Dominions 6 - Patch 6.24

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Another pretty sizable patch so soon after the last one!


  • @LucidTactics
    @LucidTactics  День тому +11

    I missed some of the mechanics on the Chaos Power Change: (also listed new thrones)
    The 3 cap is a cap to how much unrest can change chaos power. So if youre in order 3, then at 90 unrest you can go to neutral chaos power... But you can never go less than that in order 3. Likewise with turmoil 2, you can still get to chaos power 5 with 90 unrest.
    Throne of Vitality: Blessed troops get +3hp (1N per turn)
    Throne of Gates and Conjunctions: Thau Bonus 20% (2S per turn)
    Throne of Lies: Dominion +1 Turmoil (3g per turn)

  • @Kris_Lighthawk
    @Kris_Lighthawk 21 годину тому +7

    The copy-paste orders in the army positioning screen is a huge improvement, it is going to make stripting large armies so much easier! Very much the best change in the patch!

  • @xeladas
    @xeladas День тому +8

    for Mind Blank, the first effect is: If you are targeted by a Mind Altering Spell (such as Enslave Mind) roll a d4, if you don't get a 1 then Mind Blank is consumed and you get +10 MR for that instance (if you do roll a 1 nothing happens); and if I had to guess why it appeared to work before but needed to be fixed might be that Magic Duel counted as a Mind altering Spell, so the first effect could trigger (to no effect, as Magic Duel doesn't care about MR) but if you failed the first check that still allowed the second effect to potentially proc.

  • @DemonsthenesDominions
    @DemonsthenesDominions День тому +4

    I think the conscription changes probably also apply up the couple Thrones that give the feature to your Dominion.

  • @soccrplayr232
    @soccrplayr232 День тому +4

    I think that bugshape is for the worm mage spawn and what they turn into, being able to use that mechanic and pop out like wolves or whatever instead is pretty interesting.

  • @dogebestest7187
    @dogebestest7187 День тому +7

    Unironic GotY

  • @DarkSideCookies
    @DarkSideCookies День тому +3

    Exciting! Two videos in one day! I like the thumbnail
    I wonder how much Sceleria is needed to generate a 300MB turn file.
    12k army deserves an extra entrance haha
    YAY, late game scripting will be so much easier with the copy paste commands on the army positioning screen. I was really hoping this one would get done some day, and now it's here! I think I only formally requested it recently too, but I'm not sure if it got requested on previous patches.
    Will the polypal queens give the holy levels? The pretender doing it makes sense. Maybe some day we get a tag for it, and I wonder if they fixed the hero not being able to cast it iirc from Dom 5.
    I'm okay with Fear being nerfed for a bit if they want to see how it settles. I think having your stuff run prematurely isn't as much of a fun mechanic.

  • @DemonsthenesDominions
    @DemonsthenesDominions День тому +3

    Regarding mind blank, I think not we know why mind blank worked on the original battle but not in the replay; it must have become bugged in a previous update and was fixed now.
    But the Shinuyama battle Lucid is talking about is in episode 15, so not released yet.

    • @DarkSideCookies
      @DarkSideCookies День тому

      Magic Duel was working in my testing against Mind Blank though which was part of how I convinced you to try it so it must have been bugged the whole time I'm thinking.

  • @TheUberjammer
    @TheUberjammer День тому +1

    EA Ur - that's what I say every time I meet someone I find attractive.

  • @stephenlucas8836
    @stephenlucas8836 19 годин тому

    29:25 If this laid the groundwork for a future EA Ry'lah update, this could be good.

  • @-Kidzin
    @-Kidzin День тому +2

    Wind of death shouldn't be evo7, even 8 would be pushing it.
    One time I had someone Gale Gate few months ago I was being hit by 3-4 hurricanes per turn as the largest player. It was pretty much guaranteed to redirect it by the caster.
    Mounted unit just shouldn't die when their mount does. Keep it on foot, walk it back to fort (or cap if it's a sacred) and pay up leftover rec and res to get them back.

    • @gibbcharron3469
      @gibbcharron3469 9 годин тому

      Having to manually walk the riders back to a fort (or worse the cap) sounds like a huge logistical pain, especially late game. To be fair it could be kind of fun in some ways since it would enable a lot of opportunities to play around the new supply chain, but mostly for opponents rather than the player who’s actually running the mounted nation.

  • @catfoodbob1
    @catfoodbob1 17 годин тому

    Would be neat to just have a god thats just "Horse lord" and provides massive buffs to just your cavalry specifically

  • @TheMelnTeam
    @TheMelnTeam 11 годин тому

    Remote curse + disease is awful for mounts too. Good luck casting buffs against it. It's not instant, but the massed limp and cripple from disease damage triggered curse afflictions does not take long.

  • @kirktown2046
    @kirktown2046 День тому +3

    So what stacks now among invisibility, blur, displacement, and glamour? Is it only invisibility that doesn't stack with the others? I was already fairly confused about glamour defensive buffs but now it intensifies. What happens with scripting, do they cast the unstackable buffs or skip them? o.O
    Thanks for the video Lucid.

    • @cringephodel
      @cringephodel День тому +2

      blur and displacement don't stack either

    • @DarkSideCookies
      @DarkSideCookies День тому +2

      I also find tracking this confusing

    • @BrandonTerepka-Applebaum
      @BrandonTerepka-Applebaum День тому +3

      It should be: Invisibility overrides Displacement, which overrides Blur . Just stat scaling. Glamour is another mechanic entirely and stacks.

    • @kirbyone
      @kirbyone День тому +3

      Think of it as a branch of progressively better effects in sequence, none of which stack with each other
      Blur -> Displacement -> Unseen/Invisibility
      If you script them to cast an effect over one that exists already then it should just ignore your script and cast something else random. This is what happens to me when I try to cast displace self on a jinn that has unseen already for example

    • @michaelbodell7740
      @michaelbodell7740 День тому +1

      I think you migh still want multiple though because unseen is best until you take damage and are then seen, and then wouldn't you want displacement or blur? and from lore pov it makes sense that while unseen it wouldn't stack but once seen it should.

  • @SpentaofWater349
    @SpentaofWater349 17 годин тому

    If you take S9 or 10 Polypal Queen pretender you can make S7 slave with Mind Vessel. (S path above 5 is halved.) This gives you a disposable late game Enslave Army caster which is huge.

  • @rovsea-3761
    @rovsea-3761 День тому +1

    I was called a degenerate :( (also the limit was 30 mb for a turn file, not 300, lol).

  • @raffelon9508
    @raffelon9508 День тому

    23:15 well , sadly my 1000+ provinces maps generated in map editor refuse to spawn in caves, so I'm forced to just have the highest province settings with every nation of the age for now, but I miss my ginormous single player games from Dominions 5, looking deeper into mapmaking is a bit to complicated and time consuming for now as I don't wanna handcraft the entire thing

  • @gamesandstuff127
    @gamesandstuff127 9 годин тому

    Does Mind Blank still only work once, and cause the mage become mute or worse?

  • @fishbones1397
    @fishbones1397 День тому

    LA Andramania is one of the other nations that has a defence organizer, theirs is a 1 so a buff to them as well.

  • @rat488
    @rat488 День тому

    Hey lucid I kept having issues with your improved research mod in me and my friends multiplayer games have you done any work on that since our multiplayer game is getting close to over?

    • @LucidTactics
      @LucidTactics  День тому

      Which mod? Spell casting?

    • @rat488
      @rat488 День тому

      @LucidTactics the one that gives the spirits that let you pick research at game begin

    • @kirbyone
      @kirbyone День тому +1

      That one was not made by Lucid iirc

    • @rat488
      @rat488 День тому

      @@kirbyone oh I didn't know it seemed to pop on him when I searched my bad

    • @LucidTactics
      @LucidTactics  День тому +2

      ​@@rat488 What was your problem? Iflyte made a new version of it he uploaded to the workshop. Why dont you find my discord and post in there and iftylte can probably fix it for you if its broken.

  • @secendus
    @secendus 12 годин тому

    Should I start a new save or is it compatible?

    • @LucidTactics
      @LucidTactics  12 годин тому

      Patches are pretty much always compatible. Sometimes they cause mods to malfunction though until a new game is started though.

    • @secendus
      @secendus 10 годин тому

      @ oh ok thanks!

  • @BudenniyS
    @BudenniyS 18 годин тому

    Yes, nerf the EA Machaka, the horrible oppression will be over.. lol

  • @f1shze4lot
    @f1shze4lot День тому

    Get off your chair, drop your little fire orb, turn off the PC. Time to rule the lands