Necrosphere - Any% Deathless (IDDQD)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • IGT 20:21
    Have a lot to say about this run, but will just summarize it as being one of the most miserable gaming experiences I have been through since NGU. Casually I liked the game, but the lack of any real ability to practice anything, the game having a fairly poor control scheme, the bugs that were caused by refresh issues, and then later vsync which resulted in at least 30 runs ending out of my control, as well as having attempted the run almost 100 times in total, with 15 runs being lost in world 4 on the final ascent, it all culminated in a really bad time. Glad to be done with it but it was a real struggle.


  • @aguy2847
    @aguy2847 Рік тому

    Great video! Tho the ending was sad.

  • @FTWtoscano
    @FTWtoscano Рік тому

    I was stressed out for you! GG

  • @codesymphony
    @codesymphony Рік тому


  • @Korne127
    @Korne127 Рік тому

    Congrats :D
    You made it!
    I'm sorry it wasn't that of a great experience for you though :(
    What do you mean with bugs caused by refresh issues and vsync? And why did you change that setting midtime? I haven't experienced any issues so I'm curious what happened, although I'm sorry for that
    I feel like especially in the end you can "see" your nervousness through the run, you are very carefully not to accidentally die in a way haha
    But yeah, congrats! You really deserved it :)

    • @JarvisCE
      @JarvisCE  Рік тому

      Alright, here comes a long explanation,
      First, I'm the head of a website and discord that tracks video game challenges on steam. You can find the site here if interested:
      I have done my fair share of difficult challenges, especially involving platformers. Necrosphere is listed as a t4 (out of 5 possible tiers) for the deathless run, and I have done quite a few T5s (being harder). Given a bunch of people in my group had already completed it, I had a decent idea of what to expect effort wise going in. The control scheme ended up being a roller coaster to engage with. At first I hated it, then I was fine with it, then the flaws really showed themselves when I was forced to be much more precise with them. So, since my expectation was that It would be a fairly routine t4 experience, when I started struggling with it, that expectation faded away and was met with frustration. I have done some of the hardest platforming deathless runs on steam fairly quickly 10-20 tries. But IDDQD took over 100, and that turned into progressively more frustrating experience as I kept losing runs in world 4.
      The bugs, to start with, the refresh rate causes issues in world 2, 3, and 4 in various parts. I have a 240hz monitor, and some places in the game are outright impossible unless I scale all the way down to 60hz. As in, at 240hz the dash mechanic stops working entirely when there are a lot of moving things on screen. Second, when recording, the optimization of the game is rather bad, I have a nearly $8,000 computer, and was getting frame losses and stuttering trying to record in 1440, something that normally doesn't happen even with higher end games. So during runs I was lagging for large portions of it. Third, on the part where I have to turn off vsync, even at 60hz, if I don't do that, I have about a 50% chance of dashing with only a single input, not two, and 30 ish runs died to that section until I figured out what was going on with the help of another person. EVEN with vsync turned off, it's still about a 15% chance to just have the same thing happen. Meaning unless I was hitting the world 3 skip, there was a decent chance the run ended outside of my control.
      If vsync is kept off, the game lags so badly that i'm not even seeing like every 7th frame or something. It's unplayable. There were also sometimes things that were off cycle (once in w4 on the moving firebars), or in one instance the game crashed while in the middle of world 3.
      All of it culminated in me having a worse time. Losing a bunch of runs out of my control, game not performing well while recording, choking badly on the final section more often than is normal for me, the control scheme not being appropriate for a run of this kind, etc.
      I wish the game had the option to remap the controls in a way that a single button press could allow dashing, or use of the jetpack. There are about 10 people in my group who completed the game, and some others had similar issues with vsync and refresh rate, but overall it seems like I was having the most problems.
      Sorry for the long answer.

    • @Korne127
      @Korne127 Рік тому

      @@JarvisCE Why sorry for the long answer? I really appreciate you explaining that in detail, thanks a lot :D
      About the website… I just looked into it and it is super cool. Like as someone who loves hard platformers, that's genuinely something so great and I'll probably check it out more later, thank you :D
      But well… I was asking, how is the rating in these difficulty categories done (especially with games where you can select different difficulties). Because at least in the platformer section, it doesn't really match my personal experience: Will You Snail is (if set to the hardest difficulty) one of the hardest games I know at all, probably even surpassing Necrosphere for me (a deathless run in Will You Snail on the hardest difficulty is basically impossible, since almost every level takes so many attempts). And both are harder than Celeste in my experience. But on the website it's exactly the other way around (Celeste 5, Necrosphere 4, Will You Snail 3).
      And well, if you personally say that you have made other deathless runs much more quicker and were easier, even if they were a 5, wouldn't that basically say that Necrosphere is underrated in the difficulty and is rather a 5 than a 4? But yeah, I understand that if you expect something easier and it's much harder than anticipated, that is frustrating (but again, I'd say that implies that the difficulty just isn't correctly rated).
      Maybe you can't really have a system with just one difficulty, since the difficulty of just playing the game, playing it on highest difficulty, playing it without deaths, etc. can greatly vary?
      About the bugs you described… I personally haven't gotten anything like that, but I'm not really on a pro gaming setup. Maybe this is due to you having a very high refresh rate screen? I don't know, but I agree that this shouldn't happen, no matter what setup you use. I'm really sorry you experienced it like that, that sounds awful :(
      And about the controls: I have heard some people dislike them, but I personally see them as a challenge and appreciate the different way that you really just use two buttons. But I understand what you mean.

    • @JarvisCE
      @JarvisCE  Рік тому

      @@Korne127 We have a really active discord you are free to join if you want to talk more about some difficult games, or get longer explanations about how we decide what becomes a primary objective. We have lots of resources, and many people are quite helpful and active.
      Discord is here: