(1) For the PROTESTANTS in the comment wanting a more detailed explanation of the Catholic doctrine of justification, here it is, because we certainly do not believe that we are saved by our own efforts (i.e. Pelagianism or Semi-Pelagianism, which the Church has always condemned as heresy). We also do not reject the phrase "faith alone," properly understood, as many Catholic writers have actually used this: St. Thomas Aquinas, wrote, “Now dead faith does not suffice for salvation; nor is it the foundation, but living faith alone, that worketh by charity.” Another such occurrence of the phrase is in St. Bernard of Clairvaux, who tells us, “Therefore the man who through sorrow for sin hungers and thirsts for justice, let him trust in the One who changes the sinner into a just man, and, judged righteous in terms of faith alone, he will have peace with God.” Looking to the early Church, we see in St. Hilary of Poitiers, “This was forgiven by Christ through faith, because the Law could not yield, for faith alone justifies.” And even St. Basil says, “For this is perfect and pure boasting in God, when one is not proud on account of his own righteousness but knows that he is indeed unworthy of the true righteousness and has been justified solely by faith in Christ.” What we do reject is the specific Protestant theology of sola fide, which is this: that faith, as a function towards justification, achieves nothing, and that faith is merely an instrument of receiving the merits that obtain the forensic imputation of righteousness before the tribunal of God by means of Christ's exact, ontological alien righteousness. In the Protestant view, the fiducial faith that justifies is understood metaphorically as putting out an empty hand and allowing the gift of an alien righteousness drop in its palm. Unlike Protestants, we do not see faith as a mere instrument, but as a real virtue. A virtue -- this is key. We do not believe that Abraham's faith was credited to him as righteousness because he held out his hands, but because he had a firm attachment to God, an undisturbed confidence in the divine promises of grace, and a steadfast love of the Lord (a repentant, virtuous, and converting faith), as is clear in the meaning of "the just shall live by faith" (Hab. 2:4). This faith actually MERITS to be called righteousness, as St. John Chrysostom writes of Abraham, "Do you see how even before the outcome of the promises he received a commensurate reward for his very act of faith?" and St. Ambrose, "A reward was bestowed that corresponded to the test of his merit [i.e. virtue]." This requires two things: the intellect and the will. In Proverbs 17:15, it says, "He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord." Man cannot be justified if he remains in the habit of wickedness (i.e. his will is disordered), yet believes intellectually, as even the demons do (Jas. 2:19). This is summarized perfectly by St. Thomas Aquinas in his Commentary on Romans: "For a virtue is a principle of a perfect act. But an act depending on two principles cannot be perfect, if either of the principles lacks itself perfection, just as riding cannot be perfect, if the horse does not run well or the rider does not know how to guide the horse. Now the act of faith, which is to believe, depends on the intellect and on the will moving the intellect to assent. Hence, the act of faith will be perfect, if the will is perfected by the habit of charity and the intellect by the *habit of faith*, but not if the habit of charity is lacking. Consequently, faith formed by charity is a virtue; but not unformed faith." Thus the formal cause of justification is fides caritate formata (faith formed by love), which includes the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and love (1 Cor. 13:2, 12), as we can see from the scriptures: "we are justified by faith" (Rom. 5:1), "in this hope we were saved" (Rom. 8:24), and "we know we have passed out of death into life, because we love" (1 Jn. 3:14). Here is a great quote to demonstrate that charity justifies from Cardinal Cajetan: "It is intolerable that one's sin would be forgiven before charity is infused into the person forgiven... And enemy cannot be made a friend unless we have the attitude of friendship. A friend devoid of the quality of friendship would be incomprehensible, just as something white is incomprehensible without whiteness. But when the unrighteous man is made righteous through Christ, an enemy of God is transformed into a friend of God... Hence it is impossible and incomprehensible that a sinner be justified in the absence of friendship toward God. Charity is this friendship between man and God, being both man's love of friendship toward God and God's love toward man... Since friendship consists in mutual love, the forgiveness of sins takes place essentially through charity. Hence what we call righteousness of faith is identical with charity." An important note here: You can have a living faith formed by love without performing any external works. But how is faith formed by love rewarded as RIGHTEOUSNESS? To explain this simply, imagine a scale. On one side is righteousness and on the other is the virtue of faith. Faith on its own, if is it not in accordance with the will, would be an empty weight on its side of the balance, while righteousness would be a heavy weight. God, seeing your faith, comes and gives it the supernatural form needed to equal righteousness: charity (or love), which "binds everything together in perfect harmony" (Col. 3:14). This inward faith of yours is now formed as perfect virtue and equivalent to righteousness even without you having done any work to earn it. And thus we believe that no amount of works of the flesh can bring an man from his fallen state in Adam to a new creation in Christ. To quote St. Augustine, "Certainly they can say that forgiveness of sins is a grace which is given with no antecedent merits. For what good merit can sinners have? Yet even the very remission of sins is not without some merit, if faith asks and obtains it. For there is some merit even in faith, the faith by which that man said, 'Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner' and he went down justified [Lk. 18:13-14] by the merits of humble faith because he that humbles himself shall be exalted. It remains, then, that faith itself, from which all justice takes its beginnings ... is to be attributed not to the human free will which those men extol, nor to any antecedent merits, since whatever good merits there are begin in faith which we acknowledge as a gratuitous gift from God." The only way in which we can be brought from death to life is by God's grace, as in Adam "all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment" (Is. 64:6). "[God] saved us, not because of deeds done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit" (Tit. 3:5). [continued in second comment, sorry for length, but I wanted to be detailed]
@@cameronbailey9704 My father was Protestant and my mother Catholic. I was terribly confused as a child. He became Catholic and was very quiet as to why. Perhaps it was the books I found written by Joan Carol Cruz called The "Incorruptible Saints" and "Eucharistic Miracles." As a Chemist, I could see how he would understand blood and tissue found in the left ventricular portion of the heart on many occasions found in the Eucharist upon the bleeding host miracles. It is also medically inconceivable for bodies to go incorrupt for hundreds of years. St. Bernadette was buried and dug up multiple times. Upon autopsy, her liver was found as if she had never died. My father did not always agree with the politics of religious figures. Politics should not dominate religion. Unfortunately, there will always be an evil person in every career and should not exist in any church or place where peace, kindness and God reside. I do have a question for any Protestants...why do they have to call the Catholic Church when they need an exorcism?
Pray for more holy priests like Fr. Rippenger. I listened to him over and over for two years until I pulled myself out of whatever rut I was stuck in. I thank God for this and please pray my family can do the same.
@2Timothy4.1.4 It also says call No man teacher. Yet we call our father father and our teacher teacher which shows protestant bringing that up is wrong in the meaning
@@2Timothy4.1.4 You are misusing that verse. Look elsewhere in the scriptures: "For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers. For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel" (1 Corinthians 4:15), "To Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord" (1 Timothy 1:2), "You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 2:1), "I appeal to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I have become in my imprisonment" (Philemon 1:10). The point of that passage is not to say that we can never use the word father to refer to anyone but God, as that would mean that you couldn't even call your own father "father" or "dad" or anything of the like. Jesus is making it clear that nobody is to exalt any man to the place of God. He also says call no man rabbi, which means teacher. The word doctor also means teacher, so if we were to go with your interpretation we would have absolutely nothing to call our fathers, teachers, and doctors. Absurd.
@cameronbailey9704 I am truly surprised that there are at least some R.C that pick up the scriptures and not solely rely on men behind the pulpit. I don't take your slight personaly it's not an issue. The context of the scriptures I gave you should be read fully. Mathew 23..1.36 kjv And not just random verses here and there. The Lord God Jesus Christ most stinging rebuke of the scribes & pharisees. Religious men white washed tombs On the outside but inwardly full of dead men's bones. The very same ones we see in the million dollar buildings draped with indulgences and idolatry. The Church ecclesiastical isn't a stone building. It's a group of believers Born again John 3.3.7 kjv 1 corinthians 15.1.4 Ephesians 2.8.9 kjv. Happy to communicate if it works for you. Again, it's not personal. Blessing.
The substantial and transformational effects of sanctifying grace are beautifully described in Thomas McDermott's book FILLED WITH ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD, which is an inspiring read during Advent or any time
Not really. Jesus IS everything, and it is in union and total obedience to him where REAL unity is found. The present unity demanded by Pope Francis erases the need for strong and real repentance and is unity in kissing down to sin. That's the false unity of Hell.
@PInk77W1 It's easy to distort the Truth with isolated Bible verses, Protestants do it all the time. If unity was an absolute value, dark evil cults would be absolutely perfect, which is what the sinfully corrupt want.
“.. Let me first say how important it was in ecumenical dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans 20 years ago, when we reached an agreement on the Doctrine of Justification. Most people may not think of it as something very important, but it is fundamental because it goes to the very heart of the Gospel and it goes to the very heart of the controversies that separated Lutherans and Catholics in the 16th century. Many will remember that Lutherans insisted - that Luther insisted - on the fact that we are saved by the grace of Christ: in faith. Catholics (on the other hand) supposedly insisted that we had to do good works. This is the question that has always hung over the conflict between the Protestant Reformed Movement and the Catholic Church. So, fundamentally in 1999, there was this agreement between the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation that we do have the same doctrine and it basically *says this: together, we Lutherans and Catholics, confess that by grace alone in faith in Christ’s saving work, and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit who renews our hearts and makes us capable of doing good work.* So, we reached an agreement on something that was fundamental, something that caused the rift and the separation and so much conflict down the centuries…” ~ Bishop Brian Farrell, secretary of the Pontifical Council. 05 january 2021
As an Orthodox Christian, what I hear described is what we call Theosis. The main difference is that we see it more as “His Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:16) which comes through asceticism (fasting, prayer, almsgiving) and radical obedience to His commandments. What I hear from the Priest is more of a formula but, despite that, he is close to describing what we know to be the truth. Amen to that.
@@P31MinistriesToronto-tw5qc James 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
We orthodox believe that we can participate in God's created energies (grace), but do not identify with God's divine nature (uncreated). However, our earthly nature is transformed by grace through sanctification. therefore, we can become "like" Him
@@redcenturion88 The Gospel says: Repent, be baptized, get filled with the Holy Spirit and walk daily in Christ. That's God's expectation for all those that want to follow him. God has no interest in anyone's religious tag. You are either obedient to His Word, or you aren't. The only issue you should spend any time caring about is do you align perfectly with God's expectations of you. If not, fix it!
This sounds a bit like you could earn Gods love. By doing charity etc. By "wellbehaving". This very human distinction of "I love you but I don't like you so much right now" is not in God's nature. Calling Luther's belief a fraud is not the Catholic's Church task. I am forever grateful to Martin Luther recognizing what a bunch of self-serving political oppressors the Catholic clergy was at his time. He was willing to risk his life for his faith. He gave the German people the freedom of reading the Bible in their own language. As a studied translator myself, I can assure you that the process of translating theological text does something to you and certainly enhances and deepens the understanding of the topic itself. The "sola fide" Eureka moment surely was an eye-opening insight into the nature of God's teaching through Jesus. If you don't believe in Me, you will die in your sins. Death, aka eternal separation from God, is the consequence of sin. If doing charity and being a good guy would ensure me a place in heaven, why would I need the Sacraments? Jesus spoke of that young rich man who came to him, asking what should he do more than living according to the Mosaic law and doing good deeds. That man sure had no bad nor evil bone in him. But when Jesus asked him to sell his property and follow him, the young man couldn't do it. He could not believe in being with Jesus, following Jesus, believing in him would be the very thing which was asked of him. Charity? No prob. Sola fide? Uh, nopes. We cannot earn grace, there are no higher or lesser places in heaven. This is human nature to think like that. I am no Protestant but I am with Luther in my faith. I cannot redeem myself by any deeds. I am but a sinner, and all I can offer is to recognize and believe in Jesus' Sacrifice out of my free will to be with him, in his kingdom, under his reign. My free will *against* all things Evil, against choosing for a life of greed and power and selfishness is decisive. Luther was protected on so many levels by political forces and by the course of parallel historic events at his specific point in time. It certainly is no coincidence that, also in Germany, Johannes Gutenberg had just invented the method of printing by use of moveable leaden letters. This facilitated the spreading of Luther's works incredibly. So, this man surely was protected by God. It was God's will to take His word out of the prison of Greek and Latin and Hebrew language so that plain people were not subjected to the "paraphrasing" of clergy with whatever improper intentions. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus himself showed us what suffices to enter his Kingdom when he told the murderer crucified next to him "You'll be with me in paradise today". That murderer just recognized Jesus as Lord and God. Nothing more, nothing less.
My father was Prodestant and my mother Catholic. I was very confused growing up. I speak both languages, so to speak. He later became Catholic. He is a man of science, a brilliant Chemist. If you read "The Incorruptibles" and "Eucharistic Miracles," written by Joan Cruz, much scientific research has gone into the study of the incorrupt bodies of many saints. For example, St. Bernadette was buried a few times and her final autopsy revealed that her liver was found as if she had not died at all. The "Eucharist Miracles" reveals upon various occasions, separate coincidences that reveal both blood and tissue found in the left ventricular portion of the heart. Overall, out of respect, I could never ask my Protestant grandmother why they have to call in the Catholic Church for an Exorcism if the Protestants are the one true religion. No offense, I just don't understand.
If your grandmothers pastor wasn't brave enough to take on an exorcism, then maybe she should have switched churches. As someone who is non-denominational from my perspective, the RCC is a satanic counterfeit of Christianity. It needs exorcist on staff because the adoption of pagan practices has opened doors within the church. The "eucharistic miracles" might be impressive if we didn't already know that demons have supernatural power as well. The only power I don't believe Satan can counterfeit is raising anything from the dead, but everything else is up for debate. I can't understand why anyone would put their faith in an organization that slaughtered people for power. Seven centuries of Inquisition. William Tyndale was martyred for translating the bible into a language people could read for themselves. My grandmother is a direct descendant of French hugenots who were slaughtered by the Catholic church. There's debate on whether or not some of the writings of the early church fathers (prior to Constantine) were forged. The Vatican has archives that regular people are not allowed to access. What are they hiding? Why does this church have secrets? And I can't understand the Matthew 16:18 argument at all. Catholics say Peter was the first pope, how? On this rock=on this revelation. The Catholics says this verse was Jesus establishing their church, and it's not just the church body i.e. every true believer. This also doesn't make sense because if the gates of hell can't prevail against the Catholic church then explain all the atrocities that the RCC is responsible for. It effectively means Catholics in a round about way are almost arguing once saved always saved but only if you're Catholic, which means we're not worshipping a just God. I'm not saying Catholics can't be saved. I'm just pointing out things that don't make sense from my perspective.
One thing for sure. I have never heard a protestant say they are the one true religion. That is a RC and jw thing. For sure we don't have to call on the rcc to cast out a demon or heal the sick. That only requires a believer. As for Eucharistic healings they happen very frequently in our church also. As for miraculous healings, a young dumb and totally autistic child was recently healed while Mom was circling the kabba in Mecca and crying out to God. God looks at your heart.
@paulthiele3102 They don't believe in possession, but being "harassed" by bad spirits according to what I was told growing up. As Catholics, you learn that even the correct pronunciation of Latin binding prayers are efficacious in conquering bad entities.
Just the other day I heard a demons voice say to me,” you better win the race”. I heard him clear as day. I guess he was trying to incantation some sinful thought while I slept and couldn’t because God has given me the gift to watch even while sleeping and he became irate he couldn’t get into my subconscious. I pray that they choke on their own words. Amen
What the Catholic Church teaches is that, in order to impute faith to us AS righteousness, God takes our natural faith and infuses it with the supernatural virtues of faith, hope, and love (which is the form of faith), and our faith, as a virtue brought about by God's grace, actually EQUALS righteousness. External alien righteousness is foreign to Christianity before Luther.
@@cameronbailey9704 Grace is not a liquid substance. The depth of our sinful nature is so deep that our fallen eyes can scarcely see it. We cannot rely on ourselves but must cling to Christ at all times or, rather, that he holds on to us. Without His grip we shall fall off the deck.
@@douglasskinner Correct. Grace is not measured in quantities because it isn't a substance. Grace is divine favor and God allowing us to share in his own blessed life, sometimes some people in a deeper union than others. The role of grace in the Catholic view of justification is that it makes faith an actual virtue that is pleasing to God. And yes I fully agree that we are nothing without Christ.
@@cameronbailey9704 In order for something to be infused it must be either a liquid or analogous to one. Since grace is not substantial i.e., not a substance, the analogy fails and therefore it cannot be infused.
I am not a believer, far from it actually but im at complete peace with myself. My question is than for you, what does it add to my experience to believe in something? What more has god to offer than me being in love with existence? Heaven is here and not somewhere else, for i do not die. May there be peace and love among all beings 🙏❤
@Felix-gj8rg Truth, purity, deeper love, deeper meaning and resilience especially in deep long suffering, way deeper joy and the adventure of your life. Question is more : if there is an eternal and infinite being that loves me and can do everything for me, why would i stay far ? What are you missing ?
The Church is the promulgator of the life giving gospel and sacraments of Jesus Christ. Saying it must be the Church or must be Jesus that saves us is a false dichotomy... It is like saying "it's not the bible that saves you it is Jesus!" It is like saying "it is not the hospital that saves you but the doctor" A false dichotomy
Church is where faith is to be lived and without baptism there is no salvation. You cannot do the Father's will by attacking the Church. You're just trying to cause havoc. The Church doesn't save but where salvation is found.
Catholicism is like Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and Isaac Newton explaining science. Protestantism is like Terrence Howard trying to explain science.
@plaiddad276 Catholicism approved the books that were put together and became the Bible over 1000 years before any protestant, God and the Holy Spirit has been with us from the start. Jesus said the gates of hell will never prevail against my church.
@@snoopy3587 Nowhere in the Bible does it indicate that the Holy Trinity is establishing the Catholic Church, nor any of the non-Biblical hocus-pocus Catholics engage in. Jesus said to preach HIS word to ALL NATIONS, meaning all peoples. Jesus was saying hell would never prevail UNIVERSAL church (world-wide community of believers), not the Catholic church. Hell prevailed against the Catholic church long ago, and certainly in modern times.
@@plaiddad276Matthew 16:18 "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church". Ininterrupted legacy for 2000 years. The oldest institution though it went trough many crisis. God is with Her.
@@CercleSaintJeanBaptiste When Jesus said "this rock" he was speaking of Himself obviously, as supported on many other scriptures. In Matthew 21:42 Jesus says "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This was the LORD'S doing." Jesus would never say something elsewhere that would contradict that. Also read what Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:19-22. The church was built upon the "foundation of the apostles [ALL of them] and the prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone." Catholics really need to open their own Bibles and learn what's in there instead of believing only what their priests tell them to. They have repeated the same self-serving lies like you repeated there for so many hundreds of years. The Catholic church leadership is only concerned with perpetuating itself as a hierarchical authoritarian organization that is too often led by fools like Francis as pope. All the goofy spooky things that Catholic leaders have made up out of thin air that are absolutely non-Biblical. Truly, I pray that God will help you all see the Light.
Firstly Lutherans dont say that we dont change we do and that change is caused by santifying grace and not by our own merit and our own works see how Martin Luther agreed with St Thomas God changes us trough faith in his grace not our own merit that is for our neighbor.
Martin Luther and all the reformers rejected the classic Augustinian understanding of infused righteousness. Also faith as a real virtue, brought about by God's grace, which merits to actually be called righteousness. See my comment for a more detailed explanation of justification from the Catholic view.
Thats pretty funny because thats what we Lutherans always say when catholics go on about eucaristic miracles the biggest miracles and best by God is he gave us faith he called us to fellowship with him trough baptism and in the sacrement of communion. Trough satification his will for our lives for good works for our neighbor that is the law.
@@cameronbailey9704 So what you guys reject the Augustinian view of praying trough images and veneration of images! and 99 procent of saints up undtill the 6-7th centry. 7 ecumenical council second nicea which says if someone doesnt kiss the icons or evenerates them let them be anathema Augustine was the oppisate to that. How is this double standard valid? against us reformers
@@mikaelrosing Icon veneration is not the subject of this discussion, justification is. The reformers were serious biblical thinkers, no doubt, but they significantly erred on their understanding of justification. The Catholic view is the teaching of antiquity.
@cameronbailey9704 The papist church erred in icon veneration which is in a ecumenical council within the first 1000 years of the anciet church the first 1000 years they rejected 600 500 years of what the saints and previous Christians said justification was never an issue btw ita just a big issue people talk about in fact the catholic and Lutherans had a meeting tofether and said we agree on justification fully. So like how did the reformer errr they didnt the issue was terminology and how some mediavle catholics were exetremely just out to get the reformers calling them demons and making up stories about them and not atually engaging with the issues of their day, in many ways the pope and the papist caused the reformation and the schism.
Fr Ripperger expressly explains that he never gives anyone permission to use his image or voice to anyone for any reason, and that would include taking his image and voice with no permission, mixing it with music and overlay effects, scaling and cropping it to a vertical format, and then clicking the box that tells UA-cam the uploader owns all rights in the video they are uploading.
The Faithfulness of Our Father's LOVE Blessed be GOD and his Blessed MOTHER of Angel's and his family Amen LORD of ALL Glory 💪 ONE HOLY CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC CHURCH forever and ever AMEN Through Him and with Him and IN HIM a Mystery of LOVE ❤️ TRUE BLISS is Our JUSTICE Solidarity POLONIA SEMPER FIDELIS Israel We Remember the TRUTH AMEN
I was born and raised catholic. It was when I started reading and studying God's word that I discovered I was not a child of God at all, as the Roman church assured me, but an enemy of God, lost, and without hope. Thank God Hos word showed be how to be born again, saved. I have no further use for the counterfeit Roman church. It is all smoke and mirrors filled with the doctrines of demons.
So you discovered that you didn’t know God while being Catholic and thought your baptism made you secure. One must also believe the Catholic faith whole and entire.
1 Cor 7:14 “For the unbelieving husband is consecrated through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is consecrated through her husband. Otherwise, your children would be unclean, but as it is they are holy.”
After strictly following the teachings of Fr Ripperger I have been able to remove all sin from my life. If fact, over the past eighteen months I have not committed a single sin - mortal or venial. However, the resulting inflowing of grace has, accordingly, been rather overwhelming. Fortunately, I have been able to find in the catalogue on Temu, a grace canister, where grace can be stored, and extracted when it is needed. A 100 gallon canister costs $23.99 and a 500 gallon canister ( a great bargain) costs $59.99. Technology at the sevice of true spirituality. Wonderful!
So no offense we sin every day. Indirectly we do it.. If we choose not to, that's awesome, that's the Grace. But there are actions and thoughts and words that come out that offend God. Especially being uncharitable. When we say we're not doing nothing, that's when there is something underlying that we're not aware of. Be careful. ✌🏻
@@unsavedtrash666 that is wonderful. Thank God you have become the new creature. What about sin of omission? Have you walked past a sick person and not stopped to pray? Have you walked past a poor person and not helped him? Did you feel self righteous when someone cut you off while driving? Did you fail in humility when someone got ahead of you in a lineup? So we still sin, but we are no longer sinners. We are righteous in Christ Jesus.
Cameronbaily9704. Wow. Thank you for such a great explanation. I have never heard a RC speak with such knowledge or use of the Word. What is your background? You speak like a priest or former protestant. I don't totally agree with all you say about what you think I believe, but great job. Thank you.
Greetings in Christ! Yes, I am a former Protestant (guilty as charged!). I grew up non-denominational Evangelical and I had a bit of a denominational crisis this past winter which led me to think about why I believed the things which I believed more in depth. Long story short, I read the writings of the earliest Christians after the apostles, I began to study Scripture more in depth, and my prayer life significantly improved. I did NOT want to be Catholic. It was my absolute last resort. I wanted nothing to do with the Church. But slowly the Lord began to tear down my misconceptions and open my eyes to the truth of the Catholic faith, one misunderstanding after another. Glory to God! I studied justification a lot because this was, after all, the crux of the Reformation. Most of my knowledge on this comes from Erick Ybarra's book "The Just Shall Live by Faith: Resolving the Catholic-Protestant Debate on Justification from Paul's Epistle to the Romans," which I highly recommend (although it's a bit technical). So credit to Ybarra for the majority of my argument. When I was Protestant, I was taught that Catholics believed they could save themselves, but boy was I wrong. Thank you so much for your comment. I hope to foster charitable dialogue between Protestants and Catholics that get past the typical strawmans like "Protestants believe you just have to have faith and then you can live however you want" or "Catholics believe in works based salvation." In this new season of my life as a Catholic catechumen, I have experienced more joy and peace than ever before in my life and I cannot even aptly put it into words. I have truly felt the Holy Spirit move in profound ways through silent contemplation and I'm so grateful to my Savior Jesus Christ that he has lead me into the fullness of the faith. Of course, I respect and love you guys very much and I am extremely thankful that I was raised Christian as a Protestant, but I truly feel home now. I love the verse, “Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice with her in joy, all you who mourn over her; that you may suck and be satisfied with her consoling breast; that you may drink deeply with delight from the abundance of her glory. For thus says the Lord: Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall nurse, you shall be carried upon her hip, and dandled upon her knees. As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem” (Isaiah 66:10-13). I can truly say now that the Church, the Bride of Christ, is my mother. She is “decked in her chamber with gold-woven robes” (Psalm 45:13), clothed in his own virtues, adorned with his righteousness, fortified by his power, and crowned with his authority. “Her vindication goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a burning torch” (Isaiah 62:1) that all might know the peace of her King and rejoice in the life he gives, forever and ever. Amen.
@cameronbailey9704 I would love to hear your story. For myself I try to pray about 3/4 hr first thing in morning along with prayer in tongues and fasting. When I pray for the sick or hurt they get well. I have attended several denominations due to location and loved them all. My wife is RC. I fear for her soul.
@@cameronbailey9704 I have been in many protestant churches throughout my life and have never heard the things you say. I have never heard that RC can save themselves. I have never heard that once saved we can live how we like(I do know the hyper grace thing is out there but I have never heard it taught in that sense.) When someone tells me they are the only way I know better than to stick around. Jesus is the only way. The papacy and the priestly structure of the RCC is so corrupt that I will have nothing to do with it. I have heard all the arguments, mostly by converted protestants like yourself. I know that far more intelligent people than I have become RC. God bless them and God bless you.
Works done in a state of grace are empowered by grace. It is by the power of God that we can do good things, not ourselves. The Catholic Church does not teach "grace plus works." I agree wholeheartedly with your statement.
Yes it’s our spirit coming alive leading our soul and we have to crucify our flesh so we are not lead by our flesh. The soul has to be led by the spirit for God is spirit he has no communion with our flesh.
Father Chad Ripperger Exorcist And Priest For Pope!!! He'd Make A Great Pope Instead Of Pope Francis BIG-TIME!!! Shalom And Amen!✝️✝️🛐🛐😇🌟🤗🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🇬🇧🇮🇱♾️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🗽🦅☺️❤️❤️❤️‼️
What do you do with Romans 3? 19 Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. 20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin. 21 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in[h] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,[i] through the shedding of his blood-to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished- 26 he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
No man can be brought from a state of original sin in Adam to a new creation in Christ by any of his own efforts, whether that is by following the Mosaic Law or following the Moral Law. If the initial act of justification could be earned by a man's works, then, as St. Paul says, grace would no longer be grace. Becoming born again in Christ is wholly a gift from God. As Catholics, we understand the "righteousness of God" to be his justifying activity, as St. Paul contrasts this elsewhere with the wrath of God -- his punishing or judging activity. This justifying activity is God taking our faith and, by his grace alone, making our natural faith in Adam a supernatural virtue in Christ which fulfills his own standard of justice, so we actually become righteous by God's power and that righteousness is equivalent to faith as we see in Romans 4. As St. Augustine writes, "This is the righteousness of God, which was veiled in the Old Testament, and his revealed in the New; and it is called the righteousness of God, because by his bestowal of hit he makes us righteous, just as we read that 'salvation is the Lord's,' because he makes us safe." So we can say, in a very real sense, that our righteousness is Christ's, but we do not believe that this is an external alien righteousness, but an inward presence in the soul.
The law being perfect shows us how sinful we truly are. Christ is our example, and He kept it perfectly. Do we break or neglect the law purposefully so that grace may abound? May it never be! (As Paul says) If we rely on keeping the law to save us we are condemned already because each one of us has broken the law and if you break one you are guilty of all before a Holy God who shows no partiality. We follow the law because Christ did and we love Him, and He teaches us how to live it out in spirit and truth, not as the hypocrites do. But our works don't save us, they are simply evidence of our saving faith in Jesus our Teacher and High Priest. Hope that's helpful! People seem to want to divide these things as if it's one of the other... It's not. David said the law was PERFECT, and it is. When Paul said the law was imperfect he says immediately afterwards that it was MADE imperfect by imperfections of peoples not of God or the law itself.
Not one scripture used to back up this false teaching of state of grace or infusing grace to the believer ? We are to imitate Christ Eph 5:1, 1 John 2:6 ,not Luther or the pope , we are to focus on Christ the author and finisher of our faith, Heb 12:2 not on His mother or on anyone other than Jesus our redeemer. Salvation is a gift that you do not work for Eph 2:9, it is given to all who repent Acts 3:19 and God gives it to you. We do not do works to get more grace we do works out of gratefulness to God for what He has Done for us. Phil 2:11 and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 12 Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. 13 For it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good purpose.…
A "false teaching" which is argued from Scripture for 1500 years before the Protestants came along. See my comment where I go in depth into Scripture on this issue.
Perhaps we, as the whole Church, both Protestant and Catholic, should live in unity instead of pointing out differences in doctrine. I say this as a former active Roman Catholic.
Paul tells Titus to preach sound doctrine. It's extremely important. But yes, certainly some people can get so obsessed with being "right" to the point where it lead to their downfall. These people are lacking in Christian love and charity and so go off the deep end, needlessly alienating people around them and finally finding themselves all alone in their rightness and self-righteousness. We should not follow these people! But at the end of the day doctrine is still important and worth fighting over because truth is worth fighting over, as long as debates happen with charity and nuance, which oftentimes they don't. I appreciate this comment as a Catholic, but I would also caution against falling into theological relativism. God bless!
I don't think that sort of unity is possible and the differences are unavoidable. The most important thing in Catholic doctrine is being Catholic and promoting the Catholic international power structure. The most important thing in Christian doctrine is a personal relationship with Christ and witnessing His path to eternal salvation to all nations.
@@plaiddad276 Completely false. I have no idea where Protestants conjure up this phony "personal relationship" as they REJECT Christ's true Presence. Pure imagination and ego.
@@HAL9000-su1mz A personal loving relationship with our Lord is what He wants- in each other's presence. James 4:8 assures us of that: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." In John 15:15 Jesus tells us, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." And there are others too. The Scriptures are not imagined and they can literally be counted upon. The only egos involved are in the minds of the Catholic organizational hierarchy, which over the millennia have imagined themselves quite the web of false "doctrines" that serve only themselves. Mature Christians are faithful in sticking to what's actually in the Holy Bible.
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. 18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? - James 2:17-22
Luther's view of sanctification reveals a growth in sanctity of the believer. Justification is the fact of salvation won by Christ. It is a leap for someone to dismiss someone of Luther's stature as a "fraud." He was an original whose ideas arguably could not be predicted, e.g. ad fontes to refer to Scripture as the sole basis for teaching, an examination church history to expose accretions falsely attributed to the earl church, e.g. the Donation of Constantine, his assertion of vocation the world and resulting promotion of universal education. One must have a little humility when examining someone like Luther.
Luther did not teach that man does not change Rather, he believed in supernatural regeneration, which is most certainly change, at the basic level, we are born again I really am not sure what the priest is thinking of when he makes that statement
Luther taught that man can never be truly righteous, but that he can only be covered by the external alien righteousness of Christ. The Catholic understanding is that God, when he declares us righteous, actually takes our natural faith and infuses it with the supernatural virtues of faith, hope, and love so that it actually EQUALS righteousness. See my comment.
Luther isn't a saint or a prophet, just some lunatic who took a scalpel to the Bible, cherry-picking what suited him. His interpretation? Ludicrous. Makes no sense. There's no 'born again'-you're born once, and you live for paradise when you leave this earth. It's your actions that count, not faith alone. A Buddhist who never sinned, never heard of Jesus, has a better shot at paradise than a Protestant banking on faith alone to save them.
@@SantoshPichai Hitler loved Luther and his anti-Semitism. Luther has been completely whitewashed. He was a horrible, pathetically vulgar man, filthy of speech and behavior. "Women are good for housewives and prostitution" being one of his slurs. Manic-depressive/bi=polar most certainly. I believe that Hitler is more likely in heaven than Luther. Hitler answers for bodies. Luther for souls.
Stop idolizing Fr Ripperger. The Holy Spirit has chosen Francis and that's what you need to make your peace with, like it or not. Francis was chosen by God to fulfill a purpose for which Ripperger was not appropriate. Watch your demeanor particularly your,charity and humility. Do not fall into the,trap of ruing the will of God. Give thanks for all. God is watching. If you cannot do that, go see your spiritual director. Stay out of sin.
@@efs797 Has it crossed your mind that you have just put yourself over others by lecturing and wagging a finger? (1) Jesus Himself taught "My sheep hear My voice and follow Me etc" plus "be as gentle as doves but wise as serpents" - to be wise is to be able to recognise others' cunning moves. That means there will be false shepherds. And yes, I used to think - easy to spot, all those protestant prosperity gospel preachers. Until Bergoglio came along - constant mix of something proper so everyone sighs relief, then weaves in heresy subtly here, there, promote pro-homo, award abortion politicians, promote known heretics to top doctrinal body, et cetera ad nauseum. And look at church history, we have had really bad popes - adulterers, illegitimate children, etc. But the church survives; that doesn't mean cannot recognise a bad pope. Never forget Peter denied Christ, not once but 3 times. And 10 apostles ran away. Yes they came back. The point is, somewhere along the line, humans can fail. (2) You say God's Will. So Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Kim, Genghis Khan, all are God's Will? Or does God let us humans do our own thing - elect Obama, or Biden - and then come to our senses when we realise our mistakes. So the College of Cardinals elected Bergoglio, thinking Benedict and JPII was too rigid. Now the awake realise what modernism looks like. Bergoglio meanwhile stacks the cardinals with 75% liberals now. God's Will? Or Machiavellian manouevring. Yes there is Judgement Day. But meanwhile on earth we have to fight evil and heresy. And first step is discernment.
nope, even Fr. Ripperger would disagree. I think you need to pipe down and keep to the topic of the video. Let's start being more Catholic, come on pull your socks up you can do it - resist the urge.
Lord, forgive those hypocrites of hatred. Hatred is from the evil one. Calling people frauds shows the utter contempt toward others. Chad is a man. No more, no less. Clearly the sin of pride is alive and well in the Roman church. Chad perhaps could show the gift of humility. By explaining all of us are short of God's glory. It is repugnant to condemn others while not condemning ourselves. Lord, forgive our arrogance and brokenness. We have not loved you with our whole heart. We have not loved our neighbors. Teach us your ways,Lord.
Unfortunately many of the arguments directed towards the Catholic church is always about the so called idolatry of saints etc etc, and also not to mention that before reformation, the corrupt bishops in Germany were tried to be removed by the Catholic church bedore the schism happened
Jesus is the way, the truth & the life. Jesus died on the cross & paid for my sins. I am free! Religion is all about arguing who is right. Only Jesus is right! Only He is truth. The veil has been torn. Get to know Him. He is salvation. You cannot save yourself or make yourself holy. That’s a lie! Only Christ is Holy! When we believe in Him then He lives in us & He is holy in us. His grace radiates through us. That is the true sanctification. Religion murders the spirit. Grace resurrects our faith. When I stand before God on judgement day He will see Christ not me. 😂😂😂 I love it! Jesus is beautiful to me! Religion is not! But find out for yourself. Cast off religion & simply follow Christ! It’s very easy!
That video is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. He just makes up history and completely strawmans the Catholic position into oblivion. Watch a response video by Joe Heschmeyer over at Shameless Popery and you'll see what I'm talking about. I'm not even saying this because I'm Catholic. Many knowledgeable Protestants are ashamed of his ridiculous arguments. Please watch better stuff. God bless!
The sanctifying grace can be better described a turning to Christ. The more we turn to Christ, the more God blesses us. And he blesses us by helping us to become more Christ like. To be in a state of grace is not the result of actions we perform, but the result of the relationship we have with God. It is a gift from God, and no one can possibly deserve or earn a gift from God. It’s a bit like heaven. We cannot earn our way to heaven, nor do we deserve to go to heaven, but through Christ, God will have mercy on us. It’s too bad Father did not mention Christ once.
My problem with your theology is that it separates the gift of God from himself. God is his own gift,Jesus Christ. They are not a separate thing that He gives like sprinkling some fairy dust if we do right. Grace correctly understood is a Person. So is salvation and redemption.
Luther and all were Roman Catholics for.much of their lives who witnessed diabolical goings-on in the Church of an anti-CHRISTIAN NATURE.... Don't judge too hard or you'll end up being made to see what a disgusting mess the popes and certain unscrupulous leaders had made of God's Church. Protestants may have led many teachings astray, certainly.... But as with our Orthodox brothers, denominational self righteousness, sanctimoniousness and smugness probably need to stop. Christ will choose His flock. There are many dark corners in each denominational history and many dark men parading themselves as Christians or Children of God. Humility is needed. When we get to heaven we shall see some surprises perhaps if we dare to think we know what faces we will see based upon puritanical sectarian divides. The Reformation was sad... But, then again, what was going on in Catholic Rome in Jesus' name was BAD. Show some brotherly love to Christians who adhere to the Bible,have strong Faith in God and to the sincere emulation of Christ, Brotber.
@@rukidding-y2c That is exactly what we Catholics confess. Christ is the Word Incarnate, our Savior, and our Redeemer. Our Church is built on Peter and his confession and Christ.
Saint Martha also got it right: "She saith to him: Yea, Lord, I have believed that thou art Christ the Son of the living God, who art come into this world." John 11:27
His sermon waters down the sacrifice that Jesus made on the Cross. As if our works (like filthy rags) could ever please the Lord so much that He would let us draw close, inch by inch, based on our feeble attempts. NO - rather, He sent His Son to pay the price for us - it was paid in full, at Calvary - IT IS FINISHED! ✝️✝️✝️
The works done "in the flesh" are filthy rags. Man, as he lives in Adam, cannot be righteous before God. Only by his grace can he become a new creation and walk "in the Spirit," performing good works which please God out of his love for God. See my comment for a detailed explanation of the Catholic view on justification, because we don't believe we can save ourselves.
you are preaching condemned heresy. Both Catholic and Orthodox =- independently - condemn your beliefs as damnable heresy. And YOU deign to teach? Read James 3 and repent.
yeah and then... you steal something, after your conversion to jesus. so this is then ok? because Jesus? So after "conversion" you can just do what you want and be lazy and steal and lie?
You’re just parroting the same tired, old Protestant distortion of Christianity, using cherry-picked verses from Paul to basically say “Jesus did everything so I can do nothing”. This view in no way makes sense in terms of the entire Bible. Salvation is not a one-and-done deal my friend. No ancient Christian believed this.
@@pianoatthirty Absolutely not "one and done"! A GENUINE salvation experience by faith in Christ will inevitably result in good works. A faith without works is useless and dead, and not true faith at all. Salvation is by faith alone, but that faith will never be alone if it is genuine. As an example, the thief on the cross who was ushered into paradise by Jesus simply for believing - he had no opportunity for works, but his faith saved him, made possible by the blood of Jesus. Some Orthodox and Catholics are unsure of their salvation - this should not be the case - we have the blessed assurance of salvation - what we do after that for the Kingdom will yield our rewards for eternity.
1) He provided no scriptural justification for the beliefs he stated. 2) Works righteousness is just around the corner for this man. He already says, without scriptural proof that you can imrpove you lot in heaven by works. Gaining salvation thru works, which is heresy, is just next up for him.
Just because he didn't provide scriptural references doesn't mean that there aren't any. I challenge you to do research on this and you will find in many places that the NT says that we are rewarded according to our works.
@@debbiedmeades3805 I've been a Christian for almost 40 years. In that time I've spoken to a multitude of catholics, from priests to nominal catholics. The one constant is that, if they have any "real" knowledge of scripture, it is intellectual knowledge, not a spiritual understanding of what the Gospel contains. It's very easy to see if you're brave enough to take your catholic blinkers off and actually investigate God's Word. Don't worry, you're not alone in your support of bad theology, protestants are the opposite side of the same counterfeit coin!
This is why Christianity fails. Orthodox , Catholic , Protestant , Lutheran , Methodist , Baptist , and all the rest. If there's one true God, why does he have so many houses !!??
His house is all who believe in Jesus and the Church He founded. It is spiritual. He told the thief on the cross he was saved because thief believed and testified He was the Savior, before there were any church houses.
Because when men get their hands in anything, they're bound to divide and conquer. It's in the nature of man. Christianity, per se, doesn't fail - men do.
Jesus started the Catholic Church. Matthew 16-18 , which is the Bride of Christ. The only true church. The only church that has the Eucharist, the body and blood of Jesus. Jesus said, Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will have no life within you.
Catholics are catholic, not christian. Christians dont do graven images or a man who calls himself the Holy Father. Catholics are papists. They only give Jesus lip service.
Catholicism is Christianity. The extent to which you are Christian is the extent to which you agree with us, because our Lord has established one Church as the fullness of the faith.
@@eddyrobichaud5832 The word Catholic comes from the Greek term katholikos (καθολικός), meaning "universal" or "according to the whole." There is no explicit mention of this term in the New Testament, but it is a proper name for Christ's Church which is to be made up of every race and every people. In fact, in the same city (Antioch) that the believers were first called Christians in Acts, a student of the Apostle St. John by the name of St. Ignatius of Antioch is the first to use this term. He writes to the Church in Smyrna: "See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is administered either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude of the people also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church" (Ch. 8). You can read this online at New Advent or CCEL (Epistle to the Smyrnaeans). This is always what the Church has been called to differentiate itself from heretics. Listen to the words of St. Cyril to his catechumens in the 4th century: “If ever thou art sojourning in any city, inquire not simply where the Lord's house is, (for the sects of the profane also make an attempt to call their own dens houses of the Lord,) nor merely where the Church is, but where is the Catholic Church. For this is the peculiar name of this Holy Body, the Mother of us all, which is the Spouse of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Catechetical Lectures 18:26). The claim of the Protestants reformers was that they were the true catholic church. But alas, they cannot steal this beautiful name from us because the Holy Spirit will not allow it.
Everything spoken here is pure fallacy and practically contradicts the word of God. Justification is not a process, but an immediate event. When this justification is wrought by God, then fruits of the justification will flow.
The formal separation between justification and sanctification is unheard of before the Protestant reformers introduced this novelty. I have posted two comments (because of length) explaining the Catholic doctrine of justification from Scripture and how Scripture has been understood by Christians over the centuries. Please read it so that you can understand that what we teach is not absurd.
even a quick google disproves your point... Catholics believe that the Bible contains several references to purgatory, including: Matthew 12:32: Jesus says that some sins can be forgiven in the next life 1 Corinthians 3:15: Believers' works are judged by fire, with good works passing through unharmed and bad works being consumed 2 Timothy 1:18: A passage that supports prayer for souls who are believed to be in purgatory Psalm 66:12: Origen and St. Ambrose considered this verse to be proof of purgatory Isaiah 4:4: St. Augustine interpreted this verse as purgatory Micah 7:9: St. Jerome considered this verse to be clear proof of purgatory 2 Maccabees 12:44-45: Origen, Irenaeus, Ambrose, and Augustine all thought this was a description of purgatory Matthew 5:25: Tertullian, Cyprian, Origen, Ambrose, and Jerome all thought the “prison” in this verse referred to purgatory The Catholic Church teaches that those who die in God's grace but are not yet perfectly purified undergo purification in purgatory to achieve the holiness needed to enter heaven. The church began to set out the length of time in purgatory in 1215. Logically speaking it's clear that no one can enter heaven without being spotless. Therefore it is common sense that you need to be purged and purified unless you had no sin at all on earth. Sin is the nail that you drive in, confession is pulling out the nail and purgatory and whatever penance you do on earth fills the whole left by the nail.
If you took time to simply google it you will find numerous passages related to Purgatory. And common sense dictates that someone who has numerous sins but was saved can not be given the same treatment as one who has far less sin and is saved. God is both mercy and justice. No one can enter heaven unclean and you have to do penance either on Earth and/or in Purgatory to enter Paradise.
You are correct. The Pope sets doctrine and that's their new doctrine. If some Catholics are unhappy about that then maybe they should stop electing non-Catholic Marxists as their new Popes.
He did not declare an infallible statement since it was private view. This means that Catholicism is NOT wrong, but the Pope is simply bad at being a good representative for the Church like Saint Pius X.
@@hexahexametermeter Let's start with gratitude that you want to defend Christ. Amen. But are you. What if you're wrong? May I suggest 1 Cor 10:12 and following. :16 refers to the "cup of blessing" in the Passover liturgy: the one that Jesus said was his blood. Then Paul says we participate in it because you are what you eat. God united Himself with His material creation and opened the gates to heaven, but you know very well that nothing profane will enter heaven and to be perfect like our heavenly Father is perfect. Verse 17 is what the Catholic Church *is*: all becoming ONE, and only Christ can do that. 1 Cor 11:18 and following is very convicting. If it's a symbol, why is Paul - who was not at the last supper nor a Christian until long after - getting so worked up about not approaching the Lord's supper and real presence faithfully? 1 Cor 11:27-30 cannot be explained in any way from a Protestant understanding. Please pray about this earnestly seeking the truth, because Jesus is Truth, itself. ANYTHING less is moving away from Christ. Peace to you.
What this priest is teaching is false. Our works are only acceptable to God because of our faith which on its own justifies us. Our internal righteousness is contaminated with sin owing to the fact that we're born with original sin, and nothing we do is able to assist in saving us. Salvation is simply a gift received through faith alone.
2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
In a nutshell, Fr. Chad Ripperger is just saying." Faith without works is dead, just like a body without spirit is dead." James 2:14-26 For a Sola Scriptura adherent, how can the only authority to the christian faith and the infallible Word of God be wrong and false?
@@eddixxon 2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
@@JenniferWilliams-jy7rz 2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
This disingenuous Chad Ripperger built a straw man argument and beat it down. How can he when he believes in infused grace and not imparted grace. He even misquoted the one verse he used. Papist don’t understand the biblical doctrine of the act of God vis a vis the work of God. Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. - Philippians 2:12-13
We Catholics believe that our merits are from God and Christ as first cause, and from us as a second cause -- God gives us, in Christ, the power to assent to him and become his worksmanship (Eph. 2:10). We have free will, so we truly do good things that are pleasing to God, but in reality it is God who has done the works. As Augustine famously said, "when God crowns our merits he is crowning his own gifts." Also, we do not reject imparted grace, we just understand it differently. See my comments where I explain justification in detail.
(1) For the PROTESTANTS in the comment wanting a more detailed explanation of the Catholic doctrine of justification, here it is, because we certainly do not believe that we are saved by our own efforts (i.e. Pelagianism or Semi-Pelagianism, which the Church has always condemned as heresy). We also do not reject the phrase "faith alone," properly understood, as many Catholic writers have actually used this: St. Thomas Aquinas, wrote, “Now dead faith does not suffice for salvation; nor is it the foundation, but living faith alone, that worketh by charity.” Another such occurrence of the phrase is in St. Bernard of Clairvaux, who tells us, “Therefore the man who through sorrow for sin hungers and thirsts for justice, let him trust in the One who changes the sinner into a just man, and, judged righteous in terms of faith alone, he will have peace with God.” Looking to the early Church, we see in St. Hilary of Poitiers, “This was forgiven by Christ through faith, because the Law could not yield, for faith alone justifies.” And even St. Basil says, “For this is perfect and pure boasting in God, when one is not proud on account of his own righteousness but knows that he is indeed unworthy of the true righteousness and has been justified solely by faith in Christ.”
What we do reject is the specific Protestant theology of sola fide, which is this: that faith, as a function towards justification, achieves nothing, and that faith is merely an instrument of receiving the merits that obtain the forensic imputation of righteousness before the tribunal of God by means of Christ's exact, ontological alien righteousness. In the Protestant view, the fiducial faith that justifies is understood metaphorically as putting out an empty hand and allowing the gift of an alien righteousness drop in its palm.
Unlike Protestants, we do not see faith as a mere instrument, but as a real virtue. A virtue -- this is key. We do not believe that Abraham's faith was credited to him as righteousness because he held out his hands, but because he had a firm attachment to God, an undisturbed confidence in the divine promises of grace, and a steadfast love of the Lord (a repentant, virtuous, and converting faith), as is clear in the meaning of "the just shall live by faith" (Hab. 2:4). This faith actually MERITS to be called righteousness, as St. John Chrysostom writes of Abraham, "Do you see how even before the outcome of the promises he received a commensurate reward for his very act of faith?" and St. Ambrose, "A reward was bestowed that corresponded to the test of his merit [i.e. virtue]." This requires two things: the intellect and the will. In Proverbs 17:15, it says, "He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord." Man cannot be justified if he remains in the habit of wickedness (i.e. his will is disordered), yet believes intellectually, as even the demons do (Jas. 2:19). This is summarized perfectly by St. Thomas Aquinas in his Commentary on Romans: "For a virtue is a principle of a perfect act. But an act depending on two principles cannot be perfect, if either of the principles lacks itself perfection, just as riding cannot be perfect, if the horse does not run well or the rider does not know how to guide the horse. Now the act of faith, which is to believe, depends on the intellect and on the will moving the intellect to assent. Hence, the act of faith will be perfect, if the will is perfected by the habit of charity and the intellect by the *habit of faith*, but not if the habit of charity is lacking. Consequently, faith formed by charity is a virtue; but not unformed faith." Thus the formal cause of justification is fides caritate formata (faith formed by love), which includes the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and love (1 Cor. 13:2, 12), as we can see from the scriptures: "we are justified by faith" (Rom. 5:1), "in this hope we were saved" (Rom. 8:24), and "we know we have passed out of death into life, because we love" (1 Jn. 3:14).
Here is a great quote to demonstrate that charity justifies from Cardinal Cajetan: "It is intolerable that one's sin would be forgiven before charity is infused into the person forgiven... And enemy cannot be made a friend unless we have the attitude of friendship. A friend devoid of the quality of friendship would be incomprehensible, just as something white is incomprehensible without whiteness. But when the unrighteous man is made righteous through Christ, an enemy of God is transformed into a friend of God... Hence it is impossible and incomprehensible that a sinner be justified in the absence of friendship toward God. Charity is this friendship between man and God, being both man's love of friendship toward God and God's love toward man... Since friendship consists in mutual love, the forgiveness of sins takes place essentially through charity. Hence what we call righteousness of faith is identical with charity." An important note here: You can have a living faith formed by love without performing any external works.
But how is faith formed by love rewarded as RIGHTEOUSNESS? To explain this simply, imagine a scale. On one side is righteousness and on the other is the virtue of faith. Faith on its own, if is it not in accordance with the will, would be an empty weight on its side of the balance, while righteousness would be a heavy weight. God, seeing your faith, comes and gives it the supernatural form needed to equal righteousness: charity (or love), which "binds everything together in perfect harmony" (Col. 3:14). This inward faith of yours is now formed as perfect virtue and equivalent to righteousness even without you having done any work to earn it. And thus we believe that no amount of works of the flesh can bring an man from his fallen state in Adam to a new creation in Christ. To quote St. Augustine, "Certainly they can say that forgiveness of sins is a grace which is given with no antecedent merits. For what good merit can sinners have? Yet even the very remission of sins is not without some merit, if faith asks and obtains it. For there is some merit even in faith, the faith by which that man said, 'Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner' and he went down justified [Lk. 18:13-14] by the merits of humble faith because he that humbles himself shall be exalted. It remains, then, that faith itself, from which all justice takes its beginnings ... is to be attributed not to the human free will which those men extol, nor to any antecedent merits, since whatever good merits there are begin in faith which we acknowledge as a gratuitous gift from God." The only way in which we can be brought from death to life is by God's grace, as in Adam "all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment" (Is. 64:6). "[God] saved us, not because of deeds done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit" (Tit. 3:5).
[continued in second comment, sorry for length, but I wanted to be detailed]
Thank you so much! 👊✝️🥰💪
Locked in ! 💪🏼🙏🏼
Cameron Bailey Wow! Thank you and how might you have come to
this deep and broad understanding… concerning sanctification and justification? Thoughts?
@@cameronbailey9704 My father was Protestant and my mother Catholic. I was terribly confused as a child. He became Catholic and was very quiet as to why. Perhaps it was the books I found written by Joan Carol Cruz called The "Incorruptible Saints" and "Eucharistic Miracles." As a Chemist, I could see how he would understand blood and tissue found in the left ventricular portion of the heart on many occasions found in the Eucharist upon the bleeding host miracles. It is also medically inconceivable for bodies to go incorrupt for hundreds of years. St. Bernadette was buried and dug up multiple times. Upon autopsy, her liver was found as if she had never died. My father did not always agree with the politics of religious figures. Politics should not dominate religion. Unfortunately, there will always be an evil person in every career and should not exist in any church or place where peace, kindness and God reside. I do have a question for any Protestants...why do they have to call the Catholic Church when they need an exorcism?
Pray for more holy priests like Fr. Rippenger. I listened to him over and over for two years until I pulled myself out of whatever rut I was stuck in. I thank God for this and please pray my family can do the same.
May Almighty God continue to bless and keep you, Fr.
Thank you Father.
God bless you Father.
Call no man, your father.
Mathew 23.9 kjv
@2Timothy4.1.4 It also says call No man teacher. Yet we call our father father and our teacher teacher which shows protestant bringing that up is wrong in the meaning
@@2Timothy4.1.4 You are misusing that verse. Look elsewhere in the scriptures: "For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers. For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel" (1 Corinthians 4:15), "To Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord" (1 Timothy 1:2), "You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 2:1), "I appeal to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I have become in my imprisonment" (Philemon 1:10). The point of that passage is not to say that we can never use the word father to refer to anyone but God, as that would mean that you couldn't even call your own father "father" or "dad" or anything of the like. Jesus is making it clear that nobody is to exalt any man to the place of God. He also says call no man rabbi, which means teacher. The word doctor also means teacher, so if we were to go with your interpretation we would have absolutely nothing to call our fathers, teachers, and doctors. Absurd.
@cameronbailey9704 I am truly surprised that there are at least some R.C that pick up the scriptures and not solely rely on men behind the pulpit.
I don't take your slight personaly it's not an issue.
The context of the scriptures I gave you should be read fully. Mathew 23..1.36 kjv
And not just random verses here and there.
The Lord God Jesus Christ most stinging rebuke of the scribes & pharisees.
Religious men white washed tombs
On the outside but inwardly full of dead men's bones.
The very same ones we see in the million dollar buildings draped with indulgences and idolatry.
The Church ecclesiastical isn't a stone building. It's a group of believers
Born again John 3.3.7 kjv
1 corinthians 15.1.4
Ephesians 2.8.9 kjv.
Happy to communicate if it works for you. Again, it's not personal.
Powerful advice and explanation of sanctifying Grace🙏
The substantial and transformational effects of sanctifying grace are beautifully described in Thomas McDermott's book FILLED WITH ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD, which is an inspiring read during Advent or any time
Absolutely! I changed a lot! God changed me through grace and I thank Him for saving me
Excuse me for being a Hog ! I'm a Hog for Sanctifying Grace. Love you all! Peace and Goodwill!
Unity of the Church is everything
Not really. Jesus IS everything, and it is in union and total obedience to him where REAL unity is found. The present unity demanded by Pope Francis erases the need for strong and real repentance and is unity in kissing down to sin. That's the false unity of Hell.
@@philalcoceli6328 True...
Jesus literally said
“Father that they may be one”
Paul literally says
Let there be no division among u.
Paul literally says
The church is the ground and pillar of TRUTH. 1 Tim 3:15
@PInk77W1 It's easy to distort the Truth with isolated Bible verses, Protestants do it all the time. If unity was an absolute value, dark evil cults would be absolutely perfect, which is what the sinfully corrupt want.
01:50 min. mark. *** "Stranger than the bad in badness is the good in goodness." -Saint Thomas Aquinas***
“.. Let me first say how important it was in ecumenical dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans 20 years ago, when we reached an agreement on the Doctrine of Justification. Most people may not think of it as something very important, but it is fundamental because it goes to the very heart of the Gospel and it goes to the very heart of the controversies that separated Lutherans and Catholics in the 16th century.
Many will remember that Lutherans insisted - that Luther insisted - on the fact that we are saved by the grace of Christ: in faith. Catholics (on the other hand) supposedly insisted that we had to do good works. This is the question that has always hung over the conflict between the Protestant Reformed Movement and the Catholic Church.
So, fundamentally in 1999, there was this agreement between the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation that we do have the same doctrine and it basically *says this: together, we Lutherans and Catholics, confess that by grace alone in faith in Christ’s saving work, and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit who renews our hearts and makes us capable of doing good work.* So, we reached an agreement on something that was fundamental, something that caused the rift and the separation and so much conflict down the centuries…”
~ Bishop Brian Farrell, secretary of the Pontifical Council. 05 january 2021
Sunday, 31 october 1999
As an Orthodox Christian, what I hear described is what we call Theosis. The main difference is that we see it more as “His Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:16) which comes through asceticism (fasting, prayer, almsgiving) and radical obedience to His commandments. What I hear from the Priest is more of a formula but, despite that, he is close to describing what we know to be the truth. Amen to that.
Is "close to the truth" good enough for God?
Does the Orthodox Church add works to salvation?
James 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
We orthodox believe that we can participate in God's created energies (grace), but do not identify with God's divine nature (uncreated). However, our earthly nature is transformed by grace through sanctification. therefore, we can become "like" Him
@@redcenturion88 The Gospel says: Repent, be baptized, get filled with the Holy Spirit and walk daily in Christ.
That's God's expectation for all those that want to follow him.
God has no interest in anyone's religious tag.
You are either obedient to His Word, or you aren't.
The only issue you should spend any time caring about is do you align perfectly with God's expectations of you.
If not, fix it!
This sounds a bit like you could earn Gods love. By doing charity etc. By "wellbehaving".
This very human distinction of "I love you but I don't like you so much right now" is not in God's nature.
Calling Luther's belief a fraud is not the Catholic's Church task.
I am forever grateful to Martin Luther recognizing what a bunch of self-serving political oppressors the Catholic clergy was at his time. He was willing to risk his life for his faith.
He gave the German people the freedom of reading the Bible in their own language. As a studied translator myself, I can assure you that the process of translating theological text does something to you and certainly enhances and deepens the understanding of the topic itself.
The "sola fide" Eureka moment surely was an eye-opening insight into the nature of God's teaching through Jesus.
If you don't believe in Me, you will die in your sins. Death, aka eternal separation from God, is the consequence of sin.
If doing charity and being a good guy would ensure me a place in heaven, why would I need the Sacraments?
Jesus spoke of that young rich man who came to him, asking what should he do more than living according to the Mosaic law and doing good deeds. That man sure had no bad nor evil bone in him. But when Jesus asked him to sell his property and follow him, the young man couldn't do it.
He could not believe in being with Jesus, following Jesus, believing in him would be the very thing which was asked of him.
Charity? No prob. Sola fide? Uh, nopes.
We cannot earn grace, there are no higher or lesser places in heaven. This is human nature to think like that.
I am no Protestant but I am with Luther in my faith. I cannot redeem myself by any deeds. I am but a sinner, and all I can offer is to recognize and believe in Jesus' Sacrifice out of my free will to be with him, in his kingdom, under his reign.
My free will *against* all things Evil, against choosing for a life of greed and power and selfishness is decisive.
Luther was protected on so many levels by political forces and by the course of parallel historic events at his specific point in time. It certainly is no coincidence that, also in Germany, Johannes Gutenberg had just invented the method of printing by use of moveable leaden letters. This facilitated the spreading of Luther's works incredibly.
So, this man surely was protected by God. It was God's will to take His word out of the prison of Greek and Latin and Hebrew language so that plain people were not subjected to the "paraphrasing" of clergy with whatever improper intentions.
We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus himself showed us what suffices to enter his Kingdom when he told the murderer crucified next to him "You'll be with me in paradise today". That murderer just recognized Jesus as Lord and God. Nothing more, nothing less.
My father was Prodestant and my mother Catholic. I was very confused growing up. I speak both languages, so to speak. He later became Catholic. He is a man of science, a brilliant Chemist. If you read "The Incorruptibles" and "Eucharistic Miracles," written by Joan Cruz, much scientific research has gone into the study of the incorrupt bodies of many saints. For example, St. Bernadette was buried a few times and her final autopsy revealed that her liver was found as if she had not died at all. The "Eucharist Miracles" reveals upon various occasions, separate coincidences that reveal both blood and tissue found in the left ventricular portion of the heart. Overall, out of respect, I could never ask my Protestant grandmother why they have to call in the Catholic Church for an Exorcism if the Protestants are the one true religion. No offense, I just don't understand.
If your grandmothers pastor wasn't brave enough to take on an exorcism, then maybe she should have switched churches. As someone who is non-denominational from my perspective, the RCC is a satanic counterfeit of Christianity. It needs exorcist on staff because the adoption of pagan practices has opened doors within the church. The "eucharistic miracles" might be impressive if we didn't already know that demons have supernatural power as well. The only power I don't believe Satan can counterfeit is raising anything from the dead, but everything else is up for debate. I can't understand why anyone would put their faith in an organization that slaughtered people for power. Seven centuries of Inquisition. William Tyndale was martyred for translating the bible into a language people could read for themselves. My grandmother is a direct descendant of French hugenots who were slaughtered by the Catholic church. There's debate on whether or not some of the writings of the early church fathers (prior to Constantine) were forged. The Vatican has archives that regular people are not allowed to access. What are they hiding? Why does this church have secrets?
And I can't understand the Matthew 16:18 argument at all. Catholics say Peter was the first pope, how? On this rock=on this revelation. The Catholics says this verse was Jesus establishing their church, and it's not just the church body i.e. every true believer. This also doesn't make sense because if the gates of hell can't prevail against the Catholic church then explain all the atrocities that the RCC is responsible for. It effectively means Catholics in a round about way are almost arguing once saved always saved but only if you're Catholic, which means we're not worshipping a just God.
I'm not saying Catholics can't be saved. I'm just pointing out things that don't make sense from my perspective.
One thing for sure. I have never heard a protestant say they are the one true religion. That is a RC and jw thing.
For sure we don't have to call on the rcc to cast out a demon or heal the sick. That only requires a believer.
As for Eucharistic healings they happen very frequently in our church also. As for miraculous healings, a young dumb and totally autistic child was recently healed while Mom was circling the kabba in Mecca and crying out to God. God looks at your heart.
I guess it’s hard to explain then how Protestant ministers are also able to perform exorcisms.
@paulthiele3102 They don't believe in possession, but being "harassed" by bad spirits according to what I was told growing up. As Catholics, you learn that even the correct pronunciation of Latin binding prayers are efficacious in conquering bad entities.
@jenniferbassett6492 Yea, we do believe in possession.
Could you provide a link to the full talk? Would be beneficial to all, thanks!
Thanks much for this video.
Just the other day I heard a demons voice say to me,” you better win the race”.
I heard him clear as day.
I guess he was trying to incantation some sinful thought while I slept and couldn’t because God has given me the gift to watch even while sleeping and he became irate he couldn’t get into my subconscious.
I pray that they choke on their own words. Amen
Thank you ❤
Beautiful video.
Brilliant, thank you...🙏🙏🙏
They see something that is pleasing to God? Yes, they see Jesus Christ who has covered us with his righteousness.
What the Catholic Church teaches is that, in order to impute faith to us AS righteousness, God takes our natural faith and infuses it with the supernatural virtues of faith, hope, and love (which is the form of faith), and our faith, as a virtue brought about by God's grace, actually EQUALS righteousness. External alien righteousness is foreign to Christianity before Luther.
"Covered"? That is Lutheran. Nothing impure, covered or not, enters the Kingdom. God knows the human heart.
@@cameronbailey9704 Grace is not a liquid substance. The depth of our sinful nature is so deep that our fallen eyes can scarcely see it. We cannot rely on ourselves but must cling to Christ at all times or, rather, that he holds on to us. Without His grip we shall fall off the deck.
@@douglasskinner Correct. Grace is not measured in quantities because it isn't a substance. Grace is divine favor and God allowing us to share in his own blessed life, sometimes some people in a deeper union than others. The role of grace in the Catholic view of justification is that it makes faith an actual virtue that is pleasing to God. And yes I fully agree that we are nothing without Christ.
@@cameronbailey9704 In order for something to be infused it must be either a liquid or analogous to one. Since grace is not substantial i.e., not a substance, the analogy fails and therefore it cannot be infused.
You only go round once, get all of Jesus that you can.
Amen! Thank you 🙏
I am not a believer, far from it actually but im at complete peace with myself.
My question is than for you, what does it add to my experience to believe in something?
What more has god to offer than me being in love with existence?
Heaven is here and not somewhere else, for i do not die.
May there be peace and love among all beings 🙏❤
Poor lost soul
Truth, purity, deeper love, deeper meaning and resilience especially in deep long suffering, way deeper joy and the adventure of your life.
Question is more : if there is an eternal and infinite being that loves me and can do everything for me, why would i stay far ? What are you missing ?
@@wheramithat's a very poor comment from you and you should erase it.
Church can not save anybody,but faith in Christ alone and do the Will of the Father so that we Will recieve everlasting life.
The Church is the promulgator of the life giving gospel and sacraments of Jesus Christ.
Saying it must be the Church or must be Jesus that saves us is a false dichotomy...
It is like saying "it's not the bible that saves you it is Jesus!"
It is like saying "it is not the hospital that saves you but the doctor"
A false dichotomy
Church is where faith is to be lived and without baptism there is no salvation. You cannot do the Father's will by attacking the Church. You're just trying to cause havoc. The Church doesn't save but where salvation is found.
@@RedRoosterRoman no not really, doesnt matter if christ comes to you in church or in a drug den or on a battlefield, Jesus saves, not his bride
Catholicism is like Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and Isaac Newton explaining science.
Protestantism is like Terrence Howard trying to explain science.
Well no, Catholicism is more like Nikola Tesla or Albert Einstein trying to explain the Christian faith and as recorded in the Holy Bible.
@plaiddad276 Catholicism approved the books that were put together and became the Bible over 1000 years before any protestant, God and the Holy Spirit has been with us from the start. Jesus said the gates of hell will never prevail against my church.
@@snoopy3587 Nowhere in the Bible does it indicate that the Holy Trinity is establishing the Catholic Church, nor any of the non-Biblical hocus-pocus Catholics engage in. Jesus said to preach HIS word to ALL NATIONS, meaning all peoples. Jesus was saying hell would never prevail UNIVERSAL church (world-wide community of believers), not the Catholic church. Hell prevailed against the Catholic church long ago, and certainly in modern times.
@@plaiddad276Matthew 16:18 "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church". Ininterrupted legacy for 2000 years. The oldest institution though it went trough many crisis. God is with Her.
@@CercleSaintJeanBaptiste When Jesus said "this rock" he was speaking of Himself obviously, as supported on many other scriptures. In Matthew 21:42 Jesus says "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This was the LORD'S doing." Jesus would never say something elsewhere that would contradict that. Also read what Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:19-22. The church was built upon the "foundation of the apostles [ALL of them] and the prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone."
Catholics really need to open their own Bibles and learn what's in there instead of believing only what their priests tell them to. They have repeated the same self-serving lies like you repeated there for so many hundreds of years. The Catholic church leadership is only concerned with perpetuating itself as a hierarchical authoritarian organization that is too often led by fools like Francis as pope. All the goofy spooky things that Catholic leaders have made up out of thin air that are absolutely non-Biblical. Truly, I pray that God will help you all see the Light.
Sealed by the HOLY SPIRIT!
Truth! Morally good action ❤
Firstly Lutherans dont say that we dont change we do and that change is caused by santifying grace and not by our own merit and our own works see how Martin Luther agreed with St Thomas God changes us trough faith in his grace not our own merit that is for our neighbor.
Martin Luther and all the reformers rejected the classic Augustinian understanding of infused righteousness. Also faith as a real virtue, brought about by God's grace, which merits to actually be called righteousness. See my comment for a more detailed explanation of justification from the Catholic view.
Thats pretty funny because thats what we Lutherans always say when catholics go on about eucaristic miracles the biggest miracles and best by God is he gave us faith he called us to fellowship with him trough baptism and in the sacrement of communion. Trough satification his will for our lives for good works for our neighbor that is the law.
@@cameronbailey9704 So what you guys reject the Augustinian view of praying trough images and veneration of images! and 99 procent of saints up undtill the 6-7th centry. 7 ecumenical council second nicea which says if someone doesnt kiss the icons or evenerates them let them be anathema Augustine was the oppisate to that. How is this double standard valid? against us reformers
@@mikaelrosing Icon veneration is not the subject of this discussion, justification is. The reformers were serious biblical thinkers, no doubt, but they significantly erred on their understanding of justification. The Catholic view is the teaching of antiquity.
@cameronbailey9704 The papist church erred in icon veneration which is in a ecumenical council within the first 1000 years of the anciet church the first 1000 years they rejected 600 500 years of what the saints and previous Christians said justification was never an issue btw ita just a big issue people talk about in fact the catholic and Lutherans had a meeting tofether and said we agree on justification fully. So like how did the reformer errr they didnt the issue was terminology and how some mediavle catholics were exetremely just out to get the reformers calling them demons and making up stories about them and not atually engaging with the issues of their day, in many ways the pope and the papist caused the reformation and the schism.
Do you have permission from Fr. Ripperger to reupload his videos because his channel trailer explains he never gives that permission to anyone.
This is a clip, so it might work different
Fr Ripperger expressly explains that he never gives anyone permission to use his image or voice to anyone for any reason, and that would include taking his image and voice with no permission, mixing it with music and overlay effects, scaling and cropping it to a vertical format, and then clicking the box that tells UA-cam the uploader owns all rights in the video they are uploading.
@@gen-amb Fair Use Doctrine still applies though!
The Faithfulness of Our Father's LOVE
Blessed be GOD and his Blessed MOTHER of Angel's and his family Amen LORD of ALL Glory 💪
ONE HOLY CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC CHURCH forever and ever AMEN Through Him and with Him and IN HIM a Mystery of LOVE ❤️ TRUE BLISS is Our JUSTICE Solidarity POLONIA SEMPER FIDELIS Israel We Remember the TRUTH AMEN
Im not hearing excerpts from the council of Trent which was The catholic rebuttal of Luther etc.
I was born and raised catholic. It was when I started reading and studying God's word that I discovered I was not a child of God at all, as the Roman church assured me, but an enemy of God, lost, and without hope.
Thank God Hos word showed be how to be born again, saved.
I have no further use for the counterfeit Roman church. It is all smoke and mirrors filled with the doctrines of demons.
So you discovered that you didn’t know God while being Catholic and thought your baptism made you secure. One must also believe the Catholic faith whole and entire.
How is a person born again?
1 Cor 7:14 “For the unbelieving husband is consecrated through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is consecrated through her husband. Otherwise, your children would be unclean, but as it is they are holy.”
After strictly following the teachings of Fr Ripperger I have been able to remove all sin from my life. If fact, over the past eighteen months I have not committed a single sin - mortal or venial. However, the resulting inflowing of grace has, accordingly, been rather overwhelming. Fortunately, I have been able to find in the catalogue on Temu, a grace canister, where grace can be stored, and extracted when it is needed. A 100 gallon canister costs $23.99 and a 500 gallon canister ( a great bargain) costs $59.99. Technology at the sevice of true spirituality. Wonderful!
So no offense we sin every day. Indirectly we do it.. If we choose not to, that's awesome, that's the Grace. But there are actions and thoughts and words that come out that offend God. Especially being uncharitable. When we say we're not doing nothing, that's when there is something underlying that we're not aware of. Be careful. ✌🏻
@@unsavedtrash666 that is wonderful. Thank God you have become the new creature. What about sin of omission? Have you walked past a sick person and not stopped to pray? Have you walked past a poor person and not helped him? Did you feel self righteous when someone cut you off while driving? Did you fail in humility when someone got ahead of you in a lineup? So we still sin, but we are no longer sinners. We are righteous in Christ Jesus.
I John says "if we say we have NO SIN we are liars and the truth is not in us" Better do some rea Bible study!!
@@All-lives-matter-2024 that's a troll account. Don't pay no mind. Lol.
Cameronbaily9704. Wow. Thank you for such a great explanation. I have never heard a RC speak with such knowledge or use of the Word. What is your background? You speak like a priest or former protestant.
I don't totally agree with all you say about what you think I believe, but great job. Thank you.
Greetings in Christ! Yes, I am a former Protestant (guilty as charged!). I grew up non-denominational Evangelical and I had a bit of a denominational crisis this past winter which led me to think about why I believed the things which I believed more in depth. Long story short, I read the writings of the earliest Christians after the apostles, I began to study Scripture more in depth, and my prayer life significantly improved. I did NOT want to be Catholic. It was my absolute last resort. I wanted nothing to do with the Church. But slowly the Lord began to tear down my misconceptions and open my eyes to the truth of the Catholic faith, one misunderstanding after another. Glory to God!
I studied justification a lot because this was, after all, the crux of the Reformation. Most of my knowledge on this comes from Erick Ybarra's book "The Just Shall Live by Faith: Resolving the Catholic-Protestant Debate on Justification from Paul's Epistle to the Romans," which I highly recommend (although it's a bit technical). So credit to Ybarra for the majority of my argument. When I was Protestant, I was taught that Catholics believed they could save themselves, but boy was I wrong.
Thank you so much for your comment. I hope to foster charitable dialogue between Protestants and Catholics that get past the typical strawmans like "Protestants believe you just have to have faith and then you can live however you want" or "Catholics believe in works based salvation."
In this new season of my life as a Catholic catechumen, I have experienced more joy and peace than ever before in my life and I cannot even aptly put it into words. I have truly felt the Holy Spirit move in profound ways through silent contemplation and I'm so grateful to my Savior Jesus Christ that he has lead me into the fullness of the faith. Of course, I respect and love you guys very much and I am extremely thankful that I was raised Christian as a Protestant, but I truly feel home now.
I love the verse, “Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice with her in joy, all you who mourn over her; that you may suck and be satisfied with her consoling breast; that you may drink deeply with delight from the abundance of her glory. For thus says the Lord: Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall nurse, you shall be carried upon her hip, and dandled upon her knees. As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem” (Isaiah 66:10-13). I can truly say now that the Church, the Bride of Christ, is my mother. She is “decked in her chamber with gold-woven robes” (Psalm 45:13), clothed in his own virtues, adorned with his righteousness, fortified by his power, and crowned with his authority. “Her vindication goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a burning torch” (Isaiah 62:1) that all might know the peace of her King and rejoice in the life he gives, forever and ever. Amen.
@cameronbailey9704 I would love to hear your story. For myself I try to pray about 3/4 hr first thing in morning along with prayer in tongues and fasting. When I pray for the sick or hurt they get well. I have attended several denominations due to location and loved them all. My wife is RC. I fear for her soul.
@@cameronbailey9704 I have been in many protestant churches throughout my life and have never heard the things you say. I have never heard that RC can save themselves. I have never heard that once saved we can live how we like(I do know the hyper grace thing is out there but I have never heard it taught in that sense.)
When someone tells me they are the only way I know better than to stick around. Jesus is the only way.
The papacy and the priestly structure of the RCC is so corrupt that I will have nothing to do with it. I have heard all the arguments, mostly by converted protestants like yourself.
I know that far more intelligent people than I have become RC. God bless them and God bless you.
@@garybeharrell3972fear not, pray 😂
Grace plus works equals nothing. Only through Jesus Christ may one enter the kingdom of God.
Works done in a state of grace are empowered by grace. It is by the power of God that we can do good things, not ourselves. The Catholic Church does not teach "grace plus works." I agree wholeheartedly with your statement.
Except if you're Catholic, then you have all that other non-Biblical made up stuff you have to go along with as well.....
Yes it’s our spirit coming alive leading our soul and we have to crucify our flesh so we are not lead by our flesh. The soul has to be led by the spirit for God is spirit he has no communion with our flesh.
Father Chad Ripperger Exorcist And Priest For Pope!!! He'd Make A Great Pope Instead Of Pope Francis BIG-TIME!!! Shalom And Amen!✝️✝️🛐🛐😇🌟🤗🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🇬🇧🇮🇱♾️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🗽🦅☺️❤️❤️❤️‼️
You cannot be pro-Israel and a Christian at the same time. Especially now. Sorry...fail.
It would only be good, if it is God's will. Pray for The will of the Holy Trinity, Father Son and Holy Ghost
3:45 Is this conjecture based on the "5 crowns?" The Bible doesn't tell us that there is a "hierarchy of holiness" in heaven.
What do you do with Romans 3?
19 Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. 20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin. 21 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in[h] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,[i] through the shedding of his blood-to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished- 26 he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
No man can be brought from a state of original sin in Adam to a new creation in Christ by any of his own efforts, whether that is by following the Mosaic Law or following the Moral Law. If the initial act of justification could be earned by a man's works, then, as St. Paul says, grace would no longer be grace. Becoming born again in Christ is wholly a gift from God. As Catholics, we understand the "righteousness of God" to be his justifying activity, as St. Paul contrasts this elsewhere with the wrath of God -- his punishing or judging activity. This justifying activity is God taking our faith and, by his grace alone, making our natural faith in Adam a supernatural virtue in Christ which fulfills his own standard of justice, so we actually become righteous by God's power and that righteousness is equivalent to faith as we see in Romans 4. As St. Augustine writes, "This is the righteousness of God, which was veiled in the Old Testament, and his revealed in the New; and it is called the righteousness of God, because by his bestowal of hit he makes us righteous, just as we read that 'salvation is the Lord's,' because he makes us safe." So we can say, in a very real sense, that our righteousness is Christ's, but we do not believe that this is an external alien righteousness, but an inward presence in the soul.
The law being perfect shows us how sinful we truly are. Christ is our example, and He kept it perfectly. Do we break or neglect the law purposefully so that grace may abound? May it never be! (As Paul says) If we rely on keeping the law to save us we are condemned already because each one of us has broken the law and if you break one you are guilty of all before a Holy God who shows no partiality. We follow the law because Christ did and we love Him, and He teaches us how to live it out in spirit and truth, not as the hypocrites do. But our works don't save us, they are simply evidence of our saving faith in Jesus our Teacher and High Priest.
Hope that's helpful! People seem to want to divide these things as if it's one of the other... It's not. David said the law was PERFECT, and it is. When Paul said the law was imperfect he says immediately afterwards that it was MADE imperfect by imperfections of peoples not of God or the law itself.
Paul said....why do I do the things I ought not to do and not do the things I ought to do. We have a sin nature.
Not one scripture used to back up this false teaching of state of grace or infusing grace to the believer ? We are to imitate Christ Eph 5:1, 1 John 2:6 ,not Luther or the pope , we are to focus on Christ the author and finisher of our faith, Heb 12:2 not on His mother or on anyone other than Jesus our redeemer. Salvation is a gift that you do not work for Eph 2:9, it is given to all who repent Acts 3:19 and God gives it to you. We do not do works to get more grace we do works out of gratefulness to God for what He has Done for us. Phil 2:11 and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 12 Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. 13 For it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good purpose.…
A "false teaching" which is argued from Scripture for 1500 years before the Protestants came along. See my comment where I go in depth into Scripture on this issue.
@@brucewmclaughlin9072 buy a catechism, your lost , and confused. Praying for you
Perhaps we, as the whole Church, both Protestant and Catholic, should live in unity instead of pointing out differences in doctrine. I say this as a former active Roman Catholic.
Paul tells Titus to preach sound doctrine. It's extremely important. But yes, certainly some people can get so obsessed with being "right" to the point where it lead to their downfall. These people are lacking in Christian love and charity and so go off the deep end, needlessly alienating people around them and finally finding themselves all alone in their rightness and self-righteousness. We should not follow these people! But at the end of the day doctrine is still important and worth fighting over because truth is worth fighting over, as long as debates happen with charity and nuance, which oftentimes they don't. I appreciate this comment as a Catholic, but I would also caution against falling into theological relativism. God bless!
Spoken like someone who looked upon Christ in the Eucharist - did not believe - and walked away. John 6:66
I don't think that sort of unity is possible and the differences are unavoidable. The most important thing in Catholic doctrine is being Catholic and promoting the Catholic international power structure. The most important thing in Christian doctrine is a personal relationship with Christ and witnessing His path to eternal salvation to all nations.
@@plaiddad276 Completely false. I have no idea where Protestants conjure up this phony "personal relationship" as they REJECT Christ's true Presence. Pure imagination and ego.
@@HAL9000-su1mz A personal loving relationship with our Lord is what He wants- in each other's presence. James 4:8 assures us of that: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." In John 15:15 Jesus tells us, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." And there are others too. The Scriptures are not imagined and they can literally be counted upon. The only egos involved are in the minds of the Catholic organizational hierarchy, which over the millennia have imagined themselves quite the web of false "doctrines" that serve only themselves. Mature Christians are faithful in sticking to what's actually in the Holy Bible.
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?
22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?
- James 2:17-22
Luther's view of sanctification reveals a growth in sanctity of the believer. Justification is the fact of salvation won by Christ. It is a leap for someone to dismiss someone of Luther's stature as a "fraud." He was an original whose ideas arguably could not be predicted, e.g. ad fontes to refer to Scripture as the sole basis for teaching, an examination church history to expose accretions falsely attributed to the earl church, e.g. the Donation of Constantine, his assertion of vocation the world and resulting promotion of universal education. One must have a little humility when examining someone like Luther.
Luther did not teach that man does not change
Rather, he believed in supernatural regeneration, which is most certainly change, at the basic level, we are born again
I really am not sure what the priest is thinking of when he makes that statement
Luther taught that man can never be truly righteous, but that he can only be covered by the external alien righteousness of Christ. The Catholic understanding is that God, when he declares us righteous, actually takes our natural faith and infuses it with the supernatural virtues of faith, hope, and love so that it actually EQUALS righteousness. See my comment.
Do some history. Before 1517. From 33vAD and forward.
Luther isn't a saint or a prophet, just some lunatic who took a scalpel to the Bible, cherry-picking what suited him. His interpretation? Ludicrous. Makes no sense. There's no 'born again'-you're born once, and you live for paradise when you leave this earth. It's your actions that count, not faith alone. A Buddhist who never sinned, never heard of Jesus, has a better shot at paradise than a Protestant banking on faith alone to save them.
@@SantoshPichai Hitler loved Luther and his anti-Semitism. Luther has been completely whitewashed. He was a horrible, pathetically vulgar man, filthy of speech and behavior. "Women are good for housewives and prostitution" being one of his slurs. Manic-depressive/bi=polar most certainly.
I believe that Hitler is more likely in heaven than Luther. Hitler answers for bodies. Luther for souls.
It is still only an imputed righteousness
Martin Luther did not teach that we don't change.
Fr Ripperger would be a much better Pope.
Yes, he's a better Catholic.
Stop idolizing Fr Ripperger.
The Holy Spirit has chosen Francis and that's what you need to make your peace with, like it or not.
Francis was chosen by God to fulfill a purpose for which Ripperger was not appropriate.
Watch your demeanor particularly your,charity and humility. Do not fall into the,trap of ruing the will of God.
Give thanks for all.
God is watching.
If you cannot do that, go see your spiritual director.
Stay out of sin.
@@efs797 Has it crossed your mind that you have just put yourself over others by lecturing and wagging a finger? (1) Jesus Himself taught "My sheep hear My voice and follow Me etc" plus "be as gentle as doves but wise as serpents" - to be wise is to be able to recognise others' cunning moves. That means there will be false shepherds. And yes, I used to think - easy to spot, all those protestant prosperity gospel preachers. Until Bergoglio came along - constant mix of something proper so everyone sighs relief, then weaves in heresy subtly here, there, promote pro-homo, award abortion politicians, promote known heretics to top doctrinal body, et cetera ad nauseum. And look at church history, we have had really bad popes - adulterers, illegitimate children, etc. But the church survives; that doesn't mean cannot recognise a bad pope. Never forget Peter denied Christ, not once but 3 times. And 10 apostles ran away. Yes they came back. The point is, somewhere along the line, humans can fail. (2) You say God's Will. So Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Kim, Genghis Khan, all are God's Will? Or does God let us humans do our own thing - elect Obama, or Biden - and then come to our senses when we realise our mistakes. So the College of Cardinals elected Bergoglio, thinking Benedict and JPII was too rigid. Now the awake realise what modernism looks like. Bergoglio meanwhile stacks the cardinals with 75% liberals now. God's Will? Or Machiavellian manouevring. Yes there is Judgement Day. But meanwhile on earth we have to fight evil and heresy. And first step is discernment.
nope, even Fr. Ripperger would disagree. I think you need to pipe down and keep to the topic of the video. Let's start being more Catholic, come on pull your socks up you can do it - resist the urge.
Lord, forgive those hypocrites of hatred. Hatred is from the evil one.
Calling people frauds shows the utter contempt toward others.
Chad is a man. No more, no less. Clearly the sin of pride is alive and well in the Roman church.
Chad perhaps could show the gift of humility. By explaining all of us are short of God's glory. It is repugnant to condemn others while not condemning ourselves. Lord, forgive our arrogance and brokenness.
We have not loved you with our whole heart. We have not loved our neighbors. Teach us your ways,Lord.
Unfortunately many of the arguments directed towards the Catholic church is always about the so called idolatry of saints etc etc, and also not to mention that before reformation, the corrupt bishops in Germany were tried to be removed by the Catholic church bedore the schism happened
Jesus is the way, the truth & the life. Jesus died on the cross & paid for my sins. I am free! Religion is all about arguing who is right. Only Jesus is right! Only He is truth. The veil has been torn. Get to know Him. He is salvation. You cannot save yourself or make yourself holy. That’s a lie! Only Christ is Holy! When we believe in Him then He lives in us & He is holy in us. His grace radiates through us. That is the true sanctification. Religion murders the spirit. Grace resurrects our faith. When I stand before God on judgement day He will see Christ not me. 😂😂😂 I love it! Jesus is beautiful to me! Religion is not! But find out for yourself. Cast off religion & simply follow Christ! It’s very easy!
We don't believe in works based salvation, nor is our faith just a bunch of empty ritual as you seem to imply.
Ex - Catholic Exposes the TWISTED teaching of the Catholic church | Mike Gendron
That video is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. He just makes up history and completely strawmans the Catholic position into oblivion. Watch a response video by Joe Heschmeyer over at Shameless Popery and you'll see what I'm talking about. I'm not even saying this because I'm Catholic. Many knowledgeable Protestants are ashamed of his ridiculous arguments. Please watch better stuff. God bless!
@@cameronbailey9704 Catholics MADE UP These 6 Requirements for Salvation | Mike Gendron
Luther was a rosicrucian, not a Christian
Only those that are Born Again Disciples will be in the Kingdom of God !
The sanctifying grace can be better described a turning to Christ. The more we turn to Christ, the more God blesses us. And he blesses us by helping us to become more Christ like. To be in a state of grace is not the result of actions we perform, but the result of the relationship we have with God. It is a gift from God, and no one can possibly deserve or earn a gift from God. It’s a bit like heaven. We cannot earn our way to heaven, nor do we deserve to go to heaven, but through Christ, God will have mercy on us. It’s too bad Father did not mention Christ once.
Very true. Jesus clarified his words to Nicodemus in John 3:3 in verse 5 when he says you must be born of water and the Spirit.
We prefer born from above as it doesn’t imply a one and done thing we must keep ourselves clean and repent if we fall
My problem with your theology is that it separates the gift of God from himself. God is his own gift,Jesus Christ. They are not a separate thing that He gives like sprinkling some fairy dust if we do right. Grace correctly understood is a Person. So is salvation and redemption.
a proper persona christe
Luther has destroyed many souls
So has the Roman Catholic Church sexually abusing children. Back to you for your next turn.
Luther and all were Roman Catholics for.much of their lives who witnessed diabolical goings-on in the Church of an anti-CHRISTIAN NATURE.... Don't judge too hard or you'll end up being made to see what a disgusting mess the popes and certain unscrupulous leaders had made of God's Church.
Protestants may have led many teachings astray, certainly.... But as with our Orthodox brothers, denominational self righteousness, sanctimoniousness and smugness probably need to stop.
Christ will choose His flock.
There are many dark corners in each denominational history and many dark men parading themselves as Christians or Children of God.
Humility is needed.
When we get to heaven we shall see some surprises perhaps if we dare to think we know what faces we will see based upon puritanical sectarian divides.
The Reformation was sad... But, then again, what was going on in Catholic Rome in Jesus' name was BAD.
Show some brotherly love to Christians who adhere to the Bible,have strong Faith in God and to the sincere emulation of Christ, Brotber.
And you? Who do you say that HE IS? Better get it right.
Jesus is our God and King. What are you expecting us to say?
@cameronbailey9704 He is The Christ (Messiah). The son of the living God. Peter got it right.
@@rukidding-y2c That is exactly what we Catholics confess. Christ is the Word Incarnate, our Savior, and our Redeemer. Our Church is built on Peter and his confession and Christ.
@cameronbailey9704 I know. I'm Catholic. I'm warning the Protestants.
Saint Martha also got it right: "She saith to him: Yea, Lord, I have believed that thou art Christ the Son of the living God, who art come into this world." John 11:27
His sermon waters down the sacrifice that Jesus made on the Cross. As if our works (like filthy rags) could ever please the Lord so much that He would let us draw close, inch by inch, based on our feeble attempts. NO - rather, He sent His Son to pay the price for us - it was paid in full, at Calvary - IT IS FINISHED! ✝️✝️✝️
The works done "in the flesh" are filthy rags. Man, as he lives in Adam, cannot be righteous before God. Only by his grace can he become a new creation and walk "in the Spirit," performing good works which please God out of his love for God. See my comment for a detailed explanation of the Catholic view on justification, because we don't believe we can save ourselves.
you are preaching condemned heresy. Both Catholic and Orthodox =- independently - condemn your beliefs as damnable heresy. And YOU deign to teach? Read James 3 and repent.
yeah and then... you steal something, after your conversion to jesus. so this is then ok? because Jesus? So after "conversion" you can just do what you want and be lazy and steal and lie?
You’re just parroting the same tired, old Protestant distortion of Christianity, using cherry-picked verses from Paul to basically say “Jesus did everything so I can do nothing”. This view in no way makes sense in terms of the entire Bible. Salvation is not a one-and-done deal my friend. No ancient Christian believed this.
@@pianoatthirty Absolutely not "one and done"! A GENUINE salvation experience by faith in Christ will inevitably result in good works. A faith without works is useless and dead, and not true faith at all. Salvation is by faith alone, but that faith will never be alone if it is genuine. As an example, the thief on the cross who was ushered into paradise by Jesus simply for believing - he had no opportunity for works, but his faith saved him, made possible by the blood of Jesus. Some Orthodox and Catholics are unsure of their salvation - this should not be the case - we have the blessed assurance of salvation - what we do after that for the Kingdom will yield our rewards for eternity.
It’s entitative habit, not entatative habit.
1) He provided no scriptural justification for the beliefs he stated. 2) Works righteousness is just around the corner for this man. He already says, without scriptural proof that you can imrpove you lot in heaven by works. Gaining salvation thru works, which is heresy, is just next up for him.
Just because he didn't provide scriptural references doesn't mean that there aren't any. I challenge you to do research on this and you will find in many places that the NT says that we are rewarded according to our works.
We don't believe in works based salvation. Never have, never will.
You only miss the mark by a mile!
The thing that God is looking for is the Holy Spirit dwelling within his followers.
Yes, read your Bible!
That beautiful Catholic Book that Father is explaining to us.
@@alhilford2345 It's God's Book, and that guy^^ appears to have no grasp of the contents!
@@brucedavenport7016 I'm afraid that it's you that has no grasp of the contents!
I've been a Christian for almost 40 years.
In that time I've spoken to a multitude of catholics, from priests to nominal catholics.
The one constant is that, if they have any "real" knowledge of scripture, it is intellectual knowledge, not a spiritual understanding of what the Gospel contains.
It's very easy to see if you're brave enough to take your catholic blinkers off and actually investigate God's Word.
Don't worry, you're not alone in your support of bad theology, protestants are the opposite side of the same counterfeit coin!
If you think our belief is unbiblical, please see my comment. We don't believe in works based salvation or anything like that and we never have.
yaehbut, feeding Luther a diet of worms was a bit excessive.
ask your self are all churches 100% right i dont know are you 100% right most likley not // theres only 2 that canmake that judgment god / jesus
Maybe the catholic church shouldn't have told people that they could simply pay for their salvation...we'd still be one big happy christian family.
Ripperger is a grifter
This is why Christianity fails. Orthodox , Catholic , Protestant , Lutheran , Methodist , Baptist , and all the rest. If there's one true God, why does he have so many houses !!??
Jesus said that he was going to build his Church. Protestants say that they will build their own. The Orthodox are not that much better.
His house is all who believe in Jesus and the Church He founded. It is spiritual. He told the thief on the cross he was saved because thief believed and testified He was the Savior, before there were any church houses.
Because when men get their hands in anything, they're bound to divide and conquer. It's in the nature of man. Christianity, per se, doesn't fail - men do.
Jesus started the Catholic Church. Matthew 16-18 , which is the Bride of Christ. The only true church. The only church that has the Eucharist, the body and blood of Jesus. Jesus said, Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will have no life within you.
@@jeannemiller6786Well said.
Why catholic are not christians ?
Catholics are catholic, not christian. Christians dont do graven images or a man who calls himself the Holy Father. Catholics are papists. They only give Jesus lip service.
ALL Catholics are Christians.
SOME Christians are Catholic.
Catholicism is Christianity. The extent to which you are Christian is the extent to which you agree with us, because our Lord has established one Church as the fullness of the faith.
@cameronbailey9704 where do you see Jesus mentioning once the word catholic in the four gospels ?
@@eddyrobichaud5832 The word Catholic comes from the Greek term katholikos (καθολικός), meaning "universal" or "according to the whole." There is no explicit mention of this term in the New Testament, but it is a proper name for Christ's Church which is to be made up of every race and every people. In fact, in the same city (Antioch) that the believers were first called Christians in Acts, a student of the Apostle St. John by the name of St. Ignatius of Antioch is the first to use this term.
He writes to the Church in Smyrna: "See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is administered either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude of the people also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church" (Ch. 8). You can read this online at New Advent or CCEL (Epistle to the Smyrnaeans).
This is always what the Church has been called to differentiate itself from heretics. Listen to the words of St. Cyril to his catechumens in the 4th century: “If ever thou art sojourning in any city, inquire not simply where the Lord's house is, (for the sects of the profane also make an attempt to call their own dens houses of the Lord,) nor merely where the Church is, but where is the Catholic Church. For this is the peculiar name of this Holy Body, the Mother of us all, which is the Spouse of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Catechetical Lectures 18:26).
The claim of the Protestants reformers was that they were the true catholic church. But alas, they cannot steal this beautiful name from us because the Holy Spirit will not allow it.
Everything spoken here is pure fallacy and practically contradicts the word of God.
Justification is not a process, but an immediate event. When this justification is wrought by God, then fruits of the justification will flow.
If justification is strictly a one time event, how is it possible to grow in justification?
The formal separation between justification and sanctification is unheard of before the Protestant reformers introduced this novelty. I have posted two comments (because of length) explaining the Catholic doctrine of justification from Scripture and how Scripture has been understood by Christians over the centuries. Please read it so that you can understand that what we teach is not absurd.
Catholicism is not the true Gospel - no such thing as purgatory, as an example.
even a quick google disproves your point...
Catholics believe that the Bible contains several references to purgatory, including:
Matthew 12:32: Jesus says that some sins can be forgiven in the next life
1 Corinthians 3:15: Believers' works are judged by fire, with good works passing through unharmed and bad works being consumed
2 Timothy 1:18: A passage that supports prayer for souls who are believed to be in purgatory
Psalm 66:12: Origen and St. Ambrose considered this verse to be proof of purgatory
Isaiah 4:4: St. Augustine interpreted this verse as purgatory
Micah 7:9: St. Jerome considered this verse to be clear proof of purgatory
2 Maccabees 12:44-45: Origen, Irenaeus, Ambrose, and Augustine all thought this was a description of purgatory
Matthew 5:25: Tertullian, Cyprian, Origen, Ambrose, and Jerome all thought the “prison” in this verse referred to purgatory
The Catholic Church teaches that those who die in God's grace but are not yet perfectly purified undergo purification in purgatory to achieve the holiness needed to enter heaven. The church began to set out the length of time in purgatory in 1215.
Logically speaking it's clear that no one can enter heaven without being spotless. Therefore it is common sense that you need to be purged and purified unless you had no sin at all on earth. Sin is the nail that you drive in, confession is pulling out the nail and purgatory and whatever penance you do on earth fills the whole left by the nail.
Have a ticket just in case.
How is there no such thing as purgatory?
If you took time to simply google it you will find numerous passages related to Purgatory. And common sense dictates that someone who has numerous sins but was saved can not be given the same treatment as one who has far less sin and is saved. God is both mercy and justice. No one can enter heaven unclean and you have to do penance either on Earth and/or in Purgatory to enter Paradise.
@ Wait, I want to know why he says there is no such thing as purgatory.
POPE said ALL RELIGIONS lead to GOD and the POPE is ALWAYS RIGHT isn't he?
No, according to Catholic doctrine, the Pope is not "always right", according to Catholic teaching, all roads do not lead to God
You are correct. The Pope sets doctrine and that's their new doctrine. If some Catholics are unhappy about that then maybe they should stop electing non-Catholic Marxists as their new Popes.
He did not declare an infallible statement since it was private view. This means that Catholicism is NOT wrong, but the Pope is simply bad at being a good representative for the Church like Saint Pius X.
How about what Catholics get wrong? Like taking Jesus' instituted Supper and putting it in a monstrance to worship. Take the log out of your own eye.
Blasphemy of Christ. Your ignorance of what you condemn "may" spare you. Please learn what you condemn before making rash statements.
@@HAL9000-su1mz Yes what they do IS an blasphemy of Christ!
@@hexahexametermeter No one asked you for blasphemy.
@@hexahexametermeter Let's start with gratitude that you want to defend Christ. Amen. But are you. What if you're wrong?
May I suggest 1 Cor 10:12 and following. :16 refers to the "cup of blessing" in the Passover liturgy: the one that Jesus said was his blood. Then Paul says we participate in it because you are what you eat. God united Himself with His material creation and opened the gates to heaven, but you know very well that nothing profane will enter heaven and to be perfect like our heavenly Father is perfect. Verse 17 is what the Catholic Church *is*: all becoming ONE, and only Christ can do that.
1 Cor 11:18 and following is very convicting. If it's a symbol, why is Paul - who was not at the last supper nor a Christian until long after - getting so worked up about not approaching the Lord's supper and real presence faithfully? 1 Cor 11:27-30 cannot be explained in any way from a Protestant understanding. Please pray about this earnestly seeking the truth, because Jesus is Truth, itself. ANYTHING less is moving away from Christ.
Peace to you.
What this priest is teaching is false. Our works are only acceptable to God because of our faith which on its own justifies us. Our internal righteousness is contaminated with sin owing to the fact that we're born with original sin, and nothing we do is able to assist in saving us. Salvation is simply a gift received through faith alone.
2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
In a nutshell, Fr. Chad Ripperger is just saying." Faith without works is dead, just like a body without spirit is dead."
James 2:14-26
For a Sola Scriptura adherent, how can the only authority to the christian faith and the infallible Word of God be wrong and false?
This is the teaching of the Church, you didn't listen did you?
@@eddixxon 2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
@@JenniferWilliams-jy7rz 2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
I dont need your Dogma to have a close relationship with Jesus.
This disingenuous Chad Ripperger built a straw man argument and beat it down.
How can he when he believes in infused grace and not imparted grace. He even misquoted the one verse he used.
Papist don’t understand the biblical doctrine of the act of God vis a vis the work of God.
Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
- Philippians 2:12-13
We Catholics believe that our merits are from God and Christ as first cause, and from us as a second cause -- God gives us, in Christ, the power to assent to him and become his worksmanship (Eph. 2:10). We have free will, so we truly do good things that are pleasing to God, but in reality it is God who has done the works. As Augustine famously said, "when God crowns our merits he is crowning his own gifts." Also, we do not reject imparted grace, we just understand it differently. See my comments where I explain justification in detail.
God bless you Father