Saved from the salvage yard! 1964 Chevy Impala! Off the road for 28 years! Will it run?!?

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,3 тис.

  • @eliembree4637
    @eliembree4637 3 роки тому +104

    We all want to see a Mortske t-shirt with “Still looking for a battery sponsor” on it.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +18

      Hahaha if I sold enough I could buy a battery!

    • @thisguy2720
      @thisguy2720 3 роки тому +7

      @@bobbyhall8862 nothing wrong with having a pup hang out when you're working on a project

    • @danielventura8073
      @danielventura8073 3 роки тому


    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +7

      @@bobbyhall8862 Mans best friend!

    • @jameslund221
      @jameslund221 3 роки тому +6

      @@bobbyhall8862 It’s not just mechanics, al types of people have been giving and receiving companionship from animals since before recorded history.

  • @BigBeautifulOne1963
    @BigBeautifulOne1963 3 роки тому +57

    I came home from the Children’s Home when I was adopted, in a 1964 Impala very similar to this one. I’m 57 years old now. I still get a little misty eyed when I see one!

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +6

      Good stuff thanks for watching and commenting Paul!

    • @BigBeautifulOne1963
      @BigBeautifulOne1963 3 роки тому +5

      Thank you for your content! I love the channel! You have a great sense of vision of your collection! In my teenage years, I lived next to a Parts Store/Tow Company/Full Service Garage/ including Dyno Service! I was in heaven when I was there. Returning twice in my lifetime to work the counter. You would have fit right in with Pops! Keep up the good work!

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +4

      @@BigBeautifulOne1963 Sounds like a great upbringing Paul!

    • @BigBeautifulOne1963
      @BigBeautifulOne1963 3 роки тому +4

      @@MortskeRepair It indeed was! Thanks again for your channel!

    • @doggjns4411
      @doggjns4411 3 роки тому +1

      Good Story and Salute 2 u

  • @carlgrahangahan3418
    @carlgrahangahan3418 3 місяці тому +1

    I absolutely positively love the 1964 Chevy Impala the four-door it is easier to get in and out with the extra doors and they look beautiful original or fixed up gorgeous four-door car

  • @BOBL811
    @BOBL811 3 роки тому +21

    As a Locksmith for the last 51 years, I can assure you, back in the day, GM stamped the key code # on the door lock cylinder case, Trunk lock cylinder case & the glove box cylinder case. IF you bring the 4 digit key code # to any Locksmith, they can cut you a set of the original keys; back then, the key code numbers began with the 8000 # series. MOST of the GM models back then had a removable clip on the side of the door, above the lock assembly, which held the lock cylinder in the door. Remove the clip & the cylinder will come out, revealing the key code #. Keep in mind back then, 1 key worked ALL the locks. BTW, the Ignition lock "ring" will NOT come off until the lock cylinder is removed. Hope this helps.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому

      Thanks for the info!

    • @rodneyclark1990
      @rodneyclark1990 2 роки тому +1

      U must mean really old school cause all the old gms I've owned were square ignition and round for doors and trunk

  • @johnm.5848
    @johnm.5848 3 роки тому +24

    For a car that sat for nearly 3 decades, she looks and sounds great. Two more thumbs up for bringing one more American classic back to life.

  • @SpockvsMcCoy
    @SpockvsMcCoy 3 роки тому +22

    1964 Chevrolet Impala 4-Door Sedan in Daytona Blue. Options include 283 V-8 with 195 horsepower, Powerglide ($199), Full wheel covers ($18), Driver seat belt ($10), Front grill guard ($19), Rear bumper guard ($10), Push-button radio ($57), Tinted glass on windshield ($22).

  • @HFG
    @HFG 3 роки тому +2

    Pretty nice car overall.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +2

      Not bad for the junk I can afford!

    • @HFG
      @HFG 3 роки тому +2

      @@MortskeRepair Duff wants to move into the back seat.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +2

      @@HFG He likes hangin his head out the winder!

    • @HFG
      @HFG 3 роки тому +2

      @@MortskeRepair good ole Duff.

  • @deeharris9635
    @deeharris9635 3 роки тому +14

    Grandma had good taste. I like her car give it a wash and put the hub caps back on it
    and I think Grandma is ready for bingo again.
    I think Grandma was a Hot Rodder. You know the chrome gives Grandma 6 or 7 more horse power.
    I like his and Duff's videos.
    Keep em coming..

  • @jakespencer7527
    @jakespencer7527 3 роки тому +9

    I don't know how you only have 30k subscribers. This content is MUCH better than some of the others out there! Love watching you get these oldies back running again.

  • @amped5234
    @amped5234 3 роки тому +1

    I like first start in the shop just because the audio is so much better.

  • @Pedroisanickname
    @Pedroisanickname 3 роки тому +18

    Sweet! That thing is pretty complete. I'd daily that. "Darts" Nice ColdWarMotors reference.

  • @justinsnider3507
    @justinsnider3507 3 роки тому +1

    I like you bringing cars and trucks to your shop to get them going so you can have all your tools and starters and parts and sandwiches too

  • @motojunkie7243
    @motojunkie7243 2 роки тому +3

    Hey Mortske, it's a year later, and funny thing! You have 100k subscribers! 😜😂🤣
    Have I missed the video where you have a taste of the Certs from this 1964 Impala?
    Love your work, glad I've found the channel. They probably won't kill you🤘😎🍺🍻🍺🍻🍺

  • @williamstone3172
    @williamstone3172 3 роки тому +2

    Man l love the shop manager, duff is the man, I love watching him as much as you,love the Duff old car rides,keep it up Brother

  • @jontrudell7529
    @jontrudell7529 3 роки тому +9

    Good save, Love old impalas!

  • @prnd21turbo
    @prnd21turbo 3 роки тому

    I don’t care what you do , how you do it , or where you do it . I just enjoy sitting around and watching your videos .

  • @_Justnoble__
    @_Justnoble__ 3 роки тому +23

    Man what happened to that old Ford/Chevy RV body swap, I’d love to see more of it

  • @ronjenkins6674
    @ronjenkins6674 3 роки тому

    Duff is the only reason I watch your channel, LOL He's a good dog!

  • @danmcelroy6584
    @danmcelroy6584 3 роки тому +3

    Nice find! She will make somebody a great restoration project. It’s good to see these old cars still being saved. 👍👍

  • @hhmking6852
    @hhmking6852 3 роки тому +1

    I'd forgotten old cars with ashtrays in doors and those small vent windows with the cranks. some good rolling history. thanks, be well.

  • @sweettony9359
    @sweettony9359 3 роки тому +3

    I love the "Will She Run?"' episodes. I would suggest doing both. If it's ugly weather and poor conditions, trailer them home. Nice day and a good location for Duff to run around, try to drive it home. I for one would be happy with both and/or either.

  • @nicknackdaddyack
    @nicknackdaddyack 3 роки тому +1

    Fantastic! My father in law has a 63 Impala SS with a 327....he bought it used in is still all original and CHERRY! 2 door hardtop 2 tone blue and white. He put Good Year tires on it in 65 and they are still under the mileage and still under warranty! It will be mine one day also!

  • @rongbst
    @rongbst 3 роки тому +39

    I only come here to see Duff Dog doing his thing.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +3

      You and everyone else!

    • @donovanbutler
      @donovanbutler 3 роки тому +6

      I love watching the revivals and the knowledge that comes with them. Thanks mortske for the content you make man

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +1

      @@donovanbutler My pleasure Donovan!

    • @kimchipig
      @kimchipig 3 роки тому +1

      Agreed. Duff needs his own channel.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +1

      @@kimchipig If only he could type!

  • @riverrostels
    @riverrostels 3 роки тому +1

    America is great country! HI from russland!

  • @davidtroia7426
    @davidtroia7426 3 роки тому +6

    Good morning Mortskie and duff!!! I love the 64 impala. Awesome car & Awesome content always 👌.

  • @badge-masterjay6430
    @badge-masterjay6430 2 роки тому +1

    Love your videos going through a rough patch in my life and you and Duff make me smile and give me a lift…so thank you

  • @gregorymotta6628
    @gregorymotta6628 3 роки тому +6

    Another sweet find Mortske, and you are right about old Chevys they just wanna run. Love ya Duff just waiting for your Daddy to open the that door so you can give it the sniff over 👍 When I have the time your my go to channel brother. Entertaining and educational

  • @jimlewis1158
    @jimlewis1158 2 роки тому

    It's your channel---do WHAT YOU want! Informative either way! I'll keep watching.

  • @roychristianson3644
    @roychristianson3644 3 роки тому +3

    Front and rear bumper guards were optional. some Impalas had two per side on the rear bumper, the gas door guard was also an option. many of these parts were dealer add ons like the door edge guards and window vent shades.Thanks for saving another classic from the scrap yard!

  • @roadmaster92
    @roadmaster92 3 роки тому +2

    Great video on that 4door Impala ,glad you got Duff the wonder dog to help you.
    Please don't stop saving these great classics.

  • @jrussellcase
    @jrussellcase 3 роки тому +7

    "Duff likes the inside".
    The cushions are on the inside. Duff has priorities. 😁

  • @kennethscofield4565
    @kennethscofield4565 3 роки тому +1

    Packaging .....the bane of a modern civilization. My first car was a 63 pontiac 283 w/ powerglide and she loved her some nuetral drops.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому

      The devil himself invented much packaging.

  • @joeholland4144
    @joeholland4144 3 роки тому +5

    Not ‘on sale’, but they’re ‘for sale’ at yer ocean-front property! Most humorous & optimistic video yet

  • @mikegardner170
    @mikegardner170 3 роки тому +1

    Your a hoot brother, we love your videos, we can't stop laughing, you make it special, my wife loves you, and wen you talk to the dog, classic. Thx

  • @darinaadland5226
    @darinaadland5226 3 роки тому +3

    I'm so happy that you sold that 60, no more temptation!

  • @IowaClassicCars
    @IowaClassicCars 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks man for the tag! Much appreciated!

  • @ralpholiver7739
    @ralpholiver7739 3 роки тому +6

    Bring them into the shop. Make it easy on yourself!!

  • @plumbingstuffinoregon2471
    @plumbingstuffinoregon2471 3 роки тому +1

    I knew you watched the Red Green Show! Every time I see your videos I get vibes of it.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +1

      If the women don't find ya handsome! They should at least find ya handy!

  • @williamdeegan7840
    @williamdeegan7840 3 роки тому +4

    Freakin love it. And it's a FOOR DOOR. OH YEAH. If that beautiful thing was mine I'd put period correct WHITEWALLS on it and stock caps. Or maybe Dog Dishes.and leave it like that. It's got so much character . Glad you saved it.

  • @goth1180
    @goth1180 2 роки тому

    Those Chevy and Cadillacs of the mid 60s were so cool always wanted a 65 or 66 impala and DeVille

  • @robertvance1873
    @robertvance1873 3 роки тому +4

    Iowa classic cars, everyone should check him out, would love to see a collaboration. I hope someone buys the old Chevy and restores it. Great video.

    • @IowaClassicCars
      @IowaClassicCars 3 роки тому +2

      Thanks man, i will be in mortskes territory this summer!

    • @robertvance1873
      @robertvance1873 3 роки тому +1

      @@IowaClassicCars cool I'm sure you'd have a blast with him. And Duff.

  • @DavidWilliams-ol3vp
    @DavidWilliams-ol3vp Рік тому

    That car is quite solid for the most part,frame looks good on it.

  • @jesterr7133
    @jesterr7133 3 роки тому +3

    I would love to see a wash and buff video on this one. I would love to see how much of that paint comes back. That's a beautiful color.

  • @allenbeaulieu7077
    @allenbeaulieu7077 3 роки тому +1

    Mortske, the small block fired right up. Great job. I agree, tee shirts with “Still looking for a battery sponsor “. Great idea from another fan. I can’t believe how much Duff contributes to the show. He’s a great helper. Great video sir. As always. Big Al.

  • @slawnski
    @slawnski 3 роки тому +7

    I’m just fine with you in the shop- an occasional “in the weeds” for variety but I enjoy watching your method and the humor no matter where. Better for you to be quasi comfortable.

    • @goodvibes0101
      @goodvibes0101 3 роки тому

      Mortske is like the rest of us grafters he doesn't have any car lifts, the man is old school. That's why I can relate to him👍 we all been there laying in the dirt with rocks digging in the back rust and dust in the eyes mouth nose.😁

  • @jakecarver8517
    @jakecarver8517 3 роки тому +1

    You got lucky with the front wheel cylinder bolt. I have a 64 biscayne 4 door with front drums and it took me 2 days to get it off. Im not kidding!!!!

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +1

      Gotta get a Milwaukee impact that puts out 1100 foot pounds of torque!

  • @vintagedashboard6810
    @vintagedashboard6810 3 роки тому +4

    My wife’s grandma gave me her 63 Belaire when we got married and it was just like that one with no trim and a radio. And as a added bonus she was a school teacher for 50 years or so.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому

      Good stuff Gary!

    • @vintagedashboard6810
      @vintagedashboard6810 3 роки тому +1

      @@MortskeRepair yeah and it had a working under dash a/c but I sold the car around 1996. It was a great car.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +1

      @@vintagedashboard6810 Pretty rare to find AC back then! Add on or not.

    • @vintagedashboard6810
      @vintagedashboard6810 3 роки тому

      @@MortskeRepair I seen on Facebook market place In azle Tex that there is a 57 New Yorker 4 door hardtop and the best thing about it is it has a 392 hemi and it turn free.

  • @Gene4666
    @Gene4666 3 роки тому +1

    This was my dream car when I was in High school, They are unattainable now on the west coast, just like every other classic car.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому

      They're still out there!

    • @Gene4666
      @Gene4666 3 роки тому +1

      @@MortskeRepair once I am in ID permanently, I'll be looking for a pre 1980 truck. Getting older changes your needs.

  • @heliarche
    @heliarche 3 роки тому +6

    The shit coming out of the exhaust is amazing!!!

  • @mikehenry3377
    @mikehenry3377 3 роки тому +1

    Man that’s a project for me! replace the tank clean it inside & out pull out the head liner, Mexican blanket for front seat, oil change, tune up - drive it👍😀😎

  • @MickelsonRacingChannel
    @MickelsonRacingChannel 3 роки тому +5

    I like Impalas almost as much as Duff!

  • @happytorrentt4500
    @happytorrentt4500 3 роки тому

    For a dog without thumbs, Duff is certainly a jack of all trades. Dude can swap engines AND hot wire cars?! Amazing!

  • @donnie2533
    @donnie2533 3 роки тому +3

    Great video you should pressure wash it and do the interior 64 is a classic my first car was a 65 impala.

  • @skeety9898
    @skeety9898 2 роки тому

    Currently binge watching your channel. In my opinion your content is up there with vice grip garage and ol peg leg ziptie. Keep it up brother! I enjoy watching you and duff

  • @bluetank92
    @bluetank92 3 роки тому +4

    Heat, lectricsisity, and sammiches are waaaay more gooder than getting it started in the weeds. At least when it’s cold out....IMO.

  • @williamdeegan7840
    @williamdeegan7840 3 роки тому +4

    Definitely Dark Blue. I don't think it would have come with a light Blue interior if the body was Black. Most likely Two Tone Blue..

  • @robertgendreau780
    @robertgendreau780 3 роки тому +3

    Working at the shop is always better. Just in case you get really hungry 🤤

  • @VintageCars999
    @VintageCars999 3 роки тому

    Love these old Impalas. Nice that you saved another! And work in comfort. I like working inside a shop especially if the weather is icky. Less mosquitos.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +1

      That's the one nice thing about winter! Satans skeeters are dead!

  • @Thegpguy
    @Thegpguy 3 роки тому +9

    “Can’t smell nothing” then 2020 started

  • @PuddinsFabShop
    @PuddinsFabShop 3 роки тому +2

    Damn! Tapico Pudding and no Puddin shout out! Buy sight unseen and you get quality stuff like the loadstar i just picked up! Videos up! Your wagon is the raddest!

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +2

      Buyers remorse!! I'll send you some pudding to go with that cheese for your wine!

  • @newrealm9187
    @newrealm9187 3 роки тому +3

    My favorite smell is burned atf from a cooked transmission. Reminds me of grandmas peach cobbler

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +1

      Haha I'll be sure to note that next time I get a whiff!

  • @davechampagne9697
    @davechampagne9697 3 роки тому

    As long as you're doing the show I'm watching it

  • @OldeCarrGuy
    @OldeCarrGuy 3 роки тому +4

    Remember that time you spent more time on that one wheel cylinder then you did on actually starting a car that hadn't been run in 28 years?

  • @feeneysmechanical6215
    @feeneysmechanical6215 3 роки тому +1

    I watched one video from your channel. All of sudden I am hooked

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому

      Sorry about that!

    • @feeneysmechanical6215
      @feeneysmechanical6215 3 роки тому +1

      @@MortskeRepair it's all good. I am not complaining. Your weather out your way is the same where I am

  • @KiwiStag74
    @KiwiStag74 3 роки тому +5

    Here's another book for you to read 😂😂
    She's a good rig for a purist's restoration and even looks like the glass is all intact. Ol' Grandma liked her stock(ings) and she seems to have survived ok except for where heat and time has got to the interior along with where Mickey and his mates got comfy. That's ok - Grandma got her own back and blew 'em out the exhaust with a pile of "How Dare You" carbon. She sounds real good and goes ok too - even manages a sedate donut or two, so she's a good base for a restore. I aint no purist, but it would be a shame to potentially bugger it up for someone who is coz they aint making the '64 Impala any more (for some reason).
    Give her a clean so you can see what she's hiding under her skirts (a before and after video is fine by me, although seeing some of that moss fly off would be cool....and no, I never peeked up my Grandma's skirt!) and I reckon you have a think as to how deep you wanna go into this.
    You saved her and made sure she runs and drives under her own power(glide). That's good enough to move her on unless you want to make sure the next guy can step in and drive her from the get-go while she's being done up.
    You could do the minimum to set her up as a driver - set her up so she can start and such from the inside, give her some decent brakes, oil changes, spark system maintenance, fuel tank, bushes, tyres, pull the crap hood lining down, give her a vacuum out....etc. and either use her as is yourself or flick her on as a running restoration.....and you should be able to recover what you put into it.
    The cash going into this section starts to eat into profits and the car won't necessarily be put the way a potential buyer wants it, whereas if the bodywork, exhaust, wheels (not tyres) and interior are left as is, someone else will see the potential and want it more. Going any further (like some gooder seats or upholstery work on the originals, the door panels and the hood lining, give her headers and twin pipes so she can breathe, then the part you really love - bodywork - and then a good coat of the original colour, maybe some period mags, although I quite like the effect of them hubcaps with the slight whitewall like on the RF corner) would make the car a real going-to-town rig, but it's way more cash and not something that really needs doing.....except maybe for the headers and order for you to be happy with it, so I reckon leave 'em to the next guy.
    I'm torn between suggesting moving her on or getting her up to a driver. Me? If I liked it when I took it for a run after getting it going the first time, would probably 'do the minimum', stick a blanket on the front seat and daily it for a while until I felt different. I prefer old cars to old trucks, so I'd love to see more of this beast, but if you want to move her on now and carry on with getting the others moving, that's cool too.

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +1

      Always look forward to your novels Lance!! Thanks for watching!

  • @lloydgreen4091
    @lloydgreen4091 3 роки тому +2

    One of Thee best- 1st time - Long Sitters, I've heard start up on the Tube in Quite a while. Should make a Good *hobby starter* for someone with that Nice 283. Find It a Good Home Mort. Thank You

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +1

      Wow, thanks for the kind words and for watching Lloyd!

  • @capecodmikemike7482
    @capecodmikemike7482 3 роки тому +4

    Mine was the SS 327 covetable. White ex. Red interior
    Miss that car. History two door.

  • @stevephillips2467
    @stevephillips2467 3 роки тому

    Great video! Who needs network TV. Thanks for sharing!

  • @peanutbutterandjammy
    @peanutbutterandjammy 3 роки тому +6

    Just bring the cars in the shop, no sense in suffering needlessly.

  • @davidharmier6518
    @davidharmier6518 2 роки тому

    My Grandpaw (who I miss terribly) had a 63 Impala for almost all my early years.

  • @donovanbutler
    @donovanbutler 3 роки тому +3

    I don't know man old gas tickles the nose pretty hard but so does that damn 80-90.

  • @castvee8
    @castvee8 3 роки тому +2

    Late with my comment, chemo is rotting my brain. Another fine production of rolling in a dead machine and bringing it back to life. This channel has the perfect mix of character, dog and dead cars for those who can no longer do but want to see it get done. Bravo! A big tetanus laden thumbs up!

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks much for watching and commenting Mark! Keep kickin cancers a$$!

  • @zacheryjohnson234
    @zacheryjohnson234 3 роки тому +4

    Too bad Grandma parked it before she could put the Hydros and daytons on it!

  • @gophersk
    @gophersk Рік тому

    beauty car.. and beautiful color.. my favorite LOL both upper and lower flexy hoses...

  • @robsisson6808
    @robsisson6808 3 роки тому

    Gotta love that 50g drum GM cut in half and used as a fan shroud

  • @brianhess4777
    @brianhess4777 3 роки тому +1

    I like that you work on them in the garage. I guess I would also have to say... I like it when you work on them out in the brush. But I guess if it was me? It would just depend on the weather and what mood I’m in. Awesome job putting another Chevy back on the road 👍🏻

  • @davidlilly3564
    @davidlilly3564 3 роки тому

    Good luck with that old car. Duff really loves that old car like me

    • @davidlilly3564
      @davidlilly3564 3 роки тому

      Thank you very much. Please tell duff I said hi.

  • @jerryhurley1068
    @jerryhurley1068 3 роки тому +2

    Definitely work in your shop. I've rolled on around on concrete and asphalt for most of my shade tree career, but now have an indoor facility. Much better.

  • @raymondcoggins297
    @raymondcoggins297 3 роки тому +1

    That would be a great project car for someone have a great day

    • @deeharris9635
      @deeharris9635 3 роки тому +2

      I think fix it up 4 Grandma again.

    • @raymondcoggins297
      @raymondcoggins297 3 роки тому

      @@deeharris9635 Yep grandma would love it :)

  • @MM_in_Havasu
    @MM_in_Havasu 3 роки тому +1

    Pretty cool '64, very straight with minimal rust, bumpers and chrome trim are even straight! This one would be a good resto car.
    Duff Dog rocks as always!

  • @crustywrench3118
    @crustywrench3118 3 роки тому

    As soon as you mentioned that socket set I went and bought one! Thanks Mortske!

  • @ChairMan71196
    @ChairMan71196 3 роки тому +1

    Your wagon is sick man. Love it.

  • @TheNelsonsVlog
    @TheNelsonsVlog 3 роки тому +1

    Mortske Repair and Vice Grip Garage would get along very well. Very similar sense of humor.

  • @bringbacktheclassics
    @bringbacktheclassics 2 роки тому

    I've been able to upgrade from a 63 impala to a 63 SS impala. I didn't thing there was a big difference until I owned one. I was just happy to own an impala. Now I can't go back. Obviously the next step up is the convertible. Congratulations on your build.

  • @junkorbust9498
    @junkorbust9498 3 роки тому

    That was an easy one. Old four door cars are awesome. No one takes them as serious so no need to go nuts restoring. Just tidy a little then drive and enjoy. I have the same car painted up as an old black and white to use as my winter beats.

  • @bryanmorgan8501
    @bryanmorgan8501 3 роки тому

    Favorite classic cars are 64 Impala convertibles. But any 64 Impala is my favorite

  • @tomclearo3502
    @tomclearo3502 3 роки тому +1

    That would be an awesome ride! And looks like duff gives his seal of approval

  • @brian64ss55
    @brian64ss55 3 роки тому

    The 64 is awesome. 4 doors deserve love too. Mine sat for 35 years before I bought it and like yours, it ran and drove with minimal effort. Yours is in really good shape. Your bumper guards, gas door guard, door edge guards, window vent guards are all valuable accessories, not all that common. Certs! with Retsyn!

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому

      Thanks for sharing Brian!

      @THRASHMETALFUNRIFFS 3 роки тому +1

      @@MortskeRepair FunFact: you can crunch those certs fast and hard in the mirror in the dark and see sparks coming out ur mouth!!

    • @MortskeRepair
      @MortskeRepair  3 роки тому

      @@THRASHMETALFUNRIFFS Haha I'll be sure to give it a shot and recored it!

  • @25vrd48
    @25vrd48 3 роки тому

    Cool old 64 Impala , it's worth saving for sure . Great video

  • @brandenpatterson2776
    @brandenpatterson2776 3 роки тому

    I like the shop makes you stand out and let’s be honest I would be were the heat and beer are I feel like you are a kindred spirit so glad I found your channel I also love the long format keeps me going thank you from a young retired /truck driver/ stay at home dad your videos have kept me sane !

  • @delas7389
    @delas7389 3 роки тому

    It’s fun to see where they come from.. love seeing people try to get them home after.

  • @ronaldmiller2740
    @ronaldmiller2740 3 роки тому +1

    HI DUDES I love your hunting dog duff english? Well looks like the Impala has great and more crome than others I had a 289 V8 dark blue light color inside 4door rusty frame then a year later the frame fell down from a big bump oh well sold for parts..DAM not to much rust in the trunk.. great tools magnet.. HAHA ! DUFFS saying and sneezing saying open the dam door.That gas tank dam it looks like it was from the TITANIC.. great video !!!!! I watch and stay with you and duff I learned alot but I hate doing f... brakes that car Is a keeper. Thanks peace duff...

  • @jayceec3539
    @jayceec3539 2 роки тому

    We are really excited that azcually has a nice muffler on the exaust,very sweet!!

  • @hoxton7946
    @hoxton7946 2 роки тому

    Love all Impalas, surprised I haven't seen a single Up In Smoke comment yet... Would be a great 'Love Machine'

  • @chasbarnes3425
    @chasbarnes3425 3 роки тому +1

    Out in the field or in the shop both are good shows to me mortske keepem comein my friend

  • @mistervacation23
    @mistervacation23 3 роки тому +1

    That looks just like the one I used to own. Same color and everything.

  • @alyssasnyder5355
    @alyssasnyder5355 3 роки тому +1

    To me it's more cool outside but I do understand it's cold either way I like the content keep it up inspires me and my wife fr thank you

  • @Larsgman
    @Larsgman 3 роки тому

    Watching your videos imparts on me a level of confidence to try and get my truck working again.
    I know jack squat about automotives but after dozens of videos of yours and others like yours I’m starting to grasp where to begin and things of that nature.
    Keep up the good work.

  • @AaronBrevik
    @AaronBrevik 7 місяців тому

    Nothing like a Mortske re run on a Saturday out in the garage.

  • @johnmorris6434
    @johnmorris6434 3 роки тому +2

    Great vid as ever Mortske.... thanks for the knowledge along the way.
    I live in England, and if there were any cars sitting around for 28 years, they would just be a pile of rust around a locked up engine (sorry.... motor !!!!), You are lucky to have the different climate to be able to bring these back to life.
    Be interesting to see if you can bring some older japanese or european stuff back to life.......