How to Capture only a Form Area or a PictureBox Area in VB Net

  • Опубліковано 16 лип 2024


  • @happygunawan4072
    @happygunawan4072 7 років тому

    great tutorial, but the capture area of the form is not precise, theres still background screen that getting record, can you fix this pls ?

    • @ProgramWithBalaji
      @ProgramWithBalaji  7 років тому

      The application shown in the above tutorial captures some area that is outside the Form. This is because we captured the image up to the form's width and size, which also includes the size of the non-client area. But the code we were written starts to capture the form from its client area. So, the client area of form + some additional space that includes the width and the height of the non-client area is taken. To, solve the above problem, rewrite your CaptureControlArea() function as follows,
      Private Function CaptureControlArea(ctrl As Control) As Bitmap
      Dim size As Size = ctrl.ClientSize
      Dim tmpBmp As New Bitmap(size.Width, size.Height)
      Dim g As Graphics
      g = Graphics.FromImage(tmpBmp)
      g.CopyFromScreen(ctrl.PointToScreen(New Point(0, 0)), New Point(0, 0),
      New Size(size.Width, size.Height))
      Return tmpBmp
      End Function
      Here we first obtain the Client area of Form and then use that size alone. So, replace the CaptureControlArea() function shown in the tutorial with the code shown above.
      If you have any further doubts comment me.

    • @happygunawan4072
      @happygunawan4072 7 років тому

      it work fine, but i use aforge library so the code become like this
      Private Function capturearea(ByVal ct As Control) As Bitmap
      Dim tmpBmp As New Bitmap(ct.Width, ct.Height)
      Dim g As Graphics
      g = Graphics.FromImage(tmpBmp)
      g.CopyFromScreen(ct.PointToScreen(New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)), New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0),
      New Size(size.Width, size.Height))
      Return tmpBmp
      End Function
      and it seems the delete png dont work and it keep creating image over and over again.. the recorded video become laggy also, is there any solution ?

    • @ProgramWithBalaji
      @ProgramWithBalaji  7 років тому

      I can't able to understand your question. So, please clearly explain your question and share your code through Google drive.

    • @happygunawan4072
      @happygunawan4072 7 років тому
      the problem is when i start record process, i cant stop it and delete the .png file created,, it keep producing until you close it

    • @ProgramWithBalaji
      @ProgramWithBalaji  7 років тому

      Gunawan, I have viewed your code and I have found the problem. There are 2 problems in your code
      1) When you click Stop Button, you have stopped Timer1 instead of Timer2. In Timer2 only, you have written the logic to capture the image.2) You have written the capturearea() function wrongly. a) In capturearea(), you have to first declare a size(you can give any other name also to avoid confusion) variable of the type Size and then obtain the size of the Control you have passed to it. b) g.CopyFromScreen(ctrl.PointToScreen(New Point(0, 0)), New Point(0, 0), New Size(size.Width, size.Height)) You have used AForge Library in your project. This library also has one structure named Point. So, if you have used simply New Point(0,0) means it will refer to the Point structure that is available in AForge Library. But you want to access the Point Class present in the System.Drawing namespace. So, rewrite the code as g.CopyFromScreen(ctrl.PointToScreen(New Drawing.Point(0, 0)), New Drawing.Point(0, 0),
      New Size(size.Width, size.Height)) So, update your code as follows,
      Private Function capturearea(ct As Control) As Bitmap
      Dim size As Size = ct.ClientSize
      Dim tmpBmp As New Bitmap(size.Width, size.Height)
      Dim g As Graphics
      g = Graphics.FromImage(tmpBmp)
      g.CopyFromScreen(ct.PointToScreen(New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)), New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0),
      New Size(size.Width, size.Height))
      Return tmpBmp
      ct.PointToScreen(New Drawing.Point(0, 0))
      End Function
      You can view the modified code on the link