Non Profit Donor Management Spreadsheet



  • @miasministry07
    @miasministry07 Рік тому +1

    can you create a video on how you created this template you are showing

  • @lmcook777
    @lmcook777 5 років тому +3

    Hello! I am interested in purchasing this spreadsheet to save myself some time (and from having to re-teach myself excel-ha). I'm wondering first how I can add qualifiers and make them work for us. Some examples of the additional information we need is type of donation (grant, planned giving, trust, etc.); business address vs personal address; grant requirements and their due date (ie: press release due 6/30, funds report due 9/1), stewardship logs, and donation restrictions/specifications. I need to be able to pull up who gave what, when, why, who to thank, what we gave them to thank them, and when i need to send something or owe them something. Hopefully that makes sense. Thank you!

  • @steinbad6
    @steinbad6 2 роки тому

    Great looking spreadsheet; what does the year-end giving letter look like? Can the year-end data by pulled into a customizable Word document?

  • @riverplate-f9k
    @riverplate-f9k 2 місяці тому

    Hello, I am interested in getting this Donor Management Spreadsheet. Can we add the organization's logo and a signature (name of Organization Member) on the donation receipt ?

  • @robinsonchurchofgod4816
    @robinsonchurchofgod4816 4 роки тому

    I purchased the software. Works well, except the Add Donation box is whited out and should be red or orange. Can you help me make the adjustment. I know that it is just cosmetic, but I would like it to be as it should be. Thanks.

  • @tee7769
    @tee7769 5 років тому

    Thank you, this excel sheet help a lot. How can I add a new donation so it can reflect on my Donors sheet? Without input it on the donors sheet.

  • @kumarwickramasingha6902
    @kumarwickramasingha6902 5 років тому

    How can we get to sort by last name and also to appear first and last names on donations page? Thanks

  • @nlwoodworker
    @nlwoodworker 3 роки тому

    Will this spreadsheet open in Numbers for Mac and be fully functional?

  • @jahanzaibjafar4936
    @jahanzaibjafar4936 2 роки тому

    is it available free? If any one have such template then please share it

  • @ValerieGA1
    @ValerieGA1 5 років тому

    I am looking at purchasing the Non Profit Donor Management Excel file. I have a question though, I would like to add some things to it; i.e. check, cash, MO, etc. Are the fields locked where I can not change anything?
    OR would I be able to make changes to accommodate my needs.
    Thank You.

    • @CosmicCrypto
      @CosmicCrypto 5 років тому

      Hi Valerie, the spreadsheet is unlocked. You can edit and add all you like. I do recommend that you save a copy before making any edits, since there are a lot of formulas and VBA used, you might end up breaking something during edits and it can become unusable.

  • @gracecommunitychurch8251
    @gracecommunitychurch8251 5 років тому

    Will this work with Google Sheets? We are moving away from MS Office. I could also use Apple Numbers.

    • @CosmicCrypto
      @CosmicCrypto 5 років тому

      Hi, sorry, this spreadsheet requires excel 2013 or higher in order to work

  • @romerofam24
    @romerofam24 5 років тому

    interested in this excel sheet. Your link takes me to some crazy place. What is the actual link and how much is it??

    • @spreadsheetnut6115
      @spreadsheetnut6115  5 років тому

      Hi Romero Family, Thanks for the comment. I have updated the link in the description. So sorry for the inconvenience. The price of the spreadsheet is $24.99. Let me know if you have any other questions

  • @shedwoodstudios
    @shedwoodstudios 4 роки тому

    I’m like to donation Dalmatian... subscriber 101