MiG-35 - the new generation of a legend

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2 тис.

  • @frankleespeaking9519
    @frankleespeaking9519 4 роки тому +1907

    I was in USAF on F15e’s ‘90-‘96. I of course am partial to USA aircraft designs, but you have to admit, for aviation enthusiasts it would be a boring world without Russian airplanes...

    • @thefistofshadow7392
      @thefistofshadow7392 4 роки тому +171

      @Einstein Just look at the ISS, a station from an US idea build on an Russian base with a lot of parts from around the world, most of them from the US, Russa, Japan and Canada.
      The Russians flies the crew up while the US brings supplies.
      Thats what the World can do, and it dose it without conflicts or wars. The problem are the politician..

    • @atklm1
      @atklm1 4 роки тому +16

      @Einstein World peace has technically been achieved. No sovereign country I am aware of is currently at war with another sovereign country.

    • @atklm1
      @atklm1 4 роки тому +36

      @@thefistofshadow7392 A whole lot of collaboration in science is done internationally. Especially physicists and mathematicians work together all the time, and there are Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Europeans and Americans all collaborating. Scientists don't really care about politics and nationalities, they are only interested in science.

    • @Mister_Z_Man
      @Mister_Z_Man 4 роки тому +33

      I'm from Eastern Europe and I used to watch MiG 29s take off. I love those planes but I'm a HUGE fan of F-15s and F/A-18 Hornets.

    • @paulallen8109
      @paulallen8109 4 роки тому +22

      @@atklm1 Depends on your definition of "peace". In the modern era the weapons are *economic warfare* and *blockades* . Nobody is foolish enough in the developed world to risk all-out war knowing all too well that can tank their own economy. Above all people are more and more against armed conflicts - especially since many have only made situations and locations in the world *worse* .
      "War" today is more and more cyber warfare where you slander another country or propagate for it or espionage on the net.
      Wall Street and greedy corporations are the real war instigators nowadays.

  • @frogstamper
    @frogstamper 3 роки тому +353

    The Mig has always been a beautiful looking fighter, its smooth lines and swan-like appearance make this aircraft look stunning.

    • @analcommando1124
      @analcommando1124 3 роки тому +10

      It looks good and thats about it. Mikoyan haven't made a decent aircraft in decades.

    • @90enemies
      @90enemies 3 роки тому +6

      @@analcommando1124 I hope Mig 41 turns up decent or at least bring something new

    • @brianjob3018
      @brianjob3018 3 роки тому +3

      The narrator makes it sound as the F-35 has not been delivered anywhere yet. This video must have been made several years back.

    • @willbracken2367
      @willbracken2367 2 роки тому +3

      It flies amazing as well!

    • @ambimyers2530
      @ambimyers2530 2 роки тому +1


  • @zackthebongripper7274
    @zackthebongripper7274 4 роки тому +278

    This video does not mention one huge change from the original: manufacturing. The 35M almost eliminates all rivets in it's construction, and utilizes more modern milling and welding techniques. The frame of the aircraft is like a whole new fighter that has the same shape as the 29. This is why the fuel capacity is much greater and it's service life vastly improved.

    • @justforever96
      @justforever96 2 роки тому +9

      So pretty much like an F-18C vs an F-18F? Only in this case it actually fits in the same dimensions.

    • @breakink9396
      @breakink9396 2 роки тому +5

      Even f35/f22 have rivets alike. But they go through a tedious process of covering them with putty on every single bold and rivet to make it smooth. The Russians can do that as well but their 1 remaining prototype didn't have that job done to it

    • @TheBavaNeche
      @TheBavaNeche 2 роки тому +1

      The Tail Fins are still perpendicular and can end can be seen from a half-day away and shot down by the time it gets a quarter day from target!

    • @nexpro6118
      @nexpro6118 2 роки тому +4

      Russia is still using shitty welding work on the "Stealth" Fighter and I say Stealth, while laughing out loud. Rivets and weld spots show up very very well on radar. Just saying. And having a great fighter does not mean that the piolt is great. Russia can only afford to have its piolts fly just 1 sortie a week. Lol. So how are the piolts well trained and great? Lol look at Russia right now trying to take over Ukraine air space. Russia is having a hard time lol. Russia thought they would control air apace within the first week. Here we are a month in. Lol and it's against Ukraine lmao

    • @zackthebongripper7274
      @zackthebongripper7274 2 роки тому +8

      @@nexpro6118 We now know Russia's military is a semi-joke. My original comment was stating facts. The 35M IS a better evolved aircraft than the 29. The Fulcrum (regardless of variant) is not a stealth fighter.

  • @ProjectFlashlight612
    @ProjectFlashlight612 4 роки тому +142

    The 29 was always my favourite Russian fighter, and the 35 carries on that elegant futuristic look

    • @dangerboy1111
      @dangerboy1111 3 роки тому

      mig 29 is crappy shit brother,, itz always have technical issue,,, used poor quality products

    • @theTutenstien
      @theTutenstien 3 роки тому +5

      It has the same look because it is the same plane with better avionics and some other stuff. Russians just like to call upgraded stuff with new names

    • @sunnymitra6372
      @sunnymitra6372 2 роки тому +4

      @@dangerboy1111 That's why Mig 35s were made which eliminated most of the Problems with Mig 29s

  • @mickvonbornemann3824
    @mickvonbornemann3824 2 роки тому +25

    I like the way MiG saves millions in developing & manufacturing by using the same fuselage & cockpit canopy for both the 2 seater & the single seater. With the single seater they apparently move a lot of the avionics from inside the fuselage to inside the cockpit, thereby freeing up more room for fuel. In a sense it reminds me of the straight fighter variant of the WWII Yak 7, which uses the same fuselage & cockpit enclosure as the Yak 7 advanced fighter trainer.

  • @endutubecensorship
    @endutubecensorship 4 роки тому +710

    I appreciate that Russian designed aircraft have the consideration of unprepared runways built in

    • @icecold9511
      @icecold9511 4 роки тому +56

      That usually comes at a price. Heavier landing gear mean more weight and less performance. Same issue US Navy jets have. Not saying it isn't worth it, but...

    • @johnnymigouel7228
      @johnnymigouel7228 4 роки тому +19

      Meet sweden

    • @randompheidoleminor3011
      @randompheidoleminor3011 4 роки тому +15

      Heck, they can even remotely cover the intakes when taxiing to prevent debris from getting in.

    • @aksmex2576
      @aksmex2576 4 роки тому +54

      @@icecold9511 During wartime runways ought to be damaged, and alternatives may be required.

    • @BlatentlyFakeName
      @BlatentlyFakeName 4 роки тому +8

      The UK thought about this 40 years ago with the harrier, which could land anywhere :P

  • @Glen.Danielsen
    @Glen.Danielsen 4 роки тому +192

    Typically excellent video with Sky’s outstanding and articulate narrative skills! 💛😎

    • @swaghauler8334
      @swaghauler8334 4 роки тому +9

      I give him props for not using a robot voice. I'd rather hear a human with an accent than a robot.

  • @v12kid
    @v12kid 4 роки тому +71

    Mig 29/35 are such beautiful airplanes, gorgeous lines and grace.

  • @koori3085
    @koori3085 4 роки тому +53

    Great to hear true appreciation for an airframe that isn't about weapons capacity and delivery, but just beautiful aircraft! Thank you sir.

    • @nexpro6118
      @nexpro6118 2 роки тому +2

      It definitely is a Great Air Show Jet

  • @rosszografov614
    @rosszografov614 4 роки тому +23

    This is the best looking military aircraft of all time. A big statement. But fully deserved. It looks great in flight and on the ground. Almost too precious to put in battle.
    But of course it's not just a great looker, its look is hidding a dominant beast of the skies.
    There should be awards for best looking aircraft. Russians will get all the top ten medals!!

  • @thantzweaung9080
    @thantzweaung9080 4 роки тому +366

    MiG-29/35, the fighter jet equivalent of the girl you had a crush in middle school who grew up to become a fashion model. Cute, sexy & wholesome.

    • @arthurbutler2736
      @arthurbutler2736 4 роки тому +21

      yes! i agree.. that girl that was average then later in life you meet her again and she is super hot!

    • @nickbreen287
      @nickbreen287 4 роки тому +17

      Except shes 6.5 tons heavier... wing loading up but aerodynamics and engine thrust remains the same. Shes not as good on the dance floor as she used to be.

    • @bigshow196
      @bigshow196 4 роки тому +26

      @@nickbreen287 and thats when vectored thrust comes in XD make that big girl dance like a ballerina

    • @deadwing7051
      @deadwing7051 4 роки тому +4

      @@nickbreen287 Given the MiG-29s rather underwhelming fuel load it is not a surprise that they would sacrifice T/W ratio for extra fuel (besides, some of that fuel will be burnt while the 35 gets on station). One of the main (and also most obvious) upgrades to the MiG-29, the MiG-29SMT, is its fuel capacity. This is in-part due to the mission requirements for the VKS having changed along the way.

    • @gelinrefira
      @gelinrefira 4 роки тому +9

      @@nickbreen287 That 6.5 tons filled up all the right places.

  • @davewitter6565
    @davewitter6565 4 роки тому +137

    Beautiful airplane, impressive performance.

    • @Dailymailnewz
      @Dailymailnewz 3 роки тому +4

      Mig 35 is one of the best jets because:" The price is too good". There is no way, that the french aircraft that cost too much can compete with two Mig 35-not possible. The biggest down fall for the Rafael is that it is too expensive and you can buy two Mig 35 which will easily out do a Rafael no matter how good it is. Not only that , it is easy to repair, cheap to repair, easy to operate and also cheap to buy and can fight off or even down a Rafael. Even J17 can also down a Rafael. Thus the Indian wanted a plane but got the worse deal possible. That just wanted a change and got robbed by the french ha ha. None the less RAFAEL is not a bad deal but compare to Mig 35 it is...

  • @kelvinanarchy9974
    @kelvinanarchy9974 4 роки тому +81

    As just for the look 'MiG nd Sukoi' are the most "beautiful nd sexy" looking fighters jet in the whole world.

    • @enricodallerice2624
      @enricodallerice2624 4 роки тому +2

      After the F-14 of course!!

    • @jiteshasman2315
      @jiteshasman2315 4 роки тому +2

      Fulcrum. It sounds gorgeous... Like there's a thick brunette on your 6 doing her lipstick

    • @frederik3313
      @frederik3313 3 роки тому +2

      @edward Curl They are beautiful and they win dogfights at same time.

    • @faridmostafaie9401
      @faridmostafaie9401 3 роки тому

      @@enricodallerice2624 I prefer Raptor

  • @solarfinder
    @solarfinder 2 роки тому +8

    I love the details are immaculate where it counts, and towards the rear, it's all business where design disciplines aren't as important. I love designers from each country, their design emphasis, and approaches. Beautiful aircraft

  • @erichkaufmann5284
    @erichkaufmann5284 4 роки тому +35

    My favourite jets are MiG-29 and F-15. This looks amazing, since I’m very into the MiG-29.

    • @wisam9928
      @wisam9928 3 роки тому

      /5مقاتلات جوا وتغط والمصانع له دور قرب المركز* اخذت الأهداف القذرة ودمر

  • @apexmoto9610
    @apexmoto9610 4 роки тому +52

    I think the MiG-35 is a superb aircraft. This jet can also be fitted with the RD-33OVT engines as in the MiG-29M, giving it all-aspect thrust vectoring. The astonishing performance capabilities can be seen in the MiG-29OVT demonstrator.

    • @Coyote27981
      @Coyote27981 Рік тому +2

      Does this engine smoke like the old MiG 29s?

    • @abdelhamidchitti7517
      @abdelhamidchitti7517 Рік тому

      Its a magnifique aircraft interceptor attack and reconaissance

    • @Slaktrax
      @Slaktrax 4 місяці тому

      @@Coyote27981 And like the old American jets and he B-52's? No all modern Russian engines burn as cleanly as anything the west has got.

  • @palomino73
    @palomino73 4 роки тому +158

    The Mig-29 and 35 respectively are one of the few fighter jets which look even better in their two-seater variants.
    One other that comes to mind would be the Northrop F-5 E Tiger.

    • @AllThingsCubey
      @AllThingsCubey 4 роки тому +15

      Su-30SM looks better than the single seat Su-27 family designs, imo. I also think twin seat Super Hornets look better than single.

    • @VNNZTC
      @VNNZTC 4 роки тому +5

      100% agree with you...Not many jets can make the transition to 2 seats and still keep the lines that made them beautiful...I especially like the T-38...

    • @frankdukes3253
      @frankdukes3253 4 роки тому +1

      The MIG-35 is a two seat jet. Or the second seat can be taken out and a fuel tank be placed in for longer ranges. At least, this is the case for the export versions that have been shown off.

    • @wouterverckens443
      @wouterverckens443 4 роки тому +1

      F-101 voodoo

    • @m.salleh5919
      @m.salleh5919 4 роки тому +2

      Agreed. F5Es are sexy aircrafts. A shame Northrop didn't have the guts to aggressively market these in Asia and South America.

  • @friendlychemist5587
    @friendlychemist5587 3 роки тому +18

    Mig/Sukhoi...2 giant names representing Russia in military aviation industry. They are an artist in creating 'beauties' dancing in the air. Sleek aero dynamic fuselage adds to their masterpiece of designing a sexy yet deadly combat aircraft. Thrust vector control says it all to the world to witness it. Pugachev cobra manuever......and i'm proud that my country makes a right decision to purchase Mig 35 from Russia as the latest inventory in our airforce multirole combat aircraft fleet. Salute from Malaysia...

    • @yan2503
      @yan2503 2 роки тому +1

      Bila pulak Malaysia nak beli Mig-35? Nanti hilang lagi enjin..

    • @friendlychemist5587
      @friendlychemist5587 2 роки тому

      @@yan2503 x jadi..hari tu ura² nk beli.

  • @wanjevi
    @wanjevi 4 роки тому +3

    One of the best mig29/35 reviews I have ever come across

  • @pimpinaintdeadho
    @pimpinaintdeadho 3 роки тому +3

    Great video as always. Thanks for the upload!

  • @christopherpeninger324
    @christopherpeninger324 4 роки тому +41

    I was able to view a Mig-29 and an Su-27 up close at an Air Show at Paine Field in the early 90's. Beautiful examples of Russian Engineering. Awesome, demonstrations of both aircraft. It gave me an appreciation for both aircraft and their differences. I always knew that the Mig-29 had potential.

    • @brianjob3018
      @brianjob3018 2 роки тому +1

      1. Yep, Paine in Everett! IMO, best annual airshow in the NW. Saw the Blackbird there in the 80s. Because of procrastination I missed the fly-out with over-the-field passes the next day, remembering that while still driving there saw only its final departure.
      2. Wonder what Boeing is making now in the old 747 plant?

  • @johnparrish9215
    @johnparrish9215 4 роки тому +1160

    The only thing wrong with the MIG-35 is that Sukhoi exists.

    • @evanopos5
      @evanopos5 4 роки тому +86

      @Uncle Joe yet those forces either don't have the money, so they buy used mig29s. or chose the f16/f18s or Gripens. that's what hampered the sales of these jet. not to forget the maintenance cost is higher than their single engine rivals (f16, gripen)

    • @thelittlestmig3394
      @thelittlestmig3394 4 роки тому +93

      Only thing wrong with F-16 is that F-15 exists.
      Mig's offering is more affordable option to Suhoi's Flankers. Why acquire unnecessary and excessive capability when there are cheaper alternatives that allow you to get more airframes and maintain more flight hours for the budget available? Often cheaper and more numerous jet is able to fulfill it's task better than fewer, better jets.

    • @johnparrish9215
      @johnparrish9215 4 роки тому +41

      @@thelittlestmig3394 You might want to check your prices, the Mig35 and SU35 are fairly close together. People like to quote the Mig35 base model price but if they are optioned the same, they are pretty close.
      Oh, my original post, that was a quote from a Russian defense official that I stole.

    • @altergreenhorn
      @altergreenhorn 4 роки тому +17

      Actually Sukhoi is more for Russians and Mig are more for export.

    • @xmeda
      @xmeda 4 роки тому +56

      Su 27-35 family is designed for long range and these are significantly larger planes with max take off weight around 34 tons (!). MiG 29-35 family is designed for frontal aviation and shorter ranges. Smaller and lighter planes.
      And other thing is, that it is not good idea to rely only on one producer of fighter planes when you are such a large and powrful country like Russia.

  • @jacobzimmermann59
    @jacobzimmermann59 4 роки тому +5

    Any day with a new Sky video is a great day.

  • @waqarsyed6641
    @waqarsyed6641 4 роки тому +13

    Love the MIG.and SUKHOI.

  • @moistmike4150
    @moistmike4150 3 роки тому +17

    Always loved the Mig-29. Such beautiful lines, yet a total beast in combat (when handled by a competent pilot).

  • @andrewscott8892
    @andrewscott8892 4 роки тому +228

    We seem to underestimate Russian jets, especially their ability to use unprepared shit runways

    • @Ethan-vj5mt
      @Ethan-vj5mt 4 роки тому +21

      You gotta land somewhere in Siberia sometimes

    • @polentusmax6100
      @polentusmax6100 4 роки тому +8

      Mig 29 was made for shitty runaways, flanker and the mig 35, not so much.
      The low mounted engines with short intakes of both designs inject a lot more dust than a conventional design, every particle that the front wheel throw up can enter the engine easier than on a f15/mig21/f35...etc
      Its great for high angle of attack, because retain pressure, but sucks for landing, i believe both jets have a grill or something to fix the issue.

    • @hp2084
      @hp2084 4 роки тому +16

      @@polentusmax6100 Migs have bypass doors so when landing the main intake closes which has grills and rest of the air is sucked from the top of the LERX, in Sukhois there is a specially large mesh grill which closes the intake when landing. Also, both planes have special FOD deflectors on the nose gear which does not allow very large rocks to bounce off into the intakes.

    • @polentusmax6100
      @polentusmax6100 4 роки тому +3

      @@hp2084 both grill and mesh cant deflect all small dust that enter those engines, so they are not good or suitable for a unprepared airfield or higway.
      Mig 29 have intake above the wing, that is what you need for a shitty road. Mig 21, for example, have a long intake, so the dust from the front wheel dont enter the engine. Flanker always had that grill and was not supose to land on a shitty runaway because it have range to not need that.

    • @RePlayBoy101
      @RePlayBoy101 4 роки тому +3

      well russia has alot of wilderness landing strips becouse most of russia is just forrests, fields and show .... kilometers away from civilization

  • @PpAirO5
    @PpAirO5 4 роки тому +61

    The Mikoyan MiG-29 was probably my first love, when it comes to aircrafts. It is probably the reason why i got interested in "The airforce".
    The Mikoyan MiG-35D is today one of my favourite aircrafts.

    • @johnadamski9913
      @johnadamski9913 4 роки тому +5

      The Mig-29 when introduced, it stunned and even unnerved American analysts.

    • @gregianyan5174
      @gregianyan5174 4 роки тому +1

      Mikoyan Mig-29 is like a dancing queen in the sky!

    • @MMGtheSERBIANqyqypoa
      @MMGtheSERBIANqyqypoa 3 роки тому

      @@johnadamski9913 usa military in ft hood texas concentration camps is torturing Orthodox Christians refugees

    • @MrRaulstrnad
      @MrRaulstrnad 3 роки тому

      @@johnadamski9913 it was overated, it was a good plane but the sukhoi 27 was the real stunner nevertheless the su 27 it was ignored by western analysts because the tradition was that the mig would go out to meet western jets in aerial combat and the sukhoi would stay home

    • @Lokmannr1
      @Lokmannr1 3 роки тому

      Is it as capable as advertised?? What about the cost maintenance n flight cost, not counting availability of spares, I believe the Mig 35 is built robust as most Russian planes and equipments, not as super sensitive as the US products, my 5 ¢ worth of opinion ( use to be 2¢, but due to inflation, got no choice), heeee3

  • @AK-ky3ou
    @AK-ky3ou 4 роки тому +8

    Sickest & sexiest 4+ gen fighter out there!

  • @tomtom2457
    @tomtom2457 4 роки тому +8

    thank you for the fair promotion -- just facts it is great

  • @johnbodman4504
    @johnbodman4504 3 роки тому +1

    Excellent program with plenty of information. I have very bad hearing but I heard every word, so I will follow this channel.

  • @augusth2212
    @augusth2212 4 роки тому +68

    MiG 35 and Sukhoi 35 is competitor in Military Sales. But i love all Russian Fighter Jet, it's beautiful design.
    From Indonesia 🇮🇩

    • @IndoAtheist
      @IndoAtheist 4 роки тому +2

      As indonesia AF procurement of 11 SU-35 got problem because US is imposing CAATSA to indonesian govt

    • @dieguitolabanch.1191
      @dieguitolabanch.1191 4 роки тому

      Definitivamente man

    • @budisoemantri2303
      @budisoemantri2303 4 роки тому

      @Octavius Aurelius ??

    • @augusth2212
      @augusth2212 4 роки тому +4

      @Octavius Aurelius are you sick man? Please go to nearest doctor

  • @jorgemarujo9120
    @jorgemarujo9120 4 роки тому +12

    The quality of your videos is absolutely stunning. Very professional. Keep going like that.

  • @tanzanos
    @tanzanos 4 роки тому +7

    I always enjoy your unbiased videos.

  • @jeffcamp481
    @jeffcamp481 2 роки тому +4

    As an American I love our designs, but must say the Russians have made some beautiful aircraft and impressive as well! As another individual said,”it would be a boring world without Russian aircraft”, I must agree.

  • @404notfound.....
    @404notfound..... 4 роки тому +2

    This is one of the most well prepared documents on Russian military aircraft. Both the mig 35 and the SU27 are more than capable aircraft. Thank you for this amazing documentary.

  • @flyerkiller5073
    @flyerkiller5073 4 роки тому +286

    I think, the MiG-29 and MiG-35 is similar as the Hornet and Super Hornet

    • @j4cko56
      @j4cko56 4 роки тому +23

      Sort of, the Super Hornet is actually bigger than the Hornet, but I guess it's a similar kind of thing...

    • @augusth2212
      @augusth2212 4 роки тому


    • @edcox1630
      @edcox1630 4 роки тому +12

      @Uncle Joe ......Amen! The F-35 is way overpriced!

    • @laracroft938
      @laracroft938 4 роки тому +10

      @@edcox1630 then why does it have 3200 orders?

    • @DrGreenThumbNZL
      @DrGreenThumbNZL 4 роки тому

      @Uncle Joe LOL were still waiting for Super Hercs

  • @rexmundi3108
    @rexmundi3108 4 роки тому +175

    There may be better aircraft, but none more beautiful.

    • @johno9507
      @johno9507 4 роки тому +17

      Except the SU-35

    • @alfepalfe
      @alfepalfe 4 роки тому +4

      J35 draken, blackbird, vampire or viggen

    • @piotrd.4850
      @piotrd.4850 4 роки тому +4

      Well... MiG-35 is better than original variants, but got bit.... buffier. Fluffier. Not exactly obese like F-35 in comparision to F-16 but definitely chubby.

    • @moveaxebx
      @moveaxebx 4 роки тому +3

      su35 is better looking imo

    • @shutupnavikrant
      @shutupnavikrant 4 роки тому +6

      I think dassault rafale is the most beautiful

  • @IsaiahTrujillo_1
    @IsaiahTrujillo_1 4 роки тому +45

    Love the look of Russian aircraft much love from US of A

    • @skizzik121
      @skizzik121 4 роки тому +3

      Agreed, but if Black Widow had been picked over Raptor I think that is the sexiest aircraft created in a long while.

  • @NeilArmweak550
    @NeilArmweak550 3 роки тому

    This channel is honestly a good binge on aviation documentary

  • @tomvera10
    @tomvera10 2 роки тому +5

    Mig ! The Legend lives on ! 🇷🇺✌️👍🖖

  • @dieuluimeme9996
    @dieuluimeme9996 4 роки тому +3

    a legend who is already 13 years old, and still not a single copy sold!

  • @amoghavarshamurthy
    @amoghavarshamurthy 4 роки тому +15

    Very balanced and useful review. I appreciate the fact that you mentioned the reliability issues earlier and the focus on improving the same.
    One of the advantages the Rafale has is the increased availability and serviceability and very short turn around times between sorties. Mikoyan should focus on these aspects

  • @NWIE76
    @NWIE76 4 роки тому +4

    Great video bro. Nice aircraft that new Mig 35!

  • @leslieferrao269
    @leslieferrao269 4 роки тому +9

    The problem with the MiGs in the Indian Air Force is Reliability and Spare Parts availability.......The need of the hour is more Supply Chain consistency if there is to be serious market for the MiGs in Asia.

  • @wanjevi
    @wanjevi 4 роки тому

    Thr best Mig35 documentary out there

  • @irreversiblyhuman
    @irreversiblyhuman 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you for your efforts! Your videos are always positive and interesting. спасибо!

  • @mimimimeow
    @mimimimeow 4 роки тому +44

    MiG-35 was offered to Malaysia but their air force quickly turned it down. They had bad experiences with Mikoyan aftersales service of their MiG-29Ns, a stark contrast to their Irkut Su-30MKMs. None of their MiGs fly now, but their Hornets which were bought around the same time still rocks on today, even will receive AESA upgrades soon.
    Mikoyan really have to step up their sales support game if they really wanna capture the saturated multirole market.

    • @izzad777
      @izzad777 4 роки тому +3

      Funny thing is, Malaysia was seriously considering Rafale instead. It was only political turmoil that stopped Malaysia from getting Rafale.

    • @mimimimeow
      @mimimimeow 4 роки тому +7

      @@izzad777 actually the Rafale case is similar to this one.. lots of political lobbying in the government, while in fact all RMAF wanted since 2009 was the Super Hornet. now that Hornets get AESA upgrades, there is no need to buy new Super Hornets, so they are now more interested in second hand Kuwaiti legacy Hornets which will be replaced by Super Hornets soon.

    • @northernchaotic7196
      @northernchaotic7196 4 роки тому +12

      I think they were pissed because they realized that Russia had simply used Old airframes and tried to sell them as New. It was a really embarrassing situation for them.

    • @piotrd.4850
      @piotrd.4850 4 роки тому +3

      @@northernchaotic7196 Russians tried the same in Syria. These were ... well, unused airframes, just never put together and flown and manufactured long time ago.

    • @piotrd.4850
      @piotrd.4850 4 роки тому

      @@mimimimeow SuperHornet bl. III though would be... well... quite perspective nation.

  • @fuzzylogic5507
    @fuzzylogic5507 4 роки тому +6

    The MIG-35 is an affordable option for countries who does not have enough financial resources to buy a expensive combat plane such the SU-30/35 or even a 5th generation one. Also the MIG-35 comes with capabilities like the advanced avionic, and guided weapons, putting it to the same level like the rafale, the grippen, the F-18 and so on

    • @aleksandarstix3097
      @aleksandarstix3097 3 роки тому

      Mig35 je vrhunski avion , zapadni avioni preskupi a los kvalitet

  • @butterballin3686
    @butterballin3686 3 роки тому +3

    Aight not gonna lie the Mig-35 is absolutely badass. As an American, you Russians certainly know how to build cool planes! The F-22, F-15, and Mig-35 are my favorite planes.

    • @stranics27
      @stranics27 3 роки тому +1

      Я как русский скажу - пусть наши истребители никогда не встретятся в бою!

    • @butterballin3686
      @butterballin3686 2 роки тому +2

      @@stranics27 Hopefully our planes can meet as allies one day. 🇺🇸 🇷🇺

    • @stranics27
      @stranics27 2 роки тому +1

      @@butterballin3686 👍🤝😊

  • @johnwayne2103
    @johnwayne2103 4 роки тому +2

    As an American and someone who loves planes I was immediately in love when I first saw the Mig-29. I am still in love with that plane.
    The Spitfire
    F4U Corsair
    OV10 Bronco
    F-20 TigerShark
    Sabb 35 Draken
    I love them all but that is my favorite list.

    • @JAnderson-xo4go
      @JAnderson-xo4go 4 роки тому

      Great list! I`d add Mosquito and Hawker Tempest personally but great list nonetheless

    • @abc-eq9so
      @abc-eq9so 4 роки тому +1

      As a non American and who grew up watching MIG 29 taking of near my house I must admit that F-14 Tomcat is the sexiet plane ever built.

    • @kevino.7348
      @kevino.7348 4 роки тому

      No F15?

    • @frost8077
      @frost8077 3 роки тому

      Not a bad list. I never gave the F-5 family much attention until this week, and began to see the beauty of them. The XL is also my favorite F-16. My favorite was the F-14 but now it is the JAS-39. Other favorites include the P-39, A-10, F-22, Su-57, Fw-190, and Me-262.

    • @breakink9396
      @breakink9396 2 роки тому

      @@abc-eq9so Tomcat is nice. The thing I like best about it is the split engines. Just looks bad ass on an f

  • @JHamilton791
    @JHamilton791 4 роки тому +8

    Great video and channel! I hope to see a Fulcrum and a Flanker in person one day. On friendly terms of course!

    • @klausbuchholz2787
      @klausbuchholz2787 4 роки тому +1

      come to berlin /germany airshow all fighterjets there ,its about 30 euro entrance one day greets klaus from berlin

  • @KristianHerdi
    @KristianHerdi 4 роки тому +40

    It is probably the replacement airplane of the aging M-29 of the Serbian Air Force.

    • @evanopos5
      @evanopos5 4 роки тому +1

      They've just acquired a plenty of mig-29 from Russia and Belarus several years ago. I don't think they will acquire the mig-35 for now

    • @russiandispenser8482
      @russiandispenser8482 4 роки тому +1

      @@evanopos5 For now we wont, but it 2 to 3 years we will need new aircraft, and it would be either this or Su-27 or Su-35.

    • @baklava6138
      @baklava6138 4 роки тому +2

      Serbia has an Air Force?

    • @zaksaddendum1121
      @zaksaddendum1121 4 роки тому +2

      @@baklava6138 They do but it is very small and poorly maintained after NATO obliterated it in the 1999 war. They are slowly trying to build up tho

    • @zaksaddendum1121
      @zaksaddendum1121 4 роки тому +4

      @@russiandispenser8482 That's not true. Serbia does not have the economic means or the need to buy Su-27 or 35. planes. By 2021 Serbia will have a total of 14 Mig 29 aircraft. 11 of SMT standard and 3 Mig 29 UB trainers. Vast majority of these aircraft were effectively purchased as a "free donation" from Russia & Belarus with Serbia only paying for the refurbishment and modernisation of said aircraft.
      Further more these Mig's that Serbia will have in it's inventory by 2021 are expected to last until 2030. So don't expect them to buy anymore modern interceptors soon unless they somehow experience an economic boom of epic proportions. Also Serbia is a small country and 11 Mig-29SMT fighters are enough to be used in an air policing role especially when backed up by half a dozen or so J-22 fighter jets.
      Realistically speaking if Serbia would look to beef up it's Air force fleet to accommodate their Mig 29s then they are better off at trying to purchase Chinese F-7 (Mig-21 variant) that have been produced until 2013 latest. It's based on an old model but comes with newish air-frame, near modern tech and ability to use sophisticated air to air weapons such as the magic.

  • @airtexaco
    @airtexaco 3 роки тому +4

    I think it’s a beautiful update. You can see it in the fuselage forward of the wing. Love those clean Russian lines.

  • @MatterFlight
    @MatterFlight 4 роки тому +1

    Very enjoyable channel. No chest thumping and informative. +1

  • @LuqmanHM
    @LuqmanHM 4 роки тому +5

    Yes Mig 29 us expensive to maintain. In Malaysia they were stationed closed to the sea which take a toll to its structure. Components failed many times even earlier than they should. So availability is also reduced. Hence why Malaysia retired it even with just 2000+ hours of 4000 hours of flying time. This is also why Malaysia hesitate to buy Mig-35 back then and even now.

  • @Tom-Lahaye
    @Tom-Lahaye 4 роки тому +13

    A good and honest review as always, pointing out not only the good but also the bad things.
    But surely a handsome plane in the league of many of the latest non stealth multi role aircraft in the market, and surely there is need for such aircraft.
    Why is it that the US do have many more of the latest versions of the F-16 in their ranks than F-22 and F-35, it's affordable firepower.

  • @nicolaskloster121
    @nicolaskloster121 4 роки тому +9

    You´ve missed that in the international market is great for countries with low or middle budget. Middle east, south america, south east Asia...And thats plenty of opportunities.

    • @richardschenk4058
      @richardschenk4058 4 роки тому

      Nicolas Kloster Theoretically. But if you buy Russian fighter jets, you often do not have access to American and European equipment any more.

    • @williamkillingsworth2619
      @williamkillingsworth2619 4 роки тому

      Issue with that is the 29 didn’t do very well in actual use. Kosvo, Iraq.

    • @novakovicN
      @novakovicN 4 роки тому

      @@williamkillingsworth2619 MiG 29 was bad in kosovo because it wasnt maintained properly for years

    • @KemetEG
      @KemetEG 4 роки тому

      Middle east !! Middle East is N1 in the world of purchasing weapons worth of billions

  • @Kirovets7011
    @Kirovets7011 4 роки тому +3

    The MiG-35 is one of my favorite fighterplanes!!😍👍👍👍❤

  • @ivymike3459
    @ivymike3459 2 роки тому

    1:24 Such beautiful lines and swan-like appearance. Never saw anything like this at air shows that I’ve been to…

  • @Rubashow
    @Rubashow 2 роки тому +1

    I'm sure the events of the last weeks have the world scrambling to buy those.

  • @EquatorialRagnar
    @EquatorialRagnar 4 роки тому +3

    Fulcrum will always be the best jet design 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

  • @peterrobertson5559
    @peterrobertson5559 4 роки тому +3

    I love the sleek lines of the Mig 35, it seems a very capable aircraft the equal of any western one.

    • @esteroliveira2916
      @esteroliveira2916 4 роки тому

      waiting they do a mini aircraft with the same Power! they can do!?🙁.. perhaps!🙁...

  • @samsatherland934
    @samsatherland934 4 роки тому +3

    Goddess of the sky!!!
    I'm in love with it!!!

  • @pakistanifoods
    @pakistanifoods 4 роки тому +1

    Superb Video Fully Informative Thanks For sharing

  • @jimmyjoeh2o
    @jimmyjoeh2o 4 роки тому +1

    Great videos as per usual.

  • @gh-yf4go
    @gh-yf4go 4 роки тому +4

    Mig 35 + Digital camo = the most beautiful fighter jet

  • @philglobalnomad
    @philglobalnomad 4 роки тому +3

    I actually do like the Mig 35, but allot of western nations cannot buy it as they are aligned to NATO or the USA, but it is a very good fighter/Bomber jet, well designed a lot of thought went into it

  • @Giorgiamelonitiamo
    @Giorgiamelonitiamo 4 роки тому +7

    thanks sky, this aircraft i was really waiting for, but i have to admit i am more retro, i love the MiG-29M more than the MiG-35

    • @m.salleh5919
      @m.salleh5919 4 роки тому +2

      The Royal Malaysian Air Force used to fly these Mig29s but it proved heavy on maintenance. A pilot flying them hated the smokey engines. Perhaps Mikoyan Bureau can retrofit their Migs with American F404 engines. They proved trouble-free in Malaysian service.

  • @ichheieferit
    @ichheieferit 3 роки тому

    "The aircraft got quite buff" yeah.. it hit the gym.

  • @sirdamianmental
    @sirdamianmental 4 роки тому +1

    Got To love those old school cold war retro jets amazing 1980s technology

  • @maxi4492
    @maxi4492 4 роки тому +7

    That grey, cyan livery is just too cool!

  • @architsharma6524
    @architsharma6524 4 роки тому +6

    MMRCA 2 MIG 35 is one of the leading contender

  • @vazza7504
    @vazza7504 4 роки тому +9

    Stunning combat aircraft. Thanks for great video, concise and to the point facts. :-)

  • @sushanalone
    @sushanalone 2 роки тому

    Humanity has always shown a fascinating and spectacular talent for creating instruments of beauty to destroy each other!

  • @armadillotoe
    @armadillotoe 4 роки тому +1

    Beautiful aircraft. It is amazing how beauty and lethality can coexist in one object.

  • @Alromeo33
    @Alromeo33 4 роки тому +4

    If I was shopping for a new fighter jet, this guy's pitch would have made me buy the MiG 35 immediately.

  • @ThaFunkster100
    @ThaFunkster100 4 роки тому +6

    Good video and I love your Russian accent. Subscribed.

  • @ausintune9014
    @ausintune9014 4 роки тому +31

    i miss the single seat mig-29 :(

    • @geraldboykin6159
      @geraldboykin6159 4 роки тому +1

      Two (2) cock pit heads better than one. Wartime strategy axiom!

    • @Su-57M-u4c
      @Su-57M-u4c 4 роки тому

      MIG29M2 is advanced in single seat MIG-29

    • @antongazaryan2532
      @antongazaryan2532 4 роки тому +1

      @@geraldboykin6159 waste of space, waste of money, risk to loose 2 pilots instead of one.

    • @polentusmax6100
      @polentusmax6100 4 роки тому

      @@antongazaryan2532 just 1 is a pilot

    • @antongazaryan2532
      @antongazaryan2532 4 роки тому

      polentusmax and his mother in law )

  • @zillabeast
    @zillabeast 3 роки тому

    Great video dude. Very enlightening.

  • @ducovanbuuren
    @ducovanbuuren 4 роки тому +1

    Isn’t that a flanker at 1:31, not a fulcrum?

  • @ilovegod1870
    @ilovegod1870 4 роки тому +3

    Thats a great video! Thank you for narrating it and no stupid robot voice. Are you planning on making a video on the Su-35?

  • @stevenross-watt8640
    @stevenross-watt8640 4 роки тому +3

    Question. When flight time increased from 2500 hours to 6000 hours, what does this mean? Is the air frame scrap after this time or does it need major overhaul or? Thanks.

    • @shaunnaude5190
      @shaunnaude5190 3 роки тому

      It needs structural overhaul but can sometimes be scrapped depending on the amount of work and availability of parts etc

    • @zirkon-jq8tn
      @zirkon-jq8tn 2 роки тому

      Der Eurofighter ist bei 2500 h 😆

  • @indja69
    @indja69 4 роки тому +4

    That's some fine MIG 35 on 1:26 :)

    • @mauropoletto5113
      @mauropoletto5113 3 роки тому

      I had to pause the video in order to check the full specifications

  • @ivanisailovic5893
    @ivanisailovic5893 2 роки тому +1

    The best 4+ aircraft in the world..!! And the most beautiful for me

  • @robbyowen9107
    @robbyowen9107 3 роки тому

    Thanks Sky!

  • @henrygeorge6388
    @henrygeorge6388 4 роки тому +5

    Great TECHNOLOGY FROM the Mother Land RUSSIA.... more Blessings Amen

  • @vonschleppin
    @vonschleppin 3 роки тому +3

    Great video! The 35 is what the 29 was meant to be. I wish they kept it as Mig29 instead of changing it to Mig35.

    • @frost8077
      @frost8077 3 роки тому +1

      Russian jet name numbering was making me angry today when I was looking at how many jets have three different names for the same model. Although this has been done before in American jets, but to a much lesser extent, like the T-38/F-5/F-20 and F4D/F5D/F-6.

  • @29Mucker
    @29Mucker 4 роки тому +4


  • @ashikurrahman1863
    @ashikurrahman1863 3 роки тому

    I will buy it tomorrow , thanks fot the review

  • @stefantrajkovic7157
    @stefantrajkovic7157 2 роки тому +2

    Few years ago the were talks that Serbia could buy some of these thus renewing it’s fleet of 29s. I think it’s a perfect choice for countries with limited budged.

  • @jeanpierrelaolou5490
    @jeanpierrelaolou5490 Рік тому +3

    The MIG 35 is further proof of the irrationality of the Russian industrial military complex. Russia no longer has the means to develop programs that are partly redundant such as the MIG 35 / SU 35.
    When we see the different types of combat aircraft in service with the Russian army (SU 25, 30, 34, 35) (MiG 29, 31,35) (TU 22M, 95, 160), we understand that for a country which has a military budget of 1/10 of that of the USA, there is undoubtedly some sorting to be done.
    The MiG 35 is one of them.

  • @DS-pk4eh
    @DS-pk4eh 4 роки тому +4

    While it is beautiful fighter, if I was choosing ones for some a small country, would go for Gripen NG. They are now building them in both Sweden and Brazil.
    Their information system is very high tech, and this is what wins the battles these days. Right information in the right moment is the most crucial asset and advantage you can have.

    • @DM-cd6jj
      @DM-cd6jj 4 роки тому

      It's much more expensive then a Mig 35 for a small country.

  • @arleth1475
    @arleth1475 4 роки тому +3

    This entire video is dedicated to me.

  • @sedethanyii4250
    @sedethanyii4250 Рік тому

    The most majestic looking fighter plane ever.

  • @Ivankrivokuca8185
    @Ivankrivokuca8185 2 роки тому

    Great video! 👌

  • @ЗокиРабаџија
    @ЗокиРабаџија 2 роки тому +5

    India has probably miscalculated in terms of the MiG 35: it missed the historic chance to have an excellent tactical multirole fighter of the 4 ++ generation, economically speaking in a 2:1 ratio compared to the Rafale...

    • @jfiyibclfjvqdcx6426
      @jfiyibclfjvqdcx6426 2 роки тому

      We already have tons of Russian jets brother..we thank u for it..But we should be looking for some American jets too..like F18 super hornet

    • @aramisone7198
      @aramisone7198 2 роки тому

      India was presented with the first Mig35 so it had many problems it was later Russia made it good.
      But its strange that Russian jets don't have AESA radar except SU57 , Mig 35 can have it they say buy the Russian air force did not order Mig35 with AESA but another radar.They have to make smokeless engines and better BVR missiles. The R77 does not have an AESA radar seeker like Pl15 or Meteor.

  • @yaronk1069
    @yaronk1069 4 роки тому +8

    Love your channel.
    As for the Mig-35 it's too little too late Sukhoi Su-27 family are still the best value fighters.

    • @zirkon-jq8tn
      @zirkon-jq8tn 2 роки тому

      Nur wenn man an stealth glaubt😆

  • @gooner72
    @gooner72 3 роки тому +7

    I love the Russian designed 4th and 4th+ and ++ Gen fighters and multi role aircraft, they're fantastically designed and engineered and are a decent match for their Western opponents. What sets Russian designed aircraft apart from their Western peers is the fact that they always end up being much much cheaper. Is it because they're inferior? Is it because they aren't full of technology? No, not at all...... it's the fact that the Mig 29 and it's upgraded version the Mig 35.... and the SU-27 and it's later variants are just that....... updates of already fine and capable aircraft. This is a very clever and very cost effective way to introduce top quality, technologically advanced, beautiful multi role aircraft whereas the West, where I come from, goes all in on brand new designs of aircraft that cost an absolute arm and a leg to research, design, build, test, evaluate and introduce. If you're looking at cost effectiveness for the taxpayer and quality, then which way is right answer? I'm not sure to be honest but what I can say is that Russia constantly put out phenomenal combat aircraft at a fraction of the cost of our projects, which for the Russian taxpayer at least, is value for money.

    • @zirkon-jq8tn
      @zirkon-jq8tn 2 роки тому

      Ebenso durch die verschiedene Kaufkraftparität 1: 3,5- 4

  • @sachinturalkar11
    @sachinturalkar11 Рік тому

    Nice video on the MIG 35, also at
    8:25 what plan model is that?

  • @naes6843
    @naes6843 3 роки тому

    Hey Sky, I love your reports, and great point that we’re all suffering a bit now days as well. Dave In Phoenix Arizona