She sings pitch perfect...yes. Yet, age waits for no human. She doesn't sound like she did forty years ago, but then, who does? God in His mercy and grace reveals to us our mortality; that we trust in Him.
Thanks for your love and support towards my career. I want to use this platform to say a very big thanks to my esteemed viewer and support 🙏 your support means a lot to my career, thanks once again. Feel free to text me on my email address:
you all prolly dont give a damn but does anyone know of a way to log back into an Instagram account? I stupidly lost the account password. I would appreciate any help you can offer me.
I love this song Ive been singing it since I was like 23 I'll be 63 in a few months Everytime I sing people tell me they feel the announting coming from me Praise God to God be all the honor and glory forever Anen ❤️ I love all Sandis songs She so annointed and has an amazing beautiful voice Shes beautiful inside and out God bless you always Sandi❤️🙏🌹😊
Sandi is truly a Blessed woman of God I have been to a couple of her concerts and spoke with her personally. She was so loving and gentle. Thank you Jesus for your life and to God who appoints anointed individuals!
Thanks for your love and support towards my career. I want to use this platform to say a very big thanks to my esteemed viewer and support 🙏 your support means a lot to my career, thanks once again. Feel free to text me on my email address:
I was about 19 yrs old when I acted as Christ in a play here in India with this song running in the background. It gave me goosebumps...still does. What a performance by Sandi Patty. Awesome.
This lady has a wonderful tone...i have fallen in love with this passionate song and will be playing it frequently....10/10 for a wonderful performance 👍👍👍
Thanks for your love and support towards my career. I want to use this platform to say a very big thanks to my esteemed viewer and support 🙏 your support means a lot to my career, thanks once again. Feel free to text me on my email address:
OMGOSH. She's allowed herself to age naturally! She's gorgeous! And her vocals are so fantastic. I sang this when I was young, about 20. I'm listening again to record it for my grandchildren. Oh, Sandy, bless you, dear heart. You have aged gracefully, full of grace and beauty. xxxx A woman to admire.
@@grantnoroyan4083 Yeah, she is allowing herself to age. Unlike most famous people who are botoxed and pumped full of fillers to the point they don't look like them anymore. She's gorgeous and a wonderful lady, worthy of people looking to as a role model if they wanted to. 🙂 I can see how I said it could be ambiguous, which is why I asked. I think we're on the same page. Thanks for communicating. xxx
@@bunnymad5049 SORT of get the point yes some do botox and plastic surgery she is aging nicely and NATURALLY maybe that was the point she looks lovely for someone who is almost 70 yes i agree :)
Thanks for your love and support towards my career. I want to use this platform to say a very big thanks to my esteemed viewer and support 🙏 your support means a lot to my career, thanks once again. Feel free to text me on my email address:
This lament for the Prince of Liberty and Justice for all as he lay dying at Calvary (or Golgotha, if you like) is one of the greatest modern-day hymns of all time, as well as the signature tune of the iconic Sandi Patty.
"Jesus, thank you for loving me and for dying on the cross to save me from my sins and from hell, forgive me of all my sins, I believe in you and now Jesus, I invite you and receive you in my heart as my personal Lord and Savior, Amen!"
Очень проникновенное исполнение, невозможно остаться равнодушным 💓 Слава нашему Господу за Дар Спасения во Христе 💓💓💓 Благодарю моего Спасителя Господа Иисуса за крестный путь и муки ради моего спасения 🙏💓🙏💓🙏💓
He enjoyed it there. When in the 2nd year, I brought my youngest son, to study there at Olfa, to experience how to have a simple life,rather than buying a expensive playy station. He hated such. My eldest son enjoys it there. He was tasked to arrange water delivered by conatainers. 40 each delivery and have10 pesos for recess.
My grand child, in Cebu, upon seeing a coin in their house, he gave it to his grandma, saying, this is for your offering in church, not thinking of buying candy in the store grandma,!!!!!
Are there more videos from this concert/ church service? Beautiful singing, Sandi! Great music from thr orchestra as well. I would have loved being there.
I know it's communion and all but WHY👏ARE👏THESE👏PEOPLE👏SITTING👏DOWN? Are they dead? Had she sang at my church, they would have thrown the pews at her for singing so good!
Deus lindo abençoou ministério! - Jesus cantou com os discípulos na noite anterior ao dar o sangue de Sua vida e Seu corpo por nossas bênçãos eternas! Mateus 26:30; Salmos 113-118 - Os mestres nos dão uma música bonita, como este clássico. Existe alguma maneira de estar seguro? Existe o caminho de Deus. Pela fé para acreditar: - Isaías 55: 6-7 "" Procure o SENHOR enquanto ele for encontrado; chame-o enquanto ele estiver próximo. Deixe o perverso abandonar o seu caminho e o homem mau os seus pensamentos. Torne ele para o SENHOR, e ele terá misericórdia dele e de nosso Deus, pois ele perdoará livremente " - A GRANDE COMISSÃO Jesus fala: "E ele lhes disse: Ide por todo o mundo e pregai o evangelho a toda criatura." Marcos 16:15 - Romanos 10: 17 Então a fé vem pelo ouvir e ouvir a palavra de Deus. - Isaías, cap 14: verso 7 Portanto, o próprio Senhor vos dará um sinal; Eis que a virgem conceberá, e dará à luz um filho, e chamará o seu nome Emanuel (significado: hebraico: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "Deus conosco" em carne humana como homem também, mas sem pecado) - Há segurança em Deus em quem confiamos. Aqui está como: - João 3: 16 Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigênito, para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna. 17 Porque Deus não enviou o seu Filho ao mundo para condenar o mundo; mas que o mundo através dele possa ser salvo. - "Pois todos pecaram e carecem da glória de Deus"; Romanos, cap 3, verso 23 - "O salário do pecado é a morte, mas o dom de Deus é a vida eterna em Cristo Jesus nosso Senhor." Romanos, cap 6, verso 23 - "Cristo morreu pelos nossos pecados, segundo as Escrituras, e foi sepultado e ressuscitou no terceiro dia, segundo as Escrituras". 1 Coríntios 15: 3-4 - "Pois este é o meu sangue do novo pacto, que é derramado por muitos para o perdão dos pecados." Mt.26: 28 (veja também 1 Coríntios 11: 25; 2 Coríntios 3: 6) - "Porque por uma oferta ele aperfeiçoou para sempre os que são santificados" Hebreus cap 10: verso 14 - "Mas Deus elogia o seu amor por nós, de modo que, enquanto ainda éramos pecadores, Cristo morreu por nós. 9 Muito mais do que agora, sendo justificados pelo seu sangue, seremos salvos da ira por ele." Romanos 5: 8- 9 - Efésios 2: 8-9 "Porque pela graça sois salvos pela fé, e isto não vem de vós, é dom de Deus, não por obras, para que ninguém se glorie." - "Pois ele diz, eu te ouvi em um tempo aceito, e no dia da salvação eu * te socorri: eis que agora é o tempo aceito; eis que agora é o dia da salvação." "2 Coríntios 6: 2 (* especialmente ajude alguém em necessidade como todos nós somos) - Romanos 10: "9 Se com a tua boca confessares a Jesus como Senhor, e em teu coração creres que Deus o ressuscitou dentre os mortos, serás salvo. 10 Pois com o coração se crê para a justiça, e para com o coração confissão é feita para a salvação. "13 Porque todo aquele que invocar o nome do Senhor será salvo. - Apocalipse 21: 8 Mas os medrosos, os incrédulos, os abomináveis, os assassinos, os prostitutas, os feiticeiros, os idólatras e todos os mentirosos terão sua parte no lago que arde com fogo e enxofre; que é a segunda morte.
Jesus Christ the Teacher of Forgiveness. The earth people's need to Forgive each other, Forgiveness to end wars, to end our division. Forgiveness will end our wars.....Ukraine and all the other wars. ❤
To my surprise, the house was claimed by my sisters children as theirs. I cant explained the lies taught to them hence, they are still children. Later, he boxed Randall and became afraid of him😅
OMG, I just realized the guy right in front that looks like a high class butler with all the silver's not food, it's the collection plates. So classy...but so greed based that they have to make it look classy. Showing off the guy wanting your money. Tasteless as it gets. If I tithe, it's going to food banks, not to a mega church, nor to fund her orchestra.
Lot's of assumptions about what that church funds. They're the biggest contributors to homeless sheltors and many other things. You're free to put your money where you see fit. But don't bear false witnesses against people you've never even met.
Pitch perfect, sounded like it sounded originally. Lovely, just lovely.
She is still very wonderful!
1000cleverboy She is 😊
She sings pitch perfect...yes. Yet, age waits for no human. She doesn't sound like she did forty years ago, but then, who does? God in His mercy and grace reveals to us our mortality; that we trust in Him.
Thanks for your love and support towards my career. I want to use this platform to say a very big thanks to my esteemed viewer and support 🙏 your support means a lot to my career, thanks once again. Feel free to text me on my email address:
you all prolly dont give a damn but does anyone know of a way to log back into an Instagram account?
I stupidly lost the account password. I would appreciate any help you can offer me.
I love this song Ive been singing it since I was like 23 I'll be 63 in a few months Everytime I sing people tell me they feel the announting coming from me Praise God to God be all the honor and glory forever Anen ❤️ I love all Sandis songs She so annointed and has an amazing beautiful voice Shes beautiful inside and out God bless you always Sandi❤️🙏🌹😊
Sandi is truly a Blessed woman of God I have been to a couple of her concerts and spoke with her personally. She was so loving and gentle. Thank you Jesus for your life and to God who appoints anointed individuals!
Thanks for your love and support towards my career. I want to use this platform to say a very big thanks to my esteemed viewer and support 🙏 your support means a lot to my career, thanks once again. Feel free to text me on my email address:
Wow She's one of my favorite Christian singer since high school . 😍😍♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏
Amen, Thank u Jesus for dying on the cross for us❤️🙏❤️
I was about 19 yrs old when I acted as Christ in a play here in India with this song running in the background. It gave me goosebumps...still does. What a performance by Sandi Patty. Awesome.
This lady has a wonderful tone...i have fallen in love with this passionate song and will be playing it frequently....10/10 for a wonderful performance 👍👍👍
Thanks for your love and support towards my career. I want to use this platform to say a very big thanks to my esteemed viewer and support 🙏 your support means a lot to my career, thanks once again. Feel free to text me on my email address:
OMGOSH. She's allowed herself to age naturally! She's gorgeous! And her vocals are so fantastic. I sang this when I was young, about 20. I'm listening again to record it for my grandchildren. Oh, Sandy, bless you, dear heart. You have aged gracefully, full of grace and beauty. xxxx A woman to admire.
LOL she is nearly 70 she looks great and sounds wonderful
@@grantnoroyan4083 I can't tell if you're just agreeing or missing my point entirely, but never mind.
@@bunnymad5049 i was confused when you said she is ALLOWING herself to age she looks great for almost 70 thats all
@@grantnoroyan4083 Yeah, she is allowing herself to age. Unlike most famous people who are botoxed and pumped full of fillers to the point they don't look like them anymore. She's gorgeous and a wonderful lady, worthy of people looking to as a role model if they wanted to. 🙂 I can see how I said it could be ambiguous, which is why I asked. I think we're on the same page. Thanks for communicating. xxx
@@bunnymad5049 SORT of get the point yes some do botox and plastic surgery she is aging nicely and NATURALLY maybe that was the point she looks lovely for someone who is almost 70 yes i agree :)
May this song remind us of Christ steadfast love for His people.
She is one of my favorite Christian singers. This song should be played at Easter services
Amazing! So beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful. You can feel God present when Patty sings. He gifted her a great gift.
When I realized what he did for me there was nothing to go back to.
Amen to that. Praise Him.
Christ the king. She nailed the praise.
Her voice has aged SO beautifully and beautiful!
This woman gets better with age! I still love her first recording of this song, but it's simply amazing how much better her voice is now.
Thanks for your love and support towards my career. I want to use this platform to say a very big thanks to my esteemed viewer and support 🙏 your support means a lot to my career, thanks once again. Feel free to text me on my email address:
This is my first time hearing this song. It is absolutely exquisite....
wow, this is bonechilling during my easter play at my church
Excelente pronunciación en Castellano. Gracias, Sandi
Thank You, Lord
Pure vocals. Love her!
thats a god given crying! god bless you Sandi
I LOVE Sandi Patty
Amen i cry every time Love Sandi
What a story...what a song. what a Savior
Thanks to God for his son, Jesus Christ, who suffered for us, and died for US....because he Loves us!! Nothing is better than this.
Thank you Jesus
Tone, pitch, intonation. Beautiful
Powerful song! Thank You Father Jesus.
Praise the Lord. This song is for Sandy, beautiful voice.
perfect. I love it much. amazing
Like angel voice
In Spanish too, praise Yeshua!!!!
Que maravilla de alabanza cantada por una voz sublime... GLORIA A MI DIOS!!!!!
Her fine wine💝
This lament for the Prince of Liberty and Justice for all as he lay dying at Calvary (or Golgotha, if you like) is one of the greatest modern-day hymns of all time, as well as the signature tune of the iconic Sandi Patty.
Magnificent interpretation! Sandy you are the best!!!
Maravilhosa interpretação e belíssima voz .
Brings back memories of my boarding school days..❤ our Choral sang tat sòng...Te vibrato is breath taking 👑
belissima musica,nesta epoca que estamos a passar, muito bem interpretada, parabens, gostei imenso..
Thank you.
Love this song. She has a beautiful voice.
Well-preserved voice... 👌
Have always loved sandy love😮dpattyno😂❤
"Jesus, thank you for loving me and for dying on the cross to save me from my sins and from hell, forgive me of all my sins, I believe in you and now Jesus, I invite you and receive you in my heart as my personal Lord and Savior, Amen!"
Thank you! Thank you for blessing my day🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Maravilhosa Sandi Patty!
A unique talent.
Amazing! So worshipful! I could listen to Sandy Patty all day. (and I have..:) Thank you so much for sharing..God bless you and yours..
Thank you so much! God bless you and yours too!
Una voz casi eterna.30 anos celebrandola
So so beautiful ❤️..I love your voice and this song... God bless you always 🙏
This is part of a cantata by the Gaithers. Wonderful all the way through.
One of my favorite songs! Great performance! Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful ❤
Excelente.le cantaremos a El juntos en el cielo Sandi Patti
Me encanta su voz😍 amo esta canción.
Очень проникновенное исполнение, невозможно остаться равнодушным 💓
Слава нашему Господу за Дар Спасения во Христе 💓💓💓
Благодарю моего Спасителя Господа Иисуса за крестный путь и муки ради моего спасения 🙏💓🙏💓🙏💓
I Loved This music
Obrigada Senhor Deus 🙏🙌🎶👏
주를 찬양하는 그목소리가 영원하길
Beautiful! Desde Argentina, hace más de 20 años que escuché por primera vez esta canción interpretada por Sandi. Y ¡no deja de bendecirme! 🙏
He enjoyed it there. When in the 2nd year, I brought my youngest son, to study there at Olfa, to experience how to have a simple life,rather than buying a expensive playy station. He hated such. My eldest son enjoys it there. He was tasked to arrange water delivered by conatainers. 40 each delivery and have10 pesos for recess.
happy good friday
awesome song always missing the Tympanis
Gloria a al. Señor Jesucristo
i cried
OMG....she's unique
No!! The Lord is unique!! Do not idolize her!!
My grand child, in Cebu, upon seeing a coin in their house, he gave it to his grandma, saying, this is for your offering in church, not thinking of buying candy in the store grandma,!!!!!
Música linda demais , já horrível muito ouvindo .
I has the orginal recording of this song 1984
Благословен Господь Грядущий!
Are there more videos from this concert/ church service? Beautiful singing, Sandi! Great music from thr orchestra as well. I would have loved being there.
Yes there is more! Check out my Sandi Patty Playlist and you'll see more from this concert.
Not a least bit lost ...maybe a bit of emotion added ? God love you, Patti. You are a blessing to all who hear Him through you.
Lindo demais
He should have walked away but he did chose to walk that road for his love for each one of us.
Lea Salonga a Filipina and Broadway Diva knly can sing perfectly like Sandi Patty..
Increíble c:
Holly beautiful
I know it's communion and all but WHY👏ARE👏THESE👏PEOPLE👏SITTING👏DOWN? Are they dead? Had she sang at my church, they would have thrown the pews at her for singing so good!
Lea salonga
Deus lindo abençoou ministério!
Jesus cantou com os discípulos na noite anterior ao dar o sangue de Sua vida e Seu corpo por nossas bênçãos eternas!
Mateus 26:30; Salmos 113-118
Os mestres nos dão uma música bonita, como este clássico.
Existe alguma maneira de estar seguro? Existe o caminho de Deus.
Pela fé para acreditar:
Isaías 55: 6-7
"" Procure o SENHOR enquanto ele for encontrado; chame-o enquanto ele estiver próximo. Deixe o perverso abandonar o seu caminho e o homem mau os seus pensamentos. Torne ele para o SENHOR, e ele terá misericórdia dele e de nosso Deus, pois ele perdoará livremente "
Jesus fala: "E ele lhes disse: Ide por todo o mundo e pregai o evangelho a toda criatura." Marcos 16:15
Romanos 10:
17 Então a fé vem pelo ouvir e ouvir a palavra de Deus.
Isaías, cap 14: verso 7
Portanto, o próprio Senhor vos dará um sinal; Eis que a virgem conceberá, e dará à luz um filho, e chamará o seu nome Emanuel
(significado: hebraico: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "Deus conosco" em carne humana como homem também, mas sem pecado)
Há segurança em Deus em quem confiamos. Aqui está como:
João 3:
16 Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigênito, para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna.
17 Porque Deus não enviou o seu Filho ao mundo para condenar o mundo; mas que o mundo através dele possa ser salvo.
"Pois todos pecaram e carecem da glória de Deus"; Romanos, cap 3, verso 23
"O salário do pecado é a morte, mas o dom de Deus é a vida eterna em Cristo Jesus nosso Senhor." Romanos, cap 6, verso 23
"Cristo morreu pelos nossos pecados, segundo as Escrituras, e foi sepultado e ressuscitou no terceiro dia, segundo as Escrituras". 1 Coríntios 15: 3-4
"Pois este é o meu sangue do novo pacto, que é derramado por muitos para o perdão dos pecados." Mt.26: 28 (veja também 1 Coríntios 11: 25; 2 Coríntios 3: 6)
"Porque por uma oferta ele aperfeiçoou para sempre os que são santificados" Hebreus cap 10: verso 14
"Mas Deus elogia o seu amor por nós, de modo que, enquanto ainda éramos pecadores, Cristo morreu por nós. 9 Muito mais do que agora, sendo justificados pelo seu sangue, seremos salvos da ira por ele." Romanos 5: 8- 9
Efésios 2: 8-9 "Porque pela graça sois salvos pela fé, e isto não vem de vós, é dom de Deus, não por obras, para que ninguém se glorie."
"Pois ele diz, eu te ouvi em um tempo aceito, e no dia da salvação eu * te socorri: eis que agora é o tempo aceito; eis que agora é o dia da salvação."
"2 Coríntios 6: 2 (* especialmente ajude alguém em necessidade como todos nós somos)
Romanos 10: "9 Se com a tua boca confessares a Jesus como Senhor, e em teu coração creres que Deus o ressuscitou dentre os mortos, serás salvo. 10 Pois com o coração se crê para a justiça, e para com o coração confissão é feita para a salvação. "13 Porque todo aquele que invocar o nome do Senhor será salvo.
Apocalipse 21:
8 Mas os medrosos, os incrédulos, os abomináveis, os assassinos, os prostitutas, os feiticeiros, os idólatras e todos os mentirosos terão sua parte no lago que arde com fogo e enxofre; que é a segunda morte.
2021 anyone?
Music and arts, model dancer of Maria Navidad Magro Rueda, 1st I was nervous at my young age out of shame!!!!
Amen please I want be subtitle
+ Chaitanya Graddala
At the bottom of the video on the'll see a on that. The subtitles are there. God bless!
Try listen to Lea Salonga's version of this you don't subtitle 🤗
Rakas Jeesus, olet kaikkeni
En español, por favor 🙏
Jesus Christ the Teacher of Forgiveness. The earth people's need to Forgive each other, Forgiveness to end wars, to end our division. Forgiveness will end our wars.....Ukraine and all the other wars. ❤
To my surprise, the house was claimed by my sisters children as theirs. I cant explained the lies taught to them hence, they are still children. Later, he boxed Randall and became afraid of him😅
who the two people dislike this video
Very sad 😭😭😭😭
Lea Salongas' version is better....
Nunca, Kkkkkkkk, a SANDI PATYY, é a única, mesmo velha.
OMG, I just realized the guy right in front that looks like a high class butler with all the silver's not food, it's the collection plates. So classy...but so greed based that they have to make it look classy. Showing off the guy wanting your money. Tasteless as it gets. If I tithe, it's going to food banks, not to a mega church, nor to fund her orchestra.
Lot's of assumptions about what that church funds. They're the biggest contributors to homeless sheltors and many other things. You're free to put your money where you see fit. But don't bear false witnesses against people you've never even met.
@@1000cleverboy are those homeless people forced to attend your church if they stay in the shelter?
@@sleekoduck of course not. lol
Its the Lords supper
Ohh my goodness, Luke, don't you see that those are the elements for the celebration of the Lord's supper!
Wow She's one of my favorite Christian singer since high school . 😍😍♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏