Ah man, I appreciate that so much. I work hard on the form and I feel like I still have a long way to go, but the process is what I really enjoy. Glad to hear they are looking good. Thank you!
@@beddiefrenson4424with push ups, I have way more control to gain over my core and at lockout. With pull ups, I would like to keep my higher reps more consistent. They are getting better, though. For instance, i did a set of 15 arched back, paused rep pull ups the other day and a solid 10 of them were with hard chest contact (im not going for chest to bar, just pulling as high as I can). A few years back that literally might have been 5 out of a set of 15. At this point, I’m not as interested in adding reps to the set, though I will as I need to, but I’m more interested in all those reps in the set having the same technical quality.
As the Buddha said, "your life is is the creation of your mind," and God, he nailed it. Chronic depression and anxiety issues all my life; just getting out of bed most days is a Herculean effort. Making a meal or taking a shower can seem like climbing a mountain.
@@Kboges Had to do a quick edit. With the other issues, add ADHD. But it's overwhelming how far the wrong mindset will wreck you. Take care and thanks for the great videos.
"chronic depression and anxiety'... seems you'd be hard-pressed to survive in a primitive culture... interesting that your ancestors could survive and yet... here you are... unable to even get out of bed. doesn't this strike you as a bit odd?
@@alanh7247 our ancestors were not subjected to state-enforced multiculturalism, globohomoism, and the other myriad of commie-bolshevik bullshit in this modern time. Dont be a dick.
These 3 minute philosophical lessons are hidden gem in the fitness industry. In my experience of ego lifting, mind training and physical training have a yin yang relationship. Only mind training and no physical training - Less safety, illusion of mastery and lethargy will set in. Only physical training with no mind training - Ego, overconfidence, purpose of training turns into seeking validation from others, Illusion of control over life. One must do both with the right intent, to see the best long term improvement by staying humble yet hungry for mastery.
I rarely comment on YT videos these days, but one thing I have to say is your comment section is probably the most positive one of any fitness youtuber. That's a testament to you and the content you're putting out there.
Man… I appreciate this a lot. The kindness and positivity on the channel is absolutely remarkable and something I’m acutely aware of. Honestly, it’s hard for me to wrap my head around and something I’m extraordinarily grateful for. I feel like it’s less my doing and more the result of a bunch of positive and kind people looking to improve their lives through health and fitness. It’s amazing to be a part of it and something I never thought I would have a role in.
@@Kboges I agree with that. But I think you attract these kind of people because there's no BS, no fluff, no sense that you're trying to sell them something they don't need, and no rubbish clickbaity titles and thumbnails. Just straight to the point info.
Mindset is the ultimate foundation everything is built upon, and it's our only tool that we have if everything else crumbles. Accidents will happen, people will trick and cheat you, your body can break down, we have to nurtue and train the mind everyday to be resilient in life regardless of circumstances.
This is definitely true. Grinding angrily can only get you so far. Mindset is a huge key in fitness. Love that you put the emphasis on quality of training.
ABSOLUTELY the best free education ANYWHERE!!! no idea how you do it, but every single video you put out over the last year, is Always SPOT ON FIRE!!! THANKS MATE
Well said! I do calisthenics every day. I walk between 2-4 hours a day, and I have finally got my daily protein dialed in. Although I adjusted my routine to half/partial reps (I go for time under tension and so much easier on my joints), I am seeing some great results! You are right. This is a lifetime commitment. Sometimes, rarely, I may only do half my workout or even none at all, not out of laziness, but more out of fatigue. Sometimes, I feel like indulging in food that's not on the normal regimen, but make sure I don't go off the rails too hard, and this is becoming less and less frequent. Most of all, I don't beat myself up over it. I just continue on the next day. Discipline and willpower are totally overrated, and forgiveness and acceptance are totally underrated. Thank you😊
@nikolaybonapartov7379 chicken breast mostly. It's quick and easy. I aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of ideal bodyweight. It's definitely not easy only because once you realize how much you really need, you also realize how little of it you actually eat on a daily basis. At first, I would even forget to make sure I had eaten enough, now it's a habit. Good luck!
That last sentence totally resonates with me and I've embraced a similar perspective. Forgiveness and acceptance are totally underrated, especially for those who have yet to realize that their own self-induced guilt is a larger roadblock than many of their other more extrinsically-derived roadblocks.
What you said at about :30 and toward the end really resonated me. It is my favorite quote of Aquinas that _nothing lasts which has not something lasting in it._ If you have unsustainable practices, like bad form or overworking; if you have bad motivations-ego and popularity-driven ones-then your development will not last. A lesson from physics and the calculus should not be forgotten: all great work is the sum and product of smaller work.
A ligament tear last October, and a sprained thumb in April this year, it's a humbling experience cause my progress was mostly unstructured and based off of self deception and bursts of ego, like the dunning kruger effect of overestimating my ability with a puffed up sense of pride, I thank the Lord Jesus for humbling me and renewing my heart to fix my perception on physical fitness, and many other things, it's very easy to fall for the subtleness of pride, thank you for the reminder Mr Boges, God bless.
I totally agree. People tend to think just because it’s in the realm of the physical, it isn’t subject to our psychology, spirituality, or other metaphysical things that influence our thoughts, behaviors, ideas, etc.
I'm two months into training everyday as you suggest. It's been amazing and challenging. This video is exactly what I needed today. Thank you for sharing it!
This is really true. When I started working out, I loved it! I just felt great and thats why I showed up. Over time as I made progress my ego set bigger goals and made them more important than the actual enjoyment. It started to become a thing to proof myself towards others and if I didnt perform well or wasnt making enough progress, I would feel like I wasnt enough. Eventually it killed the joy of something I at first loved, and slowly started to show up less and less. Now i'm at a point to click the reset button. To keep it simpel and try to workout for enjoyment again rather than ego.
It makes sense. I have wished a had a weaker foundation, so I understand what you say. It's important you share this message, thank you for that. I feel that when I enjoy the process all go well but when ego is evolved it drains the joy out of the practice and the growth is restricted.
I injured my shoulder and was quickly humbled. Thankfully I lost no strength, but I can’t train many exercises yet. I can say that 10 really clean chins with perfect control are as hard as 8 normal reps with decent weight added. And it’s awesome how frequently you can train this way.
So true, dude! I've found that my slow paused reps are pretty close to the same as my fast unpaused reps with around 20-45 lbs (depending on the variation), but they don't beat me up at all, which means I can do them daily without issue.
I asked about this in my gym to 3 instructors. None of them gave me a cohesive answer. Now, for free, i received the best advice i can get in my life after 3 months of gym practice
Spot on! The balance between acceptance and persistence. In my experience, quality workouts always start with acceptance of where I am and shifting the energy/effort from running away from my insecurities and towards the physique I’m working towards. Acceptance precedes persistence every single time. If it’s out of order then my session turns into a breeding ground for ego.
I revisit this channel every time I come out dazed from so many routines, combinations and variations of exercises in my instagram feed. Sometimes you just need a basic foundational guide for the real world.
Definitely agree with this. Thats why I enjoy calling my training jouney "Mind Body Fitness" everything starts with the right mindset. The "right mindset" is different for everyone so don't fall into this whole "optimal" word which has been trending around. It all starts with the mind, before training, during training and even after training. The mindset to take your time with your reps and sets, the mindset to focus on form, the mindset to not get caught in chasing reps, the mindset to eat properly so you can achieve your fitness/health/physique goals, the mindset to get proper rest so one may train again tomorrow. Love this video. Simple, clean, understandable and applicable. Amazing Mindset K.Boges 🧠
I appreciate this reminder. I'm someone trains in a pretty sporadic/unfocused way, incorporating extremely varied approaches to fitness. This combined with a focus on form as made me wonder about my strength as 20 pushups feels very difficult. It is helpful to remember that commitment to great form explains this relatively low rep count.
I started following you over a year ago, and since then I've built a pull up bar in my garden and I rep out painful but rewarding quality rep after rep. My gains have exploded. I know exactly what my weaknesses are. I only wish I'd found your channel sooner!
This is a timely video for me. Your video on a simplified daily push-pull-squat routine changed my life. But life has also been extra tough as of late. Diet and daily physiological hygiene remain intact, but sleep hasn't always been easy. The fatigue sometimes catches up with me and it became an ego thing to push my exercising even though I was exhausted. I finally learned to be kind to myself and that it was okay to take a day (or two) off to acknowledge the need for recovery. The breaks didn't make me a failure, nor (thankfully!) did they become a habit. Just a little "paused rep" in its own to continue moving with focus and precision. Thank you for continuing to share positive and meaningful content!
Great topic, inspiring. I find that injuries teach this principle very well, but the hard way. Been going through several tendinites for the last two years, and this humbles you about what you can and can't do yet, for sure.
Honestly, I apply your knowledge and approach to exercise. You are helping men and women probably be the best version of themselves. Your body is a reflection of who you are and how you judge yourself. Body Goals. Leave the ego in Hell where it belongs.
Always look forward to your bi-weekly videos. The seemingly small caveats of wisdom you touch on are truly profound when properly applied. Great to have you as a trainer, and another great video in the books.
"Don't think you're ever too good to build a strong foundation because you're never gonna find yourself wishing you had a weaker one." Damn. That is so obvious and still when I listened you say it I realized I never thought of it that way. Powerful stuff, K. As always, you content is gold. All the love, brother
Was needing this. I've been increasing the weight I do pull-ups with almost daily and I may need to pay a little more attention to form. As always, your videos are highly appreciated!
I hit 50 recently. Been doing steady weighted callisthenics since the pandemic. Only recently managed to hit 11 full pull ups and 19 dips with great form. Never thought i would get to 10 strict pull ups or 15 dips. Mindset is certainly absolutely key.
Being consistent with our training is really beneficial in the long run. I've noticed that whenever i get sick and can't exercise properly I always miss it. Your contribution to the fitness community is really refreshing!!!
Great philosophy on training, it took me years to understand this philosophy. A lot of wasted years of training. Hard to grasp this when I was young, much easier now that my years are getting closer to the end. The result - I’m stronger now than I ever was.
First half of the video just made me realize I usually try "all or nothing" and as you said it ends in nothing. I tried dieting with that approach, lost weight, and now I'm actually fatter than before. The second half talked about fundamentals of exercise, but I looked at it through dieting perspective, and concluded that I should focus on the fundamentals like choosing healthier alternatives to what I normally eat rather than slashing my calorie intake in half. Good video in general, thanks.
Mindset is everything. Life, training, injuries, and everything between. I figured this out even more during my femur fracture recovery. Be positive for what you can do and be positive that you will recover. It helped manifest a VERY fast recovery. Be positive that you get to work out, even if you can’t give it your all. People with poor mindset can literally make themselves sick. Mindset is everything.
Dude... you are a true testament to this concept. I've pointed several people to your channel for an example of how the right mindset can overcome an incredible obstacle. That is what got me into your content; straight up willing yourself back to health and putting in the work. Absolutely inspirational.
These advices go beyond the realm of sports; these, in an even better manner, apply to life in general, thank you very much. It is evident that you are putting thought into what you are saying, thus the eloquence.
Greetings, Kyle! Intelligent words per usual. To me this ties into comparing one’s self to others. We each just have the responsibility to be the best version of ourself.
That's exactly it! Well said, Derek. I think what a lot of people miss is that the best version of themselves is often more amazing than the version of the other people they are looking at.
Thanks for reminding us to keep our focus on the simple and the sustainable. Your teaching feels Charlie Munger-esque in it's precision and usefulness. Getting all this wisdom distilled from decades of training for free! so grateful!
Thanks! I will check out some of Charlies stuff. Not familiar with his work. Thank you for the kindness and the support, brother! Im grateful for it. Truly!
good piece self comparison against others can also be extremely toxic yardstick of 'success' that can break peoples committment to a more fitness and health orientated lifestyle. also having a partner that supports you and joins you on your journey can truly be transformational. I am so grateful I met my girlfriend 4 years ago - never been healthier or more peaceful.
I just watch a ted talk about Ego and something I learned about how to defeat the Ego it is called task orientation.. where you focus on the task at hand instead of focusing on what you already done or focusing on your competition... he was a tennis coach and he really encourages athletes or even people to have confident humility...
Thank you @ mr Boges for this video...just like you said the basics, when excuted well with mind -muscle in slow controlled tempo can be really humbling, thank you once for this great reminder.
Once in a while i approach humility with trying on a weighted vest once a week and go on a 2hr walk and do 10x10 pushups. It doesnt feel like a work out in the moment but i will be feeling it for the rest of the week. Then i come back home and i realize that i need to focus on mobility because i cant do the deep stretches that i used to be able to do.... im losing out on strength, mobility and stability if im not consistent. Strength is ego-driven i think - you never have to work too hard to find strength. Muscles always need to be created for all activities. But mobility and stability should not be ignored thats how you get injured and lose out on any progress.
Great video thank you for your reflections. I keep in my mind 'Shoshin'; beginners mind is a zen buddhist word which I like and I resonate with. Also my yoga teachers say 'Yoga is a work in as well as a work out' here I think it really means any physical practice of value has that quality. All the best thanks again. Love your content.
That's a great way to approach training. I think you are spot on and I really think that is the key to getting the most out of things. If we approach basics like we already know everything about them, we are likely to miss the most important things they have to offer, which don't come from a superficial understanding, but only after we establish a deep connection with them.
@@Kboges If you don't mind Kyle, I'd like to ask you something. When doing rows, would you recommend tucked elbows for more lats activation, or a more flared out stance? Considering your training for incresing pull-up performance, that is.
I really like both, so I will usually prioritize a tucked row, but I will often do rows to the face (like a face pull) and flare the elbows a bit. Both are fine as long as you tolerate them and a mix of them is never a bad idea.
I definitely chased fake progress in the past and ended up injured and burnt out. In the last 2-3 years ive approached the basics with the respect they deserve and im fitter and leaner than i ever was previously
You can't force or manipulate progress...it will come eventually through hard work and dedication/diligence...my brother was operated for 5 hernias at once...nurse had never seen it and actually brought her to tears...my brother is fine now thank the Lord....my bro also works out but he was a lot more obsessive in his pursuit for strength gains...I always took a more careful and cautious approach- knowing the dangers involved with lifting heavy weights...I wanted to move up gradually and carefully without rushing things...I never really dealt with injuries, except for a shoulder problem that healed itself after I stopped doing shoulder work outs for a long time....other than that ive been pain free thank God.
I love the point about training for a bigger reason than yourself rather than to gratify the ego. I have found over my life that when people are motivated soley by ego, their effort will always be temporary. The people who stick with training or anything their entire lives have a reason that inspires them. Thats the difference between motivation and inspiration. Motivation is a never ending hunger that needs To be fed. True inspiration comes from a reason greater than the ego. It empowers us. Awesome videos as usual Kyle!
I was doing my basic exerises (pull ups, rows, dips) a week ago in my go-to outdoor gym. I usually do 5 pull ups every two minutes until 50. I saw a really tall guy, he did about 50 pull ups. After I mentioned 5-3-1 Forever's standard of 50 pull ups in 10 minutes, he did another 50 in 10 and a half minutes. He told me that he can do 20 in a row. He was 49 years old, suggested doing a burpee variation with 3 push ups, 1 goblet squat & 2 lunges. He suggested using the false grip for forearms. He auto-regulates his workouts based on soreness. He does't do fancy things at all just the basics on a very high level like K boges who does a muscle up only before his straight bar dips.
No lies said! I see a lot of fitness creators undermining the basics, saying things such as "push ups don't build muscles, they get too easy over time". Done quickly and using momentum, sure. Done controlled and respecting the entirity of the movement? Different ball game. I'll always take pride in spending time honing the basics. It's not as flashy as some of these crazy variations people do but basic bodyweight exercises have been around since antiquity for a reason.
Humility pies: we need to develop an acquired taste and start appreciate them! From personal experience… they’re yummy and, counterintuitively, they will make you grow, even when you think you couldn’t improve anymore. Tanks for the usual drops-of-golden-advice!!!
Dude that is exactly it. If you want to get good at something, you have to know how much you suck. if you want some deep confidence in your ability, you have to know that you have acknowledged your weaknesses and strengthened them. Grazie, fratello!
Kyle, I am 19 from India. Taking my strict controlled pull ups from 6 to 12, push ups 24 to 45 in a matter of two months (using your double your reps program) got me out of a rut and gave me the confidence to succeed in other areas of my life as well. All because of this one simple golden nugget you casually dropped in a video - "Complexity isn't a substitute to consistency. You cannot complicate your way to success". Kyle, your ability to understand psychology really makes you stand out. A question, I wanted to ask is - How do I deal with urgency of tasks other than physical training and feeling inadequate about not being able to do the planned no. of sets because of time constraints?
Wow brother! I’m so happy for you! That is incredible progress and something you can feel very proud of; that only comes from hard work! I look at it like this; there are always going to be obstacles, so you simply do what you can. Know, objectively, that the most effective part of training is simply doing something. A single set delivers a HUGE and disproportional stimulus relative to subsequent sets. Even hitting one set you are doing pretty good.
@@KbogesThanks, Kyle! Oh, I forgot to tell you, I experimented with doing a press to handstand somewhere around the end of the second month and was able to do it (I already knew how to do a handstand with a kick up, but still, doing a press felt like taking off to space). That was a testimony to how strength gained from basic movements can easily translate to the ability to perform skills.
I can’t tell u the amount of times I’ve missed a workout or cut one short because I tell myself I’ll just do it tomorrow or do more tomorrow, mindset really is so important , I’m working on it
my good sir the work you put in, every word that you bring forward, sublime stuff. I must also add to what you have pointed out with humility, it takes faith in your entire being and to build a temple nothing can destroy. It takes a lot to be what you are, your guidence is truly appreciated as you can tell.
Trust me brother, times of peril when I needed you most you were there for me consistently uploading week in week out on my journey man, I will never forget you. God is with you and always has been.
@@brisedieu7931that’s incredibly meaningful, brother. This is a very special comment to me. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have helped you in some way. Thank you, my friend. 🙏
@@Kboges I fully understand the dispositions being, me a person of gratitude, yet you the being one that is providing, you are which makes the difficult easy. It is my pleasure, to be able to reach out in any way or form given. You have my every respect, Kboges.
That is exceptionally flattering and not something I was ever intending to be, and the gravity of that is not lost on me. I appreciate that a lot, and I'm grateful to have a positive influence.
Really needed this.i had my final exams for which i had to study for 2 months so I had no exercise and I lost most of my strength and now when I do it again I get very sore for a few days
@Kboges how many hours should I sleep for optimal muscle recovery? I am going to be starting college soon , right now I have alot of free time but when I get to college sleep is gonna be hard to maintain, I am just a growing teenagers could really use your help sir
I would sleep as much as you can per your schedule. Real life can put constraints on this, and it’s likely to be variable, but always prioritize it. As to how much you need exactly, it’s impossible to say. But I would just say get as much as you feel you need.
Thank you! I truly believe that training is a microcosm of life. I've learned a lot about training from life, and I've learned a lot about life from training. I think truth is truth, and when you stumble upon it, you will see it everywhere.
k boges I have never met you nor do I know if I ever will. However, you are like a father to me, a true inspiration. Coming from a young man, your advice mean a lot to me. I have been able to develop great muscles through calisthenics shaped by your advice. Thank you, I truly am grateful
Oh man, I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a positive influence. If you ever need any help, feel free to reach out any time. Keep up the good work, and do your best to be a positive force in the world. Much love, brother.
Hey Mr.K big fan of your content been watching you for almost a year now. I have been following your style of training its really convenient for me and experienced some good results. Lately I have been getting into playing Football and my instructor says to get in some sprints for 2 to 3 times a week. After I started doing that the fatigue has been crazy its also affecting my daily recovery. Its very difficult to get in the daily workouts along with the sprint routines. Your assistance would be greatly helpful.
Great to see you back again my friend UA-cam algorithm wiped you out of my page for some reason glad I found your channel again got a question the high rep bodyweight squats you’ve spoken about how would one progress from bodyweight squats to pistol squats ?
God, as Humans conceive, is only and can only ever be a Creation of the Mind. We can't comprehend the Universe, therefore it stands that we couldn't comprehend the Truth of God, if there is any. Everything we do is a creation of the mind.
The mind is truly bizarre. Not sure why it exists at all or what it really means. Consciousness and experience arising from an arrangement of atoms is thoroughly confusing, and the fact that the physical and metaphysical directly interact through the conduit that is our mind... not sure what to make of that either, other than that the universe is more magical than we can conceive.
Longer comment here 🙈Sorry about that For a long time, I was convinced I was really good at decline push-ups. I could do 20 or 25 and was so proud of that, but a while ago I watched your videos talking about quality over quantity and that high reps doesn’t always say that much about how strong you actually are. So I started doing declined push-ups slower and more controlled, really focussing on form. The first time I could only do 7 or 8 reps, before hitting muscle failure. At first, that really made me insecure, and it destroyed my ego haha. But now: I see it as a good thing because my form is better, I actually notice a gain in muscle and strength now more than I used to, and I can do them with a weighted vest and those grips now too. Working out is TRULY quality over quantity, and you WILL notice so much difference if you add that to your workouts! Also, speaking of training for a lifetime: When I was 16 or so, my grandfather came to visit me and asked me if I started working out yet. I hadn’t, I was very lazy, but said I did. He asked me if I could show him some push-ups. So I did… something😂, they weren’t push-ups. Form was terrible, haha. So he said: “That’s great! I can do push-ups too!” I laughed it off because he was 71 and thought: “Ye, no way…”. And he did the most perfect push-ups I had ever seen. That inspired me a lot to start exercising for the long term!! I want to be able to do absolute perfect push-ups when I’m 71! I just wanted to say that your videos have helped me so much with my progression and workouts, thank you so much for all your wise lessons!!
Dude that is awesome! This is exactly it. Don’t ever sacrifice the quality of your work. Quality first, as demonstrated by your grandfather! Keep it up, dude!🙏
“The basics are not a stepping stone, they are the cornerstone.” That says it all for me.
Glad it connected! 🙏
@Kboges awesome thumbnail Pic! What a physique! Whats your bodyfat, 2&?
To watch Mr. K Boges execute perfect form with every single exercise is awe inspiring.
Ah man, I appreciate that so much. I work hard on the form and I feel like I still have a long way to go, but the process is what I really enjoy. Glad to hear they are looking good. Thank you!
@@Kboges What doesn’t satisfy you about your rep quality ?
@@beddiefrenson4424with push ups, I have way more control to gain over my core and at lockout. With pull ups, I would like to keep my higher reps more consistent. They are getting better, though. For instance, i did a set of 15 arched back, paused rep pull ups the other day and a solid 10 of them were with hard chest contact (im not going for chest to bar, just pulling as high as I can). A few years back that literally might have been 5 out of a set of 15. At this point, I’m not as interested in adding reps to the set, though I will as I need to, but I’m more interested in all those reps in the set having the same technical quality.
@@KbogesOkay I get it, not so much then because your technique is already quite insane 😅😂 The guy is right tho, you truly are an inspiration
@@Kboges When you are doing so many pullups how do you manage calluses? Do you grip just with your fingers?
As the Buddha said, "your life is is the creation of your mind," and God, he nailed it. Chronic depression and anxiety issues all my life; just getting out of bed most days is a Herculean effort. Making a meal or taking a shower can seem like climbing a mountain.
There's some wisdom right there.
Keep going brother. We got this. 💪
@@Kboges Had to do a quick edit. With the other issues, add ADHD. But it's overwhelming how far the wrong mindset will wreck you. Take care and thanks for the great videos.
"chronic depression and anxiety'... seems you'd be hard-pressed to survive in a primitive culture... interesting that your ancestors could survive and yet... here you are... unable to even get out of bed. doesn't this strike you as a bit odd?
@@alanh7247 our ancestors were not subjected to state-enforced multiculturalism, globohomoism, and the other myriad of commie-bolshevik bullshit in this modern time. Dont be a dick.
Have a look at the carnivore diet brother. Check out Anthony Chaffee.
"you don't get past the fundamentals, you build upon them". Man I feel enlightened. Thanks kyle
These 3 minute philosophical lessons are hidden gem in the fitness industry. In my experience of ego lifting, mind training and physical training have a yin yang relationship.
Only mind training and no physical training - Less safety, illusion of mastery and lethargy will set in.
Only physical training with no mind training - Ego, overconfidence, purpose of training turns into seeking validation from others, Illusion of control over life.
One must do both with the right intent, to see the best long term improvement by staying humble yet hungry for mastery.
100% this is such a good addition to the comments. Yin and yang.
Well said!
So true mind body soul gota be balanced!!!
musashi agrees
I rarely comment on YT videos these days, but one thing I have to say is your comment section is probably the most positive one of any fitness youtuber.
That's a testament to you and the content you're putting out there.
Man… I appreciate this a lot. The kindness and positivity on the channel is absolutely remarkable and something I’m acutely aware of. Honestly, it’s hard for me to wrap my head around and something I’m extraordinarily grateful for. I feel like it’s less my doing and more the result of a bunch of positive and kind people looking to improve their lives through health and fitness. It’s amazing to be a part of it and something I never thought I would have a role in.
@@Kboges I agree with that. But I think you attract these kind of people because there's no BS, no fluff, no sense that you're trying to sell them something they don't need, and no rubbish clickbaity titles and thumbnails. Just straight to the point info.
Mindset is the ultimate foundation everything is built upon, and it's our only tool that we have if everything else crumbles. Accidents will happen, people will trick and cheat you, your body can break down, we have to nurtue and train the mind everyday to be resilient in life regardless of circumstances.
This is definitely true. Grinding angrily can only get you so far. Mindset is a huge key in fitness. Love that you put the emphasis on quality of training.
Well said!
ABSOLUTELY the best free education ANYWHERE!!! no idea how you do it, but every single video you put out over the last year, is Always SPOT ON FIRE!!! THANKS MATE
Don, you are always too kind, my friend. Much appreciated, brother!
I hope all is well with you and yours!
Well said! I do calisthenics every day. I walk between 2-4 hours a day, and I have finally got my daily protein dialed in.
Although I adjusted my routine to half/partial reps (I go for time under tension and so much easier on my joints), I am seeing some great results!
You are right. This is a lifetime commitment. Sometimes, rarely, I may only do half my workout or even none at all, not out of laziness, but more out of fatigue.
Sometimes, I feel like indulging in food that's not on the normal regimen, but make sure I don't go off the rails too hard, and this is becoming less and less frequent.
Most of all, I don't beat myself up over it. I just continue on the next day. Discipline and willpower are totally overrated, and forgiveness and acceptance are totally underrated.
Thank you😊
Sounds like you have it dialed!
Your take on the psychology is awesome, man. This is super important. Well said.
Keep it up!
Getting enough protein is the hardest part for me. I just don't feel like eating that much/often. Can I ask you what you eat?
@nikolaybonapartov7379 chicken breast mostly. It's quick and easy. I aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of ideal bodyweight. It's definitely not easy only because once you realize how much you really need, you also realize how little of it you actually eat on a daily basis. At first, I would even forget to make sure I had eaten enough, now it's a habit. Good luck!
That last sentence totally resonates with me and I've embraced a similar perspective. Forgiveness and acceptance are totally underrated, especially for those who have yet to realize that their own self-induced guilt is a larger roadblock than many of their other more extrinsically-derived roadblocks.
Forgiveness and acceptance. I struggle with that all the time. Well said.
What you said at about :30 and toward the end really resonated me. It is my favorite quote of Aquinas that _nothing lasts which has not something lasting in it._
If you have unsustainable practices, like bad form or overworking; if you have bad motivations-ego and popularity-driven ones-then your development will not last.
A lesson from physics and the calculus should not be forgotten: all great work is the sum and product of smaller work.
Oh I love that. You have inspired me to revisit Aquinas!
Your contribution to the comment section is incredible. Thank you!
This is truth for all areas of life, not just physical training. Good stuff.
I totally agree. Great point!
A ligament tear last October, and a sprained thumb in April this year, it's a humbling experience cause my progress was mostly unstructured and based off of self deception and bursts of ego, like the dunning kruger effect of overestimating my ability with a puffed up sense of pride, I thank the Lord Jesus for humbling me and renewing my heart to fix my perception on physical fitness, and many other things, it's very easy to fall for the subtleness of pride, thank you for the reminder Mr Boges, God bless.
It's amazing how much the importance of the philosophy of training is overlooked. Thank you for helping us focus on the important stuff.
I totally agree. People tend to think just because it’s in the realm of the physical, it isn’t subject to our psychology, spirituality, or other metaphysical things that influence our thoughts, behaviors, ideas, etc.
I'm two months into training everyday as you suggest. It's been amazing and challenging. This video is exactly what I needed today. Thank you for sharing it!
Well done, brother! Keep it up and keep me posted. Looking forward to your next comment telling me how your are still going strong. 🙏
As an arrow, your mind is the tip or point, your soul is the spearhead and your body is the arrow's tail ❤
I love it! Spot on, brother.
This is really true. When I started working out, I loved it! I just felt great and thats why I showed up.
Over time as I made progress my ego set bigger goals and made them more important than the actual enjoyment.
It started to become a thing to proof myself towards others and if I didnt perform well or wasnt making enough progress, I would feel like I wasnt enough.
Eventually it killed the joy of something I at first loved, and slowly started to show up less and less.
Now i'm at a point to click the reset button. To keep it simpel and try to workout for enjoyment again rather than ego.
It makes sense. I have wished a had a weaker foundation, so I understand what you say.
It's important you share this message, thank you for that. I feel that when I enjoy the process all go well but when ego is evolved it drains the joy out of the practice and the growth is restricted.
I injured my shoulder and was quickly humbled. Thankfully I lost no strength, but I can’t train many exercises yet. I can say that 10 really clean chins with perfect control are as hard as 8 normal reps with decent weight added. And it’s awesome how frequently you can train this way.
So true, dude! I've found that my slow paused reps are pretty close to the same as my fast unpaused reps with around 20-45 lbs (depending on the variation), but they don't beat me up at all, which means I can do them daily without issue.
I asked about this in my gym to 3 instructors. None of them gave me a cohesive answer.
Now, for free, i received the best advice i can get in my life after 3 months of gym practice
Couldnt agree more. As AJ Balfour said - 'nothing matters very much, and few things matter at all'.just relax and enjoy your workouts!
Hahaha dude that is such a good quote! Amazing!
Spot on! The balance between acceptance and persistence. In my experience, quality workouts always start with acceptance of where I am and shifting the energy/effort from running away from my insecurities and towards the physique I’m working towards. Acceptance precedes persistence every single time. If it’s out of order then my session turns into a breeding ground for ego.
I revisit this channel every time I come out dazed from so many routines, combinations and variations of exercises in my instagram feed. Sometimes you just need a basic foundational guide for the real world.
I'm well into my third year of watching your videos. Thank you for your continued videos and efforts; you've helped me and many others tremendously.
Oh man! Thank you for the support! I'm so happy you have found the content helpful! Thank you, brother!
Definitely agree with this. Thats why I enjoy calling my training jouney "Mind Body Fitness" everything starts with the right mindset. The "right mindset" is different for everyone so don't fall into this whole "optimal" word which has been trending around. It all starts with the mind, before training, during training and even after training. The mindset to take your time with your reps and sets, the mindset to focus on form, the mindset to not get caught in chasing reps, the mindset to eat properly so you can achieve your fitness/health/physique goals, the mindset to get proper rest so one may train again tomorrow. Love this video. Simple, clean, understandable and applicable. Amazing Mindset K.Boges 🧠
I love this! Well said and spot on!
words of wisdom , thanks boges for these videos , thanks a lot
Thank you!
I appreciate this reminder. I'm someone trains in a pretty sporadic/unfocused way, incorporating extremely varied approaches to fitness. This combined with a focus on form as made me wonder about my strength as 20 pushups feels very difficult. It is helpful to remember that commitment to great form explains this relatively low rep count.
Thank you for always showing up in my feed and reminding me about valuable pieces of advice I may have forgotten along the way
Oh man, it’s my pleasure! Thank you for the support!
Probably your best video...really struck a chord. thank you for your message and content.
Ah thanks man! I really appreciate that. I was on the fence about releasing this one so I’m glad I did. Thank you for the support!
So true… this has to be one of my favorite K boges videos
I appreciate that very much. Thank you!
I need to watch this video before every workout to keep my ego in check and my form perfect
55 years old and I am still learning this lesson. Great advice
I started following you over a year ago, and since then I've built a pull up bar in my garden and I rep out painful but rewarding quality rep after rep. My gains have exploded. I know exactly what my weaknesses are. I only wish I'd found your channel sooner!
This is a timely video for me. Your video on a simplified daily push-pull-squat routine changed my life. But life has also been extra tough as of late. Diet and daily physiological hygiene remain intact, but sleep hasn't always been easy. The fatigue sometimes catches up with me and it became an ego thing to push my exercising even though I was exhausted. I finally learned to be kind to myself and that it was okay to take a day (or two) off to acknowledge the need for recovery. The breaks didn't make me a failure, nor (thankfully!) did they become a habit. Just a little "paused rep" in its own to continue moving with focus and precision.
Thank you for continuing to share positive and meaningful content!
Great topic, inspiring. I find that injuries teach this principle very well, but the hard way. Been going through several tendinites for the last two years, and this humbles you about what you can and can't do yet, for sure.
How you approach anything is how you approach everything!!
So ture!
Honestly, I apply your knowledge and approach to exercise. You are helping men and women probably be the best version of themselves.
Your body is a reflection of who you are and how you judge yourself.
Body Goals. Leave the ego in Hell where it belongs.
Always look forward to your bi-weekly videos. The seemingly small caveats of wisdom you touch on are truly profound when properly applied. Great to have you as a trainer, and another great video in the books.
Thank you! I appreciate this very much, dude. It’s an honor to have the opportunity and I am grateful for the support and kind words 🙏
"Don't think you're ever too good to build a strong foundation because you're never gonna find yourself wishing you had a weaker one."
Damn. That is so obvious and still when I listened you say it I realized I never thought of it that way. Powerful stuff, K. As always, you content is gold. All the love, brother
Glad that resonated, brother. Thank you for the kind words and the support. 🙏
Was needing this. I've been increasing the weight I do pull-ups with almost daily and I may need to pay a little more attention to form. As always, your videos are highly appreciated!
I hit 50 recently. Been doing steady weighted callisthenics since the pandemic. Only recently managed to hit 11 full pull ups and 19 dips with great form. Never thought i would get to 10 strict pull ups or 15 dips. Mindset is certainly absolutely key.
Nice full range pull ups with no kipping are so humbling
This is amazing content and advice! I've watched several videos and the advice is amazing! Thanks so much and please keep it up!
Thank you! I'm so happy you enjoy the content, brother. Much appreciated!
Being consistent with our training is really beneficial in the long run. I've noticed that whenever i get sick and can't exercise properly I always miss it. Your contribution to the fitness community is really refreshing!!!
Yeah for sure. I know for myself, my mental state suffers immensely if I can't move.
Thank you, brother!
To thine own self be True , Great vid KB
That sums up so much.
Thank you for your contribution to humanity.
Oh man...Thank you, brother. I'm grateful for the opportunity to do something positive. I hope it has a positive impact on some people. 🙏
Freakin' love your content man! Direct, no-nonsense advice. It's refreshing!
Thank you, JD! I appreciate that very much.
Kyle Boggeman I need to hear this today. You always make great content, thank you.
I’m glad it connected with you! Thank you for the support.
Great philosophy on training, it took me years to understand this philosophy. A lot of wasted years of training. Hard to grasp this when I was young, much easier now that my years are getting closer to the end. The result - I’m stronger now than I ever was.
Same here... took a while but I'm glad I'm starting to figure it out more.
Keep going, brother!
First half of the video just made me realize I usually try "all or nothing" and as you said it ends in nothing. I tried dieting with that approach, lost weight, and now I'm actually fatter than before. The second half talked about fundamentals of exercise, but I looked at it through dieting perspective, and concluded that I should focus on the fundamentals like choosing healthier alternatives to what I normally eat rather than slashing my calorie intake in half. Good video in general, thanks.
Great take on this! I couldn't agree more.
Keep me posted on your progress and enjoy the journey!
I really appreciate you Mr. K Boges!
I appreciate you, brother. Thank you for the kind words and support!
Solid advice as always king 🤴!!
Thank you, brother. Much love, my friend!
Mindset is everything. Life, training, injuries, and everything between. I figured this out even more during my femur fracture recovery. Be positive for what you can do and be positive that you will recover. It helped manifest a VERY fast recovery. Be positive that you get to work out, even if you can’t give it your all. People with poor mindset can literally make themselves sick. Mindset is everything.
Dude... you are a true testament to this concept. I've pointed several people to your channel for an example of how the right mindset can overcome an incredible obstacle. That is what got me into your content; straight up willing yourself back to health and putting in the work. Absolutely inspirational.
I dont know how but your videos are kinde time sensitive, alvays right advice at the right time
Haha that’s awesome to hear! Thank you, brother!
These advices go beyond the realm of sports; these, in an even better manner, apply to life in general, thank you very much. It is evident that you are putting thought into what you are saying, thus the eloquence.
Thank you, brother! I appreciate that and I’m so happy you enjoy the content. Thank you!
Greetings, Kyle! Intelligent words per usual. To me this ties into comparing one’s self to others. We each just have the responsibility to be the best version of ourself.
That's exactly it! Well said, Derek. I think what a lot of people miss is that the best version of themselves is often more amazing than the version of the other people they are looking at.
Thanks for reminding us to keep our focus on the simple and the sustainable. Your teaching feels Charlie Munger-esque in it's precision and usefulness. Getting all this wisdom distilled from decades of training for free! so grateful!
Thanks! I will check out some of Charlies stuff. Not familiar with his work.
Thank you for the kindness and the support, brother! Im grateful for it. Truly!
good piece
self comparison against others can also be extremely toxic yardstick of 'success' that can break peoples committment to a more fitness and health orientated lifestyle.
also having a partner that supports you and joins you on your journey can truly be transformational. I am so grateful I met my girlfriend 4 years ago - never been healthier or more peaceful.
Dude this is very well said. I couldn't agree more. Great points here! Thank you for this.
I just watch a ted talk about Ego and something I learned about how to defeat the Ego it is called task orientation.. where you focus on the task at hand instead of focusing on what you already done or focusing on your competition... he was a tennis coach and he really encourages athletes or even people to have confident humility...
If you want your training to be a practice, and not a memory ... that's an epic quote sir.
Glad it connected, heeebeeegeeebeee!
Great hearing from you! I hope all is well💪🙏
This is one of your best videos
I appreciate that. Thank you!
Watching your videos is always refreshing, thank you K. 😼
I appreciate that! I'm glad you enjoy the content. Thank you, Pedro!
Thank you for this video..
Thank you for watching!🙏
you couldnt have said it better to be honest. thank you for the videos. much respect
Dang dude, I appreciate that a lot. I wasn't sure if this one was going to resonate, but I'm glad it connected with you.
Thank you @ mr Boges for this video...just like you said the basics, when excuted well with mind -muscle in slow controlled tempo can be really humbling, thank you once for this great reminder.
Oh yeah! They are WAY harder than most people think.
Excellent video as usual! Very well said! Thanks!
Thank you!
@@Kboges You're welcome Sir! And Thanks for the Inspiration, Keep up the Great Work and Stay Well!
oh god you just described me and my relationship with drawing you really know how to use the right words.
I’m glad this connected! It’s definitely not exclusive to fitness, so it’s good to hear it resonating in a different domain for you.
As usual, your video leaves me with something to think about as far as training goes. Thanks and have a good day!
I'm happy to hear that Thank you, and you as well!
Your level of knowledge reminds me of Mike Mentzer and what I love about your videos is they are short and crisp ❤
Ah thank you! 🙏
Thanks mate. I enjoy the channel. Lift for life.
Thank you, brother!
Lift for life!💪💪
Very grateful for the fundamentals of you beliefs, very stoical
Thanks, brother!
Always loved that your content is short and easy to digest!
I appreciate that! Thank you for watching and commenting 🙏
Once in a while i approach humility with trying on a weighted vest once a week and go on a 2hr walk and do 10x10 pushups. It doesnt feel like a work out in the moment but i will be feeling it for the rest of the week. Then i come back home and i realize that i need to focus on mobility because i cant do the deep stretches that i used to be able to do.... im losing out on strength, mobility and stability if im not consistent. Strength is ego-driven i think - you never have to work too hard to find strength. Muscles always need to be created for all activities. But mobility and stability should not be ignored thats how you get injured and lose out on any progress.
Great video thank you for your reflections. I keep in my mind 'Shoshin'; beginners mind is a zen buddhist word which I like and I resonate with. Also my yoga teachers say 'Yoga is a work in as well as a work out' here I think it really means any physical practice of value has that quality. All the best thanks again. Love your content.
That's a great way to approach training. I think you are spot on and I really think that is the key to getting the most out of things. If we approach basics like we already know everything about them, we are likely to miss the most important things they have to offer, which don't come from a superficial understanding, but only after we establish a deep connection with them.
Great message as always. Thank you for your wisdom, it's a pleasure to follow your work.
Thank you! I appreciate your support. It means a lot, brother.
@@Kboges If you don't mind Kyle, I'd like to ask you something. When doing rows, would you recommend tucked elbows for more lats activation, or a more flared out stance? Considering your training for incresing pull-up performance, that is.
I really like both, so I will usually prioritize a tucked row, but I will often do rows to the face (like a face pull) and flare the elbows a bit. Both are fine as long as you tolerate them and a mix of them is never a bad idea.
I definitely chased fake progress in the past and ended up injured and burnt out. In the last 2-3 years ive approached the basics with the respect they deserve and im fitter and leaner than i ever was previously
Heck yeah dude! I've been there and letting go of the pursuit of fake progress is freeing and effective. Well done, brother!
You can't force or manipulate progress...it will come eventually through hard work and dedication/diligence...my brother was operated for 5 hernias at once...nurse had never seen it and actually brought her to tears...my brother is fine now thank the Lord....my bro also works out but he was a lot more obsessive in his pursuit for strength gains...I always took a more careful and cautious approach- knowing the dangers involved with lifting heavy weights...I wanted to move up gradually and carefully without rushing things...I never really dealt with injuries, except for a shoulder problem that healed itself after I stopped doing shoulder work outs for a long time....other than that ive been pain free thank God.
I love the point about training for a bigger reason than yourself rather than to gratify the ego.
I have found over my life that when people are motivated soley by ego, their effort will always be temporary.
The people who stick with training or anything their entire lives have a reason that inspires them.
Thats the difference between motivation and inspiration. Motivation is a never ending hunger that needs
To be fed. True inspiration comes from a reason greater than the ego. It empowers us.
Awesome videos as usual Kyle!
Dang… that is well said dude. Superb addition to the comment section. Thank you!
He meant that for life as well 💯👏
I was doing my basic exerises (pull ups, rows, dips) a week ago in my go-to outdoor gym. I usually do 5 pull ups every two minutes until 50. I saw a really tall guy, he did about 50 pull ups. After I mentioned 5-3-1 Forever's standard of 50 pull ups in 10 minutes, he did another 50 in 10 and a half minutes. He told me that he can do 20 in a row. He was 49 years old, suggested doing a burpee variation with 3 push ups, 1 goblet squat & 2 lunges. He suggested using the false grip for forearms. He auto-regulates his workouts based on soreness. He does't do fancy things at all just the basics on a very high level like K boges who does a muscle up only before his straight bar dips.
No lies said! I see a lot of fitness creators undermining the basics, saying things such as "push ups don't build muscles, they get too easy over time". Done quickly and using momentum, sure. Done controlled and respecting the entirity of the movement? Different ball game. I'll always take pride in spending time honing the basics. It's not as flashy as some of these crazy variations people do but basic bodyweight exercises have been around since antiquity for a reason.
This is extremely well said. I couldn’t agree more.
Humility pies: we need to develop an acquired taste and start appreciate them!
From personal experience… they’re yummy and, counterintuitively, they will make you grow, even when you think you couldn’t improve anymore.
Tanks for the usual drops-of-golden-advice!!!
Dude that is exactly it. If you want to get good at something, you have to know how much you suck. if you want some deep confidence in your ability, you have to know that you have acknowledged your weaknesses and strengthened them.
Grazie, fratello!
Kyle, I am 19 from India. Taking my strict controlled pull ups from 6 to 12, push ups 24 to 45 in a matter of two months (using your double your reps program) got me out of a rut and gave me the confidence to succeed in other areas of my life as well. All because of this one simple golden nugget you casually dropped in a video - "Complexity isn't a substitute to consistency. You cannot complicate your way to success". Kyle, your ability to understand psychology really makes you stand out. A question, I wanted to ask is - How do I deal with urgency of tasks other than physical training and feeling inadequate about not being able to do the planned no. of sets because of time constraints?
Wow brother! I’m so happy for you! That is incredible progress and something you can feel very proud of; that only comes from hard work!
I look at it like this; there are always going to be obstacles, so you simply do what you can. Know, objectively, that the most effective part of training is simply doing something. A single set delivers a HUGE and disproportional stimulus relative to subsequent sets. Even hitting one set you are doing pretty good.
@@KbogesThanks, Kyle! Oh, I forgot to tell you, I experimented with doing a press to handstand somewhere around the end of the second month and was able to do it (I already knew how to do a handstand with a kick up, but still, doing a press felt like taking off to space). That was a testimony to how strength gained from basic movements can easily translate to the ability to perform skills.
I can’t tell u the amount of times I’ve missed a workout or cut one short because I tell myself I’ll just do it tomorrow or do more tomorrow, mindset really is so important , I’m working on it
It’s a work in progress, dude. As long as you are aware of it, you can start to change it.
my good sir the work you put in, every word that you bring forward, sublime stuff. I must also add to what you have pointed out with humility, it takes faith in your entire being and to build a temple nothing can destroy. It takes a lot to be what you are, your guidence is truly appreciated as you can tell.
Man… this is too kind, my friend. Amazing works here. Much love, brother.
Trust me brother, times of peril when I needed you most you were there for me consistently uploading week in week out on my journey man, I will never forget you. God is with you and always has been.
@@brisedieu7931that’s incredibly meaningful, brother. This is a very special comment to me. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have helped you in some way. Thank you, my friend. 🙏
@@Kboges I fully understand the dispositions being, me a person of gratitude, yet you the being one that is providing, you are which makes the difficult easy. It is my pleasure, to be able to reach out in any way or form given. You have my every respect, Kboges.
You are the man Mr Boges
Hahaha thanks man! I’m just a regular dude, but I appreciate the compliment very much. 🙏
You are an inspiration, sir🔥
That is exceptionally flattering and not something I was ever intending to be, and the gravity of that is not lost on me. I appreciate that a lot, and I'm grateful to have a positive influence.
Thank you sir I wish you lived in my area just so I can go to your gym…
I appreciate that, brother.
Really needed this.i had my final exams for which i had to study for 2 months so I had no exercise and I lost most of my strength and now when I do it again I get very sore for a few days
You got this, dude. It will come back SO quick. You have an opportunity to make some rapid and motivating progress. Enjoy it!
@Kboges how many hours should I sleep for optimal muscle recovery? I am going to be starting college soon , right now I have alot of free time but when I get to college sleep is gonna be hard to maintain, I am just a growing teenagers could really use your help sir
I would sleep as much as you can per your schedule. Real life can put constraints on this, and it’s likely to be variable, but always prioritize it. As to how much you need exactly, it’s impossible to say. But I would just say get as much as you feel you need.
How do you train long head of triceps??
Chin ups will hit it
your reflection on this video is a straightforward reflection on life.
Thank you! I truly believe that training is a microcosm of life. I've learned a lot about training from life, and I've learned a lot about life from training. I think truth is truth, and when you stumble upon it, you will see it everywhere.
@@Kboges Amén.
The most important feature is being self critical everytime, this way you can really see lots of improvements.
Yep. So true. Continuously refine yourself.
k boges I have never met you nor do I know if I ever will. However, you are like a father to me, a true inspiration. Coming from a young man, your advice mean a lot to me. I have been able to develop great muscles through calisthenics shaped by your advice. Thank you, I truly am grateful
Oh man, I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a positive influence. If you ever need any help, feel free to reach out any time. Keep up the good work, and do your best to be a positive force in the world. Much love, brother.
@@Kboges thank you soo much. Do you have an email?
Hey Mr.K big fan of your content been watching you for almost a year now. I have been following your style of training its really convenient for me and experienced some good results. Lately I have been getting into playing Football and my instructor says to get in some sprints for 2 to 3 times a week. After I started doing that the fatigue has been crazy its also affecting my daily recovery. Its very difficult to get in the daily workouts along with the sprint routines. Your assistance would be greatly helpful.
Great video. You helped me a lot and i am thankful to you brother.
Thank you! I'm thankful for the kind words and views, my friend!
Great to see you back again my friend UA-cam algorithm wiped you out of my page for some reason glad I found your channel again got a question the high rep bodyweight squats you’ve spoken about how would one progress from bodyweight squats to pistol squats ?
Excellent!! training! 🏋️♂️🏋️♂️🏋️♂️🔥🔥🔥🏋️♂️🏋️♂️🏋️♂️🔥🔥🥤🤜🤛
You are the real shit bro.
Thanks dude! I appreciate it 🙏
God, as Humans conceive, is only and can only ever be a Creation of the Mind.
We can't comprehend the Universe, therefore it stands that we couldn't comprehend the Truth of God, if there is any.
Everything we do is a creation of the mind.
The mind is truly bizarre. Not sure why it exists at all or what it really means. Consciousness and experience arising from an arrangement of atoms is thoroughly confusing, and the fact that the physical and metaphysical directly interact through the conduit that is our mind... not sure what to make of that either, other than that the universe is more magical than we can conceive.
Wish I knew this before ... in fact I did know but was not ready to accept it.
thank you for the guidance!
It's my pleasure! Thank you for the support!
Longer comment here 🙈Sorry about that
For a long time, I was convinced I was really good at decline push-ups. I could do 20 or 25 and was so proud of that, but a while ago I watched your videos talking about quality over quantity and that high reps doesn’t always say that much about how strong you actually are. So I started doing declined push-ups slower and more controlled, really focussing on form. The first time I could only do 7 or 8 reps, before hitting muscle failure. At first, that really made me insecure, and it destroyed my ego haha. But now: I see it as a good thing because my form is better, I actually notice a gain in muscle and strength now more than I used to, and I can do them with a weighted vest and those grips now too. Working out is TRULY quality over quantity, and you WILL notice so much difference if you add that to your workouts!
Also, speaking of training for a lifetime: When I was 16 or so, my grandfather came to visit me and asked me if I started working out yet.
I hadn’t, I was very lazy, but said I did. He asked me if I could show him some push-ups. So I did… something😂, they weren’t push-ups. Form was terrible, haha. So he said: “That’s great! I can do push-ups too!” I laughed it off because he was 71 and thought: “Ye, no way…”. And he did the most perfect push-ups I had ever seen. That inspired me a lot to start exercising for the long term!! I want to be able to do absolute perfect push-ups when I’m 71!
I just wanted to say that your videos have helped me so much with my progression and workouts, thank you so much for all your wise lessons!!
Dude that is awesome! This is exactly it. Don’t ever sacrifice the quality of your work. Quality first, as demonstrated by your grandfather!
Keep it up, dude!🙏
@@Kboges I will! Thank you so much for replying!! 💪