Nooooo~I had 3 hoya get mealys last Jan, & despite isolating & treating w alcohol directly to them, just couldn’t keep them from coming back, & they spread to some of my Philo, actually killing a baby mamei & an expensive prop I can’t remember at the moment before I realized why they kept suffering. I have wayyyyy too much invested in my jungle to chance more spreading or death! Switched to the same systemic you showed & that took care of it! Got behind on treating w winter, & sure enough, they appeared on a couple of hoya, but at the end of some long stems, so treated anew & used qtips in alcohol to kill the few I could see. Your issue is that your just dropping on top~after sprinkling in, use a small bamboo skewer/stake & poking holes around the top, mix into the top inch or 2 & water very slowly the next 2-3 waterings. If you follow the amounts for pot size on the back, you shouldn’t be having such an issue!! Maybe when it’s close to time for a new treatment a couple will pop up, but they shouldn’t spread or last. For spider mites, use Supreme Growers Smite~it’s a little pricey on Amazon but specifically formulated for spider mites & WORKS far beyond anything else I’ve tried. Took 2 treatments a couple of days apart, w a 3rd for good measure & haven’t seen any since last summer. Looks like you have have as many plants as I, or at least certainly more than the average house, & that’s too too many to keep up w spraying regularly even if just some. Watering is a full time job as is in my house, & one round of treatment uses an entire jug of systemic, so adding spraying along w props & cleaning leaves would surely end w the mealys winning. Good luck!
I get liquid systemic being illegal for the sake of the water table, but a granular that goes directly & solely in a contained pot?! You’re definitely braver than me~afraid I’d have to cheat on that one after the spread to some rare, or uncommonly least, & pricey plants last Jan/feb. Outside would be a different story I guess
Nooooo~I had 3 hoya get mealys last Jan, & despite isolating & treating w alcohol directly to them, just couldn’t keep them from coming back, & they spread to some of my Philo, actually killing a baby mamei & an expensive prop I can’t remember at the moment before I realized why they kept suffering. I have wayyyyy too much invested in my jungle to chance more spreading or death! Switched to the same systemic you showed & that took care of it! Got behind on treating w winter, & sure enough, they appeared on a couple of hoya, but at the end of some long stems, so treated anew & used qtips in alcohol to kill the few I could see. Your issue is that your just dropping on top~after sprinkling in, use a small bamboo skewer/stake & poking holes around the top, mix into the top inch or 2 & water very slowly the next 2-3 waterings. If you follow the amounts for pot size on the back, you shouldn’t be having such an issue!! Maybe when it’s close to time for a new treatment a couple will pop up, but they shouldn’t spread or last. For spider mites, use Supreme Growers Smite~it’s a little pricey on Amazon but specifically formulated for spider mites & WORKS far beyond anything else I’ve tried. Took 2 treatments a couple of days apart, w a 3rd for good measure & haven’t seen any since last summer. Looks like you have have as many plants as I, or at least certainly more than the average house, & that’s too too many to keep up w spraying regularly even if just some. Watering is a full time job as is in my house, & one round of treatment uses an entire jug of systemic, so adding spraying along w props & cleaning leaves would surely end w the mealys winning. Good luck!
I have accepted the fact that my roomates are mealies..a few fungus gnats and sprintails. Meh 🤣
i just can’t do all that work (plus i live in an area where systemic is illegal). i just buy predatory bugs and hope for the best lmao.
I get liquid systemic being illegal for the sake of the water table, but a granular that goes directly & solely in a contained pot?! You’re definitely braver than me~afraid I’d have to cheat on that one after the spread to some rare, or uncommonly least, & pricey plants last Jan/feb. Outside would be a different story I guess