m o s m 😓